{ "id" : null, "name" : "nginx", "description" : "This content pack will create two inputs for the nginx `error_log` and the `access_log`. Extractors are applied to effectively read the most important data into message fields. You will be able to do searches for all requests of a given remote IP, all requests that were answered with a HTTP 400 or just all requests that were slow.\r\n\r\nFind nginx setup instructions and more details [here](https://github.com/graylog-labs/graylog-contentpack-nginx#readme)", "category" : "Web Servers", "inputs" : [ { "title" : "nginx error_log", "configuration" : { "allow_override_date" : true, "recv_buffer_size" : 1048576, "port" : 12302, "override_source" : "", "bind_address" : "" }, "type" : "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput", "global" : false, "extractors" : [ { "title" : "Timestamp", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "^.*:\\s(\\d\\d\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d\\s\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d)\\s.*$" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "DATE", "configuration" : { "date_format" : "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss " } } ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "timestamp", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "NONE", "condition_value" : "" }, { "title" : "server", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "server:\\s(.+?)(,|$)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "server", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "STRING", "condition_value" : "server" }, { "title" : "remote_addr/client", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "client:\\s(.+?)(,|$)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "remote_addr", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "STRING", "condition_value" : "client" }, { "title" : "host", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "host:\\s\"(.+?)\"(,|$)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "host", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "STRING", "condition_value" : "host" }, { "title" : "request_path/request", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "request:\\s\"(.+?)\"(,|$)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "request_path", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "STRING", "condition_value" : "request" }, { "title" : "request_verb", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "request:\\s\"(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT|DELETE|TRACE|OPTIONS|CONNECT|PATCH).+\"(,|$)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "request_verb", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "STRING", "condition_value" : "request" } ], "static_fields" : { "nginx_error" : "true", "from_nginx" : "true" } }, { "title" : "nginx access_log", "configuration" : { "allow_override_date" : true, "recv_buffer_size" : 1048576, "port" : 12301, "override_source" : "", "bind_address" : "" }, "type" : "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput", "global" : false, "extractors" : [ { "title" : "Remote Address", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:\\s+(\\S+)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "remote_addr", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "Remote User", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx: \\S+ - (\\S+)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 1, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "remote_user", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "Request Timestamp", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+?\\[(.+?)\\]" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "DATE", "configuration" : { "date_format" : "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z" } } ], "order" : 2, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "timestamp", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "Request Verb", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+\\[.+\\] \"(\\S+)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 3, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "request_verb", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "Request Path", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+?\"\\S+ (\\S+).+\"" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "NUMERIC", "configuration" : { } } ], "order" : 4, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "request_path", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "HTTP Version", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+HTTP/(\\S+)\"" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 5, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "http_version", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "Response Status", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+?HTTP/\\S+\" (\\d+)" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "NUMERIC", "configuration" : { } } ], "order" : 6, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "response_status", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "Response Bytes", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+?HTTP/\\S+\" \\d+ (\\d+)" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "NUMERIC", "configuration" : { } } ], "order" : 7, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "response_bytes", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "HTTP Referer", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+?HTTP/\\S+\" \\d+ \\d+ \"(.+?)\"" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 9, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "http_referer", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "HTTP User Agent", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+?HTTP/\\S+\" \\d+ \\d+ \".+?\" \"(.+?)\"" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 8, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "http_user_agent", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" }, { "title" : "Connection ID", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "connection=(.