dev.geopjr.Collision Collision BSD-2-Clause Evangelos "GeopJr" Paterakis Evangelos "GeopJr" Paterakis Check hashes for your files CC0-1.0

Verifying that a file you downloaded or received is actually the one you were expecting is often overlooked or too time-consuming to do. At the same time, it has become very easy to get your hands on a file that has been tampered with, due to the mass increase of malicious webpages and other actors.

This tool aims to solve that. Collision comes with a simple & clean UI, allowing anyone, from any age and experience group, to generate, compare and verify MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-1, Blake3, CRC32 and Adler32 hashes. #82e5a4 #26a269
  • Improved accessibility
  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated translations
  • Visual refinements to match the state of the art of GNOME apps
  • Improved accessibility
  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated translations
  • Updated translations
  • Added Blake3, CRC32 and Adler32 support
  • Added progress bar for tracking the calculation progress
  • Added the ability to open multiple files through the main file picker
  • Fixed occasional crashes when opening too many files at the same time
  • Metadata revisions
  • New website
  • Updated translations
  • Visual refinements to match the state of the art of GNOME apps
  • Major codebase rewrite
  • Added support for multiple open windows
  • Updated translations
  • Added drag and drop support for files
  • Improved keyboard navigation
  • Fixed a memory issue with IO in multithreaded mode
  • Updated translations
  • Added keyboard shortcuts
  • Added ability to search for hashes in file content
  • Fixed hash format performance (regex => IO)
  • Fixed title alignment on narrow window in certain languages
  • Updated translations
  • Added aarch64 support
  • Added nautilus / GNOME Files extension by DodoLeDev
  • Fixed issue with infinite spinner when opening small files
  • Fixed issue with open signal occurring when Collision is already running
  • Added open signal handling (you can now open files with Collision)
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Added Ukrainian translation
  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated translations
  • Switched to AdwAboutWindow
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated translations
  • Added gschema support so Collision remembers window size and maximized state
  • Updated dependencies
  • Added Tamil and Turkish translations
  • Updated translations
  • Optimized performance and memory usage of CSS class toggling
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Updated dependencies
  • Added Arabic and Japanese translations
  • Updated translations
  • Updated dependencies
  • Added Estonian, Czech and Berber translations
  • Updated translations
  • Handle feedback on buttons when spammed
  • Hash comparison is now case-insensitive
  • Fixed some memory related issues
  • Added Swedish and Catalan translations
  • Updated translations
  • Feedback on copy
  • Updated translations
  • Bug fixes
  • Hide filepath on flatpak
  • Updated translations
  • Removed unnecessary dependencies
collision dev.geopjr.Collision.desktop dev.geopjr.Collision 360 keyboard pointing touch