// ==UserScript== // @name Unfuck the Internet // @namespace Unfuck the Internet // @version 1.0.63 // @description Fixes annoying things about various websites on the internet // @author Giwayume // @match *://*/* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function () { // Websites sometimes mess with these, save them. const { setInterval } = window; const { setTimeout } = window; const { clearInterval } = window; const domain = window.location.hostname.split('.').slice(-2).join('.'); const kebabToCamelCase = (str) => { const arr = str.split('-'); const capital = arr.map((item, index) => (index ? item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item.slice(1).toLowerCase() : item.toLowerCase())); return capital.join(''); }; const createdStyles = []; const addCss = (css) => { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; createdStyles.push(style); if (document.head != null) { document.head.appendChild(style); } else { waitFor(() => { const head = document.querySelector('head'); if (head) { head.appendChild(style); } return !!head; }); } return style; }; const getCssSelectorByStyles = (searchStylesString) => { let matchedSelector = ''; const searchStylesSplit = searchStylesString.split(';'); const searchRules = {}; for (const searchStyleRule of searchStylesSplit) { const ruleSplit = searchStyleRule.split(':'); const ruleName = ruleSplit[0].trim().toLowerCase(); if (!ruleName) continue; const ruleValue = (`${ruleSplit[1]}`).trim(); searchRules[ruleName] = ruleValue; searchRules[kebabToCamelCase(ruleName)] = ruleValue; } for (const stylesheet of [...document.styleSheets]) { try { for (const rule of stylesheet.cssRules) { if (!rule.style) continue; console.log(rule.selectorText); let isMatchingRule = true; for (const searchRule in searchRules) { if (rule.style[searchRule] !== searchRules[searchRule]) { isMatchingRule = false; break; } } if (isMatchingRule) { matchedSelector = rule.selectorText; break; } } } catch (error) { // Could be cross origin error, ignore. } } return matchedSelector; }; const parseQuery = (queryString) => { const query = {}; const pairs = (queryString[0] === '?' ? queryString.substr(1) : queryString).split('&'); for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { const pair = pairs[i].split('='); query[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || ''); } return query; }; const onHistoryChange = function (callback) { const originalPushState = History.prototype.pushState; const originalReplaceState = History.prototype.replaceState; History.prototype.pushState = function () { callback('push', { ...arguments }); return originalPushState.apply(this, arguments); }; History.prototype.replaceState = function () { callback('replace', { ...arguments }); return originalReplaceState.apply(this, arguments); }; window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => { callback('pop', event); }); }; const deleteAllCookies = () => { const cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { const cookie = cookies[i]; const eqPos = cookie.indexOf('='); const name = eqPos > -1 ? cookie.substr(0, eqPos) : cookie; document.cookie = `${name}=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT`; } }; const deleteAllIndexedDbDatabases = async () => { // const dbs = await window.indexedDB.databases() // dbs.forEach(db => { window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase(db.name) }) }; const waitIntervals = []; const waitFor = (conditionCheck, timeout) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let intervalIndex; waitIntervals.push( setInterval(() => { if (conditionCheck()) { clearInterval(waitIntervals[intervalIndex]); resolve(); } }, 10), ); intervalIndex = waitIntervals.length - 1; setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(waitIntervals[intervalIndex]); resolve(); }, timeout || 5000); }); const disablePageviewAPI = () => { document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', (e) => { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, true); Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, 'hidden', { get: function hidden() { return false; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, 'visibilityState', { get: function visibilityState() { return 'visible'; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); }; const blockAllPopups = () => { Object.defineProperty(HTMLAnchorElement.prototype, 