### Use with AliCloud You can either edit your alicloud config directly, (usually it is `~/.aliyun/config.json`) or run `aliyun configure` and enter the credentials when prompted. Terraformer will pick up the profile name specified in the `--profile` parameter. It defaults to the first config in the config array. ```sh terraformer import alicloud --resources=ecs --regions=ap-southeast-3 --profile=default ``` List of supported AliCloud resources: * `dns` * `alicloud_dns` * `alicloud_dns_record` * `ecs` * `alicloud_instance` * `keypair` * `alicloud_key_pair` * `nat` * `alicloud_nat_gateway` * `pvtz` * `alicloud_pvtz_zone` * `alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment` * `alicloud_pvtz_zone_record` * `ram` * `alicloud_ram_role` * `alicloud_ram_role_policy_attachment` * `rds` * `alicloud_db_instance` * `sg` * `alicloud_security_group` * `alicloud_security_group_rule` * `slb` * `alicloud_slb` * `alicloud_slb_server_group` * `alicloud_slb_listener` * `vpc` * `alicloud_vpc` * `vswitch` * `alicloud_vswitch`