Ajantis Portrait Pack Modification für BG1 (mit oder ohne LdSk), BG1Tutu v4, EasyTutu, BGT, BG:EE, BGII:EE, und EET Das Ajantis Portrait Pack enthält alle alternativen Ajantisportraits, wie sie vorher in der Sir Ajantis für BGII Mod und der Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification enthalten waren. Die Mod kann unabhängig von meinen anderen Ajantis-Mods installiert werden. Die Modifikation bietet die Möglichkeit, Ajantis eines von mehreren Fan-erzeugten alternativen Portraits zu geben. Einige dieser Portraits sind in separaten BG-Portrait Mods der entsprechenden Autoren enthalten (wie angegeben). Das Ajantis Portrait Pack erkennt automatisch die BG-Installation. Die Mod verwendet für die Portraits die BG1-Dateinamen, da die Originalportraits des BG1-Ajantis auch in den BGII-Spielen enthalten sind. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass Ajantis-Portraits aus einer anderen Quelle (z.B. ein anderes Portrait-Pack) auch das Portrait von Ajantis in BGII verändern werden (für BGT, EET). Es heißt gleichzeitig, dass das Bild des BGII-Ajantis durch Änderungen am BG1-Bild ebenfalls betroffen ist (für die Sir Ajantis NPC für BGII-Mod ab Version 15). Vielen Dank an Amaurea, Azguz aka Azze, berelinde, Casul, Catlepha, Miloch, Senka und wonnimchunha für das Einverständnis, ihre selber erstellten Ajantisportraits bzw. Edits als Alternativen verwenden zu dürfen! Die Portraits können in der Portraitgallerie bei Gibberlings3 angesehen werden: https://www.gibberlings3.net/gallery/album/30-ajantis-portrait-pack/ GENERELLES ZUM INHALT Die Modifikation bietet die folgenden Portraits. Momentan existiert keine Seite, auf der man sich die Portraits vorher ansehen kann. [1] Portrait 1 von Amaurea: Heath Ledger als Ajantis (erste Version) [2] Portrait 2 von Amaurea: Heath Ledger als Ajantis (finale Version) [3] Portrait 3 von berelinde (kurzhaariges Portrait) [4] Portrait 4 von berelinde (langhaariges Portrait) [5] Portrait 5 von Azguz aka Azze [6] Portrait 6 von wonnimchunha [7] Portrait 7 von Senka (jüngeres Defaultportrait) [8] Portrait 8 von Catlepha (Frontportrait) [9] Portrait 9 von Catlepha (Seitenportrait) [10] Portrait 10 von Casul [11] Portrait 11 von Miloch (Default Portrait mit rotem Stoff) INSTALLATION Extract the contents of the archive to your game's main directory. Your game's main directory would be one of the following: - your main original Baldur's Gate (II) (:EE) folder, or - your main EasyTutu folder if you are playing EasyTutu, or - your main Tutu folder if you are playing Tutu, or - your main BGT folder if you are playing BGT. Run the "setup-ajantisportraitpack" executable. Choose the language you prefer and confirm installation. This should extract all needed files to the override folder. NOTE: BG(II):EE are actively supported games. Please note that every patch update will wipe your current mod setup! If in the middle of a modded game you might want to delay the patch update as even after reinstalling the mods, you might not be able to continue with your old savegames. You do not have to start a new game to see the changes to Ajantis' portrait. COMPATIBILITY All the mod does is copying bmp-files to the override. There should be no compatibility problems with other mods. Only incompatibility would be with other mods that apply portraits to Ajantis (like other Portrait Packs), or that change the files in a way that the portrait file name does no longer match (not that I know of). CREDITS custom portraits are from: Amaurea (Portraits angelehnt an Heath Ledger) Azguz aka Azze (Edit des Original-BG Portraits von Cernd) berelinde (Portraits erstellt mit dem Charakter-Erstellungstool von DragonAge - Origin) Casul (Edit eines Original-BG Portraits aus der Spielerauswahl) Catlepha Miloch (Edit des original Ajantis-Portrait) Senka (Edit des original Ajantis-Portrait) wonnimchunha Translations: I used the French lines by Galathée (of the d'Oghmatiques), but I added some more, so if you see a mistake it was my poor French. TOOLS USED GIMP http://www.gimp.org/ WeiDU http://www.weidu.org Near Infinity https://github.com/Argent77/NearInfinity/releases/latest Modding communities, tutorials and technical assistance: Kerzenburgforum https://baldurs-gate.de/index.php The Gibberlings Three https://www.gibberlings3.net/ Pocket Plane Group https://www.pocketplane.net/ Spellhold Studios http://www.shsforums.net/ LEGAL INFORMATION ============================================================================= The Ajantis Portrait Pack Mod is not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWare, Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment Corp., or the Wizards of the Coast, Overhaul or Beamdog. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= REDISTRIBUTION NOTE: The Ajantis Portrait Pack Mod was created to be freely enjoyed by all Baldur's Gate players. However, the Ajantis BG1 Expansion Mod may not be sold. ============================================================================= HISTORY Version 5: -corrected installation mixup for BG1 and BGII. -added support for Project Infinity: changed READLN to SUBCOMPONENT, added ini with metadata, and globally unique LABELs. -update to always most current weidu in the package thanks to GitHub and AL|EN's automated mod packager tool. -readme name changed to give it a unique name. Version 4: -Taking account of changes in the Sir Ajantis BGII mod with regard to v15 (bgt and eet use the BG1 portrait, detection of mod install via tp2 entry) -(BGII, BGII:EE) The portrait pack can now be installed before or after (i.e. without) the Sir Ajantis mod -update to WeiDU v244 Version 3: -Portraits from other available Portrait-Packs removed -Removed Portraits with unclear Copyright status -EET-compatibility added -update to WeiDU v240 Version 2: -blending of classic and EE Portrait Pack -Portraits from the BG1 Alternate Portrait Pack (Clandlan) removed -update to WeiDU v237 Version 1: -Initial release (as a stand-alone mod).