Item name,Glow color,Thaumometer reading,Mana gained from sacrifice Warhammer of Rage +1,yellow,40,18 Amulet of Melancholy,green,40,20 Amulet of Abstraction,blue,71,48 Ring of Hope +6,yellow,50,19 Warhammer of Flame,blue,4,5 Axe of Capability +1,blue,17,18 Ring of Winter +4,green,27,20 Amulet of Justice,blue,71,50 Pendant of Power +6,yellow,62,21 Battleaxe of Wrath +2,yellow,42,20 Pendant of Abstraction +6,yellow,40,21 Saw of Industry,blue,8,7 Plough of Plenty,red,6,6 Pendant of Prosperity,green,36,22 Ring of Plenty +4,yellow,52,21 Longsword of Rage +1,blue,11,10 Longsword of Wrath +3,green,15,32 Pendant of Abstraction +5,green,24,20 Amulet of Capability,yellow,26,20 Hammer of Industry,green,21,20 Amulet of Melancholy,red,30,10 Axe of Industry +2,red,12,16 Longsword of Justice +2,blue,23,24 Ring of Wounding +3,yellow,25,19 Saw of Industry,blue,55,54 Longsword of Wounding,red,60,2 Sword of Glory +4,blue,49,48 Hammer of Plenty,yellow,54,20 Ring of Plenty +5,green,72,38 Longsword of Power +2,yellow,6,21 Longsword of Justice +1,blue,13,12 Axe of Industry,green,16,16 Ring of Justice +1,red,34,20 Pendant of Beauty +4,blue,63,40 Sword of Justice +1,yellow,8,18 Pendant of Flame,red,57,72 Saw of Industry +2,blue,2,3 Pendant of Rage +1,green,49,38 Sword of Flame +3,green,4,34 Battleaxe of Wrath +4,blue,41,40 Warhammer of Justice,blue,5,4 Longsword of Rage +3,green,2,38 Ring of Flame,yellow,42,18 Warhammer of Power +1,green,12,16 Amulet of Prosperity +6,yellow,43,20 Battleaxe of Glory +1,blue,15,16 Sword of Glory +2,green,8,22 Pendant of Protection,red,24,18 Amulet of Protection,yellow,64,20 Ring of Flame +6,blue,29,6 Amulet of Flame +4,blue,29,6 Pendant of Hope +1,green,34,30 Saw of Plenty,green,21,8 Axe of Capability,red,4,48 Pendant of Flame,blue,65,42 Amulet of Winter +6,blue,39,18 Saw of Capability +4,yellow,1,18 Pendant of Justice +6,red,24,24 Battleaxe of Rage +2,green,24,26 Ring of Joy +5,yellow,29,18 Pendant of Winter,blue,63,40 Warhammer of Wounding +1,blue,17,18 Amulet of Rage,green,42,36 Saw of Plenty,green,4,26 Warhammer of Justice,blue,9,8 Hammer of Industry,blue,39,40 Sword of Flame +2,yellow,4,20 Amulet of Glory,green,31,20 Amulet of Wounding,red,31,6 Saw of Industry,yellow,36,19 Pendant of Joy +4,blue,33,12 Amulet of Wounding,blue,59,36 Amulet of Winter,green,72,4 Ring of Plenty,blue,25,4 Pendant of Hope,blue,23,2 Longsword of Power +2,yellow,4,20 Amulet of Truth,yellow,42,21 Hammer of Prosperity +4,blue,6,5 Ring of Prosperity,blue,30,9 Sword of Rage,red,7,1 Pendant of Abstraction +4,red,26,6 Hammer of Industry,red,60,12 Amulet of Joy,yellow,34,18 Hammer of Plenty +1,yellow,6,21 Pendant of Hope +4,blue,33,12 Sword of Wrath,blue,7,6 Pendant of Protection +6,red,25,54 Warhammer of Wrath +1,blue,11,12 Axe of Plenty +3,blue,49,48 Ring of Capability +5,yellow,32,19 Axe of Prosperity,blue,25,24 Pendant of Plenty +2,red,34,2 Longsword of Wounding +3,blue,33,32 Amulet of Prosperity +6,green,38,24 Amulet of Abstraction,green,31,4 Plough of Prosperity,green,5,30 Ring of Industry,green,50,20 Longsword of Rage +7,red,60,72 Pendant of Abstraction,yellow,25,20 Warhammer of Power +1,blue,17,16 Ring of Justice,blue,25,4 Battleaxe of Rage +2,blue,28,27 