Function Get-Env { param([string]$variable) $searchPath = "ENV:\$variable" if (Test-Path $searchPath) { (Get-Item $searchPath).Value } } Function Test-IsWindows { if ($isWindows) { #powershell core has a variable already $isWindows } { #older versions don't Get-Env -variable 'OS' -eq 'Windows_NT' } } Function Test-EnvVariablesExist { if (-not($javaHome)) { Write-Host @" JAVA_HOME is not set - you need a java 1.8 or 8 runtime and JAVA_HOME should point to that. You can download either the OpenJDK from: or the Oracle JDK 1.8 but you will need to register: I would suggest you install a 64-bit version of the runtime otherwise you will struggle with memory. Once you have installed Java you need to create an environment variable called JAVA_HOME pointing to the installation directory. For example if you have installed java to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_211" and this folder contains the bin folder and java.exe is inside that bin folder then set JAVA_HOME to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_211 "@ $haveFailure = $true } if (-not($sparkHome)) { Write-Host "SPARK_HOME is not set - download spark from ( extract it to a folder and set SPARK_HOME to that folder" $haveFailure = $true } if (-not($hadoopHome)) { Write-Host "HADOOP_HOME is not set - you need to download winutils.exe and put it in a folder called bin within another folder and set HADOOP_HOME to that parent folder" $haveFailure = $true } if (-not($workerPath)) { Write-Host "DOTNET_WORKER_DIR is not set - you might not be able to run dotnet UDF's" } $haveFailure } Function Test-ErrantSemiColons { if ($javaHome -and $javaHome.contains(';')) { Write-Host "JAVA_HOME should never contain a semi-colon (;) - typically the PATH or CLASS_PATH use semi-colons but if JAVA_HOME has one then it breaks everything, even if it is just sitting at the end." $haveFailure = $true } if ($sparkHome -and $sparkHome.contains(';')) { Write-Host "SPARK_HOME should never contain a semi-colon (;) - typically the PATH or CLASS_PATH use semi-colons but if SPARK_HOME has one then it breaks everything, even if it is just sitting at the end." $haveFailure = $true } if ($hadoopHome -and $hadoopHome.contains(';')) { Write-Host "HADOOP_HOME should never contain a semi-colon (;) - typically the PATH or CLASS_PATH use semi-colons but if HADOOP_HOME has one then it breaks everything, even if it is just sitting at the end." $haveFailure = $true } if ($workerPath -and $workerPath.contains(';')) { Write-Host "DOTNET_WORKER_DIR should never contain a semi-colon (;) - typically the PATH or CLASS_PATH use semi-colons but if DOTNET_WORKER_DIR has one then it breaks everything, even if it is just sitting at the end." $haveFailure = $true } $haveFailure } Function Test-PathsPointToActualContent { $haveFailure = $false if ($hadoopHome -and $isOSWindows) { $path = (Join-Path (Join-Path $hadoopHome 'bin') 'winutils.exe') if (-not(Test-Path $path)) { Write-Host @" HADOOP_HOME is set BUT you also need to download winutils.exe ( and put it in a folder called bin within another folder and set HADOOP_HOME to that parent folder Your HADOOP_HOME is set to '$($hadoopHome)' so winutils should be: '$($path)' "@ $haveFailure = $true } } if ($javaHome) { $path = (Join-Path (Join-Path $javaHome 'bin') 'java.exe') if (-not(Test-Path $path)) { Write-Host "Could not find java.exe in your JAVA_HOME path? Tested path = '$($path)'" $haveFailure = $true } } if($sparkHome){ $path = (Join-Path (Join-Path $sparkHome 'bin') 'spark-submit') if (-not(Test-Path $path)) { Write-Host "Could not find spark-submit in your SPARK_HOME path? Tested path = '$($path)', it looks like SPARK_HOME isn't pointing to the correct folder" $haveFailure = $true } } if($workerPath){ $path = (Join-Path $workerPath 'Microsoft.Spark.Worker.exe') if (-not(Test-Path $path)) { Write-Host "Could not find Microsoft.Spark.Worker.exe in your DOTNET_WORKER_DIR path? Tested path = '$($path)'" $haveFailure = $true } } $haveFailure } Function Test-PathContainsBinPaths{ Function Any{ begin { $any = $False } process { $any = $true } end { $any } } $haveFailure = $false if(-not(($ENV:Path).Split(';') | ?{$_ -ne '' -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $_ 'spark-submit'))} |Any)){ Write-Host "Could not find spark-submit on your path, try adding '%SPARK_HOME%\bin' to your path" $haveFailure = $true } if(-not(($ENV:Path).Split(';') | ?{$_ -ne '' -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $_ 'java.exe'))} |Any)){ Write-Host "Could not find java on your path, try adding '%JAVA_HOME%\bin' to your path" $haveFailure = $true } $haveFailure } $javaHome = (Get-Env JAVA_HOME) $sparkHome = (Get-Env SPARK_HOME) $hadoopHome = (Get-Env HADOOP_HOME) $workerPath = (Get-Env DOTNET_WORKER_DIR) $isOSWindows = Test-IsWindows $haveFailure = $false $haveFailure = $haveFailure -or (Test-EnvVariablesExist) $haveFailure = $haveFailure -or (Test-ErrantSemiColons) $haveFailure = $haveFailure -or (Test-PathsPointToActualContent) $haveFailure = $haveFailure -or (Test-PathContainsBinPaths) if(-not($haveFailure)){ Write-Host 'It certainly looks good, lets run a test job...' Write-Host 'You should see some action and "Pi is roughly 3.142355711778559", if you do then it is all good' Write-Host 'Press enter to run the test...' Read-Host run-example SparkPi }