. */ namespace Gibbon\Services; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use Gibbon\Http\Url; use Gibbon\Contracts\Services\Session; /** * Format values based on locale and system settings. * * @version v16 * @since v16 */ class Format { use FormatResolver; public const NONE = -1; public const FULL = 0; public const LONG = 1; public const MEDIUM = 2; public const SHORT = 3; public const FULL_NO_YEAR = 100; public const LONG_NO_YEAR = 101; public const MEDIUM_NO_YEAR = 102; public const SHORT_NO_YEAR = 103; protected static $settings = [ 'dateFormatPHP' => 'd/m/Y', 'dateTimeFormatPHP' => 'd/m/Y H:i', 'timeFormatPHP' => 'H:i', 'dateFormatFull' => 'l, F j', 'dateFormatLong' => 'F j', 'dateFormatMedium' => 'M j', 'dateFormatIntlFull' => 'EEEE, d MMMM', 'dateFormatIntlLong' => 'd MMMM', 'dateFormatIntlMedium' => 'd MMM', 'dateFormatGenerate' => true, ]; public static $intlFormatterAvailable = false; /** * Sets the internal formatting options from an array. * * @param array $settings */ public static function setup(array $settings) { static::$settings = array_replace(static::$settings, $settings); static::$intlFormatterAvailable = class_exists('IntlDateFormatter'); // Generate best-fit date formats for this locale, if possible if (static::$settings['dateFormatGenerate'] && class_exists('IntlDatePatternGenerator')) { $intlPatternGenerator = new \IntlDatePatternGenerator(static::$settings['code']); static::$settings['dateFormatIntlFull'] = $intlPatternGenerator->getBestPattern('EEEEMMMMd'); static::$settings['dateFormatIntlLong'] = $intlPatternGenerator->getBestPattern('MMMMd'); static::$settings['dateFormatIntlMedium'] = $intlPatternGenerator->getBestPattern('MMMd'); } else { static::$settings['dateFormatIntlFull'] = static::$settings['code'] == 'en_GB' ? 'EEEE, d MMMM' : 'EEEE, MMMM d'; static::$settings['dateFormatIntlLong'] = static::$settings['code'] == 'en_GB' ? 'd MMMM' : 'MMMM d'; static::$settings['dateFormatIntlMedium'] = static::$settings['code'] == 'en_GB' ? 'd MMM' : 'MMM d'; } } /** * Sets the formatting options from session i18n and database settings. * * @param Session $session */ public static function setupFromSession(Session $session) { $settings = $session->get('i18n'); $settings['absolutePath'] = $session->get('absolutePath'); $settings['absoluteURL'] = $session->get('absoluteURL'); $settings['gibbonThemeName'] = $session->get('gibbonThemeName'); $settings['currency'] = $session->get('currency') ?? ''; $settings['currencySymbol'] = !empty(substr($settings['currency'], 4)) ? substr($settings['currency'], 4) : ''; $settings['currencyName'] = substr($settings['currency'], 0, 3); $settings['nameFormatStaffInformal'] = $session->get('nameFormatStaffInformal'); $settings['nameFormatStaffInformalReversed'] = $session->get('nameFormatStaffInformalReversed'); $settings['nameFormatStaffFormal'] = $session->get('nameFormatStaffFormal'); $settings['nameFormatStaffFormalReversed'] = $session->get('nameFormatStaffFormalReversed'); static::setup($settings); } /** * Formats a YYYY-MM-DD date with the language-specific format. Optionally provide a format string to use instead. * * @param DateTime|string $dateString * @param string $format * @return string */ public static function date($dateString, $format = false) { if (empty($dateString)) { return ''; } $date = static::createDateTime($dateString, is_string($dateString) && strlen($dateString) == 10 ? 'Y-m-d' : null); return $date ? $date->format($format ? $format : static::$settings['dateFormatPHP']) : $dateString; } /** * Converts a date in the language-specific format to YYYY-MM-DD. * * @param DateTime|string $dateString * @return string */ public static function dateConvert($dateString) { if (empty($dateString)) { return ''; } $date = static::createDateTime($dateString, static::$settings['dateFormatPHP']); return $date ? $date->format('Y-m-d') : $dateString; } /** * Formats a YYYY-MM-DD H:I:S MySQL timestamp as a language-specific string. Optionally provide a format string to use. * * @param DateTime|string $dateString * @param string $format * @return string */ public static function dateTime($dateString, $format = false) { if (empty($dateString)) { return ''; } $date = static::createDateTime($dateString, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $date ? $date->format($format ? $format : static::$settings['dateTimeFormatPHP']) : $dateString; } /** * Formats a YYYY-MM-DD date as a readable string with month names. * * @param DateTime|string $dateString The date string to format. * @param int|string $dateFormat (Optional) An int to specify the date format used with IntlDateFormatter * If a string is passed, it will return the default format. * See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.intldateformatter.php * See: https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/ * Default: \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM * @param int|string $timeFormat (Optional) An int to specify the time format used with IntlDateFormatter * Default: \IntlDateFormatter::NONE * * @return string The formatted date string. */ public static function dateReadable($dateString, $dateFormat = null, $timeFormat = null) : string { if (empty($dateString)) { return ''; } if (!static::$intlFormatterAvailable) { return static::date($dateString, static::getDateFallback($dateFormat, $timeFormat)); } $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter( static::$settings['code'], is_int($dateFormat) && $dateFormat < 100 ? $dateFormat : \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, is_int($timeFormat) ? $timeFormat : \IntlDateFormatter::NONE, null, null, static::getDatePattern($dateFormat) ); return mb_convert_case( $formatter->format(static::createDateTime($dateString)), MB_CASE_TITLE, ); } /** * A shortcut for formatting a YYYY-MM-DD date as a readable string with month names and times. * * @param DateTime|string $dateString The date string to format. * @return string The formatted date string. */ public static function dateTimeReadable($dateString) : string { return static::dateReadable($dateString, static::MEDIUM, static::SHORT); } /** * Gets a IntlDateFormatter pattern string for a given format constant. * Extends the IntlDateFormatter options by adding NO_YEAR options. * * @param string|int $dateFormat * @return string The IntlDateFormatter pattern string. */ protected static function getDatePattern($dateFormat = null) { if (is_string($dateFormat)) { return null; } switch ($dateFormat) { case static::FULL_NO_YEAR: return static::$settings['dateFormatIntlFull']; case static::LONG_NO_YEAR: return static::$settings['dateFormatIntlLong']; case static::MEDIUM_NO_YEAR: case static::SHORT_NO_YEAR: return static::$settings['dateFormatIntlMedium']; } return null; } /** * Gets a generic format for DateTime classes, to be used as a fallback * when IntlDateFormatter is not available. * * @param string|int $dateFormat * @param string|int $timeFormat * @return string The DateTime format string. */ protected static function getDateFallback($dateFormat = null, $timeFormat = null) { if (is_null($dateFormat)) { $dateFormat = static::MEDIUM; } switch ($dateFormat) { case static::NONE: $format = ''; break; case static::FULL: case static::FULL_NO_YEAR: $format = static::$settings['dateFormatFull']; break; case static::LONG: case static::LONG_NO_YEAR: $format = static::$settings['dateFormatLong']; break; default: $format = static::$settings['dateFormatMedium']; } if ($dateFormat >= 0 && $dateFormat < 100) { $format .= ' Y'; } if ($timeFormat != null && $timeFormat != static::NONE) { $format .= !empty($format) ? ', ' : ''; $format .= $timeFormat == static::FULL ? 