Pendant of Capability +5,red,26,2 Amulet of Hope +4,yellow,62,19 Warhammer of Rage,blue,3,2 Amulet of Flame,blue,42,21 Hammer of Industry,yellow,24,18 Battleaxe of Rage,red,9,6 Ring of Justice +5,yellow,28,21 Sword of Wounding +3,green,30,38 Amulet of Wounding +2,red,42,36 Sword of Glory +1,blue,19,18 Hammer of Capability +4,green,12,22 Battleaxe of Rage +1,blue,11,10 Ring of Beauty,blue,27,4 Sword of Flame +4,blue,41,42 Plough of Capability,green,8,10 Amulet of Rage +1,yellow,82,19 Hammer of Industry,green,8,4 Amulet of Rage,blue,29,6 Sword of Justice +1,green,30,14 Plough of Plenty,red,24,5 Sword of Wounding +1,yellow,20,19 Amulet of Hope,yellow,46,19 Battleaxe of Flame +4,red,12,48 Pendant of Melancholy,yellow,28,21 Axe of Capability,green,15,30 Battleaxe of Rage,blue,3,4 Battleaxe of Wounding +3,blue,33,32 Ring of Truth +4,green,43,28 Pendant of Capability,red,23,8 Hammer of Prosperity +2,green,3,36 Amulet of Protection +6,green,40,34 Warhammer of Flame +1,green,12,10 Battleaxe of Justice +2,blue,26,25 Amulet of Industry +4,green,32,26 Pendant of Joy +1,green,34,40 Longsword of Rage,blue,10,9 Saw of Industry +1,green,30,24 Pendant of Protection,red,52,12 Ring of Power +5,blue,27,4 Saw of Prosperity,red,9,12 Axe of Prosperity +1,green,21,20 Longsword of Rage +3,green,12,32 Pendant of Justice,yellow,62,20 Amulet of Flame +6,yellow,32,20 Hammer of Capability +4,blue,2,1 Ring of Wrath,blue,83,60 Amulet of Abstraction,green,46,12 Pendant of Protection,yellow,42,21 Amulet of Industry +1,green,24,24 Warhammer of Wounding,blue,7,6 Sword of Justice +2,yellow,6,20 Axe of Plenty +1,green,28,14 Longsword of Justice,green,18,6 Amulet of Rage +3,red,40,12 Saw of Capability,yellow,4,18 Ring of Protection +4,red,24,24 Ring of Hope,blue,23,2 Amulet of Industry,blue,33,12 Sword of Power,blue,7,6 Pendant of Abstraction,blue,41,20 Hammer of Plenty,blue,11,10 Amulet of Glory,yellow,64,19 Ring of Power +1,yellow,28,18 Plough of Industry,green,18,16 Plough of Plenty,yellow,6,20 Pendant of Capability,green,38,28 Saw of Capability,blue,2,1 Pendant of Beauty,red,31,12 Hammer of Prosperity,yellow,4,21 Warhammer of Wrath +1,red,60,12 Ring of Justice,blue,33,10 Warhammer of Power +4,green,8,40 Longsword of Power +4,red,10,48 Plough of Prosperity +3,blue,15,14 Amulet of Power,yellow,46,21 Warhammer of Wrath +5,blue,55,54 Hammer of Prosperity +2,red,5,32 Battleaxe of Rage +4,green,15,40 Sword of Glory,blue,9,8 Pendant of Truth,yellow,30,18 Battleaxe of Flame +2,red,3,24 Hammer of Plenty,yellow,4,21 Pendant of Wrath,blue,33,10 Ring of Power +2,green,43,34 Warhammer of Power,blue,7,6 Ring of Capability,blue,25,4 Ring of Wounding +5,red,24,6 Axe of Prosperity,yellow,24,21 Saw of Capability +3,blue,44,45 Amulet of Wounding,red,40,64 Plough of Prosperity,blue,7,6 Axe of Capability,yellow,40,18 Ring of Glory,yellow,57,18 Longsword of Justice,red,12,8 Amulet of Power,green,27,16 Battleaxe of Wrath +1,yellow,2,18 Battleaxe of Power +5,blue,53,54 Plough of Capability,blue,5,4 Amulet of Abstraction,red,38,8 Warhammer of Wrath +1,green,10,12 Saw of Plenty,yellow,30,19 Sword of Power +2,yellow,30,21 Battleaxe of Wounding +1,blue,15,16 Amulet of Industry +2,blue,59,36 Amulet of