/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ import {Audit} from './audit.js'; import {EntityClassification} from '../computed/entity-classification.js'; import * as i18n from '../lib/i18n/i18n.js'; import {NetworkRecords} from '../computed/network-records.js'; import {getJavaScriptURLs, getAttributableURLForTask} from '../lib/tracehouse/task-summary.js'; import {TBTImpactTasks} from '../computed/tbt-impact-tasks.js'; const UIStrings = { /** Title of a diagnostic audit that provides details about the code on a web page that the user doesn't control (referred to as "third-party code"). This descriptive title is shown to users when the amount is acceptable and no user action is required. */ title: 'Minimize third-party usage', /** Title of a diagnostic audit that provides details about the code on a web page that the user doesn't control (referred to as "third-party code"). This imperative title is shown to users when there is a significant amount of page execution time caused by third-party code that should be reduced. */ failureTitle: 'Reduce the impact of third-party code', /** Description of a Lighthouse audit that identifies the code on the page that the user doesn't control. This is displayed after a user expands the section to see more. No character length limits. The last sentence starting with 'Learn' becomes link text to additional documentation. */ description: 'Third-party code can significantly impact load performance. ' + 'Limit the number of redundant third-party providers and try to load third-party code after ' + 'your page has primarily finished loading. ' + '[Learn how to minimize third-party impact](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/loading-third-party-javascript/).', /** Label for a table column that displays the name of a third-party provider that potentially links to their website. */ columnThirdParty: 'Third-Party', /** Summary text for the result of a Lighthouse audit that identifies the code on a web page that the user doesn't control (referred to as "third-party code"). This text summarizes the number of distinct entities that were found on the page. */ displayValue: 'Third-party code blocked the main thread for ' + `{timeInMs, number, milliseconds}\xa0ms`, }; const str_ = i18n.createIcuMessageFn(import.meta.url, UIStrings); // A page passes when all third-party code blocks for less than 250 ms. const PASS_THRESHOLD_IN_MS = 250; /** * @typedef Summary * @property {number} mainThreadTime * @property {number} transferSize * @property {number} blockingTime * @property {number} tbtImpact */ /** * @typedef URLSummary * @property {number} transferSize * @property {number} blockingTime * @property {number} tbtImpact * @property {string | LH.IcuMessage} url */ /** @typedef SummaryMaps * @property {Map} byEntity Map of impact summaries for each entity. * @property {Map} byURL Map of impact summaries for each URL. * @property {Map} urls Map of URLs under each entity. */ class ThirdPartySummary extends Audit { /** * @return {LH.Audit.Meta} */ static get meta() { return { id: 'third-party-summary', title: str_(UIStrings.title), failureTitle: str_(UIStrings.failureTitle), description: str_(UIStrings.description), guidanceLevel: 1, scoreDisplayMode: Audit.SCORING_MODES.METRIC_SAVINGS, requiredArtifacts: ['traces', 'devtoolsLogs', 'URL', 'GatherContext'], }; } /** * * @param {Array} networkRecords * @param {Array} tbtImpactTasks * @param {number} cpuMultiplier * @param {LH.Artifacts.EntityClassification} entityClassification * @return {SummaryMaps} */ static getSummaries(networkRecords, tbtImpactTasks, cpuMultiplier, entityClassification) { /** @type {Map} */ const byURL = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const byEntity = new Map(); const defaultSummary = {mainThreadTime: 0, blockingTime: 0, transferSize: 0, tbtImpact: 0}; for (const request of networkRecords) { const urlSummary = byURL.get(request.url) || {...defaultSummary}; urlSummary.transferSize += request.transferSize; byURL.set(request.url, urlSummary); } const jsURLs = getJavaScriptURLs(networkRecords); for (const task of tbtImpactTasks) { const attributableURL = getAttributableURLForTask(task, jsURLs); const urlSummary = byURL.get(attributableURL) || {...defaultSummary}; const taskDuration = task.selfTime * cpuMultiplier; // The amount of time spent on main thread is the sum of all durations. urlSummary.mainThreadTime += taskDuration; // Blocking time is the amount