# sublime-cjsx Sublime syntax highlighting for CJSX ## Version Support This package uses the `.sublime-syntax` syntax definition for rich highlighting and improved performance. As a consequence, only Sublime Text 3, Build 3103 and newer is supported. If you're using Sublime Text 2 or an older version of Sublime Text 3, you can retrieve the old `.tmLanguage` file from [this commit](https://github.com/Guidebook/sublime-cjsx/tree/b23f7cd2fbad387f904a8ead2cb3a79f983c9897) -- however, only the master `.sublime-syntax` definition will receive future updates. ## Installation ### Install via Package Control 1. You will need the [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) Package Manager for Sublime 1. Open the command pallete with `⌘+shift+p` 1. Type `install` and select `Package Control: Install Package` 1. Wait a moment for the package list to appear, and type `cjsx` and select `CJSX Syntax` 1. Open a .cjsx file and in the lower right hand corner of your Sublime window, open the syntax dropdown. 1. Select "Open all with current extension as..." and then choose 'CJSX' ### Install from source To install this plugin from Github, follow these steps: 1. Open Sublime and open "Package Control" (cmd + shift + p). 1. Type "Add Repository"; select the result (hit enter). 1. At the bottom of your Sublime window you will see a text input that prompts you for the Github URL. 1. Copy and paste: "https://github.com/Guidebook/sublime-cjsx". 1. Give Sublime a few minutes to add the repo. 1. Open "Package Control" again (cmd + shift + p) and type "Install Package". 1. Type "sublime cjsx"; select the result (hit enter). 1. Give Sublime a few minutes to install the package. 1. Open a .cjsx file and in the lower right hand corner of your Sublime window, open the syntax dropdown. 1. Select "Open all with current extension as..." and then choose 'CJSX' ## Credit Syntax highlighting adapted from sublime-react by Facebook / Jonas Gebhardt .