'H:i:s' : 'H:i'; } return $format; } /** * Formats two YYYY-MM-DD dates with the language-specific format. Optionally provide a format string to use instead. * * @param DateTime|string $dateFrom * @param DateTime|string $dateTo * @return string */ public static function dateRange($dateFrom, $dateTo, $format = false) { if (empty($dateFrom) || empty($dateTo)) { return ''; } return static::date($dateFrom, $format) . ' - ' . static::date($dateTo, $format); } /** * Formats two YYYY-MM-DD dates as a readable string, collapsing same months and same years. * * @param DateTime|string $dateFrom * @param DateTime|string $dateTo * @return string */ public static function dateRangeReadable($dateFrom, $dateTo) { $output = ''; if (empty($dateFrom) || empty($dateTo)) { return $output; } $startDate = static::createDateTime($dateFrom); $endDate = static::createDateTime($dateTo); $startTime = $startDate->getTimestamp(); $endTime = $endDate->getTimestamp(); if ($startDate->format('Y-m-d') == $endDate->format('Y-m-d')) { $output = static::dateReadable($startTime, static::MEDIUM); } elseif ($startDate->format('Y') == $endDate->format('Y')) { $output = static::dateReadable($startTime, static::MEDIUM_NO_YEAR) . ' - '; $output .= static::dateReadable($endTime, static::MEDIUM); } else { $output = static::dateReadable($startTime, static::MEDIUM) . ' - '; $output .= static::dateReadable($endTime, static::MEDIUM); } return mb_convert_case($output, MB_CASE_TITLE); } /** * Formats a Unix timestamp as the language-specific format. Optionally provide a format string to use instead. * * @param DateTime|string|int $timestamp * @param string $format * @return string */ public static function dateFromTimestamp($timestamp, $format = false) { if (empty($timestamp)) { return ''; } $date = static::createDateTime($timestamp, 'U'); return $date ? $date->format($format ? $format : static::$settings['dateFormatPHP']) : $timestamp; } /** * Formats a Date or DateTime string relative to the current time. Eg: 1 hr ago, 3 mins from now. * * @param DateTime|string $dateString * @return string */ public static function relativeTime($dateString, $tooltip = true, $relativeString = true) { if (empty($dateString)) { return ''; } if (is_string($dateString) && strlen($dateString) == 10) { $dateString .= ' 00:00:00'; } $date = static::createDateTime($dateString, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $timeDifference = time() - $date->format('U'); $seconds = intval(abs($timeDifference)); switch ($seconds) { case ($seconds <= 60): $time = __('Less than 1 min'); break; case ($seconds > 60 && $seconds < 3600): $minutes = floor($seconds / 60); $time = __n('{count} min', '{count} mins', $minutes); break; case ($seconds >= 3600 && $seconds < 172800): $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); $time = __n('{count} hr', '{count} hrs', $hours); break; case ($seconds >= 172800 && $seconds < 1209600): $days = floor($seconds / 86400); $time = __n('{count} day', '{count} days', $days); break; case ($seconds >= 1209600 && $seconds < 4838400): $days = floor($seconds / 604800); $time = __n('{count} week', '{count} weeks', $days); break; default: $timeDifference = 0; $time = static::dateReadable($dateString); } if ($relativeString && $timeDifference > 0) { $time = __('{time} ago', ['time' => $time]); } elseif ($relativeString && $timeDifference < 0) { $time = __('in {time}', ['time' => $time]); } return $tooltip ? self::tooltip($time, static::dateTime($dateString)) : $time; } /** * Converts a YYYY-MM-DD date to a Unix timestamp. * * @param DateTime|string $dateString * @param string $timezone * @return int */ public static function timestamp($dateString, $timezone = null) { if (empty($dateString)) { return ''; } if (is_string($dateString) && strlen($dateString) == 10) { $dateString .= ' 00:00:00'; } $date = static::createDateTime($dateString, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timezone); return $date ? $date->getTimestamp() : 0; } /** * Formats a time from a given MySQL time or timestamp value. * * @param DateTime|string $timeString * @param string|bool $format * @return string */ public static function time($timeString, $format = false) { if (empty($timeString)) { return ''; } $convertFormat = is_string($timeString) && strlen($timeString) == 8? 