--- title: "INI file format: Creature Animations" ---
INI file format: Creature Animations

Applies to:

General Description
See INI file format description.

Detailed Description
Each INI file contains the definition for a single creature animation. INI filenames are made up from the hexadecimal representation of the creature animation slot value and the .INI file extension. Example: Animation of 0x6004 CLERIC_MALE_GNOME is defined in 6004.INI. Even with animation definitions provided by the INI files there are many aspects still hardcoded by the engine. This feature is available since BGEE patch version 2.0 (and version 1.4 for IWDEE). Before that creature animations could be defined in a limited manner by the files EXTANIM.2DA and EXTSPEED.2DA.

Animation slots are limited to the numeric 16-bit range (0x0000 - 0xffff) and are further divided into subranges for different animation types. These subranges are hardcoded by the engine, most likely to retain backwards compatibility with the original games.
More general information about the various creature animation types can be found here: Avatar Naming Schemes

Note: The INI file format was originally invented for defining PST creature animation properties. More details can be found in the section Type F000 (monster_planescape).

Animation definitions are generally divided into three sections: [general], [type_specific_name] and [sounds].

The [type_specific_name] section contains attributes which are tied to the specific animation type. They are described in detail for each individual type further below.
The following action sequence codes are used throughout the majority of animation types:
- EMERGESEQ_EMERGE (type 3000 only)
- HIDESEQ_HIDE (type 3000 only)

The [general] section contains attributes which are common to all available animation types. However, not all available attributes are considered by all animation types because of animation type restrictions or implementation-specific reasons. The following attributes are available:

The [sounds] section contains creature-specific sound effects and their associated timing. Generally each sound slot is accompanied by a *_frame attribute which specifies the starting frame when the sound should be triggered (e.g. attack is associated with attack_frame). It is possible to assign a comma-separated list of sound files to a single sound slot. The sounds are randomly chosen by the engine. The same number of entries should also be defined by the associated *_frame attribute.

The following sound slots are available: attack, awake, cast, conjure, damage, die, head_turn, ready, shoot, twitch, walk, attack_slash, attack_backslash, attack_jab, emerge, hide, sleep, battle_cry, selection and fall.

Type 0000 (effect)
This animation type is primarily used for internal visual effects, such as specific spell effects or body parts of exploding creatures.

Animation scheme: [resref].BAM, where [resref] indicates the value assigned to the "resref" attribute. The internal structure of the BAM resource depends heavily on the specified attributes.

The following attributes are supported:

Type 1000 (monster_quadrant)
This is one of three available animation types tied to the 0x1000 range of animation slots. The type uses a simplified split-part animation scheme to draw big creatures. Supported animation slot range: 0x1000 - 0x11ff

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
- G1[quadrant]: WK=0-9
- G1[quadrant]E: WK=10-15
- G2[quadrant]: SD=0-9, SC=16-25, GH=32-41, DE=48-57, TW=64-73
- G2[quadrant]E: SD=10-15, SC=26-31, GH=42-47, DE=58-63, TW=74-79
- G3[quadrant]: A1=0-9, A2=16-25, A3=32-41
- G3[quadrant]E: A1=10-15, A2=26-31, A3=42-47

- index in range 1 - quadrants, one digit
- ordered left → right, top → bottom

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → S, 2 → SW, 3 → SW, 4 → W, 5 → W, 6 → NW, 7 → NW, 8 → N, 9 → N
- 10 → NE, 11 → NE, 12 → E, 13 → E, 14 → SE, 15 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type 1000 (monster_multi)
This is one of three available animation types tied to the 0x1000 range of animation slots. The type uses an advanced split-part animation scheme to draw huge creatures such as dragons. Supported animation slot ranges: 0x1200 - 0x12ff, 0x1400 - 0x1fff

Important: Due to a buggy implementation in the game engine this animation type allows new definitions only in split_bams=0 mode. Predefined animations slots are unaffected as they are directly hardcoded in the engine.

