#!/bin/bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This script installs NVIDIA GPU drivers and collects GPU utilization metrics. set -euxo pipefail function os_id() ( set +x ; grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2 | xargs ; ) function os_version() ( set +x ; grep '^VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2 | xargs ; ) function os_codename() ( set +x ; grep '^VERSION_CODENAME=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2 | xargs ; ) function version_ge() ( set +x ; [ "$1" = "$(echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | tail -n1)" ] ; ) function version_gt() ( set +x ; [ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 1 || version_ge $1 $2 ; ) function version_le() ( set +x ; [ "$1" = "$(echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1)" ] ; ) function version_lt() ( set +x ; [ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 1 || version_le $1 $2 ; ) readonly -A supported_os=( ['debian']="10 11 12" ['rocky']="8 9" ['ubuntu']="18.04 20.04 22.04" ) # dynamically define OS version test utility functions if [[ "$(os_id)" == "rocky" ]]; then _os_version=$(os_version | sed -e 's/[^0-9].*$//g') else _os_version="$(os_version)"; fi for os_id_val in 'rocky' 'ubuntu' 'debian' ; do eval "function is_${os_id_val}() ( set +x ; [[ \"$(os_id)\" == '${os_id_val}' ]] ; )" for osver in $(echo "${supported_os["${os_id_val}"]}") ; do eval "function is_${os_id_val}${osver%%.*}() ( set +x ; is_${os_id_val} && [[ \"${_os_version}\" == \"${osver}\" ]] ; )" eval "function ge_${os_id_val}${osver%%.*}() ( set +x ; is_${os_id_val} && version_ge \"${_os_version}\" \"${osver}\" ; )" eval "function le_${os_id_val}${osver%%.*}() ( set +x ; is_${os_id_val} && version_le \"${_os_version}\" \"${osver}\" ; )" done done function is_debuntu() ( set +x ; is_debian || is_ubuntu ; ) function os_vercat() ( set +x if is_ubuntu ; then os_version | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g' elif is_rocky ; then os_version | sed -e 's/[^0-9].*$//g' else os_version ; fi ; ) function repair_old_backports { if ! is_debuntu ; then return ; fi # This script uses 'apt-get update' and is therefore potentially dependent on # backports repositories which have been archived. In order to mitigate this # problem, we will use archive.debian.org for the oldoldstable repo # https://github.com/GoogleCloudDataproc/initialization-actions/issues/1157 debdists="https://deb.debian.org/debian/dists" oldoldstable=$(curl ${curl_retry_args} "${debdists}/oldoldstable/Release" | awk '/^Codename/ {print $2}'); oldstable=$( curl ${curl_retry_args} "${debdists}/oldstable/Release" | awk '/^Codename/ {print $2}'); stable=$( curl ${curl_retry_args} "${debdists}/stable/Release" | awk '/^Codename/ {print $2}'); matched_files=( $(test -d /etc/apt && grep -rsil '\-backports' /etc/apt/sources.list*||:) ) for filename in "${matched_files[@]}"; do # Fetch from archive.debian.org for ${oldoldstable}-backports perl -pi -e "s{^(deb[^\s]*) https?://[^/]+/debian ${oldoldstable}-backports } {\$1 https://archive.debian.org/debian ${oldoldstable}-backports }g" "${filename}" done } function print_metadata_value() { local readonly tmpfile=$(mktemp) http_code=$(curl -f "${1}" -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" -w "%{http_code}" \ -s -o ${tmpfile} 2>/dev/null) local readonly return_code=$? # If the command completed successfully, print the metadata value to stdout. if [[ ${return_code} == 0 && ${http_code} == 200 ]]; then cat ${tmpfile} fi rm -f ${tmpfile} return ${return_code} } function print_metadata_value_if_exists() { local return_code=1 local readonly url=$1 print_metadata_value ${url} return_code=$? return ${return_code} } # replicates /usr/share/google/get_metadata_value function get_metadata_value() ( set +x local readonly varname=$1 local -r MDS_PREFIX=http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1 # Print the instance metadata value. print_metadata_value_if_exists ${MDS_PREFIX}/instance/${varname} return_code=$? # If the instance doesn't have the value, try the project. if [[ ${return_code} != 0 ]]; then print_metadata_value_if_exists ${MDS_PREFIX}/project/${varname} return_code=$? fi return ${return_code} ) function get_metadata_attribute() ( set +x local -r attribute_name="$1" local -r default_value="${2:-}" get_metadata_value "attributes/${attribute_name}" || echo -n "${default_value}" ) OS_NAME="$(lsb_release -is | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) readonly OS_NAME # node role ROLE="$(get_metadata_attribute dataproc-role)" readonly ROLE # CUDA version and Driver version # https://docs.nvidia.com/deploy/cuda-compatibility/ # https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/frameworks/support-matrix/index.html # https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads # Minimum supported version for open kernel driver is 515.43.04 # https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules/tags readonly -A DRIVER_FOR_CUDA=( ["10.0"]="410.48" ["10.1"]="418.87.00" ["10.2"]="440.33.01" ["11.1"]="455.45.01" ["11.2"]="460.91.03" ["11.3"]="465.31" ["11.4"]="470.256.02" ["11.5"]="495.46" ["11.6"]="510.108.03" ["11.7"]="515.65.01" ["11.8"]="525.147.05" ["12.0"]="525.147.05" ["12.1"]="530.30.02" ["12.2"]="535.216.01" ["12.3"]="545.29.06" ["12.4"]="550.135" ["12.5"]="550.142" ["12.6"]="550.142" ) readonly -A DRIVER_SUBVER=( ["410"]="410.104" ["415"]="415.27" ["418"]="418.113" ["430"]="430.64" ["435"]="435.21" ["440"]="440.100" ["450"]="450.119.03" ["455"]="455.45.01" ["460"]="460.91.03" ["465"]="465.31" ["470"]="470.256.02" ["495"]="495.46" ["510"]="510.108.03" ["515"]="515.48.07" ["520"]="525.147.05" ["525"]="525.147.05" ["535"]="535.216.01" ["545"]="545.29.06" ["550"]="550.142" ["555"]="555.58.02" ["560"]="560.35.03" ["565"]="565.77" ) # https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn-downloads readonly -A CUDNN_FOR_CUDA=( ["10.0"]="7.4.1" ["10.1"]="7.6.4" ["10.2"]="7.6.5" ["11.0"]="8.0.4" ["11.1"]="8.0.5" ["11.2"]="8.1.1" ["11.3"]="8.2.1" ["11.4"]="" ["11.5"]="" ["11.6"]="" ["11.7"]="" ["11.8"]="" ["12.0"]="" ["12.1"]="" ["12.2"]="8.9.5" ["12.3"]="" ["12.4"]="" ["12.5"]="" ["12.6"]="" ) # https://developer.nvidia.com/nccl/nccl-download readonly -A NCCL_FOR_CUDA=( ["10.0"]="2.3.7" ["10.1"]= ["11.0"]="2.7.8" ["11.1"]="2.8.3" ["11.2"]="2.8.4" ["11.3"]="2.9.9" ["11.4"]="2.11.4" ["11.5"]="2.11.4" ["11.6"]="2.12.10" ["11.7"]="2.12.12" ["11.8"]="2.21.5" ["12.0"]="2.16.5" ["12.1"]="2.18.3" ["12.2"]="2.19.3" ["12.3"]="2.19.4" ["12.4"]="2.23.4" ["12.5"]="2.22.3" ["12.6"]="2.23.4" ) readonly -A CUDA_SUBVER=( ["10.0"]="10.0.130" ["10.1"]="10.1.234" ["10.2"]="10.2.89" ["11.0"]="11.0.3" ["11.1"]="11.1.1" ["11.2"]="11.2.2" ["11.3"]="11.3.1" ["11.4"]="11.4.4" ["11.5"]="11.5.2" ["11.6"]="11.6.2" ["11.7"]="11.7.1" ["11.8"]="11.8.0" ["12.0"]="12.0.1" ["12.1"]="12.1.1" ["12.2"]="12.2.2" ["12.3"]="12.3.2" ["12.4"]="12.4.1" ["12.5"]="12.5.1" ["12.6"]="12.6.3" ) function set_cuda_version() { case "${DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION}" in "2.0" ) DEFAULT_CUDA_VERSION="12.1.1" ;; # Cuda 12.1.1 - Driver v530.30.02 is the latest version supported by Ubuntu 18) "2.1" ) DEFAULT_CUDA_VERSION="12.4.1" ;; "2.2" ) DEFAULT_CUDA_VERSION="12.6.3" ;; * ) echo "unrecognized Dataproc image version: ${DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION}" exit 1 ;; esac local cuda_url cuda_url=$(get_metadata_attribute 'cuda-url' '') if [[ -n "${cuda_url}" ]] ; then # if cuda-url metadata variable has been passed, extract default version from url local CUDA_URL_VERSION CUDA_URL_VERSION="$(echo "${cuda_url}" | perl -pe 's{^.*/cuda_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)_\d+\.\d+\.\d+_linux.run$}{$1}')" if [[ "${CUDA_URL_VERSION}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]] ; then DEFAULT_CUDA_VERSION="${CUDA_URL_VERSION}" fi fi readonly DEFAULT_CUDA_VERSION CUDA_VERSION=$(get_metadata_attribute 'cuda-version' "${DEFAULT_CUDA_VERSION}") if test -n "$(echo "${CUDA_VERSION}" | perl -ne 'print if /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/')" ; then CUDA_FULL_VERSION="${CUDA_VERSION}" CUDA_VERSION="${CUDA_VERSION%.*}" fi readonly CUDA_VERSION if ( ! test -v CUDA_FULL_VERSION ) ; then CUDA_FULL_VERSION=${CUDA_SUBVER["${CUDA_VERSION}"]} fi readonly CUDA_FULL_VERSION } function is_cuda12() ( set +x ; [[ "${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" == "12" ]] ; ) function le_cuda12() ( set +x ; version_le "${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" "12" ; ) function ge_cuda12() ( set +x ; version_ge "${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" "12" ; ) function is_cuda11() ( set +x ; [[ "${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" == "11" ]] ; ) function le_cuda11() ( set +x ; version_le "${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" "11" ; ) function ge_cuda11() ( set +x ; version_ge "${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" "11" ; ) function set_driver_version() { local gpu_driver_url gpu_driver_url=$(get_metadata_attribute 'gpu-driver-url' '') local cuda_url cuda_url=$(get_metadata_attribute 'cuda-url' '') local nv_xf86_x64_base="https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64" local DEFAULT_DRIVER # Take default from gpu-driver-url metadata value if [[ -n "${gpu_driver_url}" ]] ; then DRIVER_URL_DRIVER_VERSION="$(echo "${gpu_driver_url}" | perl -pe 's{^.*/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).run$}{$1}')" if [[ "${DRIVER_URL_DRIVER_VERSION}" =~ ^[0-9]+.*[0-9]$ ]] ; then DEFAULT_DRIVER="${DRIVER_URL_DRIVER_VERSION}" ; fi # Take default from cuda-url metadata value as a backup elif [[ -n "${cuda_url}" ]] ; then local CUDA_URL_DRIVER_VERSION="$(echo "${cuda_url}" | perl -pe 's{^.*/cuda_\d+\.\d+\.\d+_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)_linux.run$}{$1}')" if [[ "${CUDA_URL_DRIVER_VERSION}" =~ ^[0-9]+.*[0-9]$ ]] ; then major_driver_version="${CUDA_URL_DRIVER_VERSION%%.*}" driver_max_maj_version=${DRIVER_SUBVER["${major_driver_version}"]} if curl ${curl_retry_args} --head "${nv_xf86_x64_base}/${CUDA_URL_DRIVER_VERSION}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${CUDA_URL_DRIVER_VERSION}.run" | grep -E -q '^HTTP.*200\s*$' ; then # use the version indicated by the cuda url as the default if it exists DEFAULT_DRIVER="${CUDA_URL_DRIVER_VERSION}" elif curl ${curl_retry_args} --head "${nv_xf86_x64_base}/${driver_max_maj_version}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${driver_max_maj_version}.run" | grep -E -q '^HTTP.