'H:i:s' : 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; $date = static::createDateTime($timeString, $convertFormat); return $date ? $date->format($format ? $format : static::$settings['timeFormatPHP']) : $timeString; } /** * Formats a range of times from two given MySQL time or timestamp values. * * @param DateTime|string $timeFrom * @param DateTime|string $timeTo * @param string|bool $format * @return string */ public static function timeRange($timeFrom, $timeTo, $format = false) { return !empty($timeFrom) && !empty($timeTo) ? static::time($timeFrom, $format) . ' - ' . static::time($timeTo, $format) : static::time($timeFrom, $format); } /** * Formats a number to an optional decimal points. * * @param int|string $value * @param int $decimals * @return string */ public static function number($value, $decimals = 0) { return number_format($value, $decimals); } /** * Formats a currency with a symbol and two decimals, optionally displaying the currency name in brackets. * * @param string|int $value * @param bool $includeName * @return string */ public static function currency($value, $includeName = false, $decimals = 2) { return static::$settings['currencySymbol'] . number_format($value, $decimals) . ( $includeName ? ' ('.static::$settings['currencyName'].')' : ''); } /** * Formats a Y/N value as Yes or No in the current language. * * @param string $value * @param bool $translate * @return string */ public static function yesNo($value, $translate = true) { $value = ($value == 'Y' || $value == 'Yes') ? 'Yes' : 'No'; return $translate ? __($value) : $value; } /** * Formats a F/M/Other/Unspecified value as Female/Male/Other/Unspecified in the current language. * * @param string $value * @param bool $translate * @return string */ public static function genderName($value, $translate = true) { if (empty($value)) return ''; $genderNames = [ 'F' => __('Female'), 'M' => __('Male'), 'Other' => __('Other'), 'Unspecified' => __('Unspecified') ]; return $translate ? __($genderNames[$value]) : $genderNames[$value]; } /** * Formats a filesize in bytes to display in KB, MB, etc. * * @param int $bytes * @return string */ public static function filesize($bytes) { $unit = ['bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB','PB']; return !empty($bytes) ? @round($bytes/pow(1024, ($i=floor(log($bytes, 1024)))), 2).' '.$unit[$i] : '0 KB'; } /** * Formats a long string by truncating after $length characters * and displaying the full string on hover. * * @param string $value * @param int $length * @return string */ public static function truncate($value, $length = 40) { return is_string($value) && strlen($value) > $length ? "".substr($value, 0, $length).'...' : $value; } /** * Formats a string of additional details in a smaller font. * * @param string $value * @return string */ public static function small($value) { return ''.$value.''; } /** * Formats a string in a larger font * * @param string $value * @return string */ public static function bold($value) { return ''.$value.''; } /** * Formats a string as a tag * * @param string $value * @return string */ public static function tag($value, $class, $title = '') { return ''.$value.''; } /** * Formats a string of additional details for a hover-over tooltip. * * @param string $value * @return string */ public static function tooltip($value, $tooltip = '') { return ''.$value.''; } /** * Formats a link from a url. Automatically adds target _blank to external links. * Automatically resolves relative URLs starting with ./ into absolute URLs. * * @param string $url * @param string $text * @param array $attr * @return string */ public static function link($url, $text = '', $attr = []) { if (empty($url)) { return $text; } if ($text === '') { $text = $url; } if (!is_array($attr)) { $attr = ['title' => $attr]; } if (stripos($url, '@') !== false) { $url = 'mailto:'.$url; } if (substr($url, 0, 2) == './') { $url = static::$settings['absoluteURL'].substr($url, 1); } if (stripos($url, static::$settings['absoluteURL']) === false && !$url instanceof Url) { return ''.$text.''; } else { return ''.$text.''; } } /** * Replaces all URLs with active hyperlinks * * @param string $value * @return string */ public static function hyperlinkAll(string $value) { $pattern = '/([^">]|^)(https?:\/\/[^"<>\s]+)/'; return preg_replace($pattern, '$1$2', $value); } /** * Formats a key => value array of HTML attributes into a string of key="value". * * @param array $attributes * @return string */ public static function attributes(array $attributes) { return implode(' ', array_map( function ($key) use ($attributes) { if (is_bool($attributes[$key])) { return $attributes[$key]? $key : ''; } if (isset($attributes[$key]) && $attributes[$key] != '') { return $key.'