# AsteroidaGraphica ## About -------------------- ![First](./asteroids.png) *12/29 Status Update* ![Second](./Status1214.png) *12/14 Status Update* AsteroidaGraphica is (being created) to be a essentially-infinite-world, futuristic, adventure and role-playing asteroid mining simulator. *This project is in progress; more details will be added when closer to completion* ## Status ------------------- ### HIBERNATING Work on [agow] (https://github.com/GuMiner/agow) has caused this project to be hibernated until a more compelling game design can be created. ## Build -------- This project requires the listed **Referenced Libraries** below, in addition to (separately distributed) asset files. ## Referenced Libraries --------------------- *Full attribution details to be included when this project is made publicly available* * glBinding * SFML * STB