*200\s*$' ; then # use the maximum sub-version available for the major version indicated in cuda url as the default DEFAULT_DRIVER="${driver_max_maj_version}" fi fi fi if ( ! test -v DEFAULT_DRIVER ) ; then # If a default driver version has not been extracted, use the default for this version of CUDA DEFAULT_DRIVER=${DRIVER_FOR_CUDA["${CUDA_VERSION}"]} fi DRIVER_VERSION=$(get_metadata_attribute 'gpu-driver-version' "${DEFAULT_DRIVER}") readonly DRIVER_VERSION readonly DRIVER="${DRIVER_VERSION%%.*}" export DRIVER_VERSION DRIVER gpu_driver_url="${nv_xf86_x64_base}/${DRIVER_VERSION}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${DRIVER_VERSION}.run" if ! curl ${curl_retry_args} --head "${gpu_driver_url}" | grep -E -q '^HTTP.*200\s*$' ; then echo "No NVIDIA driver exists for DRIVER_VERSION=${DRIVER_VERSION}" exit 1 fi } function set_cudnn_version() { readonly MIN_ROCKY8_CUDNN8_VERSION="" readonly DEFAULT_CUDNN8_VERSION="" readonly DEFAULT_CUDNN9_VERSION="" # Parameters for NVIDIA-provided cuDNN library readonly DEFAULT_CUDNN_VERSION=${CUDNN_FOR_CUDA["${CUDA_VERSION}"]} CUDNN_VERSION=$(get_metadata_attribute 'cudnn-version' "${DEFAULT_CUDNN_VERSION}") # The minimum cuDNN version supported by rocky is ${MIN_ROCKY8_CUDNN8_VERSION} if ( is_rocky && version_lt "${CUDNN_VERSION}" "${MIN_ROCKY8_CUDNN8_VERSION}" ) ; then CUDNN_VERSION="${MIN_ROCKY8_CUDNN8_VERSION}" elif (ge_ubuntu20 || ge_debian12) && is_cudnn8 ; then # cuDNN v8 is not distribution for ubuntu20+, debian12 CUDNN_VERSION="${DEFAULT_CUDNN9_VERSION}" elif (le_ubuntu18 || le_debian11) && is_cudnn9 ; then # cuDNN v9 is not distributed for ubuntu18, debian10, debian11 ; fall back to 8 CUDNN_VERSION="" fi readonly CUDNN_VERSION } # Short name for urls if is_ubuntu22 ; then # at the time of writing 20241125 there is no ubuntu2204 in the index of repos at # https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/machine-learning/repos/ # use packages from previous release until such time as nvidia # release ubuntu2204 builds nccl_shortname="ubuntu2004" shortname="$(os_id)$(os_vercat)" elif ge_rocky9 ; then # use packages from previous release until such time as nvidia # release rhel9 builds nccl_shortname="rhel8" shortname="rhel9" elif is_rocky ; then shortname="$(os_id | sed -e 's/rocky/rhel/')$(os_vercat)" nccl_shortname="${shortname}" else shortname="$(os_id)$(os_vercat)" nccl_shortname="${shortname}" fi function set_nv_urls() { # Parameters for NVIDIA-provided package repositories readonly NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL='https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute' readonly NVIDIA_REPO_URL="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/cuda/repos/${shortname}/x86_64" # Parameter for NVIDIA-provided Rocky Linux GPU driver readonly NVIDIA_ROCKY_REPO_URL="${NVIDIA_REPO_URL}/cuda-${shortname}.repo" } function set_cuda_runfile_url() { local MAX_DRIVER_VERSION local MAX_CUDA_VERSION MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER="515.43.04" local MIN_DRIVER_VERSION="${MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER}" local MIN_CUDA_VERSION="11.7.1" # matches MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER if is_cuda12 ; then if is_debian12 ; then MIN_DRIVER_VERSION="545.23.06" MIN_CUDA_VERSION="12.3.0" elif is_debian10 ; then MAX_DRIVER_VERSION="555.42.02" MAX_CUDA_VERSION="12.5.0" elif is_ubuntu18 ; then MAX_DRIVER_VERSION="530.30.02" MAX_CUDA_VERSION="12.1.1" fi elif version_ge "${CUDA_VERSION}" "${MIN_CUDA_VERSION}" ; then if le_debian10 ; then # cuda 11 is not supported for <= debian10 MAX_CUDA_VERSION="0" MAX_DRIVER_VERSION="0" fi else echo "Minimum CUDA version supported is ${MIN_CUDA_VERSION}. Specified: ${CUDA_VERSION}" fi if version_lt "${CUDA_VERSION}" "${MIN_CUDA_VERSION}" ; then echo "Minimum CUDA version for ${shortname} is ${MIN_CUDA_VERSION}. Specified: ${CUDA_VERSION}" elif ( test -v MAX_CUDA_VERSION && version_gt "${CUDA_VERSION}" "${MAX_CUDA_VERSION}" ) ; then echo "Maximum CUDA version for ${shortname} is ${MAX_CUDA_VERSION}. Specified: ${CUDA_VERSION}" fi if version_lt "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MIN_DRIVER_VERSION}" ; then echo "Minimum kernel driver version for ${shortname} is ${MIN_DRIVER_VERSION}. Specified: ${DRIVER_VERSION}" elif ( test -v MAX_DRIVER_VERSION && version_gt "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MAX_DRIVER_VERSION}" ) ; then echo "Maximum kernel driver version for ${shortname} is ${MAX_DRIVER_VERSION}. Specified: ${DRIVER_VERSION}" fi # driver version named in cuda runfile filename # (these may not be actual driver versions - see https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/) readonly -A drv_for_cuda=( ["10.0.130"]="410.48" ["10.1.234"]="418.87.00" ["10.2.89"]="440.33.01" ["11.0.3"]="450.51.06" ["11.1.1"]="455.32.00" ["11.2.2"]="460.32.03" ["11.3.1"]="465.19.01" ["11.4.4"]="470.82.01" ["11.5.2"]="495.29.05" ["11.6.2"]="510.47.03" ["11.7.0"]="515.43.04" ["11.7.1"]="515.65.01" ["11.8.0"]="520.61.05" ["12.0.0"]="525.60.13" ["12.0.1"]="525.85.12" ["12.1.0"]="530.30.02" ["12.1.1"]="530.30.02" ["12.2.0"]="535.54.03" ["12.2.1"]="535.86.10" ["12.2.2"]="535.104.05" ["12.3.0"]="545.23.06" ["12.3.1"]="545.23.08" ["12.3.2"]="545.23.08" ["12.4.0"]="550.54.14" ["12.4.1"]="550.54.15" # 550.54.15 is not a driver indexed at https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/ ["12.5.0"]="555.42.02" ["12.5.1"]="555.42.06" # 555.42.02 is indexed, 555.42.06 is not ["12.6.0"]="560.28.03" ["12.6.1"]="560.35.03" ["12.6.2"]="560.35.03" ["12.6.3"]="560.35.05" ) # Verify that the file with the indicated combination exists local drv_ver=${drv_for_cuda["${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}"]} CUDA_RUNFILE="cuda_${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}_${drv_ver}_linux.run" local CUDA_RELEASE_BASE_URL="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/cuda/${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}" local DEFAULT_NVIDIA_CUDA_URL="${CUDA_RELEASE_BASE_URL}/local_installers/${CUDA_RUNFILE}" NVIDIA_CUDA_URL=$(get_metadata_attribute 'cuda-url' "${DEFAULT_NVIDIA_CUDA_URL}") if ! curl ${curl_retry_args} --head "${NVIDIA_CUDA_URL}" | grep -E -q '^HTTP.*200\s*$' ; then echo "No CUDA distribution exists for this combination of DRIVER_VERSION=${drv_ver}, CUDA_VERSION=${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}" if [[ "${DEFAULT_NVIDIA_CUDA_URL}" != "${NVIDIA_CUDA_URL}" ]]; then echo "consider [${DEFAULT_NVIDIA_CUDA_URL}] instead" fi exit 1 fi readonly NVIDIA_CUDA_URL CUDA_RUNFILE="$(echo ${NVIDIA_CUDA_URL} | perl -pe 's{^.+/}{}')" readonly CUDA_RUNFILE if ( version_lt "${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}" "12.3.0" && ge_debian12 ) ; then echo "CUDA 12.3.0 is the minimum CUDA 12 version supported on Debian 12" elif ( version_gt "${CUDA_VERSION}" "12.1.1" && is_ubuntu18 ) ; then echo "CUDA 12.1.1 is the maximum CUDA version supported on ubuntu18. Requested version: ${CUDA_VERSION}" elif ( version_lt "${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" "12" && ge_debian12 ) ; then echo "CUDA 11 not supported on Debian 12. Requested version: ${CUDA_VERSION}" elif ( version_lt "${CUDA_VERSION}" "11.8" && is_rocky9 ) ; then echo "CUDA 11.8.0 is the minimum version for Rocky 9. Requested version: ${CUDA_VERSION}" fi } function set_cudnn_tarball_url() { CUDNN_TARBALL="cudnn-${CUDA_VERSION}-linux-x64-v${CUDNN_VERSION}.tgz" CUDNN_TARBALL_URL="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/redist/cudnn/v${CUDNN_VERSION%.*}/${CUDNN_TARBALL}" if ( version_ge "${CUDNN_VERSION}" "" ); then # When version is greater than or equal to but less than use this format CUDNN_TARBALL="cudnn-linux-x86_64-${CUDNN_VERSION}_cuda${CUDA_VERSION%.*}-archive.tar.xz" if ( version_le "${CUDNN_VERSION}" "" ); then # When cuDNN version is greater than or equal to use this format CUDNN_TARBALL="cudnn-linux-x86_64-${CUDNN_VERSION}_cuda${CUDA_VERSION}-archive.tar.xz" fi # Use legacy url format with one of the tarball name formats depending on version as above CUDNN_TARBALL_URL="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/redist/cudnn/v${CUDNN_VERSION%.*}/local_installers/${CUDA_VERSION}/${CUDNN_TARBALL}" fi if ( version_ge "${CUDA_VERSION}" "12.0" ); then # Use modern url format When cuda version is greater than or equal to 12.0 CUDNN_TARBALL="cudnn-linux-x86_64-${CUDNN_VERSION}_cuda${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}-archive.tar.xz" CUDNN_TARBALL_URL="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/cudnn/redist/cudnn/linux-x86_64/${CUDNN_TARBALL}" fi readonly CUDNN_TARBALL readonly CUDNN_TARBALL_URL } # Whether to install NVIDIA-provided or OS-provided GPU driver GPU_DRIVER_PROVIDER=$(get_metadata_attribute 'gpu-driver-provider' 'NVIDIA') readonly GPU_DRIVER_PROVIDER # Whether to install GPU monitoring agent that sends GPU metrics to Stackdriver INSTALL_GPU_AGENT=$(get_metadata_attribute 'install-gpu-agent' 'false') readonly INSTALL_GPU_AGENT # Dataproc configurations readonly HADOOP_CONF_DIR='/etc/hadoop/conf' readonly HIVE_CONF_DIR='/etc/hive/conf' readonly SPARK_CONF_DIR='/etc/spark/conf' NVIDIA_SMI_PATH='/usr/bin' MIG_MAJOR_CAPS=0 IS_MIG_ENABLED=0 function execute_with_retries() ( set +x local -r cmd="$*" if [[ "$cmd" =~ "^apt-get install" ]] ; then apt-get -y clean apt-get -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout=60 -y autoremove fi for ((i = 0; i < 3; i++)); do set -x time eval "$cmd" > "${install_log}" 2>&1 && retval=$? || { retval=$? ; cat "${install_log}" ; } set +x if [[ $retval == 0 ]] ; then return 0 ; fi sleep 5 done return 1 ) function install_cuda_keyring_pkg() { is_complete cuda-keyring-installed && return local kr_ver=1.1 curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "${NVIDIA_REPO_URL}/cuda-keyring_${kr_ver}-1_all.deb" \ -o "${tmpdir}/cuda-keyring.deb" dpkg -i "${tmpdir}/cuda-keyring.deb" rm -f "${tmpdir}/cuda-keyring.deb" mark_complete cuda-keyring-installed } function uninstall_cuda_keyring_pkg() { apt-get purge -yq cuda-keyring mark_incomplete cuda-keyring-installed } function install_local_cuda_repo() { is_complete install-local-cuda-repo && return pkgname="cuda-repo-${shortname}-${CUDA_VERSION//./-}-local" CUDA_LOCAL_REPO_PKG_NAME="${pkgname}" readonly LOCAL_INSTALLER_DEB="${pkgname}_${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}-${DRIVER_VERSION}-1_amd64.deb" readonly LOCAL_DEB_URL="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/cuda/${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}/local_installers/${LOCAL_INSTALLER_DEB}" readonly DIST_KEYRING_DIR="/var/${pkgname}" curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "${LOCAL_DEB_URL}" -o "${tmpdir}/${LOCAL_INSTALLER_DEB}" dpkg -i "${tmpdir}/${LOCAL_INSTALLER_DEB}" rm "${tmpdir}/${LOCAL_INSTALLER_DEB}" cp ${DIST_KEYRING_DIR}/cuda-*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/ if is_ubuntu ; then curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "${NVIDIA_REPO_URL}/cuda-${shortname}.pin" \ -o /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600 fi mark_complete install-local-cuda-repo } function uninstall_local_cuda_repo(){ apt-get purge -yq "${CUDA_LOCAL_REPO_PKG_NAME}" mark_incomplete install-local-cuda-repo } function install_local_cudnn_repo() { is_complete install-local-cudnn-repo && return pkgname="cudnn-local-repo-${shortname}-${CUDNN_VERSION%.