# Changelog ## 1.2.5 - Compatibility with current WP version. ## 1.2.4 - Compatibility with future WP version. ## 1.2.3 - Update assets. ## 1.2.2 - Compatibility with future WP version. ## 1.2.1 - Remove unneeded translation strings. Fixes [Issue #12](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/12) - Compatibility with future WP version. ## 1.2.0 - OOP rewrite by @jaredyork ## 1.1.6 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.1.5 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.1.4 - Fix for undefined variable. ## 1.1.3 - Cleanup & improved documentation. Added translation tags. ## 1.1.2 - Correctly named variable. Fixes [Issue #10](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/10) ## 1.1.1 - Editor not loading due to SVN processing error. Bumping version & correcting documentation. Sorry for that! Fixes [Issue #8](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/8), [Issue #9](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/9) ## 1.1.0 - Changed to inline styling. Fixes [Issue #7](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/7), [Issue #5](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/5) - Uses `br` instead of `div`. Fixes [Issue #6](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/6) - New icon to better represent clearing of floats. - Minified assets for performance. - Add 'ctrl + option/alt + f' shortcut - Removed deprecated functions - Updated assets, icons, background, screenshot ## 1.0.10 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.0.9 - This ensures that such themes will not make the divider appear taller than intended.[Issue #3](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/pull/4) ## 1.0.8 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.0.7 - Fixed miss interpretation of TinyMCE api regarding custom_elements. This prevented the plugin from working in IE [Issue #3](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/3) ## 1.0.6 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.0.5 - Fixed stripping of IDs on DIVs - Extended valid elements fix for cases in which extended elements are not defined [Issue #1](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/1) ## 1.0.4 - Fixes not loading CSS when user is not logged-in [Issue #2](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/2) ## 1.0.3 - Updated assets for WP Plugin Directory (2) ## 1.0.2 - sets for WP Plugin Directory ## 1.0.1 - Fixed stripping of IDs on DIVs - [Extended valid elements fix](https://github.com/Graffino/Clear-Floats-Button/issues/1) ## 1.0.0 - Created new version from [stale plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-clear-buttons/) - Revamped graphic assets - Removed clear:left and clear:right buttons - Changed plugin so we don't have inline styles.