# GeoWeather A simple library to retrieve publically-available geospacial and weather data in the USA. Uses the [BotCommon](https://github.com/GuMiner/BotCommon) library to simplify sending weather responses to [Bot Framework](https://dev.botframework.com/) bots. ## APIs ### Geospacial ```csharp using GeoWeather.Location; LocationQuerier querier = new LocationQuerier("YourBingMapsAPIKey"); GeoCoordinate location = await querier.GetLocationAsync("Miami, FL"); ``` ### Weather Stations ```csharp using GeoWeather.Stations; // Using the coordinate from the Geospacial example... Station closestWeatherStation = StationLocator.FindClosestStation(location); // Each station contains a callsign, name, and location. ``` ### Weather Data ```csharp using BotCommon; using GeoWeather; using GeoWeather.Layers; using System; WeatherSettings settings = new WeatherSettings(); // Defaults to a NOAA station and two layers. IStore dataStore = ... // Created from the https://github.com/GuMiner/BotCommon library // Get a weather image (as a SAS URI that will expire in approximately one year). AttachmentResponse weatherImageAsABotResponseMessage = await LayerRetriever.GetRadarImageAsync(settings, dataStore, "weather-blob-container", TimeSpan.FromDays(365)); ```