="'.htmlentities($attributes[$key], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"'; } return ''; }, array_keys($attributes) )); } /** * Formats a YYYY-MM-DD date as a relative age with years and months. * * @param string $dateString * @param bool $short * @return string */ public static function age($dateString, $short = false) { if (empty($dateString)) { return ''; } $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $dateString); if (!$date) { return __('Unknown'); } $date = $date->diff(new DateTime()); return $short ? $date->y . __('y') .', '. $date->m . __('m') : $date->y .' '. __('years') .', '. $date->m .' '. __('months'); } /** * Formats phone numbers, optionally including countrt code and types. * Adds spaces to 7-10 digit numbers based on the most common global formats. * * @param string|int $number * @param bool $countryCode * @param bool $type * @return string */ public static function phone($number, $countryCode = false, $type = false) { $number = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $number); switch (strlen($number)) { case 7: $number = preg_replace('/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/', '$1 $2', $number); break; case 8: $number = preg_replace('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{4})/', '$1 $2', $number); break; case 9: $number = preg_replace('/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', '$1 - $2 $3 $4', $number); break; case 10: $number = preg_replace('/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/', '($1) $2 $3', $number); break; } return ($type? $type.': ' : '') . ($countryCode? '+'.$countryCode.' ' : '') . $number; } /** * Formats an address including optional district and country. * * @param string $address * @param string $addressDistrict * @param string $addressCountry * @return string */ public static function address($address, $addressDistrict, $addressCountry) { if (stripos($address, PHP_EOL) === false) { // If the address has no line breaks, collapse lines by comma separation, // breaking up long address lines over 30 characters. $collapseAddress = function ($list, $line = '') use (&$collapseAddress) { $line .= array_shift($list); if (empty($list)) { return $line; } return strlen($line.', '.current($list)) > 30 ? $line.'
'.$collapseAddress($list, '') : $collapseAddress($list, $line.', '); }; $addressLines = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $address))); $address = $collapseAddress($addressLines); } else { $address = nl2br($address); } return ($address? $address.'
' : '') . ($addressDistrict? $addressDistrict.'
' : '') . ($addressCountry? $addressCountry.'
' : ''); } public static function list(array $items, $tag = 'ul', $listClass = '', $itemClass = 'leading-normal') { $output = "<$tag class='$listClass'>"; foreach ($items as $item) { $output .= "
  • ".$item.'
  • '; } $output .= ""; return $output; } public static function listDetails(array $items, $tag = 'ul', $listClass = '', $itemClass = 'leading-normal') { $output = "<$tag class='$listClass'>"; foreach ($items as $label => $value) { if ($label == 'heading' || $label == 'subheading') { $hTag = $label == 'heading' ? 'h3' : 'h4'; $output .= "
  • <{$hTag}>".$value."
  • "; } else { $output .= "
  • ".$label.': '.$value.'
  • '; } } $output .= ""; return $output; } public static function table(array $items, $class = 'w-full', $rowClass = '', $cellClass = '') { if (empty($items)) return ''; $headings = array_unique(array_merge(...array_map(function ($item) { return array_keys($item); }, $items))); $output = ""; $output .= ""; foreach ($headings as $key => $label) { $output .= "'; } $output .= ""; foreach ($items as $index => $item) { $output .= ""; foreach ($headings as $key) { $output .= "'; } $output .= ""; } $output .= "
    ".($item[$key] ?? '').'