'target', { configurable: false, writable: false, value: '_self' }); const { setAttribute } = Element.prototype; function strictSetAttribute(name, value) { if ((name || '').toLowerCase() === 'target') return; return setAttribute.apply(this, arguments); } Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'setAttribute', { configurable: false, writable: false, value: strictSetAttribute }); const { getAttribute } = Element.prototype; function strictGetAttribute(name) { if ((name || '').toLowerCase() === 'target') return null; return getAttribute.apply(this, arguments); } Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'getAttribute', { configurable: false, writable: false, value: strictGetAttribute }); window.open = function (url) { console.log('Blocked open attempt', url); }; }; let entireTreeMutationObserver = null; const entireTreeMutationObserverCallbacks = []; const blockInjectedNodes = (blockDefinition = {}) => { if (entireTreeMutationObserver == null) { entireTreeMutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => { for (callback of entireTreeMutationObserverCallbacks) { callback(mutationList, observer); } }); entireTreeMutationObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }); } if (blockDefinition.blockContent) { let { blockContent } = blockDefinition; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(blockContent) !== '[object Array]') { blockContent = [blockContent]; } entireTreeMutationObserverCallbacks.push((mutationList) => { for (mutation of mutationList) { if (mutation.addedNodes) { for (node of mutation.addedNodes) { for (blockContentString of blockContent) { if ((node.textContent || '').includes(blockContentString)) { node.remove(); } } } } } }); } }; const disableConsoleManipulation = () => { const { console } = window; const noop = function () {}; window.console = { assert: noop, clear: noop, count: noop, countReset: noop, debug: noop, dir: noop, dirXml: noop, error: noop, exception: noop, group: noop, groupCollapsed: noop, groupEnd: noop, info: noop, log: noop, profile: noop, profileEnd: noop, table: noop, time: noop, timeEnd: noop, timeLog: noop, timeStamp: noop, trace: noop, warn: noop, }; return console; }; const disableAddCssRemoval = () => { const _removeChild = Node.prototype.removeChild; Node.prototype.removeChild = function removeChild(child) { if (createdStyles.includes(child)) { return; } return _removeChild.call(this, child); }; const _replaceChild = Node.prototype.replaceChild; Node.prototype.replaceChild = function replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) { if (createdStyles.includes(oldChild)) { return; } return _replaceChild.call(this, newChild, oldChild); }; const _remove = Element.prototype.remove; Element.prototype.remove = function remove(child) { if (createdStyles.includes(self)) { return document.createElement('style'); } return _remove.call(this); }; }; const eventPropertyNames = ['onanimationcancel', 'onanimationend', 'onanimationiteration', 'onanimationstart', 'onauxclick', 'onbeforeinput', 'onblur', 'oncanplay', 'oncanplaythrough', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'onclose', 'oncontextmenu', 'oncopy', 'oncuechange', 'oncut', 'ondblclick', 'ondrag', 'ondragend', 'ondragenter', 'ondragexit', 'ondragleave', 'ondragover', 'ondragstart', 'ondrop', 'ondurationchange', 'onemptied', 'onended', 'onerror', 'onfocus', 'onformdata', 'ongotpointercapture', 'oninput', 'oninvalid', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onload', 'onloadeddata', 'onloadedmetadata', 'onloadend', 'onloadstart', 'onlostpointercapture', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseenter', 'onmouseleave', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onmozfullscreenchange', 'onmozfullscreenerror', 'onpaste', 'onpause', 'onplay', 'onplaying', 'onpointercancel', 'onpointerdown', 'onpointerenter', 'onpointerleave', 'onpointermove', 'onpointerout', 'onpointerover', 'onpointerup', 'onprogress', 'onratechange', 'onreset', 'onresize', 'onscroll', 'onseeking', 'onselect', 'onselectstart', 'onstalled', 'onsubmit', 'onsuspend', 'ontimeupdate', 'ontoggle', 'ontransitioncancel', 'ontransitionend', 'ontransitionrun', 'ontransitionstart', 'onvolumechange', 'onwaiting', 'onwebkitanimationend', 'onwebkitanimationiteration', 'onwebkitanimationstart', 'onwebkittransitionend', 'onwheel']; const purgeEventListeners = (purgeCallback) => { const modifiedListenerMap = new WeakMap(); const _addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { const self = this; const originalListenerCode = listener && listener.toString(); const callbackResult = purgeCallback(this, type.toLowerCase(), originalListenerCode); if (callbackResult && callbackResult.halt) { return; } const modifiedListener = function (e) { const callbackResult = purgeCallback(this, type.toLowerCase(), originalListenerCode); if (callbackResult) { if (callbackResult.