Rage,yellow,29,18 Sword of Wrath,blue,7,8 Battleaxe of Flame,green,15,2 Pendant of Prosperity +3,green,62,4 Warhammer of Wrath,green,7,4 Amulet of Winter,red,26,24 Axe of Plenty,green,30,4 Pendant of Power +2,blue,31,8 Battleaxe of Power +1,blue,16,15 Plough of Industry,blue,19,18 Sword of Justice +6,red,3,60 Warhammer of Power,blue,8,9 Plough of Prosperity,blue,39,40 Saw of Industry,yellow,40,19 Ring of Abstraction,red,76,8 Sword of Rage +1,blue,13,12 Pendant of Prosperity,red,30,6 Sword of Glory +3,blue,31,30 Saw of Capability,red,6,72 Ring of Wounding +6,green,42,16 Pendant of Melancholy +3,yellow,30,19 Axe of Plenty,blue,3,2 Pendant of Protection,yellow,26,21 Ring of Hope +4,yellow,34,19 Axe of Prosperity,green,28,14 Pendant of Protection,blue,28,5 Ring of Beauty,yellow,38,19 Amulet of Prosperity,blue,26,5 Saw of Industry,green,2,12 Sword of Glory +1,blue,13,12 Axe of Industry +1,red,15,16 Pendant of Protection,blue,53,32 Plough of Industry,yellow,27,21 Ring of Plenty +6,red,46,18 Pendant of Flame,blue,30,9 Ring of Capability +3,blue,43,20 Sword of Rage,green,10,2 Amulet of Truth,blue,53,30 Battleaxe of Rage +1,yellow,16,19 Pendant of Hope +4,blue,25,2 Amulet of Protection +3,green,27,40 Pendant of Abstraction +2,yellow,40,20 Saw of Plenty +3,yellow,5,18 Warhammer of Power +1,yellow,48,19 Plough of Prosperity,green,16,34 Ring of Joy +5,blue,43,20 Sword of Power,blue,1,2 Saw of Plenty +1,blue,39,40 Longsword of Power +3,blue,33,32 Amulet of Prosperity,blue,29,8 Saw of Plenty +4,blue,7,6 Axe of Prosperity,green,25,32 Longsword of Justice +1,red,10,10 Saw of Plenty +4,green,9,26 Axe of Prosperity +2,red,36,96 Longsword of Wounding +1,yellow,12,19 Amulet of Winter,green,52,8 Pendant of Melancholy +2,blue,25,4 Axe of Industry,yellow,30,18 Warhammer of Rage +1,green,4,18 Pendant of Melancholy,green,34,24 Sword of Rage +2,green,7,28 Sword of Power +2,yellow,12,21 Amulet of Rage +6,blue,43,20 Amulet of Hope +5,yellow,40,21 Battleaxe of Power +2,yellow,8,21 Ring of Justice +5,green,50,38 Battleaxe of Wounding +2,green,18,24 Plough of Plenty,red,30,9 Amulet of Truth +2,blue,56,35 Pendant of Rage +3,green,32,16 Saw of Industry +1,red,4,72 Battleaxe of Power +2,yellow,6,21 Amulet of Hope +3,blue,81,60 Warhammer of Wounding +1,yellow,5,19 Ring of Hope,green,38,6 Warhammer of Power +3,blue,37,36 Sword of Rage,blue,4,5 Amulet of Industry,blue,27,6 Sword of Wrath,red,30,8 Amulet of Rage,blue,29,6 Battleaxe of Flame +2,yellow,20,20 Hammer of Capability,yellow,28,18 Ring of Prosperity,red,34,60 Battleaxe of Wounding +1,yellow,20,18 Amulet of Flame +2,yellow,52,21 Ring of Power +5,red,57,16 Pendant of Justice +4,blue,41,18 Pendant of Beauty,red,38,18 Warhammer of Wrath +2,yellow,40,20 Warhammer of Glory,blue,7,6 Ring of Industry,green,37,10 Saw of Capability,yellow,36,19 Warhammer of Justice +1,green,40,18 Warhammer of Wrath +4,blue,43,42 Battleaxe of Glory +2,blue,25,24 Saw of Plenty,red,54,12 Ring of Winter,blue,25,2 Warhammer of Power +2,blue,19,20 Plough of Industry +4,yellow,35,20 Sword of Wrath +3,green,21,34 Saw of Plenty,red,3,9 Warhammer of Justice +2,red,21,20 Battleaxe of Wrath +5,blue,53,54 Plough of Prosperity,blue,55,54 Ring of Industry,yellow,32,21 