*}" CUDNN_PKG_NAME="${pkgname}" local_deb_fn="${pkgname}_1.0-1_amd64.deb" local_deb_url="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/cudnn/${CUDNN_VERSION%.*}/local_installers/${local_deb_fn}" # ${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/redist/cudnn/v8.6.0/local_installers/11.8/cudnn-linux-x86_64- curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "${local_deb_url}" -o "${tmpdir}/local-installer.deb" dpkg -i "${tmpdir}/local-installer.deb" rm -f "${tmpdir}/local-installer.deb" cp /var/cudnn-local-repo-*-${CUDNN_VERSION%.*}*/cudnn-local-*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings mark_complete install-local-cudnn-repo } function uninstall_local_cudnn_repo() { apt-get purge -yq "${CUDNN_PKG_NAME}" mark_incomplete install-local-cudnn-repo } function install_local_cudnn8_repo() { is_complete install-local-cudnn8-repo && return if is_ubuntu ; then cudnn8_shortname="ubuntu2004" elif is_debian ; then cudnn8_shortname="debian11" else return 0 ; fi if is_cuda12 ; then CUDNN8_CUDA_VER=12.0 elif is_cuda11 ; then CUDNN8_CUDA_VER=11.8 else CUDNN8_CUDA_VER="${CUDA_VERSION}" ; fi cudnn_pkg_version="${CUDNN_VERSION}-1+cuda${CUDNN8_CUDA_VER}" pkgname="cudnn-local-repo-${cudnn8_shortname}-${CUDNN_VERSION}" CUDNN8_PKG_NAME="${pkgname}" deb_fn="${pkgname}_1.0-1_amd64.deb" local_deb_fn="${tmpdir}/${deb_fn}" local_deb_url="${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/redist/cudnn/v${CUDNN_VERSION%.*}/local_installers/${CUDNN8_CUDA_VER}/${deb_fn}" # cache the cudnn package cache_fetched_package "${local_deb_url}" \ "${pkg_bucket}/nvidia/cudnn/${CUDNN8_CUDA_VER}/${deb_fn}" \ "${local_deb_fn}" local cudnn_path="$(dpkg -c ${local_deb_fn} | perl -ne 'if(m{(/var/cudnn-local-repo-.*)/\s*$}){print $1}')" # If we are using a ram disk, mount another where we will unpack the cudnn local installer if [[ "${tmpdir}" == "/mnt/shm" ]] && ! grep -q '/var/cudnn-local-repo' /proc/mounts ; then mkdir -p "${cudnn_path}" mount -t tmpfs tmpfs "${cudnn_path}" fi dpkg -i "${local_deb_fn}" rm -f "${local_deb_fn}" cp "${cudnn_path}"/cudnn-local-*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings mark_complete install-local-cudnn8-repo } function uninstall_local_cudnn8_repo() { apt-get purge -yq "${CUDNN8_PKG_NAME}" mark_incomplete install-local-cudnn8-repo } function install_nvidia_nccl() { readonly DEFAULT_NCCL_VERSION=${NCCL_FOR_CUDA["${CUDA_VERSION}"]} readonly NCCL_VERSION=$(get_metadata_attribute 'nccl-version' ${DEFAULT_NCCL_VERSION}) is_complete nccl && return if is_cuda11 && is_debian12 ; then echo "NCCL cannot be compiled for CUDA 11 on ${_shortname}" return fi local -r nccl_version="${NCCL_VERSION}-1+cuda${CUDA_VERSION}" mkdir -p "${workdir}" pushd "${workdir}" test -d "${workdir}/nccl" || { local tarball_fn="v${NCCL_VERSION}-1.tar.gz" curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl/archive/refs/tags/${tarball_fn}" \ | tar xz mv "nccl-${NCCL_VERSION}-1" nccl } local build_path if is_debuntu ; then build_path="nccl/build/pkg/deb" ; else build_path="nccl/build/pkg/rpm/x86_64" ; fi test -d "${workdir}/nccl/build" || { local build_tarball="nccl-build_${_shortname}_${nccl_version}.tar.gz" local local_tarball="${workdir}/${build_tarball}" local gcs_tarball="${pkg_bucket}/nvidia/nccl/${_shortname}/${build_tarball}" if [[ "$(hostname -s)" =~ ^test && "$(nproc)" < 32 ]] ; then # when running with fewer than 32 cores, yield to in-progress build sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 11 ) + 10 )) if gcloud storage ls -j "${gcs_tarball}.building" > "${local_tarball}.building.json" ; then local build_start_time="$(jq -r .[0].metadata.timeCreated "${local_tarball}.building.json")" local build_start_epoch="$(date -d "${build_start_time}" +%s)" local timeout_epoch=$((build_start_epoch + 2700)) # 45 minutes while gsutil ls -L "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; do local now_epoch="$(date -u +%s)" if (( now_epoch > timeout_epoch )) ; then # detect unexpected build failure after 45m gsutil rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" break fi sleep 5m done fi fi output=$(gsutil ls "${gcs_tarball}" 2>&1 || echo '') if echo "${output}" | grep -q "${gcs_tarball}" ; then # cache hit - unpack from cache echo "cache hit" gcloud storage cat "${gcs_tarball}" | tar xvz else # build and cache touch "${local_tarball}.building" gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}.building" "${gcs_tarball}.building" building_file="${gcs_tarball}.building" pushd nccl # https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl?tab=readme-ov-file#install install_build_dependencies # https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl/blob/master/README.md # https://arnon.dk/matching-sm-architectures-arch-and-gencode-for-various-nvidia-cards/ # Fermi: SM_20, compute_30 # Kepler: SM_30,SM_35,SM_37, compute_30,compute_35,compute_37 # Maxwell: SM_50,SM_52,SM_53, compute_50,compute_52,compute_53 # Pascal: SM_60,SM_61,SM_62, compute_60,compute_61,compute_62 # The following architectures are suppored by open kernel driver # Volta: SM_70,SM_72, compute_70,compute_72 # Ampere: SM_80,SM_86,SM_87, compute_80,compute_86,compute_87 # The following architectures are supported by CUDA v11.8+ # Ada: SM_89, compute_89 # Hopper: SM_90,SM_90a compute_90,compute_90a # Blackwell: SM_100, compute_100 NVCC_GENCODE="-gencode=arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 -gencode=arch=compute_72,code=sm_72" NVCC_GENCODE="${NVCC_GENCODE} -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -gencode=arch=compute_86,code=sm_86" if version_gt "${CUDA_VERSION}" "11.6" ; then NVCC_GENCODE="${NVCC_GENCODE} -gencode=arch=compute_87,code=sm_87" ; fi if version_ge "${CUDA_VERSION}" "11.8" ; then NVCC_GENCODE="${NVCC_GENCODE} -gencode=arch=compute_89,code=sm_89" ; fi if version_ge "${CUDA_VERSION}" "12.0" ; then NVCC_GENCODE="${NVCC_GENCODE} -gencode=arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 -gencode=arch=compute_90a,code=compute_90a" ; fi if is_debuntu ; then # These packages are required to build .deb packages from source execute_with_retries \ apt-get install -y -qq build-essential devscripts debhelper fakeroot export NVCC_GENCODE execute_with_retries make -j$(nproc) pkg.debian.build elif is_rocky ; then # These packages are required to build .rpm packages from source execute_with_retries \ dnf -y -q install rpm-build rpmdevtools export NVCC_GENCODE execute_with_retries make -j$(nproc) pkg.redhat.build fi tar czvf "${local_tarball}" "../${build_path}" make clean popd tar xzvf "${local_tarball}" gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}" "${gcs_tarball}" if gcloud storage ls "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; then gcloud storage rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" || true ; fi building_file="" rm "${local_tarball}" fi } if is_debuntu ; then dpkg -i "${build_path}/libnccl${NCCL_VERSION%%.*}_${nccl_version}_amd64.deb" "${build_path}/libnccl-dev_${nccl_version}_amd64.deb" elif is_rocky ; then rpm -ivh "${build_path}/libnccl-${nccl_version}.x86_64.rpm" "${build_path}/libnccl-devel-${nccl_version}.x86_64.rpm" fi popd mark_complete nccl } function is_src_nvidia() ( set +x ; [[ "${GPU_DRIVER_PROVIDER}" == "NVIDIA" ]] ; ) function is_src_os() ( set +x ; [[ "${GPU_DRIVER_PROVIDER}" == "OS" ]] ; ) function install_nvidia_cudnn() { is_complete cudnn && return if le_debian10 ; then return ; fi local major_version major_version="${CUDNN_VERSION%%.*}" local cudnn_pkg_version cudnn_pkg_version="${CUDNN_VERSION}-1+cuda${CUDA_VERSION}" if is_rocky ; then if is_cudnn8 ; then execute_with_retries dnf -y -q install \ "libcudnn${major_version}" \ "libcudnn${major_version}-devel" sync elif is_cudnn9 ; then execute_with_retries dnf -y -q install \ "libcudnn9-static-cuda-${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" \ "libcudnn9-devel-cuda-${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" sync else echo "Unsupported cudnn version: '${major_version}'" fi elif is_debuntu; then if ge_debian12 && is_src_os ; then apt-get -y install nvidia-cudnn else if is_cudnn8 ; then add_repo_cuda apt-get update -qq # Ignore version requested and use the latest version in the package index cudnn_pkg_version="$(apt-cache show libcudnn8 | awk "/^Ver.*cuda${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}.*/ {print \$2}" | sort -V | tail -1)" execute_with_retries \ apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \ "libcudnn8=${cudnn_pkg_version}" \ "libcudnn8-dev=${cudnn_pkg_version}" sync elif is_cudnn9 ; then install_cuda_keyring_pkg apt-get update -qq execute_with_retries \ apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \ "libcudnn9-cuda-${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" \ "libcudnn9-dev-cuda-${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" \ "libcudnn9-static-cuda-${CUDA_VERSION%%.*}" sync else echo "Unsupported cudnn version: [${CUDNN_VERSION}]" fi fi else echo "Unsupported OS: '${OS_NAME}'" exit 1 fi ldconfig echo "NVIDIA cuDNN successfully installed for ${OS_NAME}." mark_complete cudnn } function install_pytorch() { is_complete pytorch && return local env env=$(get_metadata_attribute 'gpu-conda-env' 'dpgce') local mc3=/opt/conda/miniconda3 local envpath="${mc3}/envs/${env}" if [[ "${env}" == "base" ]]; then echo "WARNING: installing to base environment known to cause solve issues" ; envpath="${mc3}" ; fi # Set numa node to 0 for all GPUs for f in $(ls /sys/module/nvidia/drivers/pci:nvidia/*/numa_node) ; do echo 0 > ${f} ; done local build_tarball="pytorch_${env}_${_shortname}_cuda${CUDA_VERSION}.tar.gz" local local_tarball="${workdir}/${build_tarball}" local gcs_tarball="${pkg_bucket}/conda/${_shortname}/${build_tarball}" if [[ "$(hostname -s)" =~ ^test && "$(nproc)" < 32 ]] ; then # when running with fewer than 32 cores, yield to in-progress build sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 11 ) + 10 )) if gcloud storage ls -j "${gcs_tarball}.building" > "${local_tarball}.building.json" ; then local build_start_time="$(jq -r .