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
If split_bams=0:
- G1[quadrant]: WK=0-8 (S,SSW,SW,WSW,W,WNW,NW,NNW,N)
- G2[quadrant]: SD/SC/SP=0-8, SD=9-17 (unused), SC=18-26 (unused)
- G3[quadrant]: A1=0-8, A2=9-17 (unused), A3=18-26 (unused)
- G4[quadrant]: GH=0-8, DE/SL/GU*=9-17, TW=18-26, SL=27-35 (unused), DE=36-44 (unused)
- G5[quadrant]: SP=0-8 (unused), CA=9-17
- *: GU (get up) sequence: frames are played back in reversed order

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → N
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

If split_bams=1:
- 1[quadrant]0[dir]: WK=[dir]
- 2[quadrant]0[dir]: SD/SC/SP=[dir], SD=9+[dir] (unused), SC=18+[dir] (unused)
- 3[quadrant]0[dir]: A1=[dir], A2=9+[dir] (unused), A3=18+[dir] (unused)
- 4[quadrant]0[dir]: GH=[dir], DE=9+[dir] (unused), TW=18+[dir] (unused), SL=27+[dir] (unused), DE=36+[dir] (unused)
- 4[quadrant]1[dir]: GH=[dir] (unused), DE/SL/GU*=9+[dir], TW=18+[dir] (unused), SL=27+[dir] (unused), DE=36+[dir] (unused)
- 4[quadrant]2[dir]: GH=[dir] (unused), DE=9+[dir] (unused), TW=18+[dir], SL=27+[dir] (unused), DE=36+[dir] (unused)
- 5[quadrant]0[dir]: SP=[dir], CA=9+[dir]
- *: GU (get up) sequence: frames are played back in reversed order

- index in range 1 - quadrants, one digit
- ordered left → right, top → bottom

- a single-digit number indicating a direction (0=S, 1=SSW, 2=SW, 3=WSW, 4=W, 5=WNW, 6=NW, 7=NNW, 8=N)
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

The following attributes are supported:

Type 1000 (multi_new)
This is one of three available animation types tied to the 0x1000 range of animation slots. The type was introduced by BG2:ToB and uses a simplified split-part animation scheme to draw big creatures such as Demogorgon. Supported animation slot range: 0x1300 - 0x13ff

Note: This animation type is currently incorrectly assigned to a number of original animation slots in the 0x1200 range. However, these definitions are ignored because they are overridden by hardcoded definitions in the game engine.

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
If split_bams=0:
- G1[quadrant]: WK=0-8, SC=9-17, SD=18-26, GH=27-35, DE=36-44, TW=45-53
- G2[quadrant]: A1=0-8, A2=9-17, A3=18-26, A4=27-35 (ranged), A5=36-44 (unused?), SP=45-53, CA=54-62

If split_bams=1:
- G1[quadrant]: SC=9-17, SD=18-26, GH=27-35, DE=36-44, TW=45-53
- G1[quadrant]1: WK=0-8
- G1[quadrant]2: SD=18-26
- G1[quadrant]3: GH=27-35
- G1[quadrant]4: GH=27-35, DE=36-44
- G1[quadrant]5: TW=45-53
- G2[quadrant]: A1=0-8
- G2[quadrant]1: A2=9-17
- G2[quadrant]2: A3=18-26
- G2[quadrant]3: A4=27-35 (ranged)
- G2[quadrant]4: A5=36-44 (unused?), SP=45-53, CA=54-62
- G2[quadrant]5: SP=45-53
- G2[quadrant]6: CA=54-62

- index in range 1 - quadrants, one digit
- ordered left → right, top → bottom

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → N
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

The following attributes are supported:

Type 2000 (monster_layered_spell)
This animation type is used for a small selection of BG1 animations with spellcasting abilities such as Volo, sirines and ogre mages. It supports false color replacements and weapon overlays, and provides a limited set of unmirrored orientations.

Note: Slots of this type are currently mislabled as [monster_layered] by predefined animation slots. However, these definitions are ignored because they are overridden by hardcoded definitions in the game engine.

Animation scheme: [resref][wovl]?[seq].BAM, with
- G1: WK=0-4, SC=8-12, SD=16-20, GH=24-28, DE=32-36, TW=40-44
- G1E: WK=5-7, SC=13-15, SD=21-23, GH=29-31, DE=37-39, TW=45-47
- G2: A1=0-4, A2/CA=8-12, A3/SP=16-20
- G2E: A1=5-7, A2/CA=13-15, A3/SP=21-23

Note: A1 and A2 are used with 1-h weapons, A3 is used with 2-h weapons.

An optional part of the animation naming scheme that is derived from the first letter of the string assigned to the attributes "resref_weapon1" and "resref_weapon2".

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type 3000 (monster_ankheg)
This animation type is used for monsters that can bury beneath the ground such as ankhegs. For that reason this type supports the two additional animation sequences SEQ_EMERGE and SEQ_HIDE.

