# Changelog ## 1.2.0 - Added `CPTM_DONT_GENERATE_ICON` constant for disabling the 16x16px image_size via wp-config.php as suggested by @clubside and @ldeejay - Fixed spelling as suggested by @ldeejay - Compatibility with latest version of WP ## 1.1.15 - Better sanitize taxonomy name as suggested by @ldeejay ## 1.1.14 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.1.13 - Fix translations. Add .pot template file, reported by @wicko77 ## 1.1.12 - Remove 'All' from taxonomy names as suggested by @gnowland ## 1.1.11 - Update assets ## 1.1.10 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.1.9 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.1.8 - Fixes undefined variable (Thanks @richardshea,@kubik101)[#20](https://github.com/Graffino/Custom-Post-Type-Maker/issues/21), [#20](https://github.com/Graffino/Custom-Post-Type-Maker/issues/21) ### 1.1.7 - Makes code compatible with WordPressCore PHP Linter - Marks plugin compatible with future WordPress versions ## 1.1.6 - Fixes tab navigation (Thanks @mediengestalter2)[#16](https://github.com/Graffino/Custom-Post-Type-Maker/issues/16) ## 1.1.5 - Add ability to show custom post in REST API (Thanks @asithade)[#14](https://github.com/Graffino/Custom-Post-Type-Maker/issues/14). ## 1.1.4 - Add ability to show custom taxonomy column in post listing. ## 1.1.3 - Removed forgotten development dump. Sorry about that. ## 1.1.2 - [Bugfix] Make `with_front` available in `register_post` when set to `false` (Credit: @cmerrick). Closes: [#7](https://github.com/Graffino/Custom-Post-Type-Maker/issues/7) ## 1.1.1 - [Feature] Auto-flush rewrite rules on: custom post save, plugin activation, plugin deactivation. - [Bugfix] Made `publicly_queryable` default to true. This fixes permalink errors after upgrading to v1.1.0 on existing installations. - [Localization] Add french translation. (Credit: @momo-fr). ## 1.1.0 - [Feature] Implemented `publicly_queryable`. Closes: [#5](https://github.com/Graffino/Custom-Post-Type-Maker/issues/5) ## 1.0.4 - [Bugfix] Renamed plugin to match WP Plugins ## 1.0.3 - [Bugfix] Fix typos ## 1.0.2 - [Bugfix] Fixed `undefined` error that prevented media library from loading ## 1.0.1 - Compatibility with future version of WP ## 1.0.0 - [Added] Ability to select [DashIcons](https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/#layout) as Custom Post Type icon. - [Bugfix] Fixed `add_utility_page provokes "deprecated" notice in 4.5.2`