[0].metadata.timeCreated "${local_tarball}.building.json")" local build_start_epoch="$(date -d "${build_start_time}" +%s)" local timeout_epoch=$((build_start_epoch + 2700)) # 45 minutes while gsutil ls -L "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; do local now_epoch="$(date -u +%s)" if (( now_epoch > timeout_epoch )) ; then # detect unexpected build failure after 45m gsutil rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" break fi sleep 5m done fi fi output=$(gsutil ls "${gcs_tarball}" 2>&1 || echo '') if echo "${output}" | grep -q "${gcs_tarball}" ; then # cache hit - unpack from cache echo "cache hit" mkdir -p "${envpath}" gcloud storage cat "${gcs_tarball}" | tar -C "${envpath}" -xz else touch "${local_tarball}.building" gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}.building" "${gcs_tarball}.building" building_file="${gcs_tarball}.building" local verb=create if test -d "${envpath}" ; then verb=install ; fi cudart_spec="cuda-cudart" if le_cuda11 ; then cudart_spec="cudatoolkit" ; fi # Install pytorch and company to this environment "${mc3}/bin/mamba" "${verb}" -n "${env}" \ -c conda-forge -c nvidia -c rapidsai \ numba pytorch tensorflow[and-cuda] rapids pyspark \ "cuda-version<=${CUDA_VERSION}" "${cudart_spec}" # Install jupyter kernel in this environment "${envpath}/bin/python3" -m pip install ipykernel # package environment and cache in GCS pushd "${envpath}" tar czf "${local_tarball}" . popd gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}" "${gcs_tarball}" if gcloud storage ls "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; then gcloud storage rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" || true ; fi building_file="" fi # register the environment as a selectable kernel "${envpath}/bin/python3" -m ipykernel install --name "${env}" --display-name "Python (${env})" mark_complete pytorch } function configure_dkms_certs() { if test -v PSN && [[ -z "${PSN}" ]]; then echo "No signing secret provided. skipping"; return 0 fi mkdir -p "${CA_TMPDIR}" # If the private key exists, verify it if [[ -f "${CA_TMPDIR}/db.rsa" ]]; then echo "Private key material exists" local expected_modulus_md5sum expected_modulus_md5sum=$(get_metadata_attribute modulus_md5sum) if [[ -n "${expected_modulus_md5sum}" ]]; then modulus_md5sum="${expected_modulus_md5sum}" # Verify that cert md5sum matches expected md5sum if [[ "${modulus_md5sum}" != "$(openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in "${CA_TMPDIR}/db.rsa" | openssl md5 | awk '{print $2}')" ]]; then echo "unmatched rsa key" fi # Verify that key md5sum matches expected md5sum if [[ "${modulus_md5sum}" != "$(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in ${mok_der} | openssl md5 | awk '{print $2}')" ]]; then echo "unmatched x509 cert" fi else modulus_md5sum="$(openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in "${CA_TMPDIR}/db.rsa" | openssl md5 | awk '{print $2}')" fi ln -sf "${CA_TMPDIR}/db.rsa" "${mok_key}" return fi # Retrieve cloud secrets keys local sig_priv_secret_name sig_priv_secret_name="${PSN}" local sig_pub_secret_name sig_pub_secret_name="$(get_metadata_attribute public_secret_name)" local sig_secret_project sig_secret_project="$(get_metadata_attribute secret_project)" local sig_secret_version sig_secret_version="$(get_metadata_attribute secret_version)" # If metadata values are not set, do not write mok keys if [[ -z "${sig_priv_secret_name}" ]]; then return 0 ; fi # Write private material to volatile storage gcloud secrets versions access "${sig_secret_version}" \ --project="${sig_secret_project}" \ --secret="${sig_priv_secret_name}" \ | dd status=none of="${CA_TMPDIR}/db.rsa" # Write public material to volatile storage gcloud secrets versions access "${sig_secret_version}" \ --project="${sig_secret_project}" \ --secret="${sig_pub_secret_name}" \ | base64 --decode \ | dd status=none of="${CA_TMPDIR}/db.der" local mok_directory="$(dirname "${mok_key}")" mkdir -p "${mok_directory}" # symlink private key and copy public cert from volatile storage to DKMS directory ln -sf "${CA_TMPDIR}/db.rsa" "${mok_key}" cp -f "${CA_TMPDIR}/db.der" "${mok_der}" modulus_md5sum="$(openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in "${mok_key}" | openssl md5 | awk '{print $2}')" } function clear_dkms_key { if [[ -z "${PSN}" ]]; then echo "No signing secret provided. skipping" >&2 return 0 fi rm -rf "${CA_TMPDIR}" "${mok_key}" } function add_contrib_component() { if ! is_debuntu ; then return ; fi if ge_debian12 ; then # Include in sources file components on which nvidia-kernel-open-dkms depends local -r debian_sources="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources" local components="main contrib" sed -i -e "s/Components: .*$/Components: ${components}/" "${debian_sources}" elif is_debian ; then sed -i -e 's/ main$/ main contrib/' /etc/apt/sources.list fi } function add_nonfree_components() { if is_src_nvidia ; then return; fi if ge_debian12 ; then # Include in sources file components on which nvidia-open-kernel-dkms depends local -r debian_sources="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources" local components="main contrib non-free non-free-firmware" sed -i -e "s/Components: .*$/Components: ${components}/" "${debian_sources}" elif is_debian ; then sed -i -e 's/ main$/ main contrib non-free/' /etc/apt/sources.list fi } # # Install package signing key and add corresponding repository # https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/install-guide.html function add_repo_nvidia_container_toolkit() { local nvctk_root="https://nvidia.github.io/libnvidia-container" local signing_key_url="${nvctk_root}/gpgkey" local repo_data if is_debuntu ; then repo_data="${nvctk_root}/stable/deb/\$(ARCH) /" else repo_data="${nvctk_root}/stable/rpm/nvidia-container-toolkit.repo" ; fi os_add_repo nvidia-container-toolkit \ "${signing_key_url}" \ "${repo_data}" \ "no" } function add_repo_cuda() { if is_debuntu ; then if version_le "${CUDA_VERSION}" 11.6 ; then local kr_path=/usr/share/keyrings/cuda-archive-keyring.gpg local sources_list_path="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda-${shortname}-x86_64.list" echo "deb [signed-by=${kr_path}] https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/${shortname}/x86_64/ /" \ | sudo tee "${sources_list_path}" curl ${curl_retry_args} "${NVIDIA_BASE_DL_URL}/cuda/repos/${shortname}/x86_64/cuda-archive-keyring.gpg" \ -o "${kr_path}" else install_cuda_keyring_pkg # 11.7+, 12.0+ fi elif is_rocky ; then execute_with_retries "dnf config-manager --add-repo ${NVIDIA_ROCKY_REPO_URL}" fi } readonly uname_r=$(uname -r) function build_driver_from_github() { # non-GPL driver will have been built on rocky8 or if driver version is prior to open kernel version if ( is_rocky8 || version_lt "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER}" ) ; then return 0 ; fi pushd "${workdir}" test -d "${workdir}/open-gpu-kernel-modules" || { tarball_fn="${DRIVER_VERSION}.tar.gz" curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules/archive/refs/tags/${tarball_fn}" \ | tar xz mv "open-gpu-kernel-modules-${DRIVER_VERSION}" open-gpu-kernel-modules } local nvidia_ko_path="$(find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ -name 'nvidia.ko')" test -n "${nvidia_ko_path}" && test -f "${nvidia_ko_path}" || { local build_tarball="kmod_${_shortname}_${DRIVER_VERSION}.tar.gz" local local_tarball="${workdir}/${build_tarball}" local build_dir if test -v modulus_md5sum && [[ -n "${modulus_md5sum}" ]] then build_dir="${modulus_md5sum}" else build_dir="unsigned" ; fi local gcs_tarball="${pkg_bucket}/nvidia/kmod/${_shortname}/${uname_r}/${build_dir}/${build_tarball}" if [[ "$(hostname -s)" =~ ^test && "$(nproc)" < 32 ]] ; then # when running with fewer than 32 cores, yield to in-progress build sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 11 ) + 10 )) if gcloud storage ls -j "${gcs_tarball}.building" > "${local_tarball}.building.json" ; then local build_start_time="$(jq -r .[0].metadata.timeCreated "${local_tarball}.building.json")" local build_start_epoch="$(date -d "${build_start_time}" +%s)" local timeout_epoch=$((build_start_epoch + 2700)) # 45 minutes while gsutil ls -L "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; do local now_epoch="$(date -u +%s)" if (( now_epoch > timeout_epoch )) ; then # detect unexpected build failure after 45m gsutil rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" break fi sleep 5m done fi fi if gsutil ls "${gcs_tarball}" 2>&1 | grep -q "${gcs_tarball}" ; then echo "cache hit" else # build the kernel modules touch "${local_tarball}.building" gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}.building" "${gcs_tarball}.building" building_file="${gcs_tarball}.building" pushd open-gpu-kernel-modules install_build_dependencies if ( is_cuda11 && is_ubuntu22 ) ; then echo "Kernel modules cannot be compiled for CUDA 11 on ${_shortname}" exit 1 fi execute_with_retries make -j$(nproc) modules \ > kernel-open/build.log \ 2> kernel-open/build_error.log # Sign kernel modules if [[ -n "${PSN}" ]]; then configure_dkms_certs for module in $(find open-gpu-kernel-modules/kernel-open -name '*.ko'); do "/lib/modules/${uname_r}/build/scripts/sign-file" sha256 \ "${mok_key}" \ "${mok_der}" \ "${module}" done clear_dkms_key fi make modules_install \ >> kernel-open/build.log \ 2>> kernel-open/build_error.log # Collect build logs and installed binaries tar czvf "${local_tarball}" \ "${workdir}/open-gpu-kernel-modules/kernel-open/"*.log \ $(find /lib/modules/${uname_r}/ -iname 'nvidia*.ko') gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}" "${gcs_tarball}" if gcloud storage ls "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; then gcloud storage rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" || true ; fi building_file="" rm "${local_tarball}" make clean popd fi gcloud storage cat "${gcs_tarball}" | tar -C / -xzv depmod -a } popd } function build_driver_from_packages() { if is_debuntu ; then if [[ -n "$(apt-cache search -n "nvidia-driver-${DRIVER}-server-open")" ]] ; then local pkglist=("nvidia-driver-${DRIVER}-server-open") ; else