# History ## 1.0.0 * Bump mocha to 2.4.5 * [BREAKING] Bump grunt-lib-phantomjs to master, uses PhantomJS 2.x * [BREAKING] `run` option is now true by default ## 0.4.11 * Bump mocha to 1.18 for promise support * README fixes * `options.growlOnSuccess` option added (@naganowl) ## 0.4.10 * Actually error out if `logErrors` is true and error ## 0.4.9 * Add `logErrors` option to fail/log script errors (@demmer) ## 0.4.8 * Add test state to output for XUnit ## 0.4.7 * Explicit `done()` call with true/false so grunt exits with correct code. (@Bartvds) ## 0.4.6 * lodash is a dep, not a dev-dep ## 0.4.5 * Add `dest` output config for outputting to a file (@BYK) ## 0.4.4 * Bump example mocha to `1.14.0` * Compatible with mocha `1.14.0` (@perfectworks) * Cleanup log listeners during watch (@rayshih) ## 0.4.3 * Bump grunt-lib-phantomjs to 0.4, which uses PhantomJS 1.9.* ## 0.4.2 * Fix bail option ## 0.4.1 * Fixing package.json keywords, no functional changes ## 0.4.0 * Support for custom reporters (@Bartvds) * Keep track of suites and fake test parent (@demmer) * Package size optimizations (@sindresorhus) * Bump mocha version to 1.12 ## 0.3.4 * `grunt.warn` instead of `grunt.log.warn` on failures with bail false, correct exit code. (#71) ## 0.3.3 * Add `log` option to output `console.log`. False by default. * Update Readme to reflect Grunt 0.4 changes (finally) ## 0.3.2 * Add `bail` option (false by default) * Do not bail on error by default ## 0.3.1 * Update `grunt-lib-phantomjs` to 0.3.0 ## 0.3.0 * You may now specify which reporter you want to use (thanks SBoudrias) * Growl only shows notices on failures ```js sampleTest: { src: ['test.js'], options: { reporter: 'Nyan' mocha: { ui: 'tdd' } } } ``` ## 0.2.2 * Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc6. * Added travis.yml * Added .jshintrc and jshint to Gruntfile.js * Migrated documentation and Gruntfile.js to grunt-contrib standards ## 0.2.0 * **Grunt >=0.4.0 only, MIGRATION REQUIRED if updating from 0.1.x** * Uses grunt-lib-phantomjs for easy PhantomJS installation! * If things are not working right, try removing and installing via npm again. * Config changes required * `tasks/mocha/mocha-helper.js` has been moved to `phantomjs/bridge.js`, if you are including it manually, you must change the path/filename * Task options are now nested in the `options` key per task/target ```js all: { src: ['test.js'], options: { mocha: { ui: 'tdd' }, run: true } } ``` ## 0.1.7 * Fix bad legacy mocha check for mocha < 1.4.2 (rohni) ## 0.1.6 * Add ability to pass mocha config options (grep, etc) via grunt task config. (gamtiq) * Add option to not include `mocha-spec-helper.js` and auto-inject/run with the `run` config option. Note: Still not required for AMD. This requires an if-statement in your HTML spec to check for PhantomJS environment, it's either that or include the helper. See `example/test2.html`. (gamtiq) ## 0.1.5 * Fix total duration when testing multiple html spec files in a single task. (chevalric) ## 0.1.4 * **Critical fix:** Compatibility with Mocha 1.4.2 (iammerick) * If you use `mocha-helper.js` for non-AMD and you want to use Mocha >1.4.2, you replace it with the one in this update. ## 0.1.3 * Remove grunt from deps ## 0.1.2 * Added example for non-AMD usage. Modified mocha-helper to be included in page (optional) * Added duration ## 0.1.1 * Consistency * Make growl optional ## 0.1.0 init