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if (callbackResult.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } } if (listener) { return listener.call(self, e); } }; modifiedListenerMap.set(listener, modifiedListener); return _addEventListener.call(this, type, modifiedListener, useCapture); }; const _removeEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener; EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { if (modifiedListenerMap.has(listener)) { listener = modifiedListenerMap.get(listener); } return _removeEventListener.call(this, type, listener, useCapture); }; // let accessModifiers = {}; // const eventPropertyMap = new WeakMap(); // for (let propertyName of eventPropertyNames) { // accessModifiers[propertyName] = { // configurable: true, // enumerable: true, // get() { // return eventPropertyMap.get(this, callback); // }, // set(callback) { // eventPropertyMap.set(this, callback); // } // }; // } // Object.defineProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, accessModifiers); }; addCss(` body.tp-modal-open { overflow: auto !important } `); if (false) {} /* -------------*\ | | chess.com | | \*-------------*/ else if (domain === 'chess.com') { addCss(` chess-board .hint[data-invalid], chess-board .capture-hint[data-invalid] { background-color: rgba(199, 66, 66, 0.56); } chess-board .piece[data-invalid] { filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 0 red); } `), window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { let _ = null; const e = setInterval(() => { ((_ = document.querySelector('chess-board') || document.createElement('div')).querySelector('.piece.square-11')?.classList.contains('wr') || _.querySelector('.piece.square-11')?.classList.contains('br')) && (clearInterval(e), setTimeout(() => { t(); }, 500)); }, 100); function t() { let e = _.querySelector('.piece.square-11')?.classList.contains('wr') ? 'w' : 'b'; const t = ['wp', 'wr', 'wn', 'wb', 'wq', 'wk', 'bp', 'br', 'bn', 'bb', 'bq', 'bk']; let r = [[!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1]]; const i = [[!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0], [!1, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1], [!1, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0], [!1, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0, !0]]; let n = !1; let l = null; function a() { const t = r; let a = !1; let s = !0; r = [[!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1]]; const o = []; for (let u = 1; u <= 8; u++) { const $ = [!1]; for (let c = 1; c <= 8; c++) { const f = _.querySelector(`.piece.square-${c}${u}`); f && o.push({ element: f, coordinate: { x: c, y: u } }), !!f !== t[u][c] && (a = !0), !!f !== i[u][c] && (s = !1), $.push(!!f); }r.push($); } if (a) { for (const b of (s && (e = (_ = document.querySelector('chess-board') || document.createElement('div')).querySelector('.piece.square-11')?.classList.contains('wr') ? 'w' : 'b'), o)) { const { team: x } = d(b.element); x === e && y(b.coordinate) ? b.element.setAttribute('data-invalid', !0) : b.element.removeAttribute('data-invalid'); }n = !0, clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(() => { n = !1; }, 400); } } function s(_, e, t) { return Math.abs(_.x - e.x) === 1 && _.y + t === e.y; } function o(_, e) { if (_.x === e.x) { if (_.y > e.y) for (let t = _.y - 1; t >= 1; t--) { if (t === e.y) return !0; if (r[t][_.x]) break; } else if (_.y < e.y) for (let i = _.y + 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (i === e.y) return !0; if (r[i][_.x]) break; } } else if (_.y === e.y) { if (_.x > e.x) for (let n = _.x - 1; n >= 1; n--) { if (n === e.x) return !0; if (r[_.y][n]) break; } else if (_.x < e.x) for (let l = _.x + 1; l <= 8; l++) { if (l === e.x) return !0; if (r[_.y][l]) break; } } return !1; } function u(_, e) { return Math.abs(_.x - e.x) === 1 && Math.abs(_.y - e.y) === 2 || Math.abs(_.x - e.x) === 2 && Math.abs(_.y - e.y) === 1; } function $(_, e) { const t = _.x < e.x ? 