/* WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur. */ /* Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other software and tools, and any partner logic functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/eula. */ (header "graphic" (version "1.4")) (pin (input) (rect 56 1008 224 1024) (text "INPUT" (rect 133 -1 175 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "CLK" (rect 51 1 88 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (pt 168 8) (drawing (line (pt 92 12)(pt 117 12)) (line (pt 92 4)(pt 117 4)) (line (pt 121 8)(pt 168 8)) (line (pt 92 12)(pt 92 4)) (line (pt 117 4)(pt 121 8)) (line (pt 117 12)(pt 121 8)) ) (text "GND" (rect 136 7 167 22)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) ) (pin (input) (rect -48 528 120 544) (text "INPUT" (rect 125 0 167 15)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "D[7..0]" (rect 5 0 55 16)(font "Arial" )) (pt 168 8) (drawing (line (pt 84 12)(pt 109 12)) (line (pt 84 4)(pt 109 4)) (line (pt 113 8)(pt 168 8)) (line (pt 84 12)(pt 84 4)) (line (pt 109 4)(pt 113 8)) (line (pt 109 12)(pt 113 8)) ) (text "VCC" (rect 128 7 157 22)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) ) (pin (output) (rect 552 520 728 536) (text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 58 15)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "Q[7..0]" (rect 90 0 140 21)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 0 8) (drawing (line (pt 0 8)(pt 52 8)) (line (pt 52 4)(pt 78 4)) (line (pt 52 12)(pt 78 12)) (line (pt 52 12)(pt 52 4)) (line (pt 78 4)(pt 82 8)) (line (pt 82 8)(pt 78 12)) (line (pt 78 12)(pt 82 8)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 888 384 968) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "12" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 768 384 848) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "13" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 648 384 728) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "14" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 528 384 608) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "15" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 408 384 488) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "16" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 288 384 368) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "17" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 168 384 248) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "18" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 320 48 384 128) (text "DFF" (rect 1 -1 28 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "19" (rect 1 70 17 85)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (port (pt 32 80) (input) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "CLRN" (rect 21 59 58 75)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 80)(pt 32 76)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "CLK" (rect 3 29 31 45)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 12 40)) ) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "D" (rect 14 20 23 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 12 24)) ) (port (pt 32 0) (input) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "PRN" (rect 24 13 52 29)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 32 4)(pt 32 0)) ) (port (pt 64 24) (output) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (text "Q" (rect 45 20 54 36)(font "Courier New" (bold))) (line (pt 52 24)(pt 64 24)) ) (drawing (line (pt 12 12)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 52 68)) (line (pt 52 68)(pt 52 12)) (line (pt 12 68)(pt 12 12)) (line (pt 19 40)(pt 12 47)) (line (pt 12 32)(pt 20 40)) (circle (rect 28 4 36 12)) (circle (rect 28 68 36 76)) ) ) (symbol (rect 184 1048 216 1064) (text "VCC" (rect 7 0 36 15)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "inst" (rect 3 5 28 21)(font "Arial" )(invisible)) (port (pt 16 16) (output) (text "1" (rect 19 7 28 23)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (text "1" (rect 19 7 28 23)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) (line (pt 16 16)(pt 16 8)) ) (drawing (line (pt 8 8)(pt 24 8)) ) ) (connector (pt 296 88) (pt 320 88) ) (connector (pt 280 144) (pt 352 144) ) (connector (pt 296 208) (pt 320 208) ) (connector (pt 280 264) (pt 352 264) ) (connector (pt 296 328) (pt 320 328) ) (connector (pt 280 384) (pt 352 384) ) (connector (pt 296 448) (pt 320 448) ) (connector (pt 280 504) (pt 352 504) ) (connector (pt 224 1016) (pt 296 1016) ) (connector (pt 296 568) (pt 320 568) ) (connector (pt 280 624) (pt 352 624) ) (connector (pt 296 688) (pt 320 688) ) (connector (pt 280 744) (pt 352 744) ) (connector (pt 296 808) (pt 320 808) ) (connector (pt 280 864) (pt 352 864) ) (connector (pt 296 928) (pt 