Animation scheme: [resref][D]?[seq].BAM, with
If mirror=1 (and extend_direction != 0):
- G1: DE=9-17, TW=18-26, SD=27-35
- G2: SC=0-8, EMERGE=9-17, HIDE=18-26
- G3: A1=0-8, CA=9-17

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → W
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

If mirror=0 (and extend_direction == 0):
- G1: DE=8-12, TW=16-20, SD=24-28
- G1E: DE=13-15, TW=21-23, SD=29-31
- G2: SC=0-4, EMERGE=8-12, HIDE=16-20
- G2E: SC=5-7, EMERGE=13-15, HIDE=21-23
- G3: A1=0-4, CA=8-12
- G3E: A1=5-7, CA=13-15

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

- indicates the overlay animation that is drawn where the creature is connected with the ground
- rendered synchroneously with Gx sequences

The following attributes are supported:

Type 4000 (town_static)
This simple animation type is used for static (unmoving) creatures such as sitting or sleeping characters.

Animation scheme: [resref].BAM, with the following sequences:
- SC=0-15, SD=16-31, GH=32-47, DE=48-63, TW=64-79

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → S, 2 → SW, 3 → SW, 4 → W, 5 → W, 6 → NW, 7 → NW, 8 → N, 9 → N
- 10 → NE, 11 → NE, 12 → E, 13 → E, 14 → SE, 15 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type 5000 / 6000 (character)
This is one of two available animation types tied to the 0x5000/0x6000 ranges of animation slots. The type was introduced by BG2 and supports an advanced set of features to visualize different armor levels, various kinds of equipment overlays and false color replacements.
Supported slot ranges: 0x5000 - 0x53ff, 0x5500 - 0x55ff, 0x6000 - 0x63ff, and 0x6500 - 0x65ff. The 0x6000 range is generally reserved for party-joinable characters, but otherwise identical to the 0x5000 range.

Animation scheme: [resref][armor][action][detail].BAM, with

- naming scheme: [char][race][gender][class]

char: an arbitrary character

- D=dwarf/gnome, H=human, E=elf/half-elf, I=halfling, O=half-orc

- F=female, M=male

- B=common base*, C=cleric/druid/shaman, F=fighter/ranger/paladin, M=monk, T=thief/bard, W=mage/sorcerer
- *: shared character animation across multiple classes which will be overridden if class-specific animations are available

armor: number in range 1 - armor_max_code, where 1=none, 2=leather, 3=chain/robe and 4=plate

action: A=Attack, CA=Cast, G=Misc, S=Shoot, W=Walk

- for action=A: 1=1h-overhead, 2=2h-overhead, 3=1h-backslash, 4=2h-backslash, 5=1h-thrust, 6=2h-thrust, 7=2weapon-v1, 8=throwing?, 9=2weapon-v2
- for action=S: A=bow, S=sling, X=crossbow
- for action=CA: none

If split_bams=0 (unverified, there are no instances in the game):
- G1: WK=0-8, SC1=9-17, SD1=18-26, SC2=27-35 (with 2-h weapon?), GH=36-44, DE=45-53, TW=54-62, SD2=63-71, SD3=72-80, SL1=81-89, SL2=90-98
- CA: CA1=0-8, SP1=9-17, CA2=18-26, SP2=27-35, CA3=36-44, SP3=45-53, CA4=54-62, SP4=63-71

If split_bams=1:
- G1: SC1=9-17 (1-h weapon)
- G11: WK=0-8
- G12: SD1=18-26
- G13: SC2=27-35 (2-h weapon)
- G14: GH=36-44
- G15: GH=36-44, DE=45-53
- G16: TW=54-62
- G17: SD2=63-71
- G18: SD3=72-80
- G19: SL1=81-89, SL2=90-98
- CA: CA1=0-8, SP1=9-17, CA2=18-26, SP2=27-35, CA3=36-44, SP3=45-53, CA4=54-62, SP4=63-71

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → W
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

The following attributes are supported:

Type 5000 / 6000 (character_old)
This is one of two available animation types tied to the 0x5000/0x6000 ranges of animation slots. The type was originally used by BG1 and supports a limited set of features to visualize different armor levels, various kinds of equipment overlays and false color replacements.
Supported slot ranges: 0x5400 - 0x54ff, 0x5600 - 0x5fff, 0x6400 - 0x64ff, and 0x6600 - 0x6fff. The 0x6000 range is generally reserved for party-joinable characters, but otherwise identical to the 0x5000 range.