1 : -1; const i = _.y < e.y ? 1 : -1; for (let n = _.x + t, l = _.y + i; n >= 1 && n <= 8 && l >= 1 && l <= 8;) { if (n === e.x && l === e.y) return !0; if (r[l][n]) break; n += t, l += i; } return !1; } function c(_, e) { return o(_, e) || $(_, e); } function f(_, e) { return !!(Math.abs(_.x - e.x) <= 1 && Math.abs(_.y - e.y) <= 1); } function b(_) { if (!_) return { x: 0, y: 0 }; { const e = _.className; const t = e.indexOf('square-') + 7; const r = e.slice(t, t + 2); return { x: parseInt(r[0], 10), y: parseInt(r[1], 10) }; } } function d(_) { let e = ''; let r = ''; for (const i of _.classList)t.includes(i) && (e = i[0], r = i[1]); return { team: e, type: r }; } function y(t) { const r = _.querySelectorAll('.piece'); for (const i of r) { const { team: n, type: l } = d(i); const a = b(i); if (n != e && (l === 'p' && s(a, t, n === e ? 1 : -1) || l === 'r' && o(a, t) || l === 'n' && u(a, t) || l === 'b' && $(a, t) || l === 'q' && c(a, t) || l === 'k' && f(a, t))) return !0; } return !1; }let x = null; const q = new MutationObserver((_, e) => { clearTimeout(x), x = setTimeout(() => { n ? n = !1 : a(); }, 10); }); q.observe(_, { attributes: !0, childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), _.parentNode.addEventListener('click', () => { setTimeout(() => { const e = b(_.querySelector('.hover-square')); const t = _.querySelectorAll(`.hint, .capture-hint, .piece.square-${e.x}${e.y}`); for (const r of t) { const i = b(r); !0 === y(i) ? r.setAttribute('data-invalid', !0) : r.removeAttribute('data-invalid'); } }, 1); }), a(); } }); } /* ------------------------*\ | | docs.godotengine.org | | \*------------------------*/ else if (domain === 'godotengine.org') { if (location.href.startsWith('https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/')) { location.href = location.href.replace('/stable/', '/3.5/'); } } /* ----------------*\ | | facebook.com | | \*----------------*/ else if (domain === 'facebook.com') { if (window !== window.top) { return; } if (/^[\/]?$/g.test(location.pathname)) { location = '/messages/t/'; } document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--notification-badge', 'transparent'); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--notification-badge', 'transparent'); }); } /* ----------------------*\ | | factschronicle.com | | \*----------------------*/ else if (domain === 'factschronicle.com') { addCss('* { user-select: auto !important; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p { cursor: initial !important; }'); const { setAttribute } = Element.prototype; Element.prototype.setAttribute = function (name) { if (name === 'unselectable') return; return setAttribute.apply(this, arguments); }; Object.defineProperty(window, 'ai_front', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(window, 'ai_run_scripts', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(window, 'disableSelection', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(document, 'oncontextmenu', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(document, 'ondragstart', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(document, 'onload', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(document, 'onmousedown', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(document, 'onkeydown', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(document, 'onselectstart', { configurable: false, value: null, writable: false }); } /* ----------------*\ | | gogoanime.vc | | \*----------------*/ else if (domain.startsWith('gogoanime')) { const console = disableConsoleManipulation(); addCss('html > body ~ div { display: none !important; pointer-events: none !important; }'); blockAllPopups(); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const cdnList = document.querySelector('.anime_muti_link'); cdnList?.querySelectorAll('a[data-video]').forEach((link) => { link.addEventListener('click', () => { const videoLink = link.getAttribute('data-video'); console.log(videoLink); document.querySelector('.play-video > iframe').src = videoLink; }, true); }); }); } else if (['fembed-hd.com', 'sbplay2.xyz', 'dood.ws'].includes(domain) || /(goload\.