Saw of Capability +1,green,40,36 Pendant of Power +4,red,42,32 Ring of Protection +6,blue,33,12 Sword of Rage +2,yellow,42,20 Sword of Justice +6,blue,59,60 Warhammer of Power +2,yellow,54,20 Warhammer of Power,blue,5,6 Pendant of Melancholy +1,yellow,58,21 Sword of Justice +1,green,20,12 Ring of Truth +2,red,34,3 Saw of Capability +3,green,10,34 Ring of Protection,blue,22,1 Longsword of Wounding +2,green,2,26 Sword of Justice +3,red,28,32 Ring of Flame +5,blue,33,10 Amulet of Wounding,green,23,28 Axe of Prosperity,red,36,72 Plough of Plenty,yellow,25,21 Longsword of Rage +2,red,48,24 Warhammer of Power +3,green,36,32 Longsword of Wrath,red,45,4 Ring of Flame,green,23,40 Warhammer of Power +4,blue,41,40 Plough of Industry,blue,37,36 Battleaxe of Power,blue,8,7 Pendant of Winter,green,46,12 Ring of Flame +4,red,42,10 Axe of Plenty +3,blue,3,4 Ring of Power,yellow,40,18 Hammer of Prosperity +3,blue,19,18 Pendant of Glory,yellow,57,20 Amulet of Plenty +5,green,34,24 Plough of Plenty +1,blue,13,12 Amulet of Capability,green,26,30 Ring of Protection,blue,29,6 Longsword of Power,blue,10,9 Plough of Capability +3,yellow,28,21 Sword of Rage +2,yellow,4,20 Axe of Prosperity +2,red,16,30 Ring of Power,yellow,64,21 Sword of Wrath +2,yellow,18,21 Ring of Joy,blue,48,25 Longsword of Wrath,blue,4,5 Pendant of Beauty,yellow,38,18 Longsword of Power +1,red,24,12 Pendant of Beauty,red,27,18 Longsword of Wounding +2,yellow,4,20 Amulet of Beauty,blue,29,6 Amulet of Joy +1,yellow,42,21 Pendant of Abstraction,blue,66,45 Pendant of Power,blue,27,4 Warhammer of Rage +1,green,28,10 Pendant of Beauty +3,green,82,14 Warhammer of Glory +1,blue,15,16 Ring of Capability,green,30,16 Axe of Prosperity,yellow,40,20 Ring of Beauty,yellow,30,21 Longsword of Flame +2,red,8,27 Axe of Prosperity +3,yellow,15,21 Longsword of Justice +2,yellow,4,20 Ring of Flame,blue,46,25 Amulet of Capability +6,blue,33,12 Battleaxe of Rage +2,green,10,28 Longsword of Wounding +5,red,20,54 Ring of Protection +3,blue,53,32 Longsword of Glory,blue,4,3 Saw of Prosperity,green,6,28 Longsword of Wrath +1,yellow,30,18 Axe of Industry +3,green,6,8 Warhammer of Wounding +2,red,6,24 Amulet of Power,red,34,16 Plough of Industry +2,red,45,8 Pendant of Truth,yellow,49,21 Warhammer of Flame +2,yellow,18,20 Axe of Industry +4,green,4,22 Ring of Wrath +1,red,32,36 Ring of Abstraction +3,yellow,30,18 Axe of Plenty,yellow,18,19 Ring of Capability +2,blue,41,18 Longsword of Flame,green,12,8 Sword of Flame,green,18,4 Pendant of Beauty,yellow,32,19 Ring of Abstraction,yellow,40,21 Amulet of Joy +4,yellow,42,19 Pendant of Melancholy,yellow,64,20 Longsword of Rage +1,blue,13,12 Warhammer of Flame +1,green,18,16 Axe of Capability,red,20,6 Plough of Prosperity,yellow,1,21 Amulet of Wrath,green,38,16 Pendant of Justice,blue,33,12 Amulet of Plenty +5,blue,33,10 Sword of Flame +3,red,4,32 Amulet of Power +1,green,46,6 Amulet of Glory +1,green,26,2 Axe of Industry +2,green,27,2 Ring of Wrath +2,green,30,28 Battleaxe of Rage +1,yellow,10,19 Warhammer of Rage +1,blue,16,15 Pendant of Beauty,yellow,42,21 Battleaxe of Wrath,blue,1,2 Amulet of Prosperity +5,green,42,4 Hammer of Prosperity,green,4,8 Amulet of Melancholy,yellow,26,21 