const passport = require('passport') const R = require('ramda') const spMetadata = require('./sp-meta') const misc = require('./utils/misc') const logger = require('./utils/logging') const extraPassportParams = require('./extra-passport-params') const cacheProvider = require('./cache-provider') const { getClient } = require('./utils/openid-client-helper') let prevConfigHash = 0 // These are the (node) strategies loaded so far: [{id: "...", Strategy: ...}, ... ] const passportStrategies = [] function applyMapping (profile, provider) { let mappedProfile try { const mapping = global.providers.find( providerObj => === provider).mapping const additionalParams = profile.extras delete profile.extras logger.log2('debug', `Raw profile is ${JSON.stringify(profile)}`) logger.log2('info', `Applying mapping '${mapping}' to profile`) mappedProfile = require('./mappings/' + mapping)(profile, additionalParams) logger.log2('debug', `Resulting profile data is\n${JSON.stringify(mappedProfile, null, 4)}`) } catch (err) { logger.log2('error', `An error occurred: ${err}`) } return mappedProfile } function getVerifyFunction (provider) { const arity = provider.verifyCallbackArity const uncurried = (...args) => { // profile and callback are the last 2 params in all passport verify functions const profile = args[arity - 2] const extras = args.slice(0, arity - 2) const cb = args[arity - 1] profile.providerKey = profile.extras = extras return cb(null, profile) } // guarantee the function has the arity required return R.curryN(arity, uncurried) } async function setupStrategy (provider) { logger.log2('info', `Setting up strategy for provider ${provider.displayName}`) logger.log2('debug', `Provider data is\n${JSON.stringify(provider, null, 4)}`) const id = const strategyModule = provider.passportStrategyId let Strategy = passportStrategies.find(strategy => === id) // if strategyModule is not found, load it if (Strategy) { Strategy = Strategy.Strategy } else { logger.log2('info', `Loading node strategy module ${strategyModule}`) Strategy = require(strategyModule) if (provider.type === 'oauth' && Strategy.OAuth2Strategy) { Strategy = Strategy.OAuth2Strategy } else { Strategy = Strategy.Strategy } logger.log2('verbose', 'Adding to list of known strategies') passportStrategies.push({ id, Strategy }) } const providerOptions = provider.options // check saml strategy const isSaml = strategyModule === '@node-saml/passport-saml' const verify = getVerifyFunction(provider) // Create strategy if (isSaml) { // Turn off inResponseTo validation if the IDP is configured for IDP-initiated: // "an IDP would never do both IDP initiated and SP initiated..." if (global.iiconfig.authorizationParams.find( authorizationParam => authorizationParam.provider === id)) { providerOptions.validateInResponseTo = false } // Instantiate custom cache provider if required if (providerOptions.validateInResponseTo) { const f = R.anyPass([R.isNil, R.isEmpty]) const exp = providerOptions.requestIdExpirationPeriodMs / 1000 if (!f(providerOptions.redisCacheOptions)) { providerOptions.cacheProvider = cacheProvider.get( 'redis', providerOptions.redisCacheOptions, exp ) } else if (!f(providerOptions.memcachedCacheOptions)) { providerOptions.cacheProvider = cacheProvider.get( 'memcached', providerOptions.memcachedCacheOptions, exp ) } } const samlStrategy = new Strategy(providerOptions, verify) passport.use(id, samlStrategy) spMetadata.generate(provider, samlStrategy) } else if (strategyModule === 'openid-client') { try { const client = await getClient(provider) const oidcStrategyOptions = { client } oidcStrategyOptions.usePKCE = providerOptions.usePKCE || false oidcStrategyOptions.params = providerOptions.params ? providerOptions.params : {} passport.use(id, new Strategy(oidcStrategyOptions, verify)) } catch (error) { logger.log2('error', error.message) } } else { passport.use(id, new Strategy(providerOptions, verify)) } } function parseProp (value) { try { if (typeof value === 'string') { value = JSON.parse(value) } } catch (err) { // not an error. For