Animation scheme: [resref][armor][sequence].BAM, with

armor: number in range 1 - armor_max_code, where 1=none, 2=leather, 3=chain/robe and 4=plate

- A1: 0-4 (1-h overhead)
- A1E: 5-7 (1-h overhead)
- A2: 0-4 (2-h overhead)
- A2E: 5-7 (2-h overhead)
- A3: 0-4 (1-h backslash)
- A3E: 5-7 (1-h backslash)
- A4: 0-4 (2-h backslash)
- A4E: 5-7 (2-h backslash)
- A5: 0-4 (1-h thrust)
- A5E: 5-7 (1-h thrust)
- A6: 0-4 (2-h thrust)
- A6E: 5-7 (2-h thrust)
- SA: 0-4 (bow)
- SAE: 5-7 (bow)
- SX: 0-4 (crossbow)
- SXE: 5-7 (crossbow)
- CA: CA=0-4, SP1=8-12, CA2=16-20, SP2=24-28, CA3=32-36, SP3=40-44, CA4=48-52, SP4=56-60
- CAE: CA=5-7, SP1=13-15, CA2=21-23, SP2=29-31, CA3=37-39, SP3=45-47, CA4=53-55, SP4=61-63
- G1: WK=0-4, SC1=8-12 (1-h weapon), SD1=16-20, SC2=24-28 (2-h weapon), SD2=32-36, GH=40-44, DE=48-52, TW=56-60, SL=64-68 (still frame?)
- G1E: WK=5-7, SC1=13-15 (1-h weapon), SD1=21-23, SC2=29-31 (2-h weapon), SD2=37-39, GH=45-47, DE=53-55, TW=61-63, SL=69-71 (still frame?)
- W2: WK2=0-4 (supplementary directions: SSW, WSW, WNW, NNW, NNE), for walking animation sequence only
- W2E: WK2=5-7 (supplementary directions: ENE, ESE, SSE), for walking animation sequence only

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type 7000 (monster)
This is one of two available animation types tied to the 0x7000 range of animation slots. It was introduced by BG2 and primarily used for various monsters. The animation type provides support for false color replacements, full palette replacements, glow layers, and an extended set of mirrored orientations.

To retain backwards compatibility with the original game engines valid slot subranges are wildly spread over the whole 0x7000 range:

0x7002 - 0x700f, 0x7012 - 0x701f, 0x7022 - 0x702f, 0x7032 - 0x703f, 0x7042 - 0x704f, 0x7052 - 0x705f, 0x7062 - 0x706f, 0x7072 - 0x707f, 0x7082 - 0x708f, 0x7092 - 0x709f, 0x70a2 - 0x70af, 0x70b2 - 0x70bf, 0x70c2 - 0x70cf, 0x70d2 - 0x70df, 0x70e2 - 0x70ef, 0x70f2 - 0x70ff, 0x7102 - 0x710f, 0x7112 - 0x711f, 0x7122 - 0x712f, 0x7132 - 0x713f, 0x7142 - 0x714f, 0x7152 - 0x715f, 0x7162 - 0x716f, 0x7172 - 0x717f, 0x7182 - 0x718f, 0x7192 - 0x719f, 0x71a2 - 0x71af, 0x71b2 - 0x71bf, 0x71c2 - 0x71cf, 0x71d2 - 0x71df, 0x71e2 - 0x71ef, 0x71f2 - 0x71ff

0x7204 - 0x720f, 0x7214 - 0x721f, 0x7224 - 0x722f, 0x7234 - 0x723f, 0x7244 - 0x724f, 0x7254 - 0x725f, 0x7264 - 0x726f, 0x7274 - 0x727f, 0x7284 - 0x728f, 0x7294 - 0x729f, 0x72a4 - 0x72af, 0x72b4 - 0x72bf, 0x72c4 - 0x72cf, 0x72d4 - 0x72df, 0x72e4 - 0x72ef, 0x72f4 - 0x72ff

0x7300 - 0x73ff

0x7403 - 0x740f, 0x7413 - 0x741f, 0x7423 - 0x742f, 0x7433 - 0x743f, 0x7443 - 0x744f, 0x7453 - 0x745f, 0x7463 - 0x746f, 0x7473 - 0x747f, 0x7483 - 0x748f, 0x7493 - 0x749f, 0x74a3 - 0x74af, 0x74b3 - 0x74bf, 0x74c3 - 0x74cf, 0x74d3 - 0x74df, 0x74e3 - 0x74ef, 0x74f3 - 0x74ff