Ring of Glory,yellow,30,20 Amulet of Wounding,yellow,62,20 Axe of Prosperity,yellow,24,18 Battleaxe of Flame,blue,8,7 Sword of Flame +2,blue,23,24 Hammer of Industry +1,red,7,4 Longsword of Wrath +2,yellow,7,20 Ring of Rage +4,blue,24,1 Amulet of Justice,yellow,26,18 Plough of Prosperity +4,green,18,30 Battleaxe of Wounding +1,yellow,18,18 Sword of Glory,blue,2,3 Ring of Justice,red,26,36 Amulet of Plenty +6,blue,35,12 Hammer of Plenty +2,yellow,6,18 Longsword of Wrath +1,green,4,10 Warhammer of Justice,blue,5,6 Saw of Industry +1,yellow,3,19 Warhammer of Flame,blue,5,6 Saw of Plenty,green,36,8 Ring of Truth,green,54,28 Axe of Capability,yellow,24,18 Saw of Industry,blue,35,36 Longsword of Justice +1,yellow,2,19 Battleaxe of Glory +2,blue,25,24 Saw of Capability,green,21,8 Longsword of Power +4,red,45,48 Axe of Plenty +1,blue,7,8 Axe of Capability +4,blue,31,30 Pendant of Industry +5,green,26,22 Saw of Industry +2,green,8,34 Sword of Wounding +1,yellow,40,19 Sword of Justice +2,green,48,24 Amulet of Power,blue,30,9 Battleaxe of Wounding,green,8,2 Pendant of Wrath +2,green,42,6 Sword of Flame +8,red,45,80 Pendant of Joy,blue,35,12 Hammer of Industry,yellow,10,21 Axe of Prosperity,yellow,15,18 Longsword of Justice +2,yellow,6,21 Saw of Prosperity,red,12,24 Plough of Capability,red,16,36 Sword of Glory +1,yellow,36,18 Longsword of Glory +3,green,18,30 Plough of Prosperity +1,yellow,25,21 Ring of Prosperity +6,blue,38,15 Plough of Industry +4,yellow,40,18 Ring of Justice +5,red,26,96 Longsword of Power +6,red,7,60 Amulet of Beauty +2,blue,33,12 Battleaxe of Glory,blue,2,1 Battleaxe of Justice,red,30,9 Warhammer of Flame +4,red,12,40 Pendant of Wounding,red,54,27 Battleaxe of Wrath +1,yellow,21,19 Ring of Hope +4,yellow,32,21 Longsword of Glory +1,red,9,18 Amulet of Industry,yellow,29,21 Battleaxe of Justice,blue,4,3 Ring of Joy,yellow,40,18 Amulet of Truth,yellow,37,19 Amulet of Winter,yellow,54,18 Longsword of Wounding,blue,9,8 Pendant of Flame,green,52,34 Plough of Plenty +2,red,2,15 Ring of Truth +1,blue,69,48 Axe of Capability,green,54,18 Warhammer of Wounding,blue,4,5 Ring of Industry,blue,29,8 Battleaxe of Glory,blue,10,9 Sword of Wrath +1,red,27,10 Sword of Wrath +4,blue,46,45 Hammer of Industry,blue,16,15 Saw of Capability +2,green,60,40 Sword of Justice,red,5,1 Pendant of Hope,blue,71,50 Ring of Flame +1,red,32,5 Saw of Capability,red,54,72 Sword of Wounding +2,yellow,12,21 Longsword of Wrath,green,24,6 Ring of Wounding,green,42,36 Battleaxe of Flame,blue,7,6 Pendant of Wrath,blue,24,3 Ring of Power +5,red,26,20 Pendant of Hope,red,40,16 Warhammer of Wounding +3,green,32,30 Pendant of Prosperity,blue,45,24 Amulet of Industry +4,blue,63,42 Longsword of Wounding +3,red,60,30 Sword of Justice +1,yellow,10,18 Amulet of Capability,green,52,6 Amulet of Justice,red,30,2 Sword of Wounding +1,yellow,36,18 Pendant of Wounding +1,blue,39,18 Battleaxe of Rage +2,blue,20,21 Ring of Wounding,blue,41,20 Longsword of Wrath +3,green,30,32 Longsword of Wrath +1,green,6,14 Pendant of Rage +6,blue,69,48 Ring of Capability,red,62,18 Pendant of Flame,blue,31,8 Plough of Prosperity,yellow,6,19 Warhammer of Wrath,blue,4,5 Ring of Truth,red,28,72 Longsword