@echo off setlocal REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo * Check Perl echo. perl -v > NUL 2>&1 if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto chkver echo. echo No Perl executable found, attempt to install Strawberry Perl echo This may take a while depending on your network speed REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo * Download Strawberry Perl package echo. call cscript//nologo getperl.vbs %TEMP%\Perl.msi if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Return Value: "%errorlevel%" echo. echo failed to download perl install file echo. goto error ) REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo * Run automated Perl install echo. msiexec /qb /l* %TEMP%\perl-log.txt /i %TEMP%\Perl.msi PERL_PATH=Yes PERL_EXT=Yes if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Return Value: "%errorlevel%" echo. echo failed to install perl from %TEMP%\Perl.msi echo. del %TEMP%\Perl.msi goto error ) %SystemDrive%\strawberry\perl\bin\perl -v del %TEMP%\Perl.msi REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo * Update PATH variable to include Perl echo. :: delims is a TAB followed by a space FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v Path') DO SET NewPath=%%B ECHO NewPath = %NewPath% set Path=%NewPath% REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :chkver echo. echo * Check Perl version echo. perl -e "exit(int($]));" set _perlmajor=%errorlevel% perl -e "$ver=1000*sprintf(\"%%.3f\", $]); exit(int($ver)-5000);" set _perlminor=%errorlevel% if %_perlmajor% equ 5 ( if %_perlminor% geq 10 ( set _perlversion=5.10 goto install ) if %_perlminor% equ 8 ( set _perlversion=5.8 goto install ) REM Note: GnuCash no longer "officially" supports perl 5.6, but as long as it works it will be allowed... if %_perlminor% equ 6 ( set _perlversion=5.6 goto install ) ) echo. echo Found perl version %_perlmajor%.%_perlminor%, but GnuCash requires at least version 5.8. echo Please install version 5.8 or above of echo * ActivePerl (http://www.activestate.com/store/activeperl) or echo * Strawberry Perl (http://code.google.com/p/strawberry-perl/downloads/) echo and add the bin directory to your Path environment variable. goto error REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :pchk REM echo. REM echo * Run gnc-path-check REM echo. REM perl -w gnc-path-check REM if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :install echo. echo * Install required perl modules echo. perl -w gnc-fq-update if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo * Check environment variable ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY echo. echo. *** echo. *** You need an API key (from https://www.alphavantage.co) echo. *** to run the Perl module Finance::Quote. echo. *** echo. *** Make it available to GnuCash by if not [%ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY%] == [] set "done=(done) " echo. *** - setting the environment variable ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY %done%or echo. *** - starting GnuCash and adding the Alpha Vantage api key in echo. *** Edit-^>Preferences-^>Online Quotes echo. *** REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :success echo. echo * Installation succeeded echo. goto end REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :error: echo. echo An error occurred, see above. echo. REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :end endlocal pause