0x7502 - 0x750f, 0x7512 - 0x751f, 0x7522 - 0x752f, 0x7532 - 0x753f, 0x7542 - 0x754f, 0x7552 - 0x755f, 0x7562 - 0x756f, 0x7572 - 0x757f, 0x7582 - 0x758f, 0x7592 - 0x759f, 0x75a2 - 0x75af, 0x75b2 - 0x75bf, 0x75c2 - 0x75cf, 0x75d2 - 0x75df, 0x75e2 - 0x75ef, 0x75f2 - 0x75ff

0x7703 - 0x770f, 0x7713 - 0x771f, 0x7723 - 0x772f, 0x7733 - 0x773f, 0x7743 - 0x774f, 0x7753 - 0x775f, 0x7763 - 0x776f, 0x7773 - 0x777f, 0x7783 - 0x778f, 0x7793 - 0x779f, 0x77a3 - 0x77af, 0x77b3 - 0x77bf, 0x77c3 - 0x77cf, 0x77d3 - 0x77df, 0x77e3 - 0x77ef, 0x77f3 - 0x77ff

0x7905 - 0x790f, 0x7915 - 0x791f, 0x7925 - 0x792f, 0x7935 - 0x793f, 0x7945 - 0x794f, 0x7955 - 0x795f, 0x7965 - 0x796f, 0x7975 - 0x797f, 0x7985 - 0x798f, 0x7995 - 0x799f, 0x79a5 - 0x79af, 0x79b5 - 0x79bf, 0x79c5 - 0x79cf, 0x79d5 - 0x79df, 0x79e5 - 0x79ef, 0x79f5 - 0x79ff, 0x7a05 - 0x7a0f, 0x7a15 - 0x7a1f, 0x7a25 - 0x7a2f, 0x7a35 - 0x7a3f, 0x7a45 - 0x7a4f, 0x7a55 - 0x7a5f, 0x7a65 - 0x7a6f, 0x7a75 - 0x7a7f, 0x7a85 - 0x7a8f, 0x7a95 - 0x7a9f, 0x7aa5 - 0x7aaf, 0x7ab5 - 0x7abf, 0x7ac5 - 0x7acf, 0x7ad5 - 0x7adf, 0x7ae5 - 0x7aef, 0x7af5 - 0x7aff

0x7b07 - 0x7b0f, 0x7b17 - 0x7b1f, 0x7b27 - 0x7b2f, 0x7b37 - 0x7b3f, 0x7b47 - 0x7b4f, 0x7b57 - 0x7b5f, 0x7b67 - 0x7b6f, 0x7b77 - 0x7b7f, 0x7b87 - 0x7b8f, 0x7b97 - 0x7b9f, 0x7ba7 - 0x7baf, 0x7bb7 - 0x7bbf, 0x7bc7 - 0x7bcf, 0x7bd7 - 0x7bdf, 0x7be7 - 0x7bef, 0x7bf7 - 0x7bff

0x7c02 - 0x7c0f, 0x7c12 - 0x7c1f, 0x7c22 - 0x7c2f, 0x7c32 - 0x7c3f, 0x7c42 - 0x7c4f, 0x7c52 - 0x7c5f, 0x7c62 - 0x7c6f, 0x7c72 - 0x7c7f, 0x7c82 - 0x7c8f, 0x7c92 - 0x7c9f, 0x7ca2 - 0x7caf, 0x7cb2 - 0x7cbf, 0x7cc2 - 0x7ccf, 0x7cd2 - 0x7cdf, 0x7ce2 - 0x7cef, 0x7cf2 - 0x7cff

0x7e02 - 0x7e0f, 0x7e12 - 0x7e1f, 0x7e22 - 0x7e2f, 0x7e32 - 0x7e3f, 0x7e42 - 0x7e4f, 0x7e52 - 0x7e5f, 0x7e62 - 0x7e6f, 0x7e72 - 0x7e7f, 0x7e82 - 0x7e8f, 0x7e92 - 0x7e9f, 0x7ea2 - 0x7eaf, 0x7eb2 - 0x7ebf, 0x7ec2 - 0x7ecf, 0x7ed2 - 0x7edf, 0x7ee2 - 0x7eef, 0x7ef2 - 0x7eff

0x7f00 - 0x7fff

Animation scheme: [resref][seq][wovl]?.BAM, with
If split_bams=0:
- G1: WK=0-8, SC=9-17, SD=18-26, GH=27-35, DE=36-44, TW=45-53, SL=54-62, GU=63-71
- G2: A1=0-8, A2=9-17, A3=18-26, A4=27-35, A5=36-44, SP=45-53, CA=54-62