of Wounding +3,red,8,36 Ring of Hope +3,yellow,46,18 Battleaxe of Wounding +1,green,24,18 Longsword of Power,blue,5,6 Warhammer of Glory +1,yellow,3,18 Battleaxe of Rage +3,green,15,30 Amulet of Abstraction,blue,51,28 Pendant of Beauty,green,46,4 Warhammer of Wounding +1,yellow,40,19 Saw of Industry +1,yellow,3,18 Warhammer of Rage +2,yellow,6,21 Pendant of Protection,blue,27,6 Longsword of Wrath +3,blue,37,36 Amulet of Glory,red,58,2 Saw of Capability +4,blue,15,14 Ring of Winter,blue,41,18 Plough of Plenty +1,yellow,36,19 Battleaxe of Wrath,blue,5,4 Axe of Capability +2,blue,9,8 Amulet of Plenty +5,yellow,49,19 Longsword of Wounding +2,blue,26,25 Warhammer of Rage +2,yellow,20,21 Plough of Industry +1,yellow,4,21 Amulet of Abstraction +6,yellow,58,21 Battleaxe of Rage +3,green,12,32 Hammer of Plenty +1,green,40,8 Pendant of Hope,green,37,30 Hammer of Prosperity,red,15,6 Ring of Beauty +6,yellow,40,20 Longsword of Wrath,red,4,6 Battleaxe of Rage +1,yellow,5,18 Axe of Capability +2,yellow,9,19 Ring of Power,red,70,16 Ring of Winter +6,green,38,28 Warhammer of Flame +1,blue,16,15 Ring of Joy +6,blue,25,4 Plough of Plenty,red,24,18 Pendant of Plenty +6,yellow,40,19 Plough of Industry,red,18,80 Pendant of Capability,blue,47,24 Battleaxe of Wounding +2,blue,21,20 Warhammer of Wrath +2,yellow,3,21 Longsword of Rage +1,yellow,15,18 Sword of Power +2,yellow,15,21 Warhammer of Wrath +4,blue,41,40 Ring of Wrath +1,yellow,54,19 Amulet of Hope,blue,53,30 Pendant of Flame,blue,28,5 Plough of Prosperity,blue,37,36 Longsword of Glory +3,red,3,30 Axe of Capability,blue,36,35 Longsword of Flame +1,blue,14,15 Ring of Prosperity,yellow,29,19 Amulet of Abstraction,green,62,18 Saw of Industry +2,yellow,2,20 Saw of Capability +2,red,50,20 Amulet of Hope +3,blue,29,8 Sword of Justice,red,12,6 Hammer of Plenty +2,yellow,40,20 Plough of Prosperity,yellow,36,19 Pendant of Wounding,yellow,29,18 Pendant of Flame,red,49,60 Longsword of Glory +1,yellow,27,18 Longsword of Flame +1,yellow,8,18 Ring of Wounding +2,red,76,64 Plough of Plenty +3,green,20,14 Battleaxe of Rage +4,green,30,40 Ring of Glory,blue,63,40 Longsword of Wounding +2,yellow,2,20 Battleaxe of Glory +5,blue,49,50 Amulet of Prosperity,yellow,40,20 Pendant of Abstraction +4,green,58,10 Saw of Plenty,blue,34,35 Pendant of Glory,yellow,26,18 Axe of Industry,blue,37,36 Warhammer of Power,red,18,5 Saw of Prosperity,green,12,30 Warhammer of Wounding +4,green,18,40 Hammer of Prosperity +3,blue,19,18 Sword of Flame +2,green,36,28 Pendant of Power +4,green,42,38 Sword of Wrath,red,8,8 Ring of Rage +1,blue,29,6 Pendant of Winter +2,red,43,40 Warhammer of Glory +3,green,32,32 Hammer of Plenty +4,blue,35,36 Ring of Winter,green,76,20 Battleaxe of Glory +1,green,36,16 Hammer of Capability +2,yellow,5,20 Battleaxe of Justice +1,green,18,10 Ring of Beauty,blue,41,18 Ring of Melancholy,yellow,46,18 Longsword of Justice +1,yellow,36,18 Pendant of Power,blue,30,9 Warhammer of Rage,blue,2,1 Sword of Justice +1,yellow,32,18 Amulet of Power,blue,38,15 Saw of Plenty,blue,23,24 Warhammer of Wrath +4,blue,47,48 Hammer of Capability +1,green,6,36 Warhammer of Glory +2,green,18,22 Ring of Wrath,green,42,6 Longsword of Rage +1,green,4,18 Ring of Abstraction,red,32,54 Warhammer of Justice,green,27,6 Axe of Plenty,green,12,36 Amulet of Industry,yellow,26,18 Amulet of Prosperity +3,green,34,8 Pendant of Abstraction +4,blue,57,36 Battleaxe of Flame +2,red,5,20 Pendant of Power +3,green,28,24 Amulet of Truth,green,58,6 Plough of Industry,yellow,6,20 Saw of Prosperity,green,48,24 Ring of Flame +1,red,47,48 Ring of Flame,blue,47,24 Warhammer of Wounding,blue,3,4 Sword of Glory,blue,7,8 Axe of Prosperity,blue,13,12 Axe of Capability +2,blue,4,3 Warhammer of Power +1,yellow,10,19 Ring of Wounding +5,green,24,18 Pendant of Joy +6,blue,22,1 Warhammer of Flame,red,42,3 Axe of Industry +1,red,15,16 Amulet of Prosperity +4,yellow,30,20 Sword of Rage +1,yellow,24,18 Saw of Plenty,red,36,45 Sword of Glory +2,yellow,8,21 Ring of Melancholy,yellow,72,18 Longsword of Flame +3,blue,36,35 Saw of Plenty +2,green,36,18 Amulet of Prosperity,green,49,10 Warhammer of Flame,red,24,8 Pendant of Joy +5,green,47,30 Axe of Prosperity +2,red,9,48 Saw of Plenty +4,red,10,4 Hammer of Plenty,green,14,34 Ring of Joy +5,blue,28,7 Battleaxe of Wrath +1,yellow,20,19 Saw of Industry +3,green,3,18 Saw of Industry +1,yellow,9,20 Amulet of Flame,yellow,28,21 Ring of Melancholy +3,blue,32,9 Plough of Capability,blue,23,24 Ring of Winter,green,42,18 Saw of Industry +2,green,36,36 Plough of Plenty,blue,20,21 Battleaxe of Justice +2,yellow,9,21 Sword of Wrath +1,yellow,40,19 Longsword of Rage +2,yellow,4,20 Sword of Glory,red,6,4 Plough of Plenty,blue,43,42 Ring of Rage,blue,27,4 Pendant of Wounding +3,blue,41,18 Saw of Capability +1,red,18,8 Longsword of Flame +4,blue,39,40 Ring of Power,green,42,22 Sword of Wounding,blue,5,6 Pendant of Glory +1,blue,43,20 Plough of Industry,yellow,21,19 Ring of Joy,blue,25,2 Sword of Glory +4,green,3,40 Saw of Industry,yellow,28,21 Pendant of Capability +1,green,50,12 Sword of Rage +2,blue,23,24 Amulet of Industry,blue,53,32 Warhammer of Rage +1,green,32,14 Amulet of Wounding,red,31,12 Ring of Power,yellow,52,19 Plough of Plenty,blue,17,16 Ring of Beauty,green,34,22 Battleaxe of Wrath +1,blue,13,12 Battleaxe of Wrath +4,red,10,48 Warhammer of Glory +1,yellow,12,19 Ring of Wounding,yellow,52,19 Hammer of Capability,green,10,38 Pendant of Protection,red,70,60 Plough of Industry +2,red,14,32 Warhammer of Wrath,green,14,2 Ring of Abstraction,blue,71,50 Axe of Prosperity,yellow,20,21 Ring of Truth,yellow,28,20 Ring of Beauty,green,23,16 Hammer of Prosperity +4,blue,11,10 Warhammer of Flame +1,yellow,48,18 Plough of Prosperity +4,blue,3,2 Longsword of Rage +1,yellow,4,19 Sword of Power +3,red,27,36 Ring of Industry,blue,26,5 Hammer of Prosperity,yellow,15,21 Battleaxe of Wrath +3,green,7,34 Plough of Prosperity,blue,27,28 Saw of Plenty,blue,3,2 Warhammer of Flame +1,red,8,12 Pendant of Power,blue,35,12 Plough of Prosperity,yellow,50,19 Ring of Abstraction +1,green,47,30 Amulet of Protection +6,yellow,52,19 Sword of Rage,green,6,8 Pendant of Capability,blue,41,18 Amulet of Wounding,red,32,30 Ring of Justice +5,red,58,12 Axe of Capability,green,21,38 Saw of Prosperity,yellow,5,19 Amulet of Beauty,red,40,8 Battleaxe of Power,green,8,8 Warhammer of Glory,blue,7,8 Pendant of Rage,green,24,16 