local pkglist=("nvidia-driver-${DRIVER}-open") ; fi if is_debian ; then pkglist=( "firmware-nvidia-gsp=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" "nvidia-smi=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" "nvidia-alternative=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" "nvidia-kernel-open-dkms=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" "nvidia-kernel-support=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" "nvidia-modprobe=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" "libnvidia-ml1=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" ) fi add_contrib_component apt-get update -qq execute_with_retries apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends dkms configure_dkms_certs execute_with_retries apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends "${pkglist[@]}" sync elif is_rocky ; then configure_dkms_certs if execute_with_retries dnf -y -q module install "nvidia-driver:${DRIVER}-dkms" ; then echo "nvidia-driver:${DRIVER}-dkms installed successfully" else execute_with_retries dnf -y -q module install 'nvidia-driver:latest' fi sync fi clear_dkms_key } function install_nvidia_userspace_runfile() { # Parameters for NVIDIA-provided Debian GPU driver readonly DEFAULT_USERSPACE_URL="https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/${DRIVER_VERSION}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${DRIVER_VERSION}.run" readonly USERSPACE_URL=$(get_metadata_attribute 'gpu-driver-url' "${DEFAULT_USERSPACE_URL}") USERSPACE_FILENAME="$(echo ${USERSPACE_URL} | perl -pe 's{^.+/}{}')" readonly USERSPACE_FILENAME # This .run file contains NV's OpenGL implementation as well as # nvidia optimized implementations of the gtk+ 2,3 stack(s) not # including glib (https://docs.gtk.org/glib/), and what appears to # be a copy of the source from the kernel-open directory of for # example DRIVER_VERSION=560.35.03 # # https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules/archive/refs/tags/560.35.03.tar.gz # # wget https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/560.35.03/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-560.35.03.run # sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-560.35.03.run -x # this will allow you to review the contents of the package without installing it. is_complete userspace && return local local_fn="${tmpdir}/userspace.run" cache_fetched_package "${USERSPACE_URL}" \ "${pkg_bucket}/nvidia/${USERSPACE_FILENAME}" \ "${local_fn}" local runfile_args runfile_args="" local cache_hit="0" local local_tarball if ( is_rocky8 || version_lt "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER}" ) ; then local nvidia_ko_path="$(find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ -name 'nvidia.ko')" test -n "${nvidia_ko_path}" && test -f "${nvidia_ko_path}" || { local build_tarball="kmod_${_shortname}_${DRIVER_VERSION}.tar.gz" local_tarball="${workdir}/${build_tarball}" local build_dir if test -v modulus_md5sum && [[ -n "${modulus_md5sum}" ]] then build_dir="${modulus_md5sum}" else build_dir="unsigned" ; fi local gcs_tarball="${pkg_bucket}/nvidia/kmod/${_shortname}/${uname_r}/${build_dir}/${build_tarball}" if [[ "$(hostname -s)" =~ ^test && "$(nproc)" < 32 ]] ; then # when running with fewer than 32 cores, yield to in-progress build sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 11 ) + 10 )) if gcloud storage ls -j "${gcs_tarball}.building" > "${local_tarball}.building.json" ; then local build_start_time="$(jq -r .[0].metadata.timeCreated "${local_tarball}.building.json")" local build_start_epoch="$(date -d "${build_start_time}" +%s)" local timeout_epoch=$((build_start_epoch + 2700)) # 45 minutes while gsutil ls -L "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; do local now_epoch="$(date -u +%s)" if (( now_epoch > timeout_epoch )) ; then # detect unexpected build failure after 45m gsutil rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" break fi sleep 5m done fi fi if gsutil ls "${gcs_tarball}" 2>&1 | grep -q "${gcs_tarball}" ; then cache_hit="1" if version_ge "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER}" ; then runfile_args="${runfile_args} --no-kernel-modules" fi echo "cache hit" else # build the kernel modules touch "${local_tarball}.building" gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}.building" "${gcs_tarball}.building" building_file="${gcs_tarball}.building" install_build_dependencies configure_dkms_certs local signing_options signing_options="" if [[ -n "${PSN}" ]]; then signing_options="--module-signing-hash sha256 \ --module-signing-x509-hash sha256 \ --module-signing-secret-key \"${mok_key}\" \ --module-signing-public-key \"${mok_der}\" \ --module-signing-script \"/lib/modules/${uname_r}/build/scripts/sign-file\" \ " fi runfile_args="${signing_options}" if version_ge "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER}" ; then runfile_args="${runfile_args} --no-dkms" fi fi } elif version_ge "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER}" ; then runfile_args="--no-kernel-modules" fi execute_with_retries bash "${local_fn}" -e -q \ ${runfile_args} \ --ui=none \ --install-libglvnd \ --tmpdir="${tmpdir}" if ( is_rocky8 || version_lt "${DRIVER_VERSION}" "${MIN_OPEN_DRIVER_VER}" ) ; then if [[ "${cache_hit}" == "1" ]] ; then gcloud storage cat "${gcs_tarball}" | tar -C / -xzv depmod -a else clear_dkms_key tar czvf "${local_tarball}" \ /var/log/nvidia-installer.log \ $(find /lib/modules/${uname_r}/ -iname 'nvidia*.ko') gcloud storage cp "${local_tarball}" "${gcs_tarball}" if gcloud storage ls "${gcs_tarball}.building" ; then gcloud storage rm "${gcs_tarball}.building" || true ; fi building_file="" fi fi rm -f "${local_fn}" mark_complete userspace sync } function install_cuda_runfile() { is_complete cuda && return local local_fn="${tmpdir}/cuda.run" cache_fetched_package "${NVIDIA_CUDA_URL}" \ "${pkg_bucket}/nvidia/${CUDA_RUNFILE}" \ "${local_fn}" execute_with_retries bash "${local_fn}" --toolkit --no-opengl-libs --silent --tmpdir="${tmpdir}" rm -f "${local_fn}" mark_complete cuda sync } function install_cuda_toolkit() { local cudatk_package=cuda-toolkit if ge_debian12 && is_src_os ; then cudatk_package="${cudatk_package}=${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}-1" elif [[ -n "${CUDA_VERSION}" ]]; then cudatk_package="${cudatk_package}-${CUDA_VERSION//./-}" fi cuda_package="cuda=${CUDA_FULL_VERSION}-1" readonly cudatk_package if is_debuntu ; then # if is_ubuntu ; then execute_with_retries "apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends cuda-drivers-${DRIVER}=${DRIVER_VERSION}-1" ; fi execute_with_retries apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends ${cuda_package} ${cudatk_package} elif is_rocky ; then # rocky9: cuda-11-[7,8], cuda-12-[1..6] execute_with_retries dnf -y -q install "${cudatk_package}" fi sync } function load_kernel_module() { # for some use cases, the kernel module needs to be removed before first use of nvidia-smi for module in nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm nvidia_modeset nvidia ; do ( set +e rmmod ${module} > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "unable to rmmod ${module}" ) done depmod -a modprobe nvidia for suffix in uvm modeset drm; do modprobe "nvidia-${suffix}" done # TODO: if peermem is available, also modprobe nvidia-peermem } function install_cuda(){ is_complete cuda-repo && return if [[ "${gpu_count}" == "0" ]] ; then return ; fi if ( ge_debian12 && is_src_os ) ; then echo "installed with the driver on ${_shortname}" return 0 fi # The OS package distributions are unreliable install_cuda_runfile # Includes CUDA packages add_repo_cuda mark_complete cuda-repo } function install_nvidia_container_toolkit() { is_complete install-nvtk && return local container_runtime_default if command -v docker ; then container_runtime_default='docker' elif command -v containerd ; then container_runtime_default='containerd' elif command -v crio ; then container_runtime_default='crio' else container_runtime_default='' ; fi CONTAINER_RUNTIME=$(get_metadata_attribute 'container-runtime' "${container_runtime_default}") if test -z "${CONTAINER_RUNTIME}" ; then return ; fi add_repo_nvidia_container_toolkit if is_debuntu ; then execute_with_retries apt-get install -y -q nvidia-container-toolkit ; else execute_with_retries dnf install -y -q nvidia-container-toolkit ; fi nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime="${CONTAINER_RUNTIME}" systemctl restart "${CONTAINER_RUNTIME}" mark_complete install-nvtk } # Install NVIDIA GPU driver provided by NVIDIA function install_nvidia_gpu_driver() { is_complete gpu-driver && return if [[ "${gpu_count}" == "0" ]] ; then return ; fi if ( ge_debian12 && is_src_os ) ; then add_nonfree_components apt-get update -qq apt-get -yq install \ dkms \ nvidia-open-kernel-dkms \ nvidia-open-kernel-support \ nvidia-smi \ libglvnd0 \ libcuda1 echo "NVIDIA GPU driver provided by ${_shortname} was installed successfully" return 0 fi # OS driver packages do not produce reliable driver ; use runfile install_nvidia_userspace_runfile build_driver_from_github echo "NVIDIA GPU driver provided by NVIDIA was installed successfully" mark_complete gpu-driver } function install_ops_agent(){ is_complete ops-agent && return mkdir -p /opt/google cd /opt/google # https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/docs/solutions/agents/ops-agent/installation curl ${curl_retry_args} -O https://dl.google.com/cloudagents/add-google-cloud-ops-agent-repo.sh execute_with_retries bash add-google-cloud-ops-agent-repo.sh --also-install mark_complete ops-agent } # Collects 'gpu_utilization' and 'gpu_memory_utilization' metrics function install_gpu_agent() { # Stackdriver GPU agent parameters # local -r GPU_AGENT_REPO_URL='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ml-on-gcp/master/dlvm/gcp-gpu-utilization-metrics' local -r GPU_AGENT_REPO_URL='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ml-on-gcp/refs/heads/master/dlvm/gcp-gpu-utilization-metrics' if ( ! command -v pip && is_debuntu ) ; then execute_with_retries "apt-get install -y -qq python3-pip" fi local install_dir=/opt/gpu-utilization-agent mkdir -p "${install_dir}" curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "${GPU_AGENT_REPO_URL}/requirements.txt" -o "${install_dir}/requirements.txt" curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "${GPU_AGENT_REPO_URL}/report_gpu_metrics.py" \ | sed -e 's/-u --format=/--format=/' \ | dd status=none of="${install_dir}/report_gpu_metrics.py" local