--- title: Generic Proposal Title (add proposal title here) layout: gsdocs_proposal project: ROOT year: 2020 organization: - CERN --- ## Description of project idea General description of the project and what are the current documentation needs. Describe the documentation system you want to develop, the problems with the current documentation and what you want to improve, .... Describe what are the project main ideas and goals, what the documentation is about. Go in deph in all details relevant to the documentation project. * [Examples of project ideas](https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/project-ideas#example_projects) ## Project duration * Mention if this is about a short (3 month) or long (6 month) project * Mention if it is expected that the project will continue after this period ## Related material * Link to the open source project that needs documentation * If you're proposing a technical writing project that involves updates to an existing documentation set, link to that documentation set. * If you're proposing a tutorial or a set of how-to guides, describe the features or use cases that need documenting. * If you're proposing a contributor's guide, link to any existing README file or other relevant material if present. If there's nothing available yet, it's fine to say that. * Include links to similar documentation in other projects, if relevant. * Use links like: [Readable quotation text](proposal_ROOTgeneric.html) ## Expected results Describe the deliverables of the projects ## Experience required Describe the level of experience required from the technical writers. You will have to probe this during the candidate evaluation period. ## Mentors * [First Last](mailto:email@domain) * [First Last](mailto:email@domain)