If split_bams=1:
- G1: SC=9-17
- G11: WK=0-8
- G12: SD=18-26
- G13: GH=27-35
- G14: GH=27-35 (unused), DE=36-44, TW=45-53
- G15: TW=45-53
- G2: A1=0-8
- G21: A2=9-17
- G22: A3=18-26
- G23: A4=27-35
- G24: A5=36-44
- G25: SP=45-53
- G26: CA=54-62

- an optional weapon animation overlay as separate BAM
- it uses the "equipped appearance" string defined by the ITM V1 resources at offset 0x34
- weapon animation is always stored as an unsplit BAM

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → N
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

The following attributes are supported:

Type 7000 (monster_old)
This is one of two available animation types tied to the 0x7000 range of animation slots. It was originally used in BG1 for various monsters such as dogs, bears and basilisks. The animation type provides support for false color replacements and a reduced set of unmirrored orientations.

To retain backwards compatibility with the original game engines valid slot subranges are wildly spread over the whole 0x7000 range:

0x7000, 0x7001, 0x7010, 0x7011, 0x7020, 0x7021, 0x7030, 0x7031, 0x7040, 0x7041, 0x7050, 0x7051, 0x7060, 0x7061, 0x7070, 0x7071, 0x7080, 0x7081, 0x7090, 0x7091, 0x70a0, 0x70a1, 0x70b0, 0x70b1, 0x70c0, 0x70c1, 0x70d0, 0x70d1, 0x70e0, 0x70e1, 0x70f0, 0x70f1, 0x7100, 0x7101, 0x7110, 0x7111, 0x7120, 0x7121, 0x7130, 0x7131, 0x7140, 0x7141, 0x7150, 0x7151, 0x7160, 0x7161, 0x7170, 0x7171, 0x7180, 0x7181, 0x7190, 0x7191, 0x71a0, 0x71a1, 0x71b0, 0x71b1, 0x71c0, 0x71c1, 0x71d0, 0x71d1, 0x71e0, 0x71e1, 0x71f0, 0x71f1, 

0x7200 - 0x7203, 0x7210 - 0x7213, 0x7220 - 0x7223, 0x7230 - 0x7233, 0x7240 - 0x7243, 0x7250 - 0x7253, 0x7260 - 0x7263, 0x7270 - 0x7273, 0x7280 - 0x7283, 0x7290 - 0x7293, 0x72a0 - 0x72a3, 0x72b0 - 0x72b3, 0x72c0 - 0x72c3, 0x72d0 - 0x72d3, 0x72e0 - 0x72e3, 0x72f0 - 0x72f3

0x7400 - 0x7402, 0x7410 - 0x7412, 0x7420 - 0x7422, 0x7430 - 0x7432, 0x7440 - 0x7442, 0x7450 - 0x7452, 0x7460 - 0x7462, 0x7470 - 0x7472, 0x7480 - 0x7482, 0x7490 - 0x7492, 0x74a0 - 0x74a2, 0x74b0 - 0x74b2, 0x74c0 - 0x74c2, 0x74d0 - 0x74d2, 0x74e0 - 0x74e2, 0x74f0 - 0x74f2

0x7500, 0x7501, 0x7510, 0x7511, 0x7520, 0x7521, 0x7530, 0x7531, 0x7540, 0x7541, 0x7550, 0x7551, 0x7560, 0x7561, 0x7570, 0x7571, 0x7580, 0x7581, 0x7590, 0x7591, 0x75a0, 0x75a1, 0x75b0, 0x75b1, 0x75c0, 0x75c1, 0x75d0, 0x75d1, 0x75e0, 0x75e1, 0x75f0, 0x75f1

0x7600 - 0x76ff

0x7700 - 0x7702, 0x7710 - 0x7712, 0x7720 - 0x7722, 0x7730 - 0x7732, 0x7740 - 0x7742, 0x7750 - 0x7752, 0x7760 - 0x7762, 0x7770 - 0x7772, 0x7780 - 0x7782, 0x7790 - 0x7792, 0x77a0 - 0x77a2, 0x77b0 - 0x77b2, 0x77c0 - 0x77c2, 0x77d0 - 0x77d2, 0x77e0 - 0x77e2, 0x77f0 - 0x77f2