320 928) ) (connector (pt 280 992) (pt 352 992) ) (connector (pt 296 208) (pt 296 88) ) (connector (pt 296 328) (pt 296 208) ) (connector (pt 296 448) (pt 296 328) ) (connector (pt 296 568) (pt 296 448) ) (connector (pt 296 688) (pt 296 568) ) (connector (pt 296 808) (pt 296 688) ) (connector (pt 296 928) (pt 296 808) ) (connector (pt 280 992) (pt 280 864) ) (connector (pt 280 864) (pt 280 744) ) (connector (pt 280 744) (pt 280 624) ) (connector (pt 280 624) (pt 280 504) ) (connector (pt 280 504) (pt 280 384) ) (connector (pt 280 384) (pt 280 264) ) (connector (pt 280 264) (pt 280 144) ) (connector (pt 296 1016) (pt 296 928) ) (connector (pt 352 144) (pt 352 128) ) (connector (pt 352 264) (pt 352 248) ) (connector (pt 352 384) (pt 352 368) ) (connector (pt 352 504) (pt 352 488) ) (connector (pt 352 624) (pt 352 608) ) (connector (pt 352 744) (pt 352 728) ) (connector (pt 352 864) (pt 352 848) ) (connector (pt 352 968) (pt 352 992) ) (connector (pt 352 992) (pt 352 1064) ) (connector (pt 200 1064) (pt 352 1064) ) (connector (text "Q[0]" (rect 394 48 428 69)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 72) (pt 440 72) ) (connector (text "Q[1]" (rect 394 168 428 189)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 192) (pt 440 192) ) (connector (text "Q[2]" (rect 394 288 428 309)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 312) (pt 440 312) ) (connector (text "Q[3]" (rect 394 408 428 429)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 432) (pt 440 432) ) (connector (text "Q[4]" (rect 394 528 428 549)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 552) (pt 440 552) ) (connector (text "Q[5]" (rect 394 648 428 669)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 672) (pt 440 672) ) (connector (text "Q[6]" (rect 394 768 428 789)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 792) (pt 440 792) ) (connector (text "Q[7]" (rect 394 888 428 909)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 384 912) (pt 440 912) ) (connector (text "D[0]" (rect 258 48 291 69)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 72) (pt 320 72) ) (connector (text "D[1]" (rect 258 168 291 189)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 192) (pt 320 192) ) (connector (text "D[2]" (rect 258 288 291 309)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 312) (pt 320 312) ) (connector (text "D[3]" (rect 258 408 291 429)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 432) (pt 320 432) ) (connector (text "D[4]" (rect 258 528 291 549)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 552) (pt 320 552) ) (connector (text "D[5]" (rect 258 648 291 669)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 672) (pt 320 672) ) (connector (text "D[6]" (rect 258 768 291 789)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 792) (pt 320 792) ) (connector (text "D[7]" (rect 258 888 291 909)(font "Intel Clear" )) (pt 248 912) (pt 320 912) ) (junction (pt 296 208)) (junction (pt 280 264)) (junction (pt 296 328)) (junction (pt 280 384)) (junction (pt 296 448)) (junction (pt 280 504)) (junction (pt 296 568)) (junction (pt 280 624)) (junction (pt 296 688)) (junction (pt 280 744)) (junction (pt 296 808)) (junction (pt 280 864)) (junction (pt 296 928)) (junction (pt 352 992)) (text "273" (rect 321 4 363 27)(font "Courier New" (font_size 10)(bold))) (title_block (rect 576 1104 944 1224) (section (rect 0 0 368 24)(text "TITLE" (rect 2 0 46 16)(font "Arial" ))(text "MacroFunction" (rect 56 2 243 29)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)))(border)) (section (rect 0 24 368 48)(text "COMPANY" (rect 2 0 82 16)(font "Arial" ))(text "ALTERA CORPORATION" (rect 56 2 378 29)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)))(border)) (section (rect 0 48 368 72)(text "DESIGNER" (rect 2 0 84 16)(font "Arial" ))(text "default" (rect 56 2 143 29)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)))(name)(border)) (section (rect 0 72 280 96)(text "NUMBER" (rect 2 0 69 16)(font "Arial" ))(text "1.00" (rect 56 1 102 24)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(border)) (section (rect 280 72 368 96)(text "REV" (rect 2 1 35 17)(font "Arial" ))(text "A" (rect 43 1 58 24)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(border)) (section (rect 0 96 240 120)(text "DATE" (rect 2 0 45 16)(font "Arial" ))(text "Tue Sep 26 09:44:11 2023" (rect 56 3 334 26)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(date)(border)) (section (rect 240 96 310 120)(text "SHEET" (rect 2 0 55 16)(font "Arial" ))(text "1" (rect 55 5 67 28)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))) (section (rect 310 96 368 120)(text "OF" (rect 10 0 33 16)(font "Arial" ))(text "1" (rect 34 4 46 27)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))) (drawing ) )