BF2SB v2.2.2 By HTV04 BF2SB is a brainf**k converter that converts brainf**k code to SmileBASIC code. Thanks to phil_ (IAmAPerson620) for the base code. You can download her original program here: 2KE3384V Also thanks to snail_ (MrCashews) for the REPLACE$() and COUNT() functions from his YARN.LIB library, which can be downloaded here: Q33J44BD If you want to learn more about brainf**k, look here:**k Instructions: - Make sure the converter is in SLOT 0. - Type/load brainf**k code in SLOT 1. - Run the converter by pressing START. - Converted code is saved to SLOT 2 and is automatically run. Options: - Brainf**k code options: - OPTIMIZE: - Optimize brainf**k code. - Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on) - Default: 1 (on) - MEMSIZE: - Memory size converted brainf**k code is given. - Possible values: any positive integer - Default: 30000 (standard) - BITWIDTH: - Width of bits. - Possible values: 0 (8, standard), 1 (16), 2 (32) - Default: 0 (8, standard) - SIGNEDINT: - Choose whether integers are signed or unsigned. - Possible values: 0 (unsigned), 1 (signed) - Default: 1 (signed) - Converted code options: - SBCOMMENT: - Add extra comments to the converted program. - Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on) - Default: 1 (on) - SBOPTIMIZE: - Optimize converted code. - Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on) - Default: 1 (on) - SBMEMOF - Choose how to handle what happens when memory overflows or underflows. - Possible values: 0 (wrap), 1 (abort) - Default: 0 (wrap) - SBCHR13 - When pointer is at 13, ignore the converted print command (character code 13 is used as a newline on some interpreters, and SmileBASIC only interprets it as a blue curved arrow). - Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on) - Default: 1 (on) - SBINPUT: - Choose how to handle input. - Possible values: - 0 ("SBINPUT$" is used as input on request, "SBINPUTEOF" applies, standard) - 1 (Wait for input) - Default: 1 (Wait for input) - SBINPUT$: - Use as input when "SPINPUT" is set to 0. - Possible values: any valid string within quotes - Default: "" - SBINPUTEOF: - Choose how to handle what to set cell to when EOF is reached. Only applies when "SBINPUT" is set to 0. - Possible values: 0 (0), 1 (-1), 2 (unchanged, standard) - Default: 2 (unchanged, standard) - SBWAIT: - Enables waiting "WAITCNT" number of frames between instructions. - Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on) - Default: 0 (off) - SBWAITCNT: - Number of frames to wait in between instructions when "SBWAIT" is set to 1. - Possible values: all valid WAIT values. - Default: 1 - SBINDENT: - Indent code within WHILE and REPEAT loops, as well as IF-THEN statements. - Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on) - Default: 1 (on) - SBNEWLINES: - Add new lines between converted instructions. - Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on) - Default: 1 (on) Changelog: - v2.2.2 (SB3 Only) - Final SmileBASIC 3 release. - Options are now in a separate file named -BF2SBOPTS.PRG. - Changed the way the BITWIDTH option works. - Optimized code structure so that all variables are defined at the beginning of the program. - Optimized various parts of code to be shorter. - v2.2.1.1 (SB4 Only) - NOTE: This update was not released via the new public key. - Added warnings to move to the newer version of BF2SB via the new public key. - v2.2.1: - Fixed a few bugs and typos. - Optimized certain parts of code for SmileBASIC 4. - v2.2 (SB3 only): - Heavily improved conversion process. Its code is now much more readable, and the process itself is a lot faster. - Improved how converted code checks for memory overflows or underflows. - Added option "SIGNEDINT" for choosing whether to use unsigned or signed integers. - Added option "SBMEMOF" to choose what to do when an overflow or an underflow is reached (wrap or abort). - Added option "SBCHR13" for handling character code 13 newlines. - Added options "SBWAIT" and "SBWAITCNT" for choosing whether to wait a certain amount of time between converted commands and how long to wait, respectively. - Moved option descriptions to this document. - Replaced "BITWIDTH.B" with "CELLWIDTH.B", which is a lot smaller in size. - v2.1: - Added new option "SBINPUT" for choosing how to recieve input (from string or wait for input). - Added new option "SBNEWLINE" for adding newlines in between converted instructions in order to make them easier to read. - Correctly capitalized "brainf**k." - Fixed several bugs and typos. - v2.0.1 (SB4 only): - Compressed all files using the SmileBASIC 4 file format. - v2.0: - Brainf**k code can now be optimized (on by default). - Updated converted code optimization to support more sets of code. - Heavily improved indentation. It is now done alongside the conversion process and is a lot faster. - Added brainf**k code optimization option ("OPTIMIZE"). - Added memory size option ("MEMSIZE"). - Added bit width option ("BITWIDTH"). - Added extra comments option ("SBCOMMENTS"). - Added converted code optimization option ("SBOPTIMIZE"). - Added fail-safes for options. - Included "BITWIDTH.B". - Updated code formatting and comments. - Made separate file "-README.TXT" for more information about BF2SB. - v1.1.1 (SB3 only): - Added variable for enabling/disabling indentation for WHILE loops. - Added changelog to converter code. - Added BF2SB version in converted brainf**k code. - Fixed typos in some comments in the converter code. - v1.1 (SB3 only): - First SmileBASIC 3 release. - Added indentation for WHILE loops. - BF2SB version is now displayed during the conversion process. - Added more comments in both the converter code and converted brainf**k code. - v1.0 (SB4 only): - First SmileBASIC 4 release. - Initial release.