]> ###2021.08.20 - Check folderType is valid - Use post request for running bash commands - Fix icon animate hover with none base64 img ###2021.08.01 - Fix dashboard expanded children order - Fix switchButton not rendering when adding folder ###2021.07.27 - Fix vm migration if no folders exist ###2021.07.04 - Add option to remove uptime column ###2021.06.08 - Fix docker preview quick-access icons spinning ###2021.06.04 - Fix dashboard expanded on folder with no children - Fix disable submit button on submit - Fix advanced context menu log icon - Show dangling children on edit folder page - Update chartjs libraries ###2021.03.14 - Fix folders.json corruption when saving folder ###2021.03.14 - Fix migrations not working for both docker and vm - Fix regex null check - Fix import migration ###2021.03.08a - Fix regex in safari ###2021.03.08 - Improve theme support - Fix preview icon click ###2021.03.07 - Fix docker preview log button ###2021.03.03 - Add first time install help info at launch path - Fix unraid 6.9.0 docker dragging ###2021.02.05 - Fix: vm sorting inside folder ###2021.02.04a - Fix: vm folder edit not loading settings ###2021.02.04 - Fix: add-update vm folder submit ###2021.01.30 - Fix: disable 'animate icon on hover' on safari - Clean up add-update.folder ###2021.01.21 - Added: preview icon-basic - Fixed: long folder names - Fixed: docker/vm renaming ###2020.12.05 - Added: no-icon preview container count options - Fixed: dashboard expanded breaking after first open - Change: Remove old migration script ###2020.11.11 - Fixed: Action bash - Fixed: Docker action update ###2020.10.28 - Change: Make preview no-icon fixed height - Fixed: editFolder switch not showing state - Fixed: dashboard start expanded - Fixed: loadlist shifting expanded folders ###2020.10.27 - Fixed: Align preview no-icon text with only one container - Fixed: folderId showing instead of folderName - Change: Use "Containers" not "Dockers" ###2020.10.19 - Fixed: Dashboard not working without VMs enabled ###2020.10.13 - Change: Allow more characters for folder names - Fixed: Prevent multiple scripts from editing folders simultaneously - Fixed: Folder order shifting - Added: Button help info ###2020.09.09 - Change: Add hostname to folder export ###2020.08.30 - Fixed: Preview no webui shortcut and visual issue ###2020.08.25b - Fixed: Sort-order attempt the second ###2020.08.25a - Fixed: Sort-order not saving ###2020.08.25 - Added: VM folder support - Fixed: Oddly named dockers showing up ###2020.08.11a - Fixed: Fix for the prefs being an object and not an array (Thanks darki73) ###2020.08.11 - Fixed: dfSettings undefined ###2020.07.29 - Fixed: Mabye fix one more loadlist shifting folders - Fixed: Renaming folders ###2020.07.28a - Fixed: Expanded folder content moving on loadlist ###2020.07.28 - Fixed: Refactor migration script and fix a few issues - Fixed: folder export ###2020.07.26a - Fixed: Object turning into array - Fixed: eventControl_edit ###2020.07.26 - Added: Global settings - Added: Option to prevent docker page shifting - Added: Preview webui icon ###2020.07.14 - Fixed: loadlistUpdate not being defined ###2020.07.13 - Change: A few small style tweaks - Change: Cleanup edit functions a bit ###2020.07.05 - Change: Improve chart performance a bit - Change: Make advanced context feel like default context - Change: Added padding to preview log icon - Fixed: Mapping tab only showing 2 ports and paths - Fixed: expanding folder shifting EVERYTHING (thanks bambi73) ###2020.07.02 - Fixed: Not loading if no prefs (again) ###2020.07.01 - Added: Preview update text - Change: Click folder name to edit folder - Fixed: Not getting data in basic view - Fixed: Label-tab making preview bold - Fixed: Items not showing in advanced/basic view - Fixed: Prevent opeing default context menu in advanced - Fixed: Advanced context style fixes - Fixed: Preview icon causing horizontal scroll - Fixed: Folder page text overflow - Fixed: Preview/advanced context status not animating - Fixed: Renaming folder reseting sort order ###2020.06.26a - Fixed: Folders not respecting sort-order ###2020.06.26 - Added: Advanced context menu (thanks hernandito) - Fixed: Folders sometimes not loading - Fixed: Log icon not showing in advanced view - Fixed: Sort-order getting reset on sort ###2020.06.12 - Added: Basic help info - Added: Preview log icon - Change: Style a bit ###2020.06.02 - Added: New icon style label-tab (thanks hernandito) - Added: Only animate icon on hover - Added: Preview icons grayscaled as option - Added: Preview display only on hover - Change: Expand button style default - Fixed: Prevent a bit more bad input - Fixed: Improve dashboard expanded started only ###2020.05.25 - Added: preview no-icon context-menu - Added: regex docker selection - Added: WebUI subcommand - Added: subMenu triangle icon - Change: Preview and expanded folder style changes (thanks hernandito) - Change: Dont run cpuMemoryLoad in basic view - Change: Stop folder and docker name being same - Change: Display current folder for dockers in editFolder - Change: Allow moving docker to and from folder - Fixed: preview display order - Fixed: preview icon breaking save sort-order - Fixed: preview in advanced view ###2020.05.18 - Added: New docker expand button style - Added: Docker preview - Added: Log migration ###2020.05.13 - Fixed: Dashboard expanded border-top - Fixed: Dashboard expanded needing specific loadorder ###2020.05.09 - Change: Improve memory display - Change: Save advanced view mode - Fixed: Wait for folders to load - Fixed: Dashboard Expanded work with other than 3 rows ###2020.05.07 - Fixed: EventControl ###2020.05.06 - Fixed: Prefs not existing wrecking hell - Fixed: Loadlist increasing status count - Fixed: Switchs not working on folders - Fixed: Dashboard remove docker from folder on remove - Fixed: Dashboard expanded evan nr of children ###2020.05.03 - Fixed: Migration ###2020.04.30 - Change: No more hidden docker - Change: Allow import of old folders - Added: Dashboard expanded button - Fixed: Moving expanded folder not saving - Fixed: Dashboard expanded ###2020.04.24 - Added: Dashboard expanded - Added: Unraid Docker WebUI construct - Change: Allow folder renaming - Change: Only restart started dockers ###2020.04.22 - fix: Docker_Sub_Menu - changed: plg launch - added: plg icon ###2020.04.16 - added: status icon autostart ###2020.04.15a - fix: remove read_userprefs no longer used ###2020.04.15 - fix: any docker action removing it from folder - fix: activeDropdowns being a bit wonky ###2020.04.14 - add: update status for folder - fix: remove docker from folder on remove - fix: dont reset folder position on edit ###2020.04.04c - fix: dashboard "started only" hiding folders ###2020.04.04b - fix: import folders - add: WebUI open in new tab ###2020.04.04a - fix: Fing windows 7 (LF no CR LF) ###2020.04.04 - change: folders are now sortable - added: import/export of folders - fix: some small fixes ###2020.04.02a - fix: folders not saving on firefox (thanks NitroNine) ###2020.04.02 - fix: fresh installs - fix: folderRemove maybe breaking things ###2020.03.28 - fix: docker sub menu - fix: dashboard folder text no longer blue ###2020.03.27a - added: choose a icon based on the current containers in the folder (thanks Roxedus) ###2020.03.27 - fix: missing getVal ###2020.03.24 - added: better buttons - added: folders can now start expanded - fix: there is now max image upload size of 3mb (per image) ###2020.03.14 - added: upload icon - fix: added double quotes around Docker_Default so double click does not get a trailing space - fix: remove tianon/true orphan image element (no more OCD) ###2020.03.13 - fix: "add folder" button now displays with Tabbed Mode (Display Settings) - fix: folder name no longer allow spaces - change: WebUI must start with http/https - change: edit/remove dropdown now include Folder at the end ###2020.03.12 - fix: if folders.json does not exist create it - fix: dashboard folder status icon not animating - fix: dropdown resetting on loadlist ###2020.03.05 - Initial Release # Remove old 'source' files rm -f $(ls /boot/config/plugins/&name;/&name;*.txz 2>/dev/null | grep -v '&version;') https://raw.github.com/&github;/master/archive/&name;-&version;-x86_64-1.txz &md5; php &plugdir;/scripts/create_folders_file.php php &plugdir;/scripts/migration/common_migration.php echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been installed." echo " Version: &version;" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" removepkg &name;-&version;-x86_64-1 rm -rf &plugdir; rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;