+?)\\|" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "NUMERIC", "configuration" : { } } ], "order" : 10, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "connection_id", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : ".+connection=.+" }, { "title" : "Connection requests", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "connection_requests=(.+?)\\|" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "NUMERIC", "configuration" : { } } ], "order" : 11, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "connection_requests", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : ".+connection_requests=.+" }, { "title" : "Response time", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "millis=(.+?)>" }, "converters" : [ { "type" : "NUMERIC", "configuration" : { } } ], "order" : 12, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "millis", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : ".+millis=.+" }, { "title" : "Message", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "nginx:.+?\\\"(\\S+.+HTTP\\/\\S+)\\\" \\d+" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 13, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "message", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "^\\S+\\s+nginx:" } ], "static_fields" : { "from_nginx" : "true", "nginx_access" : "true" } } ], "streams" : [ { "id" : "5445736fd4c6d7d480b5f4c2", "title" : "nginx requests", "description" : "All requests that were logged into the nginx access_log", "disabled" : false, "outputs" : [ ], "stream_rules" : [ { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "nginx_access", "value" : "true", "inverted" : false } ] }, { "id" : "5445733cd4c6d7d480b5f48b", "title" : "nginx errors", "description" : "All requests that were logged into the nginx error_log", "disabled" : false, "outputs" : [ ], "stream_rules" : [ { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "nginx_error", "value" : "true", "inverted" : false } ] }, { "id" : "547b29b6d4c6c10b4f1b934d", "title" : "nginx", "description" : "All requests that were logged into the nginx access_log or nginx_error_log", "disabled" : false, "outputs" : [ ], "stream_rules" : [ { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "from_nginx", "value" : "true", "inverted" : false } ] }, { "id" : "547b2ad4d4c6c10b4f1b9485", "title" : "nginx HTTP 4XXs", "description" : "All requests that were answered with a HTTP code in the 400 range by nginx", "disabled" : false, "outputs" : [ ], "stream_rules" : [ { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "from_nginx", "value" : "true", "inverted" : false }, { "type" : "GREATER", "field" : "response_status", "value" : "399", "inverted" : false }, { "type" : "SMALLER", "field" : "response_status", "value" : "500", "inverted" : false } ] }, { "id" : "547b2a77d4c6c10b4f1b941f", "title" : "nginx HTTP 5XXs", "description" : "All requests that were answered with a HTTP code in the 500 range by nginx", "disabled" : false, "outputs" : [ ], "stream_rules" : [ { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "from_nginx", "value" : "true", "inverted" : false }, { "type" : "GREATER", "field" : "response_status", "value" : "499", "inverted" : false } ] }, { "id" : "547b2a2dd4c6c10b4f1b93ce", "title" : "nginx HTTP 404s", "description" : "All requests that were answered with a HTTP 404 by nginx", "disabled" : false, "outputs" : [ ], "stream_rules" : [ { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "from_nginx", "value" : "true", "inverted" : false }, { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "response_status", "value" : "404", "inverted" : false } ] } ], "outputs" : [ ], "dashboards" : [ { "title" : "nginx overview", "description" : "Overview of requests handled by nginx", "dashboard_widgets" : [ { "description" : "Response codes last hour", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 3600 }, "field" : "response_status", "stream_id" : "5445736fd4c6d7d480b5f4c2" }, "col" : 3, "row" : 4, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Response codes last 24h", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "response_status", "stream_id" : "5445736fd4c6d7d480b5f4c2" }, "col" : 2, "row" : 4, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Requests last 24h", "type" : "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "interval" : "minute", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "stream_id" : "5445736fd4c6d7d480b5f4c2" }, "col" : 2, "row" : 1, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Requests last 24h", "type" : "STREAM_SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "stream_id" : "5445736fd4c6d7d480b5f4c2" }, "col" : 1, "row" : 1, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "HTTP versions last 24h", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "http_version", "stream_id" : "5445736fd4c6d7d480b5f4c2" }, "col" : 1, "row" : 4, "cache_time" : 300 }, { "description" : "HTTP 5XXs last 24h", "type" : "STREAM_SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "stream_id" : "547b2a77d4c6c10b4f1b941f" }, "col" : 1, "row" : 3, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "HTTP 4XXs last 24h", "type" : "STREAM_SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "stream_id" : "547b2ad4d4c6c10b4f1b9485" }, "col" : 1, "row" : 2, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "HTTP 4XXs last 24h", "type" : "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "interval" : "minute", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "stream_id" : "547b2ad4d4c6c10b4f1b9485" }, "col" : 2, "row" : 2, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "HTTP 5XXs last 24h", "type" : "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "configuration" : { "query" : "*", "interval" : "minute", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "stream_id" : "547b2a77d4c6c10b4f1b941f" }, "col" : 2, "row" : 3, "cache_time" : 10 } ] } ] }