of time spent on the main thread *over* 50ms. // This value is interpolated because not all tasks attributed to this URL are at the top level. // // Note that this is not totally equivalent to the TBT definition since it fails to account for // the FCP&TTI bounds of TBT. urlSummary.blockingTime += task.selfBlockingTime; // TBT impact is similar to blocking time, but it accounts for the FCP&TTI bounds of TBT. urlSummary.tbtImpact += task.selfTbtImpact; byURL.set(attributableURL, urlSummary); } // Map each URL's stat to a particular entity. /** @type {Map} */ const urls = new Map(); for (const [url, urlSummary] of byURL.entries()) { const entity = entityClassification.entityByUrl.get(url); if (!entity) { byURL.delete(url); continue; } const entitySummary = byEntity.get(entity) || {...defaultSummary}; entitySummary.transferSize += urlSummary.transferSize; entitySummary.mainThreadTime += urlSummary.mainThreadTime; entitySummary.blockingTime += urlSummary.blockingTime; entitySummary.tbtImpact += urlSummary.tbtImpact; byEntity.set(entity, entitySummary); const entityURLs = urls.get(entity) || []; entityURLs.push(url); urls.set(entity, entityURLs); } return {byURL, byEntity, urls}; } /** * @param {LH.Artifacts.Entity} entity * @param {SummaryMaps} summaries * @return {Array} */ static makeSubItems(entity, summaries) { const entityURLs = summaries.urls.get(entity) || []; const items = entityURLs .map(url => /** @type {URLSummary} */ ({url, ...summaries.byURL.get(url)})) // Sort by blocking time first, then transfer size to break ties. .sort((a, b) => (b.blockingTime - a.blockingTime) || (b.transferSize - a.transferSize)); return items; } /** * @param {LH.Artifacts} artifacts * @param {LH.Audit.Context} context * @return {Promise} */ static async audit(artifacts, context) { const settings = context.settings || {}; const devtoolsLog = artifacts.devtoolsLogs[Audit.DEFAULT_PASS]; const networkRecords = await NetworkRecords.request(devtoolsLog, context); const classifiedEntities = await EntityClassification.request( {URL: artifacts.URL, devtoolsLog}, context); const firstPartyEntity = classifiedEntities.firstParty; const metricComputationData = Audit.makeMetricComputationDataInput(artifacts, context); const tbtImpactTasks = await TBTImpactTasks.request(metricComputationData, context); const multiplier = settings.throttlingMethod === 'simulate' ? settings.throttling.cpuSlowdownMultiplier : 1; const summaries = ThirdPartySummary.getSummaries( networkRecords, tbtImpactTasks, multiplier, classifiedEntities); const overallSummary = {wastedBytes: 0, wastedMs: 0, tbtImpact: 0}; const results = Array.from(summaries.byEntity.entries()) // Don't consider the page we're on to be third-party. // e.g. Facebook SDK isn't a third-party script on facebook.com .filter(([entity]) => !(firstPartyEntity && firstPartyEntity === entity)) .map(([entity, stats]) => { overallSummary.wastedBytes += stats.transferSize; overallSummary.wastedMs += stats.blockingTime; overallSummary.tbtImpact += stats.tbtImpact; return { ...stats, entity: entity.name, subItems: { type: /** @type {const} */ ('subitems'), items: ThirdPartySummary.makeSubItems(entity, summaries), }, }; }) // Sort by blocking time first, then transfer size to break ties. .sort((a, b) => (b.blockingTime - a.blockingTime) || (b.transferSize - a.transferSize)); /** @type {LH.Audit.Details.Table['headings']} */ const headings = [ /* eslint-disable max-len */ {key: 'entity', valueType: 'text', label: str_(UIStrings.columnThirdParty), subItemsHeading: {key: 'url', valueType: 'url'}}, {key: 'transferSize', granularity: 1, valueType: 'bytes', label: str_(i18n.UIStrings.columnTransferSize), subItemsHeading: {key: 'transferSize'}}, {key: 'blockingTime', granularity: 1, valueType: 'ms', label: str_(i18n.UIStrings.columnBlockingTime), subItemsHeading: {key: 'blockingTime'}}, /* eslint-enable max-len */ ]; if (!results.length) { return { score: 1, notApplicable: true, metricSavings: {TBT: 0}, }; } const details = Audit.makeTableDetails(headings, results, {...overallSummary, isEntityGrouped: true}); const passed = overallSummary.wastedMs <= PASS_THRESHOLD_IN_MS; return { score: Number(passed), scoreDisplayMode: passed ? Audit.SCORING_MODES.INFORMATIVE : undefined, displayValue: str_(UIStrings.displayValue, { timeInMs: overallSummary.wastedMs, }), details, metricSavings: { TBT: Math.round(overallSummary.tbtImpact), }, }; } } export default ThirdPartySummary; export {UIStrings};