Ring of Flame,blue,29,8 Amulet of Power +2,yellow,82,18 Longsword of Rage +2,blue,23,24 Amulet of Plenty,blue,35,12 Longsword of Justice +3,blue,31,30 Amulet of Rage +2,blue,30,9 Ring of Glory,red,67,6 Axe of Capability +1,green,12,4 Hammer of Plenty +1,blue,23,24 Warhammer of Wrath +3,green,3,36 Warhammer of Flame,blue,3,4 Pendant of Melancholy,yellow,36,18 Plough of Plenty +4,blue,5,6 Ring of Protection +3,red,72,48 Axe of Plenty,green,6,6 Amulet of Flame +1,blue,48,25 Axe of Capability,yellow,18,19 Battleaxe of Glory +3,red,24,30 Pendant of Power,green,37,12 Sword of Wounding +1,green,6,12 Warhammer of Glory +2,blue,24,25 Saw of Plenty +4,green,4,36 Amulet of Hope,red,36,9 Ring of Winter +5,blue,53,30 Warhammer of Rage +2,blue,20,21 Amulet of Plenty,green,64,38 Battleaxe of Glory +2,green,8,24 Saw of Plenty,yellow,54,21 Warhammer of Glory +2,green,6,22 Saw of Plenty,blue,3,4 Ring of Abstraction,red,58,4 Saw of Industry +3,yellow,60,18 Amulet of Protection +3,blue,27,6 Longsword of Rage,blue,5,6 Axe of Industry +4,yellow,16,21 Battleaxe of Wounding +1,yellow,5,18 Longsword of Glory +2,green,12,20 Pendant of Wounding +3,blue,81,60 Battleaxe of Justice +1,yellow,18,19 Amulet of Beauty +4,green,42,30 Sword of Flame,blue,9,8 Amulet of Plenty,red,34,1 Sword of Glory +2,green,40,28 Ring of Winter +6,blue,69,48 Longsword of Flame +1,yellow,27,18 Plough of Prosperity,yellow,36,18 Longsword of Justice,red,12,9 Hammer of Plenty,green,8,36 Pendant of Rage,blue,77,54 Saw of Industry +4,green,12,16 Pendant of Wrath +1,green,52,16 Saw of Industry,blue,19,20 Amulet of Capability +3,blue,35,12 Sword of Wrath +1,yellow,15,19 Saw of Prosperity,yellow,35,18 Amulet of Glory,green,52,40 Pendant of Flame,blue,43,20 Warhammer of Glory +2,blue,21,20 Warhammer of Flame +2,yellow,6,20 Saw of Capability,blue,9,8 Pendant of Plenty +3,blue,46,25 Ring of Glory,yellow,26,21 Saw of Prosperity,blue,16,15 Axe of Capability +1,blue,21,20 Longsword of Power,blue,7,6 Battleaxe of Flame +2,blue,22,21 Battleaxe of Wrath,green,18,8 Saw of Industry,blue,5,6 Battleaxe of Rage,blue,7,8 Amulet of Industry +6,blue,24,3 Ring of Flame,yellow,28,18 Sword of Wrath +3,green,54,30 Hammer of Capability +4,green,2,32 Sword of Wrath +2,blue,23,24 Axe of Capability +3,yellow,7,19 Amulet of Abstraction,blue,39,16 Ring of Wounding +4,green,36,24 Amulet of Truth +1,blue,49,28 Sword of Wounding +1,green,9,10 Ring of Power,green,34,8 Sword of Power +1,blue,13,12 Axe of Capability,yellow,18,20 Ring of Abstraction +5,yellow,34,18 Saw of Industry,green,42,16 Pendant of Abstraction,blue,27,6 Battleaxe of Power,blue,2,1 Ring of Plenty +4,yellow,27,21 Sword of Rage +2,green,10,26 Axe of Prosperity +2,green,9,30 Pendant of Wrath +1,blue,31,8 Longsword of Power,red,14,9 Ring of Flame +5,yellow,30,19 Warhammer of Flame,red,4,8 Sword of Power,blue,8,7 Sword of Rage +4,blue,39,40 Ring of Hope,yellow,25,18 Pendant of Melancholy,yellow,28,19 Warhammer of Flame,blue,7,6 Pendant of Joy,yellow,30,21 Ring of Wrath +5,red,40,12 Warhammer of Rage +2,red,25,24 Longsword of Wrath +3,blue,33,32 Amulet of Rage +2,green,28,20 Pendant of Power +5,red,38,24 Amulet of Wounding,blue,71,48 Ring of Protection +3,yellow,25,18