# no-basis v2.1 * Based on HL7 FHIR version 4.0.1* ## Version 2.1 Feature release to add no-basis-Procedure profile definition. ### Bugfixes Date 2022-10-05 version: 2.1.2 * Removed all conference type resources, as they contained errors and stopped snapshot generation of packages * Test non include of hl7.fhir.core dependency not found by build pipeline (hl7.fhir.r4.core is the correct id) Date: 2021-11-04 version: 2.1.1 * `no-basis-Procedure` replaced oid reference to ICPC-2 slice with uri in element Procedure.code * `no-basis-icpc-2` added NamingSystem for ICPC-2 ### 2.1.0 Changelog Date: 2021-10-27 * `no-basis-Procedure` Added profile, constraints on code that explain how to use codes from code system that are common in Norway. Example is included. ## Version 2.0.17 Fix bugs for validation with official java validator. Remove all snapshots from definitons. Fix errors in slicing: [Slicing discussion](https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179166-implementers/topic/Slicing.20non-repeating.20elements.20to.20define.20a.20choice) [Issue 55](https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/issues/55) ### Bugfixes 2.0.17 Date: 2021-10-04 * Fix wrong uri for Kommunenummer NamingSystem ### 2.0.17 Changelog Date: 2021-07-02 * `no-basis-Datatypes.png` Updated diagram for IG documentation * `no-basis-Individuals.png` Updated diagram for IG documentation Date: 2021-06-17 * NamingSystems Added id value to namingsystem [Issue #76](https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/issues/76) * Added missing version elements `2.0.17` Date: 2021-06-15 * `package.json` Added working package definition * `no-basis-AllergyIntolerance` Fixed wrong slice definition on non repeating element (1..1), slicing on code.coding element instead * `no-basis-Location` Removed invalid constraint on partOf element (was Organization whitch is illegal) * `no-basis-Practitioner` Practitioner.qualification moved slice from code (non-repeating) to qualification (0..*) to fix the slicing bug * `no-basis-connection-type.valueset.xml` Updated to version number * `no-basis-HealthcareService.StructureDefinition-profile.xml` Removed slicing, wrote constraint to check for correct providedBy.identifier.system value (ENH/RESH) * Validated constraint on providedBy invariant * Updated constraint to also check for existing identifier, if providedBy exists * `no-basis-HealthcareService-example.xml` Added working example of no-basis-HealthcareService resource instance (JAVA validated) * merged the current code in the `master` branch into the `Bugfix-validering` branch to continue the bugfix work based on current codebase Date: 2020-10-17 * `no-basis-documentreference-type.valueset.xml` Added status in the ValueSet (required) * `no-basis-connection-type.valueset.xml` Added HL7 connection types to this valueset so to replace errondous slicing of the connectionType element in Endpoint * `no-basis-Endpoint.StructureDefinition-profile.xml` Wrong slice definition on non repeating element (1..1) Endpoint.connectionType| * `no-basis-HealthcareService.StructureDefinition-profile.xml` Wrong slice definition on non repeating element (1..1) ## Version 2.0.16 Bugfix release to include municipalitycode extension in package. 2.0.15 package missing municipalitycoded extension [#74](https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/issues/42) Date: 2021-04-16 * `no-basis-relatedperson-person-reference` removed double dot in filename Date: 2021-04-09 * `no-basis-municipalitycode` Changed status to active to include the extension in Package * `no-basis-Address` Updated version number ## Version 2.0.15 Date: 2021-04-07 * issue [#42](https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/issues/42) * `no-basis-relatedperson-person-reference` Added extension to add person reference to the RelatedPerson.patient element * `no-basis-RelatedPerson` Removed reference to no-basis-Person and Person from RelatedPerson.patient * `no-basis-RelatedPerson-Ærlend-Sørgård-person-extension.xml` Added example to demonstrate the use of the new extension * `no-basis-Organization` Added slices for 8624, issue [#69](https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/issues/69) Date: 2021-01-15 * `no-basis-Organization` Added slices for 8628, issue [#69](https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/issues/69) Date: 2021-01-12 * `no-basis-kommunenummer.namingsystem` Added oid value as possible uniqueId for kommunenummer * `no-basis-Address` Updated the definition of district * `no-basis-municipalitycode` Added extension for municipalitycode * `no-basis-Address` Added extension municipalitycode in district * `no-basis-Patient-Jannice-Søreng` Added coded value to district, validated against updated Patient/Address profile, OK Date: 2021-01-11 * `no-basis-HumanName` Changed cardinality of given 0..* Date: 2020-11-13 * `no-basis-DocumentReference` status set to active * `no-basis-Composition` status set to active * All StructureDefintions updated to FHIR version: 4.0.1 ## Version 2.0.14 Date: 2020-09-22 * Added version information and made search parameter active * Optional search parameter for no-basis-middlename and status set to active * Clarification that extension `no-basis-person-citizenship` is meant for the Person resource * Corrected two spelling errors in CodeSystem `no-basis-marital-status`. "Registrert partner" and "Enke eller enkemann" * Files changed: * `no-basis-individual-middlename.SearchParameter.xml` * `no-basis-person-citizenship.structuredefinition-extension.xml` * `no-basis-marital-status.codestystem.xml` * `no-basis-marital-status.codestystem.xml` ## Version 2.0.13 Date: 2020-04-22 * Fixed a bug where the wrong OID's where used in the profiles. * Updated OID's ENH and RSH used the wrong OID's * `urn:oid:2.16.578.` changed to `urn:oid:2.16.578.` * `urn:oid:2.16.578.` changed to `urn:oid:2.16.578.` * This is according to [OID-identifikatorserier-i-helse-og-omsorgstjenesten](https://ehelse.no/teknisk-dokumentasjon/oid-identifikatorserier-i-helse-og-omsorgstjenesten) * Files changed: * `no-basis-HealthcareService.StructureDefinition-profile.xml` * `no-basis-Organization.structuredefinition-profile.xml` * `no-basis-Organization-example.xml`