defmodule GoogleSheets.Supervisor do @moduledoc """ Supervisor for the application. Creates ETS table for storage and launches a process for each spreadsheet configured for polling. """ use Supervisor require Keyword require Logger @doc false def start_link do Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end @doc false def init([]) do # ETS table is created here, so that if the updater process dies, the table is not lost. # Must set the permission to public, so that the GoogleSheets.Updater can write # to the table, even if it's not the owning process. :google_sheets =, [:set, :named_table, :public, {:read_concurrency, true}]) spreadsheets = Application.get_env(:google_sheets, :spreadsheets, []) supervise(create_children(spreadsheets, []), strategy: :one_for_one) end # Create a children for each configured spreadsheet defp create_children([], children), do: children defp create_children([{id, config} | rest], children) do Logger.debug("#{id} : #{inspect(config)}") create_children(rest, [ worker(GoogleSheets.Updater, [id, config], id: id, restart: :permanent) | children ]) end end