# Plugin for Sublime text-3 >A C-prettify plugin for sublime text, just install it and use it.. No additional configurations or installs required. ![Demo](https://public-folder-0000.firebaseapp.com/img/demo.gif) ## Getting Started [![release][badge]][release link] [![Package Control][downloads badge]][package link] [![license][license-badge]][license file] ### Install from Package Control [CPrettify](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/CPrettify) Using Package Control [Sublime Package Manager](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) [package link]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/CPrettify [downloads badge]: https://packagecontrol.herokuapp.com/downloads/CPrettify.svg?style=flat [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/aghontpi/CPrettify-Sublime-text-3 [license file]: https://github.com/aghontpi/CPrettify-Sublime-text-3/blob/master/LICENSE [badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/aghontpi/CPrettify-Sublime-text-3?label=latest%20release [release link]: https://github.com/aghontpi/CPrettify-Sublime-text-3/releases To install use these commands. * `Ctrl+Shift+P` * type `install`, select `Package Control: Install Package` * type `CPrettify`, select `CPrettify` _or do it manually?_ Just copy the 'Cprettify' folder to "C:\Users\'[username_here]'\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\" -for Windows ## Usage * Use `Ctrl+Shift+P` * Type `cprettify`, Available options will be shown to use. _or_ * Use menu options _or_ * Set keyboard shortcuts via provided settings * See demo ## Prerequisites Install package control for sublime. How to install Package control?. See [Install package control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) ## Advanced Usage #### NOTE ##### _Use user setting to override, if changes are made to default, updates will reset it._ * Override provided key bindings from settings if it interfears * You can also specify which config file to use from provided configs ---or--- you can provide your own config from 'create config file' under settings and paste your config there and set ```js { "user_config_file":"False" to "user_config_file":"True" } ``` * Incase you messed up your config file use "restore default setting" to restore original settings. ## Built With * Python * Sublime-api - documented via comments * Json - Menus and Settings ## Authors * **aghontpi (aka) Bluepie** [aghontpi](https://github.com/aghontpi) ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details