20211208T155502,59+0120211128T164455,66+01 20211208T003140,98+01 20211208T155502,59+01 20211208T155502,57+01 20211208T155502,58+01 20211208T003141,79+01 20211208T003141,04+0120211208T123352,91+0120211208T142358,47+01 _acme-challenge.newton _acme-challenge.newton The deSEC e.V. REST API The configuration requires the authorization token in combination with the registered domain as shown below. 1. Register an account 2. Choose a sub-domain 3. Request an access token No additional configuration is required. You can register and name based on the registered domain including wildcard sub domains. In addition to DNS records also dyn DNS configurations are supported but not required. See details here --> https://desec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dyndns/configure.html You can also use a sub-domain registered at deSEC for validating DNS-01 requests from domains hosted at other providers via CNAME delegation.Note: the propagation for DNS records might be a bit higher then for other providers.The DNS provider delay is set to 80 seconds to avoid validation failures. DNS Account Registered domain: mydomain.dedyn.io Account name: mydomain.dedyn.io
... Authorization Key: Authorization Token: my-access-token
H 80 2 G U G U REM {DNT Begin}; DnsProviderType != "H" [Administrator] deSEC deSEC e.V. https://desec.io https://desec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 1.0 HCL ret_AddStatus https://desec.io/api/v1 FIELD param_subdomain:=@Left(param_DnsTxtName;"."+ param_RegisteredDomain);cfg_URL + "/domains/" + param_RegisteredDomain + "/rrsets/" + param_subdomain + "/TXT/" ("Authorization: Token " + cfg_AuthToken ) : ( "Content-Type: application/json" ) cfg_URL + "/domains/" + param_RegisteredDomain + "/rrsets/" ("Authorization: Token " + cfg_AuthToken ) : ( "Content-Type: application/json" ) FIELD param_QueryAddCurrentValue := @ReplaceSubString (retJSON_QryAdd.records; {"};{});L:= @Trim (param_DnsTxtValue:param_QueryAddCurrentValue);X:= @if (L=""; "";@Implode ({"\\"} + L + {\\""}; ", "));'[{"subname":"' + param_subdomain + '","type":"TXT", "records": [' + X + '], "ttl":60}]' cfg_URL + "/domains/" + param_RegisteredDomain + "/rrsets/" + param_subdomain + "/TXT/" ("Authorization: Token " + cfg_AuthToken ) : ( "Content-Type: application/json" ) cfg_URL + "/domains/" + param_RegisteredDomain + "/rrsets/" ("Authorization: Token " + cfg_AuthToken ) : ( "Content-Type: application/json" ) FIELD param_QueryDelCurrentValue := @ReplaceSubString (retJSON_QryDel.records; {"};{});FIELD param_QueryDelNewValue := @Replace (param_QueryDelCurrentValue; param_DnsTxtValue; "");L:= @Trim (param_QueryDelNewValue);X:= @if (L=""; "";@Implode ({"\\"} + L + {\\""}; ", "));'[{"subname":"' + param_subdomain + '","type":"TXT", "records": [' + X + '], "ttl":60}]'