0x7800 - 0x78ff

0x7900 - 0x7904, 0x7910 - 0x7914, 0x7920 - 0x7924, 0x7930 - 0x7934, 0x7940 - 0x7944, 0x7950 - 0x7954, 0x7960 - 0x7964, 0x7970 - 0x7974, 0x7980 - 0x7984, 0x7990 - 0x7994, 0x79a0 - 0x79a4, 0x79b0 - 0x79b4, 0x79c0 - 0x79c4, 0x79d0 - 0x79d4, 0x79e0 - 0x79e4, 0x79f0 - 0x79f4, 0x7a00 - 0x7a04, 0x7a10 - 0x7a14, 0x7a20 - 0x7a24, 0x7a30 - 0x7a34, 0x7a40 - 0x7a44, 0x7a50 - 0x7a54, 0x7a60 - 0x7a64, 0x7a70 - 0x7a74, 0x7a80 - 0x7a84, 0x7a90 - 0x7a94, 0x7aa0 - 0x7aa4, 0x7ab0 - 0x7ab4, 0x7ac0 - 0x7ac4, 0x7ad0 - 0x7ad4, 0x7ae0 - 0x7ae4, 0x7af0 - 0x7af4

0x7b00 - 0x7b06, 0x7b10 - 0x7b16, 0x7b20 - 0x7b26, 0x7b30 - 0x7b36, 0x7b40 - 0x7b46, 0x7b50 - 0x7b56, 0x7b60 - 0x7b66, 0x7b70 - 0x7b76, 0x7b80 - 0x7b86, 0x7b90 - 0x7b96, 0x7ba0 - 0x7ba6, 0x7bb0 - 0x7bb6, 0x7bc0 - 0x7bc6, 0x7bd0 - 0x7bd6, 0x7be0 - 0x7be6, 0x7bf0 - 0x7bf6

0x7c00, 0x7c01, 0x7c10, 0x7c11, 0x7c20, 0x7c21, 0x7c30, 0x7c31, 0x7c40, 0x7c41, 0x7c50, 0x7c51, 0x7c60, 0x7c61, 0x7c70, 0x7c71, 0x7c80, 0x7c81, 0x7c90, 0x7c91, 0x7ca0, 0x7ca1, 0x7cb0, 0x7cb1, 0x7cc0, 0x7cc1, 0x7cd0, 0x7cd1, 0x7ce0, 0x7ce1, 0x7cf0, 0x7cf1

0x7d00 - 0x7dff

0x7e00, 0x7e01, 0x7e10, 0x7e11, 0x7e20, 0x7e21, 0x7e30, 0x7e31, 0x7e40, 0x7e41, 0x7e50, 0x7e51, 0x7e60, 0x7e61, 0x7e70, 0x7e71, 0x7e80, 0x7e81, 0x7e90, 0x7e91, 0x7ea0, 0x7ea1, 0x7eb0, 0x7eb1, 0x7ec0, 0x7ec1, 0x7ed0, 0x7ed1, 0x7ee0, 0x7ee1, 0x7ef0, 0x7ef1

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
- G1: WK=0-4, SC=8-12, SD=16-20, GH=24-28, DE=32-36, TW=40-44
- G1E: WK=5-7, SC=13-15, SD=21-23, GH=29-31, DE=37-39, TW=45-47
- G2: A1=0-4, CA=8-12, A3=16-20
- G2E: A1=5-7, CA=13-15, A3=21-23

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type 8000 (monster_layered)
This animation type is similar to animation type 2000 and used for a small selection of BG1 animations. It supports false color replacements and weapon overlays, and provides a limited set of unmirrored orientations.

Animation scheme: [resref][wovl]?[seq].BAM, with
- G1: WK=0-4, SC=8-12, SD=16-20, GH=24-28, DE=32-36, TW=40-44
- G1E: WK=5-7, SC=13-15, SD=21-23, GH=29-31, DE=37-39, TW=45-47
- G2: A1=0-4, A2/CA=8-12, A3/SP=16-20
- G2E: A1=5-7, A2/CA=13-15, A3/SP=21-23

Note: A1 and A2 are used with 1-h weapons, A3 is used with 2-h weapons.

An optional part of the animation naming scheme that is derived from the first letter of the string assigned to the attributes "resref_weapon1" and "resref_weapon2".

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type 9000 (monster_large)
This simple animation type was originally used in BG1. It supports false color replacements and provides a limited set of unmirrored orientations.

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
- G1: SD=0-4, SC=8-12, WK=16-20
- G1E: SD=5-7, SC=13-15, WK=21-23
- G2: A1=0-4, A2=8-12
- G2E: A1=5-7, A2=13-15
- G3: A3=0-4, GH2=8-12, DE=16-20, TW=24-28
- G3E: A3=5-7, GH=13-15, DE=21-23, TW=29-31

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type A000 (monster_large16)
This animation type is very similar to animation type 9000 but provides an extended set of unmirrored orientations.