venv="${install_dir}/venv" /opt/conda/miniconda3/bin/python3 -m venv "${venv}" ( source "${venv}/bin/activate" python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip execute_with_retries python3 -m pip install -r "${install_dir}/requirements.txt" ) sync # Generate GPU service. cat </lib/systemd/system/gpu-utilization-agent.service [Unit] Description=GPU Utilization Metric Agent [Service] Type=simple PIDFile=/run/gpu_agent.pid ExecStart=/bin/bash --login -c '. ${venv}/bin/activate ; python3 "${install_dir}/report_gpu_metrics.py"' User=root Group=root WorkingDirectory=/ Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF # Reload systemd manager configuration systemctl daemon-reload # Enable gpu-utilization-agent service systemctl --no-reload --now enable gpu-utilization-agent.service } function set_hadoop_property() { local -r config_file=$1 local -r property=$2 local -r value=$3 "${bdcfg}" set_property \ --configuration_file "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/${config_file}" \ --name "${property}" --value "${value}" \ --clobber } function configure_yarn_resources() { if [[ ! -d "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}" ]] ; then return 0 ; fi # pre-init scripts if [[ ! -f "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/resource-types.xml" ]]; then printf '\n' >"${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/resource-types.xml" fi set_hadoop_property 'resource-types.xml' 'yarn.resource-types' 'yarn.io/gpu' set_hadoop_property 'capacity-scheduler.xml' \ 'yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator' \ 'org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator' set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' 'yarn.resource-types' 'yarn.io/gpu' } # This configuration should be applied only if GPU is attached to the node function configure_yarn_nodemanager() { if [[ "${gpu_count}" == "0" ]] ; then return ; fi set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.resource-plugins' 'yarn.io/gpu' set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.resource-plugins.gpu.allowed-gpu-devices' 'auto' set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.resource-plugins.gpu.path-to-discovery-executables' "${NVIDIA_SMI_PATH}" set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.cgroups.mount' 'true' set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.cgroups.mount-path' '/sys/fs/cgroup' set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.cgroups.hierarchy' 'yarn' set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.container-executor.class' 'org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LinuxContainerExecutor' set_hadoop_property 'yarn-site.xml' \ 'yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.group' 'yarn' # Fix local dirs access permissions local yarn_local_dirs=() readarray -d ',' yarn_local_dirs < <("${bdcfg}" get_property_value \ --configuration_file "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/yarn-site.xml" \ --name "yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs" 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n') if [[ "${#yarn_local_dirs[@]}" -ne "0" && "${yarn_local_dirs[@]}" != "None" ]]; then chown yarn:yarn -R "${yarn_local_dirs[@]/,/}" fi } function configure_gpu_exclusive_mode() { if [[ "${gpu_count}" == "0" ]] ; then return ; fi # only run this function when spark < 3.0 if version_ge "${SPARK_VERSION}" "3.0" ; then return 0 ; fi # include exclusive mode on GPU nvsmi -c EXCLUSIVE_PROCESS } function fetch_mig_scripts() { mkdir -p /usr/local/yarn-mig-scripts sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/yarn-mig-scripts wget -P /usr/local/yarn-mig-scripts/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/spark-rapids-examples/branch-22.10/examples/MIG-Support/yarn-unpatched/scripts/nvidia-smi wget -P /usr/local/yarn-mig-scripts/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/spark-rapids-examples/branch-22.10/examples/MIG-Support/yarn-unpatched/scripts/mig2gpu.sh sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/yarn-mig-scripts/* } function configure_gpu_script() { if [[ "${gpu_count}" == "0" ]] ; then return ; fi # Download GPU discovery script local -r spark_gpu_script_dir='/usr/lib/spark/scripts/gpu' mkdir -p ${spark_gpu_script_dir} # need to update the getGpusResources.sh script to look for MIG devices since if multiple GPUs nvidia-smi still # lists those because we only disable the specific GIs via CGROUPs. Here we just create it based off of: # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/spark/master/examples/src/main/scripts/getGpusResources.sh local -r gpus_resources_script="${spark_gpu_script_dir}/getGpusResources.sh" cat > "${gpus_resources_script}" <<'EOF' #!/usr/bin/env bash # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Example output: {"name": "gpu", "addresses":["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7"]} set -e resources_json="/dev/shm/nvidia/gpusResources.json" if test -f "${resources_json}" ; then cat "${resources_json}" ; exit 0 ; fi mkdir -p "$(dirname ${resources_json})" ADDRS=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=index --format=csv,noheader | perl -e 'print(join(q{,},map{chomp; qq{"$_"}}))') echo {\"name\": \"gpu\", \"addresses\":[${ADDRS}]} | tee "${resources_json}" EOF chmod a+rx "${gpus_resources_script}" local spark_defaults_conf="/etc/spark/conf.dist/spark-defaults.conf" if version_lt "${SPARK_VERSION}" "3.0" ; then return ; fi if ! grep spark.executor.resource.gpu.discoveryScript "${spark_defaults_conf}" ; then echo "spark.executor.resource.gpu.discoveryScript=${gpus_resources_script}" >> "${spark_defaults_conf}" fi local executor_cores executor_cores="$(nproc | perl -MPOSIX -pe '$_ = POSIX::floor( $_ * 0.75 ); $_-- if $_ % 2')" local executor_memory executor_memory_gb="$(awk '/^MemFree/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo | perl -MPOSIX -pe '$_ *= 0.75; $_ = POSIX::floor( $_ / (1024*1024) )')" local task_cpus=2 local gpu_amount # gpu_amount="$(echo $executor_cores | perl -pe "\$_ = ( ${gpu_count} / (\$_ / ${task_cpus}) )")" gpu_amount="$(perl -e "print 1 / ${executor_cores}")" cat >>"${spark_defaults_conf}" <> "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/container-executor.cfg" printf 'export MIG_AS_GPU_ENABLED=1\n' >> "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/yarn-env.sh" printf 'export ENABLE_MIG_GPUS_FOR_CGROUPS=1\n' >> "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/yarn-env.sh" else printf '\n[gpu]\nmodule.enabled=true\n[cgroups]\nroot=/sys/fs/cgroup\nyarn-hierarchy=yarn\n' >> "${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/container-executor.cfg" fi # Configure a systemd unit to ensure that permissions are set on restart cat >/etc/systemd/system/dataproc-cgroup-device-permissions.service<&2 ; return 0 elif ! eval "${nvsmi} > /dev/null" ; then echo "nvidia-smi fails" >&2 ; return 0 else nvsmi_works="1" ; fi if test -v 1 && [[ "$1" == "-L" ]] ; then local NV_SMI_L_CACHE_FILE="/var/run/nvidia-smi_-L.txt" if [[ -f "${NV_SMI_L_CACHE_FILE}" ]]; then cat "${NV_SMI_L_CACHE_FILE}" else "${nvsmi}" $* | tee "${NV_SMI_L_CACHE_FILE}" ; fi return 0 fi "${nvsmi}" $* } function install_build_dependencies() { is_complete build-dependencies && return if is_debuntu ; then if is_ubuntu22 && is_cuda12 ; then # On ubuntu22, the default compiler does not build some kernel module versions # https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/linux-new-kernel-6-5-0-14-ubuntu-22-04-can-not-compile-nvidia-display-card-driver/278553/11 execute_with_retries apt-get install -y -qq gcc-12 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-11 11 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-12 12 update-alternatives --set gcc /usr/bin/gcc-12 fi elif is_rocky ; then execute_with_retries dnf -y -q install gcc local dnf_cmd="dnf -y -q install kernel-devel-${uname_r}" set +e eval "${dnf_cmd}" > "${install_log}" 2>&1 local retval="$?" set -e if [[ "${retval}" == "0" ]] ; then return ; fi if grep -q 'Unable to find a match: kernel-devel-' "${install_log}" ; then # this kernel-devel may have been migrated to the vault local os_ver="$(echo $uname_r | perl -pe 's/.*el(\d+_\d+)\..*/$1/; s/_/./')" local vault="https://download.rockylinux.org/vault/rocky/${os_ver}" dnf_cmd="$(echo dnf -y -q --setopt=localpkg_gpgcheck=1 install \ "${vault}/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/k/kernel-${uname_r}.rpm" \ "${vault}/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/k/kernel-core-${uname_r}.rpm" \ "${vault}/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/k/kernel-modules-${uname_r}.rpm" \ "${vault}/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/k/kernel-modules-core-${uname_r}.rpm" \ "${vault}/AppStream/x86_64/os/Packages/k/kernel-devel-${uname_r}.rpm" )" fi execute_with_retries "${dnf_cmd}" fi mark_complete build-dependencies } function is_complete() { phase="$1" test -f "${workdir}/complete/${phase}" } function mark_complete() { phase="$1" touch "${workdir}/complete/${phase}" } function mark_incomplete() { phase="$1" rm -f "${workdir}/complete/${phase}" } function install_dependencies() { is_complete install-dependencies && return 0 pkg_list="pciutils screen" if is_debuntu ; then execute_with_retries apt-get -y -q install ${pkg_list} elif is_rocky ; then execute_with_retries dnf -y -q install ${pkg_list} ; fi mark_complete install-dependencies } function prepare_gpu_env(){ #set_support_matrix # if set, this variable includes a gcs path to a build-in-progress indicator building_file="" set_cuda_version set_driver_version set +e gpu_count="$(grep -i PCI_ID=10DE /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/uevent | wc -l)" set -e nvsmi_works="0" if is_cuda11 ; then gcc_ver="11" elif is_cuda12 ; then gcc_ver="12" ; fi if ! test -v DEFAULT_RAPIDS_RUNTIME ; then readonly DEFAULT_RAPIDS_RUNTIME='SPARK' fi # Set variables from metadata RAPIDS_RUNTIME=$(get_metadata_attribute 'rapids-runtime' 'SPARK') INCLUDE_GPUS="$(get_metadata_attribute include-gpus "")" INCLUDE_PYTORCH="$(get_metadata_attribute 'include-pytorch' 'no')" readonly RAPIDS_RUNTIME INCLUDE_GPUS INCLUDE_PYTORCH # determine whether we have nvidia-smi installed and working nvsmi set_nv_urls set_cuda_runfile_url set_cudnn_version set_cudnn_tarball_url } # Hold all NVIDIA-related packages from upgrading unintenionally or services like unattended-upgrades # Users should run apt-mark unhold before they wish to upgrade these packages function