datatypes other than string, // the original parameter value is returned } return value } /** * @TODO refactor ramda to native */ function fixDataTypes (providers) { for (const provider of providers) { // The subproperties of provider's options potentially come from the server as strings, they should // be converted to other types if possible let value = provider.options if (misc.isObject(value)) { R.forEach((key) => { value[key] = parseProp(value[key]) }, R.keys(value)) } else { logger.log2( 'warn', `Object expected for property options, found ${JSON.stringify(value)}` ) value = {} } provider.options = value // Tries to convert passportAuthnParams to a dictionary, otherwise {} is left value = parseProp(provider.passportAuthnParams) if (!misc.isObject(value)) { // log message only if passportAuthnParams is not absent if (!R.isNil(value)) { logger.log2( 'warn', `Parsable object expected for property passportAuthnParams, found ${JSON.stringify(value)}` ) } value = {} } provider.passportAuthnParams = value } } function mergeProperty (strategyId, obj, property) { const extraParams = extraPassportParams.get(strategyId, property) return R.mergeLeft(obj[property], extraParams) } function fillMissingData (providers) { const paramsToFill = ['passportAuthnParams', 'options'] // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign R.forEach(provider => R.forEach(prop => provider[prop] = mergeProperty( provider.passportStrategyId, provider, prop), paramsToFill), providers) for (const provider of providers) { const options = provider.options const strategyId = provider.passportStrategyId const isSaml = strategyId === '@node-saml/passport-saml' const callbackUrl = R.defaultTo(options.callbackUrl, options.callbackURL) const prefix = global.config.serverURI + '/passport/auth' if (isSaml) { // Different casing in saml options.callbackUrl = R.defaultTo(`${prefix}/saml/${}/callback`, callbackUrl) } else if (strategyId === 'openid-client') { options.redirect_uris = [R.defaultTo(`${prefix}/${}/callback`, callbackUrl)] } else { options.callbackURL = R.defaultTo(`${prefix}/${}/callback`, callbackUrl) // Some passport strategies expect consumer* instead of client* options.consumerKey = options.clientID options.consumerSecret = options.clientSecret // Allow state validation in passport-oauth2 based strategies options.state = true } // Strategies with "special" treatments if (strategyId.indexOf('passport-apple') >= 0 && options.key) { // Smells like apple... try { // @TODO: we have to make the UI fields multiline so they can paste the contents and avoid this options.key = require('fs').readFileSync(options.key, 'utf8') } catch (e) { logger.log2('warn', `There was a problem reading file ${options.key}. Ensure the file exists and is readable`) logger.log2('error', e.stack) options.key = '' } } // Fills verifyCallbackArity (number expected) const value = extraPassportParams.get(strategyId, 'verifyCallbackArity') let toadd if (options.passReqToCallback) { toadd = 1 } else { toadd = 0 } // In most passport strategies the verify callback has arity 4 except for saml if (typeof value === 'number') { provider.verifyCallbackArity = value } else { let arity if (isSaml) { arity = 2 } else { arity = 4 } provider.verifyCallbackArity = toadd + arity } } } /** * Setup providers and sets global `providers` * @param providers : Object containing providers (fetched from config endpoint) * @TODO refactor function name to setupProviders */ function setup (providers) { providers = R.defaultTo([], providers) const hashConfig = misc.hash(providers) if (hashConfig !== prevConfigHash) { // Only makes recomputations if config data changed logger.log2('info', 'Reconfiguring providers') prevConfigHash = hashConfig // Unuse all strategies before reconfiguring R.forEach(s => passport.unuse(s),'id'), passportStrategies)) // "Fix" incoming data fixDataTypes(providers) fillMissingData(providers) R.forEach(setupStrategy, providers) // Needed for routes.js global.providers = providers } } module.exports = { setup, applyMapping }