import { base64 } from 'rfc4648' import crypto from './crypto' // @ts-expect-error 2307 - Using esbuild to inline this HTML file as a string import decryptTemplate from './decrypt-template.html' /** * Encrypt a string and turn it into an encrypted payload. * * @param {string} content The data to encrypt * @param {string} password The password used to encrypt + decrypt the content. * @param {number} iterations The number of iterations to derive the key from the password. * @returns an encrypted payload */ async function getEncryptedPayload( content: string, password: string, iterations: number, ) { if (iterations < 2e6) { console.warn( `[pagecrypt] WARNING: The specified number of password iterations (${iterations}) is not secure. If possible, use at least 2_000_000 or more.`, ) } const encoder = new TextEncoder() const salt = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(32)) const baseKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', encoder.encode(password), 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveKey'], ) const key = await crypto.subtle.deriveKey( { name: 'PBKDF2', salt, iterations, hash: 'SHA-256' }, baseKey, { name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, false, ['encrypt'], ) const iv = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)) const ciphertext = new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: 'AES-GCM', iv }, key, encoder.encode(content), ), ) const totalLength = salt.length + iv.length + ciphertext.length const mergedData = new Uint8Array(totalLength) mergedData.set(salt) mergedData.set(iv, salt.length) mergedData.set(ciphertext, salt.length + iv.length) return base64.stringify(mergedData) } /** * Encrypt an HTML string with a given password. * The resulting page can be viewed and decrypted by opening the output HTML file in a browser, and entering the correct password. * * @param {string} inputHTML The HTML string to encrypt. * @param {string} password The password used to encrypt + decrypt the content. * @param {number} iterations The number of iterations to derive the key from the password. * @returns A promise that will resolve with the encrypted HTML content */ export async function encryptHTML( inputHTML: string, password: string, iterations: number = 2e6, ) { return (decryptTemplate as string).replace( //, ``, ) } /** * Generate a random password of a given length. * * @param {number} length The password length. * @param {string} characters The set of characters to pick from. Max length 255 characters. * @returns A random password. */ export function generatePassword( length = 80, characters = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', ) { if (characters.length > 255) { throw new Error('[pagecrypt] Max character set length is 255') } return Array.from({ length }, (_) => getRandomCharacter(characters)).join( '', ) } /** * Get a random character from a given set of characters. * * @param {string} characters The set of characters to pick from. * @returns A random character. */ function getRandomCharacter(characters: string) { let randomNumber: number // Due to the repeating nature of results from the remainder // operator, we potentially need to regenerate the random number // several times. This is required to ensure all characters have // the same probability to get picked. Otherwise, the first // characters would appear more often, resulting in a weaker // password security. // Learn more: do { randomNumber = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] } while (randomNumber >= 256 - (256 % characters.length)) return characters[randomNumber % characters.length] }