hold_nvidia_packages() { if ! is_debuntu ; then return ; fi apt-mark hold nvidia-* > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-mark hold libnvidia-* > /dev/null 2>&1 if dpkg -l | grep -q "xserver-xorg-video-nvidia"; then apt-mark hold xserver-xorg-video-nvidia* fi } function check_secure_boot() { local SECURE_BOOT="disabled" SECURE_BOOT=$(mokutil --sb-state|awk '{print $2}') PSN="$(get_metadata_attribute private_secret_name)" readonly PSN if [[ "${SECURE_BOOT}" == "enabled" ]] && le_debian11 ; then echo "Error: Secure Boot is not supported on Debian before image 2.2. Please disable Secure Boot while creating the cluster." exit 1 elif [[ "${SECURE_BOOT}" == "enabled" ]] && [[ -z "${PSN}" ]]; then echo "Secure boot is enabled, but no signing material provided." echo "Please either disable secure boot or provide signing material as per" echo "https://github.com/GoogleCloudDataproc/custom-images/tree/master/examples/secure-boot" return 1 fi CA_TMPDIR="$(mktemp -u -d -p /run/tmp -t ca_dir-XXXX)" readonly CA_TMPDIR if is_ubuntu ; then mok_key=/var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.priv mok_der=/var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.der else mok_key=/var/lib/dkms/mok.key mok_der=/var/lib/dkms/mok.pub ; fi } function main() { # This configuration should be run on all nodes # regardless if they have attached GPUs configure_yarn_resources # Detect NVIDIA GPU if (lspci | grep -q NVIDIA); then # if this is called without the MIG script then the drivers are not installed migquery_result="$(nvsmi --query-gpu=mig.mode.current --format=csv,noheader)" if [[ "${migquery_result}" == "[N/A]" ]] ; then migquery_result="" ; fi NUM_MIG_GPUS="$(echo ${migquery_result} | uniq | wc -l)" if [[ "${NUM_MIG_GPUS}" -gt "0" ]] ; then if [[ "${NUM_MIG_GPUS}" -eq "1" ]]; then if (echo "${migquery_result}" | grep Enabled); then IS_MIG_ENABLED=1 NVIDIA_SMI_PATH='/usr/local/yarn-mig-scripts/' MIG_MAJOR_CAPS=`grep nvidia-caps /proc/devices | cut -d ' ' -f 1` fetch_mig_scripts fi fi fi # if mig is enabled drivers would have already been installed if [[ $IS_MIG_ENABLED -eq 0 ]]; then install_nvidia_gpu_driver install_nvidia_container_toolkit install_cuda load_kernel_module if [[ -n ${CUDNN_VERSION} ]]; then install_nvidia_nccl install_nvidia_cudnn fi case "${INCLUDE_PYTORCH^^}" in "1" | "YES" | "TRUE" ) install_pytorch ;; esac #Install GPU metrics collection in Stackdriver if needed if [[ "${INSTALL_GPU_AGENT}" == "true" ]]; then #install_ops_agent install_gpu_agent echo 'GPU metrics agent successfully deployed.' else echo 'GPU metrics agent will not be installed.' fi # for some use cases, the kernel module needs to be removed before first use of nvidia-smi for module in nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm nvidia_modeset nvidia ; do rmmod ${module} > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "unable to rmmod ${module}" done if test -n "$(nvsmi -L)" ; then # cache the result of the gpu query ADDRS=$(nvsmi --query-gpu=index --format=csv,noheader | perl -e 'print(join(q{,},map{chomp; qq{"$_"}}))') echo "{\"name\": \"gpu\", \"addresses\":[$ADDRS]}" | tee "/var/run/nvidia-gpu-index.txt" chmod a+r "/var/run/nvidia-gpu-index.txt" fi MIG_GPU_LIST="$(nvsmi -L | grep -E '(MIG|[PVAH]100)' || echo -n "")" NUM_MIG_GPUS="$(test -n "${MIG_GPU_LIST}" && echo "${MIG_GPU_LIST}" | wc -l || echo "0")" if [[ "${NUM_MIG_GPUS}" -gt "0" ]] ; then # enable MIG on every GPU for GPU_ID in $(echo ${MIG_GPU_LIST} | awk -F'[: ]' '{print $2}') ; do if version_le "${CUDA_VERSION}" "11.6" ; then nvsmi -i "${GPU_ID}" --multi-instance-gpu=1 else nvsmi -i "${GPU_ID}" --multi-instance-gpu 1 fi done NVIDIA_SMI_PATH='/usr/local/yarn-mig-scripts/' MIG_MAJOR_CAPS="$(grep nvidia-caps /proc/devices | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" fetch_mig_scripts else configure_gpu_exclusive_mode fi fi configure_yarn_nodemanager install_spark_rapids configure_gpu_script configure_gpu_isolation elif [[ "${ROLE}" == "Master" ]]; then configure_yarn_nodemanager configure_gpu_script fi # Restart YARN services if they are running already for svc in resourcemanager nodemanager; do if [[ $(systemctl show hadoop-yarn-${svc}.service -p SubState --value) == 'running' ]]; then systemctl restart hadoop-yarn-${svc}.service fi done } function cache_fetched_package() { local src_url="$1" local gcs_fn="$2" local local_fn="$3" if gsutil ls "${gcs_fn}" 2>&1 | grep -q "${gcs_fn}" ; then time gcloud storage cp "${gcs_fn}" "${local_fn}" else time ( curl ${curl_retry_args} "${src_url}" -o "${local_fn}" && \ gcloud storage cp "${local_fn}" "${gcs_fn}" ; ) fi } function clean_up_sources_lists() { # # bigtop (primary) # local -r dataproc_repo_file="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/dataproc.list" if [[ -f "${dataproc_repo_file}" ]] && ! grep -q signed-by "${dataproc_repo_file}" ; then region="$(get_metadata_value zone | perl -p -e 's:.*/:: ; s:-[a-z]+$::')" local regional_bigtop_repo_uri regional_bigtop_repo_uri=$(cat ${dataproc_repo_file} | sed "s#/dataproc-bigtop-repo/#/goog-dataproc-bigtop-repo-${region}/#" | grep "deb .*goog-dataproc-bigtop-repo-${region}.* dataproc contrib" | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | head -1) if [[ "${regional_bigtop_repo_uri}" == */ ]]; then local -r bigtop_key_uri="${regional_bigtop_repo_uri}archive.key" else local -r bigtop_key_uri="${regional_bigtop_repo_uri}/archive.key" fi local -r bigtop_kr_path="/usr/share/keyrings/bigtop-keyring.gpg" rm -f "${bigtop_kr_path}" curl ${curl_retry_args} \ "${bigtop_key_uri}" | gpg --dearmor -o "${bigtop_kr_path}" sed -i -e "s:deb https:deb [signed-by=${bigtop_kr_path}] https:g" "${dataproc_repo_file}" sed -i -e "s:deb-src https:deb-src [signed-by=${bigtop_kr_path}] https:g" "${dataproc_repo_file}" fi # # adoptium # # https://adoptium.net/installation/linux/#_deb_installation_on_debian_or_ubuntu local -r key_url="https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public" local -r adoptium_kr_path="/usr/share/keyrings/adoptium.gpg" rm -f "${adoptium_kr_path}" curl ${curl_retry_args} "${key_url}" \ | gpg --dearmor -o "${adoptium_kr_path}" echo "deb [signed-by=${adoptium_kr_path}] https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/ $(os_codename) main" \ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list # # docker # local docker_kr_path="/usr/share/keyrings/docker-keyring.gpg" local docker_repo_file="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list" local -r docker_key_url="https://download.docker.com/linux/$(os_id)/gpg" rm -f "${docker_kr_path}" curl ${curl_retry_args} "${docker_key_url}" \ | gpg --dearmor -o "${docker_kr_path}" echo "deb [signed-by=${docker_kr_path}] https://download.docker.com/linux/$(os_id) $(os_codename) stable" \ > ${docker_repo_file} # # google cloud + logging/monitoring # if ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud*.list ; then rm -f /usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg curl ${curl_retry_args} https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg for list in google-cloud google-cloud-logging google-cloud-monitoring ; do list_file="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${list}.list" if [[ -f "${list_file}" ]]; then sed -i -e 's:deb https:deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg] https:g' "${list_file}" fi done fi # # cran-r # if [[ -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cran-r.list ]]; then keyid="0x95c0faf38db3ccad0c080a7bdc78b2ddeabc47b7" if is_ubuntu18 ; then keyid="0x51716619E084DAB9"; fi rm -f /usr/share/keyrings/cran-r.gpg curl ${curl_retry_args} "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=${keyid}" | \ gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/cran-r.gpg sed -i -e 's:deb http:deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cran-r.gpg] http:g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cran-r.list fi # # mysql # if [[ -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list ]]; then rm -f /usr/share/keyrings/mysql.gpg curl ${curl_retry_args} 'https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBCA43417C3B485DD128EC6D4B7B3B788A8D3785C' | \ gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/mysql.gpg sed -i -e 's:deb https:deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mysql.gpg] https:g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list fi if [[ -f /etc/apt/trusted.gpg ]] ; then mv /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /etc/apt/old-trusted.gpg ; fi } function exit_handler() { # Purge private key material until next grant clear_dkms_key # clean up incomplete build indicators if test -n "${building_file}" ; then if gcloud storage ls "${building_file}" ; then gcloud storage rm "${building_file}" || true ; fi fi set +ex echo "Exit handler invoked" # Clear pip cache pip cache purge || echo "unable to purge pip cache" # If system memory was sufficient to mount memory-backed filesystems if [[ "${tmpdir}" == "/mnt/shm" ]] ; then # remove the tmpfs pip cache-dir pip config unset global.cache-dir || echo "unable to unset global pip cache" # Clean up shared memory mounts for shmdir in /var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/dnf /mnt/shm /tmp /var/cudnn-local ; do if ( grep -q "^tmpfs ${shmdir}" /proc/mounts && ! grep -q "^tmpfs ${shmdir}" /etc/fstab ) ; then umount -f ${shmdir} fi done # restart services stopped during preparation stage # systemctl list-units | perl -n -e 'qx(systemctl start $1) if /^.