Important updates in September-2023 release version of Scheduler Building Block Specifications 1. Enhanced functional requirements from scheduling a single Event at a time to accommodate scheduling the same event to repeat on multiple date-time slots, where each slot can have its own resources, subscribers and location, but remaining properties of the event (such as event name, event type, Hosting entity, etc.) remain same. Accordingly, the /event/new Api was changed to input a JSON array of data times instead of a single entry and return multiple event ids or appropriate error code 2. Enhanced functional requirements from booking a single appointment at a time to be able to book appointments for a given participant into multiple events of the same type. (for example, multiple therapy sessions during a treatment of a patient). Accordingly, the /appointment/new Api was changed to accept multiple event ids and return multiple appointment ids or appropriate error code 3. Enabled deletion of multiple appointments of the same participant. Accordingly the /appointment/delete was changed to accept an array of appointment ids and return success or error code