    "; return $output; } /** * Formats a name based on the provided Role Category. Optionally reverses the name (surname first) or uses an informal format (no title). * * @param string $title * @param string $preferredName * @param string $surname * @param string $roleCategory * @param bool $reverse * @param bool $informal * @return string */ public static function name($title, $preferredName, $surname, $roleCategory = 'Staff', $reverse = false, $informal = false) { $output = ''; if (empty($preferredName) && empty($surname)) { return ''; } if ($roleCategory == 'Staff' or $roleCategory == 'Other') { $setting = 'nameFormatStaff' . ($informal? 'Informal' : 'Formal') . ($reverse? 'Reversed' : ''); $format = isset(static::$settings[$setting])? static::$settings[$setting] : '[title] [preferredName:1]. [surname]'; $output = preg_replace_callback( '/\[+([^\]]*)\]+/u', function ($matches) use ($title, $preferredName, $surname) { list($token, $length) = array_pad(explode(':', $matches[1], 2), 2, false); if ($$token) { return (!empty($length)? mb_substr($$token, 0, intval($length)) : (($token == 'title') ? __($$token) : $$token)); } else { return ''; } }, $format ); } elseif ($roleCategory == 'Parent') { $format = (!$informal? '%1$s ' : '') . ($reverse? '%3$s, %2$s' : '%2$s %3$s'); $output = sprintf($format, __($title), $preferredName, $surname); } elseif ($roleCategory == 'Student') { $format = $reverse ? '%2$s, %1$s' : '%1$s %2$s'; $output = sprintf($format, $preferredName, $surname); } return trim($output, ' '); } /** * Formats a linked name based on roleCategory * @param string $gibbonPersonID * @param string $title * @param string $preferredName * @param string $surname * @param string $roleCategory * @param bool $reverse * @param bool $informal * @return string */ public static function nameLinked($gibbonPersonID, $title, $preferredName, $surname, $roleCategory = 'Other', $reverse = false, $informal = false, $params = []) { $name = self::name($title, $preferredName, $surname, $roleCategory, $reverse, $informal); if (empty($name)) return __('Unknown'); if ($roleCategory == 'Parent' || $roleCategory == 'Other') { $url = Url::fromModuleRoute('User Admin', 'user_manage_edit') ->withAbsoluteUrl() ->withQueryParams(['gibbonPersonID' => $gibbonPersonID] + $params); $output = self::link($url, $name); } elseif ($roleCategory == 'Staff') { $url = Url::fromModuleRoute('Staff', 'staff_view_details') ->withAbsoluteUrl() ->withQueryParams(['gibbonPersonID' => $gibbonPersonID] + $params); $output = self::link($url, $name); } elseif ($roleCategory == 'Student') { $url = Url::fromModuleRoute('Students', 'student_view_details') ->withAbsoluteUrl() ->withQueryParams(['gibbonPersonID' => $gibbonPersonID] + $params); $output = self::link($url, $name); } else { $output = $name; } return $output; } /** * Formats a list of names from an array containing standard title, preferredName & surname fields. * * @param array $list * @param string $roleCategory * @param bool $reverse * @param bool $informal * @return string */ public static function nameList($list, $roleCategory = 'Staff', $reverse = false, $informal = false, $separator = '
    ') { $listFormatted = array_map(function ($person) use ($roleCategory, $reverse, $informal) { return static::name($person['title'], $person['preferredName'], $person['surname'], $roleCategory, $reverse, $informal); }, $list); return implode($separator, $listFormatted); } /** * Formats a list of names from an array into a key-value array of id => name. * * @param array $list * @param string $roleCategory * @param bool $reverse * @param bool $informal * @param string $id * @return array */ public static function nameListArray($list, $roleCategory = 'Staff', $reverse = false, $informal = false, $id = 'gibbonPersonID') { $listFormatted = array_reduce($list, function ($group, $person) use ($roleCategory, $reverse, $informal, $id) { $group[$person[$id]] = static::name($person['title'] ?? '', $person['preferredName'], $person['surname'], $roleCategory, $reverse, $informal); return $group; }, []); return $listFormatted; } /** * Renders an HTML for a theme-based icon, based on the icon name. * * @param string $icon * @param string $title * @return string */ public static function icon(string $icon, string $title) { $icon .