*? ((hadoop|knox|hive|mapred|yarn|hdfs)\S*).service/' fi if is_debuntu ; then # Clean up OS package cache apt-get -y -qq clean apt-get -y -qq -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout=60 autoremove # re-hold systemd package if ge_debian12 ; then apt-mark hold systemd libsystemd0 ; fi hold_nvidia_packages else dnf clean all fi # print disk usage statistics for large components if is_ubuntu ; then du -hs \ /usr/lib/{pig,hive,hadoop,jvm,spark,google-cloud-sdk,x86_64-linux-gnu} \ /usr/lib \ /opt/nvidia/* \ /opt/conda/miniconda3 | sort -h elif is_debian ; then du -x -hs \ /usr/lib/{pig,hive,hadoop,jvm,spark,google-cloud-sdk,x86_64-linux-gnu,} \ /var/lib/{docker,mysql,} \ /opt/nvidia/* \ /opt/{conda,google-cloud-ops-agent,install-nvidia,} \ /usr/bin \ /usr \ /var \ / 2>/dev/null | sort -h else du -hs \ /var/lib/docker \ /usr/lib/{pig,hive,hadoop,firmware,jvm,spark,atlas,} \ /usr/lib64/google-cloud-sdk \ /opt/nvidia/* \ /opt/conda/miniconda3 fi # Process disk usage logs from installation period rm -f /run/keep-running-df sync sleep 5.01s # compute maximum size of disk during installation # Log file contains logs like the following (minus the preceeding #): #Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on #/dev/vda2 7096908 2611344 4182932 39% / df / | tee -a "/run/disk-usage.log" perl -e '@siz=( sort { $a => $b } map { (split)[2] =~ /^(\d+)/ } grep { m:^/: } ); $max=$siz[0]; $min=$siz[-1]; $starting="unknown"; $inc=q{$max-$starting}; print( " samples-taken: ", scalar @siz, $/, "starting-disk-used: $starting", $/, "maximum-disk-used: $max", $/, "minimum-disk-used: $min", $/, " increased-by: $inc", $/ )' < "/run/disk-usage.log" echo "exit_handler has completed" # zero free disk space if [[ -n "$(get_metadata_attribute creating-image)" ]]; then dd if=/dev/zero of=/zero sync sleep 3s rm -f /zero fi return 0 } function set_proxy(){ METADATA_HTTP_PROXY="$(get_metadata_attribute http-proxy '')" if [[ -z "${METADATA_HTTP_PROXY}" ]] ; then return ; fi export METADATA_HTTP_PROXY export http_proxy="${METADATA_HTTP_PROXY}" export https_proxy="${METADATA_HTTP_PROXY}" export HTTP_PROXY="${METADATA_HTTP_PROXY}" export HTTPS_PROXY="${METADATA_HTTP_PROXY}" no_proxy="localhost,,::1,metadata.google.internal," local no_proxy_svc for no_proxy_svc in compute secretmanager dns servicedirectory logging \ bigquery composer pubsub bigquerydatatransfer dataflow \ storage datafusion ; do no_proxy="${no_proxy},${no_proxy_svc}.googleapis.com" done export NO_PROXY="${no_proxy}" } function mount_ramdisk(){ local free_mem free_mem="$(awk '/^MemFree/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo)" if [[ ${free_mem} -lt 20500000 ]]; then return 0 ; fi # Write to a ramdisk instead of churning the persistent disk tmpdir="/mnt/shm" mkdir -p "${tmpdir}/pkgs_dirs" mount -t tmpfs tmpfs "${tmpdir}" # Download conda packages to tmpfs /opt/conda/miniconda3/bin/conda config --add pkgs_dirs "${tmpdir}" # Clear pip cache # TODO: make this conditional on which OSs have pip without cache purge pip cache purge || echo "unable to purge pip cache" # Download pip packages to tmpfs pip config set global.cache-dir "${tmpdir}" || echo "unable to set global.cache-dir" # Download OS packages to tmpfs if is_debuntu ; then mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/cache/apt/archives else mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/cache/dnf fi } function harden_sshd_config() { # disable sha1 and md5 use in kex and kex-gss features declare -A feature_map=(["kex"]="kexalgorithms") if ( is_rocky || version_ge "${DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION}" "2.1" ) ; then feature_map["kex-gss"]="gssapikexalgorithms" fi for ftr in "${!feature_map[@]}" ; do local feature=${feature_map[$ftr]} local sshd_config_line sshd_config_line="${feature} $( (sshd -T | awk "/^${feature} / {print \$2}" | sed -e 's/,/\n/g'; ssh -Q "${ftr}" ) \ | sort -u | grep -v -ie sha1 -e md5 | paste -sd "," -)" grep -iv "^${feature} " /etc/ssh/sshd_config > /tmp/sshd_config_new echo "$sshd_config_line" >> /tmp/sshd_config_new # TODO: test whether sshd will reload with this change before mv mv -f /tmp/sshd_config_new /etc/ssh/sshd_config done local svc=ssh if is_rocky ; then svc="sshd" ; fi systemctl reload "${svc}" } function prepare_to_install(){ # Verify OS compatability and Secure boot state check_os check_secure_boot curl_retry_args="-fsSL --retry-connrefused --retry 10 --retry-max-time 30" prepare_gpu_env workdir=/opt/install-dpgce tmpdir=/tmp/ temp_bucket="$(get_metadata_attribute dataproc-temp-bucket)" readonly temp_bucket readonly pkg_bucket="gs://${temp_bucket}/dpgce-packages" readonly bdcfg="/usr/local/bin/bdconfig" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive mkdir -p "${workdir}/complete" trap exit_handler EXIT set_proxy mount_ramdisk readonly install_log="${tmpdir}/install.log" is_complete prepare.common && return harden_sshd_config if is_debuntu ; then repair_old_backports clean_up_sources_lists apt-get update -qq --allow-releaseinfo-change apt-get -y clean apt-get -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout=60 -y autoremove if ge_debian12 ; then apt-mark unhold systemd libsystemd0 ; fi if is_ubuntu ; then while ! command -v gcloud ; do sleep 5s ; done fi else dnf clean all fi # zero free disk space if [[ -n "$(get_metadata_attribute creating-image)" ]]; then ( set +e time dd if=/dev/zero of=/zero status=none ; sync ; sleep 3s ; rm -f /zero ) fi install_dependencies # Monitor disk usage in a screen session df / > "/run/disk-usage.log" touch "/run/keep-running-df" screen -d -m -LUS keep-running-df \ bash -c "while [[ -f /run/keep-running-df ]] ; do df / | tee -a /run/disk-usage.log ; sleep 5s ; done" mark_complete prepare.common } function check_os() { if is_debian && ( ! is_debian10 && ! is_debian11 && ! is_debian12 ) ; then echo "Error: The Debian version ($(os_version)) is not supported. Please use a compatible Debian version." exit 1 elif is_ubuntu && ( ! is_ubuntu18 && ! is_ubuntu20 && ! is_ubuntu22 ) ; then echo "Error: The Ubuntu version ($(os_version)) is not supported. Please use a compatible Ubuntu version." exit 1 elif is_rocky && ( ! is_rocky8 && ! is_rocky9 ) ; then echo "Error: The Rocky Linux version ($(os_version)) is not supported. Please use a compatible Rocky Linux version." exit 1 fi SPARK_VERSION="$(spark-submit --version 2>&1 | sed -n 's/.*version[[:blank:]]\+\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\).*/\1/p' | head -n1)" readonly SPARK_VERSION if version_lt "${SPARK_VERSION}" "3.1" || \ version_ge "${SPARK_VERSION}" "4.0" ; then echo "Error: Your Spark version is not supported. Please upgrade Spark to one of the supported versions." exit 1 fi # Detect dataproc image version if (! test -v DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION) ; then if test -v DATAPROC_VERSION ; then DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION="${DATAPROC_VERSION}" else # When building custom-images, neither of the above variables # are defined and we need to make a reasonable guess if version_lt "${SPARK_VERSION}" "3.2" ; then DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION="2.0" elif version_lt "${SPARK_VERSION}" "3.4" ; then DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION="2.1" elif version_lt "${SPARK_VERSION}" "3.6" ; then DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION="2.2" else echo "Unknown dataproc image version" ; exit 1 ; fi fi fi } # # Generate repo file under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ # function apt_add_repo() { local -r repo_name="$1" local -r repo_data="$3" # "http(s)://host/path/uri argument0 .. argumentN" local -r include_src="${4:-yes}" local -r kr_path="${5:-/usr/share/keyrings/${repo_name}.gpg}" local -r repo_path="${6:-/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${repo_name}.list}" echo "deb [signed-by=${kr_path}] ${repo_data}" > "${repo_path}" if [[ "${include_src}" == "yes" ]] ; then echo "deb-src [signed-by=${kr_path}] ${repo_data}" >> "${repo_path}" fi apt-get update -qq } # # Generate repo file under /etc/yum.repos.d/ # function dnf_add_repo() { local -r repo_name="$1" local -r repo_url="$3" # "http(s)://host/path/filename.repo" local -r kr_path="${5:-/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/${repo_name}.gpg}" local -r repo_path="${6:-/etc/yum.repos.d/${repo_name}.repo}" curl ${curl_retry_args} "${repo_url}" \ | dd of="${repo_path}" status=progress } # # Keyrings default to # /usr/share/keyrings/${repo_name}.gpg (debian/ubuntu) or # /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/${repo_name}.gpg (rocky/RHEL) # function os_add_repo() { local -r repo_name="$1" local -r signing_key_url="$2" local -r repo_data="$3" # "http(s)://host/path/uri argument0 .. argumentN" local kr_path if is_debuntu ; then kr_path="${5:-/usr/share/keyrings/${repo_name}.gpg}" else kr_path="${5:-/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/${repo_name}.gpg}" ; fi mkdir -p "$(dirname "${kr_path}")" curl ${curl_retry_args} "${signing_key_url}" \ | gpg --import --no-default-keyring --keyring "${kr_path}" if is_debuntu ; then apt_add_repo "${repo_name}" "${signing_key_url}" "${repo_data}" "${4:-yes}" "${kr_path}" "${6:-}" else dnf_add_repo "${repo_name}" "${signing_key_url}" "${repo_data}" "${4:-yes}" "${kr_path}" "${6:-}" ; fi } readonly _shortname="$(os_id)$(os_version|perl -pe 's/(\d+).*/$1/')" function install_spark_rapids() { if [[ "${RAPIDS_RUNTIME}" != "SPARK" ]]; then return ; fi # Update SPARK RAPIDS config local DEFAULT_SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION DEFAULT_SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION="24.08.1" local DEFAULT_XGBOOST_VERSION="1.7.6" # 2.1.3 # https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ml.dmlc/xgboost4j-spark-gpu local -r scala_ver="2.12" if [[ "${DATAPROC_IMAGE_VERSION}" == "2.0" ]] ; then DEFAULT_SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION="23.08.2" # Final release to support spark 3.1.3 fi readonly SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION=$(get_metadata_attribute 'spark-rapids-version' ${DEFAULT_SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION}) readonly XGBOOST_VERSION=$(get_metadata_attribute 'xgboost-version' ${DEFAULT_XGBOOST_VERSION}) local -r rapids_repo_url='https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/rapids' local -r nvidia_repo_url='https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/nvidia' local -r dmlc_repo_url='https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/ml/dmlc' local jar_basename jar_basename="xgboost4j-spark-gpu_${scala_ver}-${XGBOOST_VERSION}.jar" cache_fetched_package "${dmlc_repo_url}/xgboost4j-spark-gpu_${scala_ver}/${XGBOOST_VERSION}/${jar_basename}" \ "${pkg_bucket}/xgboost4j-spark-gpu_${scala_ver}/${XGBOOST_VERSION}/${jar_basename}" \ "/usr/lib/spark/jars/${jar_basename}" jar_basename="xgboost4j-gpu_${scala_ver}-${XGBOOST_VERSION}.jar" cache_fetched_package "${dmlc_repo_url}/xgboost4j-gpu_${scala_ver}/${XGBOOST_VERSION}/${jar_basename}" \ "${pkg_bucket}/xgboost4j-gpu_${scala_ver}/${XGBOOST_VERSION}/${jar_basename}" \ "/usr/lib/spark/jars/${jar_basename}" jar_basename="rapids-4-spark_${scala_ver}-${SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION}.jar" cache_fetched_package "${nvidia_repo_url}/rapids-4-spark_${scala_ver}/${SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION}/${jar_basename}" \ "${pkg_bucket}/rapids-4-spark_${scala_ver}/${SPARK_RAPIDS_VERSION}/${jar_basename}" \ "/usr/lib/spark/jars/${jar_basename}" } prepare_to_install main