|gogoplay[0-9]{1,4}\.com)/.test(domain)) { const console = disableConsoleManipulation(); purgeEventListeners((target, event, handler) => { if ((target === window || target === document) && ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click'].includes(event)) { return { halt: true }; } }); addCss('html > body ~ div { display: none !important; pointer-events: none !important; }'); blockAllPopups(); } /* --------------*\ | | google.com | | \*--------------*/ else if (domain === 'google.com') { if (location.pathname.startsWith('/search')) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.querySelectorAll('a[href]').forEach((link) => { link.removeAttribute('onmousedown'); }); }); } } /* -----------------*\ | | instagram.com | | \*-----------------*/ else if (domain === 'instagram.com') { sessionStorage.setItem('loggedOutCTAIsShown', '1'); // Remove popups prompting user to login, when it's not actually necessary. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.body.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const link = e.target.closest('a'); 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} else { window.location = jQuery('.pager-list-left a.chapter:contains(Next)').get(0).href; } } }); } }, 1); } return addEventListenerOriginal.apply(this, arguments); }; } /* -------------------*\ | | mangakakalot.tv | | \*-------------------*/ else if (domain === 'mangakakalot.tv') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.querySelectorAll('[data-src]').forEach((node) => { console.log(node); node.src = node.getAttribute('data-src'); }); }); } /* ---------------*\ | | netflix.com | | \*---------------*/ else if (domain === 'netflix.com') { window.MessageChannel = undefined; addCss(` .lolomoPreview { display: none !important; } .previewModal--container { transform: none !important; } .previewModal--player_container > div { opacity: 1 !important; } .previewModal--info { transform: none !important; opacity: 1 !important; } `); } /* ---------------*\ | | nhentai.com | | \*---------------*/ else if (domain === 'nhentai.net') { const styles = addCss('.reader-buttons-right { display: none !important; } html.reader #image-container.fit-both { height: auto !important; } html.reader #image-container.fit-both img { max-height: none; width: 800px; }'); document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (!window.n) { if (e.key === 'ArrowRight') { document.querySelector('.next').click(); } else if (e.key === 'ArrowLeft') { document.querySelector('.previous').click(); } } }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { if (window.n) { styles.remove(); } document.querySelectorAll('img.lazyload').forEach((image) => { image.src = image.getAttribute('data-src'); image.onerror = () => { image.src = image.getAttribute('data-src'); }; }); document.querySelector('#image-container a').addEventListener('click', (e) => { const imageRect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect(); if (e.clientX < imageRect.left + ((imageRect.right - imageRect.left) / 4)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); document.querySelector('.previous').click(); } }); }); } /* --------------*\ | | piximg.net | | \*--------------*/ else if (domain === 'pximg.net') { const { download } = parseQuery(window.location.search); if (download) { const link = document.createElement('a'); link.download = download.split('/').pop(); link.href = download; link.click(); } } /* -------------*\ | | pixiv.net | | \*-------------*/ else if (domain === 'pixiv.net') { function createDownloadButton() { const zoomControls = document.querySelectorAll('.zoom-controls'); console.log(zoomControls); for (const zoomControl of zoomControls) { console.log(zoomControl); if (!zoomControl.querySelector('.download-button')) { const downloadButton = document.createElement('button'); downloadButton.classList.add('download-button'); downloadButton.style.border = 'none'; downloadButton.style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; downloadButton.style.width = downloadButton.style.height = downloadButton.style.lineHeight = '36px'; downloadButton.style.borderRadius = '300px'; downloadButton.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,.4)'; downloadButton.style.color = 'white'; downloadButton.innerHTML = '⬇'; downloadButton.target = '_blank'; downloadButton.onclick = () => { window.open(`https://i.pximg.net?download=${encodeURIComponent(document.querySelector('.zoomable-area .scaled-image').src)}`, '_blank'); 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