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
- G1: WK=0-9
- G1E: WK=10-15
- G2: SD=0-9, SC=16-25, GH=32-41, DE=48-57, TW=64-73
- G2E: SD=10-15, SC=26-31, GH=42-47, DE=58-63, TW=74-79
- G3: A1=0-9, A2=16-25, A3=32-41
- G3E: A1=10-15, A2=26-31, A3=42-47

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → N, 9 → NNE
- 10 → NE, 11 → ENE, 12 → E, 13 → ESE, 14 → SE, 15 → SSE

The following attributes are supported:

Type B000 (ambient_static)
This simple animation type is used for static (unmoving) creatures which are mostly added as "decoration", such as beggars, nobles, horses and cows.

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
- G1: SC=0-4, SD=8-12, GH=16-20, DE=24-28, TW=32-36
- G1E: SC=5-7, SD=13-15, GH=21-23, DE=29-31, TW=37-39
- G2: A1=0-4, CA=8-12, A3=16-20
- G2E: A1=5-7, CA=13-15, A3=21-23

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type C000 (ambient)
This animation type is very similar to animation type B000 but also supports walking animation sequences.

Animation scheme: [resref][seq].BAM, with
- G1: WK=0-4, SC=8-12, SD=16-20, GH=24-28, DE=32-36, TW=40-44
- G1E: WK=5-7, SC=13-15, SD=21-23, GH=29-31, DE=37-39, TW=45-47
- G2: A1=0-4, CA=8-12, A3=16-20
- G2E: A1=5-7, CA=13-15, A3=21-23

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SW, 2 → W, 3 → NW, 4 → N
- 5 → NE, 6 → E, 7 → SE

The following attributes are supported:

Type D000 (flying)
This animation type is exclusively used by flying creatures which are handled specially by the engine.

Animation scheme: [resref].BAM, with the following sequences:
- still/SD=0-8, flapping/WK=9-17

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → N
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

The following attributes are supported:

Type E000 (monster_icewind)
This animation type is primarily used for creatures introduced by Icewind Dale and its successor. It supports separate weapon animation overlays and a reduced unmirrored set of orientations.

Animation scheme: [resref][wovl]?[seq].BAM, with
The following animation sequences are known: A1, A2, A3, A4, CA, DE, GH, GU, SC, SD, SL, SP, TW, WK
- [seq]: 0=S, 1=SW, 2=W, 3=NW, 4=N
- [seq]E: 5=NE, 6=E, 7=SE

Known weapon overlays: A=Axe, B=Bow, C=Club, D=Dagger, F=Flail, H=Halberd, M=Mace, Q=Quarterstaff, S=Sword, W=Warhammer.
Note: Weapon animation overlays are not restricted to the weapon alone, and may also contain additional content such as shields, off-hand weapons or helmets.

The following attributes are supported:

Type F000 (monster_planescape)
This animation type is exclusively supported only by original Planescape Torment and PSTEE. It uses a special animation structure with an extended set of action sequences which can be expanded by custom sequences. The difference is reflected by the associated INI file where supported action sequences are listed individually in place of a common resref attribute.

Animation scheme: [C|D][action][resref].BAM, with

The first letter of the animation file is either 'C' or 'D'. The reason for this is unknown, but it is likely that 'D' is used for creatures which provide false color replacements.

action: Name of the action sequence defined by the INI file (see below for details). The game uses a common set of action names, but they can theoretically be arbitrary chosen.

resref: This is an arbitrary string that identifies the creature name.

Available orientations (sequence → direction):
- 0 → S, 1 → SSW, 2 → SW, 3 → WSW, 4 → W, 5 → WNW, 6 → NW, 7 → NNW, 8 → N
- eastern directions are calculated by the engine

The following attributes are supported:

Notes about original PST creature animation definitions:
PST stores all creature animation definitions in the file RESDATA.INI.

Individual animation definitions are placed under numeric section names which are treated as the effective animation slot number used by the game engine internally. The slot numbers stored in ANIMATE.IDS or the animation field of CRE V1.2 resources are stripped off their higher byte value if it matches 0x60 or 0xE0 before they are further processed.

The content of the animation definition may include the attributes available for the [sounds] section, as well as all of the attributes available for the [monster_planescape] section, except attributes "color1" to "color7" which are stored directly in the CRE V1.2 resources instead.