= stripos($icon, '.') === false ? '.png' : ''; return ""; } /** * Returns an HTML based on the supplied photo path, using a placeholder image if none exists. Size may be either 75 or 240 at this time. Works using local images or linked images using HTTP(S) * * @param string $path * @param int|string $size * @param string $class * @return string */ public static function photo($path, $size = 75, $class = 'inline-block shadow bg-white border border-gray-600') { switch ($size) { case 240: case 'lg': $class .= 'w-48 sm:w-64 max-w-full p-1 mx-auto'; $imageSize = 240; break; case 75: case 'md': $class .= 'w-20 lg:w-24 p-1'; $imageSize = 75; break; case 'sm': $class .= 'w-12 sm:w-20 p-px sm:p-1'; $imageSize = 75; break; default: $imageSize = $size; } $path = (string) $path; if (preg_match('/^http[s]*/', $path)) { return sprintf('', $class, $path); } else { if (empty($path) or file_exists(static::$settings['absolutePath'].'/'.$path) == false) { $path = '/themes/'.static::$settings['gibbonThemeName'].'/img/anonymous_240_square.jpg'; } return sprintf('', $class, static::$settings['absoluteURL'].'/'.$path); } } /** * Returns an HTML based on the supplied photo path, using a placeholder image if none exists. Size may be either 75 or 240 at this time. * * @param string $path * @param int|string $size * @param string $class * @return string */ public static function userPhoto($path, $size = 75, $class = '') { $class .= ' inline-block shadow bg-white border border-gray-600 '; switch ($size) { case 240: case 'lg': $class .= 'w-48 sm:w-64 max-w-full p-1 mx-auto'; $imageSize = 240; break; case 75: case 'md': $class .= 'w-20 lg:w-24 p-1'; $imageSize = 75; break; case 'sm': $class .= 'w-12 sm:w-20 p-px sm:p-1'; $imageSize = 75; break; case 'xs': $class .= 'w-8 sm:w-12 p-px sm:p-1'; $imageSize = 75; break; default: $imageSize = $size; } if (empty($path) or file_exists(static::$settings['absolutePath'].'/'.$path) == false) { $path = '/themes/'.static::$settings['gibbonThemeName'].'/img/anonymous_'.$imageSize.'.jpg'; } return sprintf('', $class, static::$settings['absoluteURL'].'/'.$path); } /** * Display an icon if this user's birthday is within the next week. * * @param string $dob YYYY-MM-DD * @param string $preferredName * @return string */ public static function userBirthdayIcon($dob, $preferredName) { if (empty($dob)) { return ''; } // HEY SHORTY IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! $daysUntilNextBirthday = static::daysUntilNextBirthday($dob); if ($daysUntilNextBirthday >= 8) { return ''; } if ($daysUntilNextBirthday == 0) { $title = __("{name}'s birthday today!", ['name' => $preferredName]); $icon = 'gift_pink.png'; } else { $title = __n( "{count} day until {name}'s birthday!", "{count} days until {name}'s birthday!", $daysUntilNextBirthday, ['name' => $preferredName] ); $icon = 'gift.png'; } return sprintf('', $title, static::$settings['absoluteURL'].'/themes/'.static::$settings['gibbonThemeName'].'/img/'.