defmodule Mix.Tasks.Gs.Fetch do use Mix.Task require Logger alias GoogleSheets.Loader.Docs @shortdoc "Fetch Google Spreadsheet and save raw CSV to disk" @moduledoc """ Loads a Google spreadsheet and all worksheets in CSV format for the given document key. If no parameters are given, it looks through all configured spreadsheets in :google_sheets configuration. ## Examples mix gs.fetch -u -d priv/data ## Command line options * -u, --url - Source URL to a published Spreadsheet, see for more information. * -d, --dir - Directory where to save all CSV files, relative to application root path. """ @doc false def run(args) do Application.ensure_all_started(:httpoison) {options, _, _} = OptionParser.parse( args, switches: [url: :string, dir: :string], aliases: [u: :url, d: :dir] ) # If no commandline options are given, we load all spreadsheets configured for the application options = if options == [] do Application.fetch_env!(:google_sheets, :spreadsheets) else # Make a list of lists from parsed options [{:id, options}] end fetch_spreadsheets(options) end defp fetch_spreadsheets([]), do: :ok defp fetch_spreadsheets([{_id, config} | rest]) do url = Keyword.fetch!(config, :url) path = case Keyword.fetch!(config, :dir) do {app, dir} -> Application.app_dir(app, dir) dir -> dir end"Loading spreadsheet from url #{inspect(url)} and saving to #{path}") {:ok, _version, worksheets} = Docs.load(nil, :id, config), fn ws -> filename = Path.join(path, <> ".csv") # Write in raw mode so that we are not changing newlines etc File.write!(filename, ws.csv, [:raw]) end) fetch_spreadsheets(rest) end end