$icon); } /** * Calculate the number of days before next birthday. * * @version v25 * @since v25 * * @param string $birthday Accepts birthday in mysql date (YYYY-MM-DD). * * @return int Number of days before the next birthday. If today is a birthday, returns 0. */ protected static function daysUntilNextBirthday(string $birthday): int { if (empty($birthday)) { return ''; } // DateTime of 00:00:00 today $today = new \DateTime('today'); // DateTime of 00:00:00 on this year birthday's date. $nextBirthday = \DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d H:i:s', substr($birthday, 5) . ' 00:00:00'); // If birthday this year has past, increment for a 1 year period. if ($nextBirthday < $today) { $nextBirthday->add(new \DateInterval('P1Y')); } // Return the absolute difference between 2 DateTime formatted as number of days. return (int) $nextBirthday->diff($today, true)->format('%a'); } public static function userStatusInfo($person = []) { if (!empty($person['roleCategory']) && $person['roleCategory'] == 'Student') { $departureReason = !empty($person['departureReason']) ? ', '.$person['departureReason'] : ''; if (!empty($person['status']) && $person['status'] != 'Full') { return __($person['status']) . $departureReason; } if (!(empty($person['dateStart']) || $person['dateStart'] <= date('Y-m-d'))) { return __('Before Start Date'); } if (!(empty($person['dateEnd']) || $person['dateEnd'] >= date('Y-m-d'))) { return __('After End Date'); } if (!empty($person['dateEnd']) && $person['dateEnd'] <= date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today + 60 days'))) { return __('Leaving') . $departureReason; } if (empty($person['yearGroup'])) { return __('Not Enrolled'); } } else { if (!empty($person['status']) && $person['status'] != 'Full') { return __($person['status']); } if (!empty($person['staffType'])) { return __($person['staffType']); } } return ''; } /** * Returns the course and class name concatenated with a . (dot). The separator could become a setting at some point? * * @param string $courseName * @param string $className * @return string */ public static function courseClassName($courseName, $className) { return $courseName .'.'. $className; } public static function alert($message, $level = 'error') { return '
    '; } private static function createDateTime($dateOriginal, $expectedFormat = null, $timezone = null) { if ($dateOriginal instanceof DateTime || $dateOriginal instanceof DateTimeImmutable) { return $dateOriginal; } if (is_int($dateOriginal)) { $expectedFormat = 'U'; } return !empty($expectedFormat) ? DateTime::createFromFormat($expectedFormat, $dateOriginal, $timezone) : new DateTime($dateOriginal, $timezone); } /** * Format a given datetime / timestamp into localized day of week name. * * @param IntlCalendar|DateTimeInterface|array|string|int|float $datetime * @param bool $short * * @return string|false */ public static function dayOfWeekName($datetime, $short = false) { if (!static::$intlFormatterAvailable) { return static::createDateTime($datetime)->format($short ? 'D' : 'l'); } return static::getIntlFormatter($short ? 'EEE' : 'EEEE')->format(static::createDateTime($datetime)); } /** * Format a given datetime / timestamp into abbrivated localized month name. * (i.e. from Jan to Sep). * * @param IntlCalendar|DateTimeInterface|array|string|int|float $datetime * @param bool $short * * @return string|false */ public static function monthName($datetime, $short = false) { if (!static::$intlFormatterAvailable) { return static::createDateTime($datetime)->format($short ? 'M' : 'F'); } return static::getIntlFormatter($short ? 'MMM' : 'MMMM')->format(static::createDateTime($datetime)); } /** * Format a given datetime / timestamp into a 2 digits representation * of the month (i.e. from 01 to 12). * * @param IntlCalendar|DateTimeInterface|array|string|int|float $datetime * * @return string|false */ public static function monthDigits($datetime) { if (!static::$intlFormatterAvailable) { return static::createDateTime($datetime)->format('m'); } return static::getIntlFormatter('MM')->format(static::createDateTime($datetime)); } protected static function getIntlFormatter($pattern = null) { static $formatter; if (!isset($formatter)) { $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter( static::$settings['code'], \IntlDateFormatter::FULL, \IntlDateFormatter::FULL ); } $formatter->setPattern($pattern); return $formatter; } }