// 💗 Giving my kitty a like would be much appreciated!  https://www.cryptokitties.co/kitty/18379 💗
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Crypto Kitty Info Extension
// @namespace    https://github.com/HaJaeKyung/KittyExtension
// @version      0.38
// @description  Adds stat info to the site
// @author       HaJaeKyung
// @match        *.cryptokitties.co/*
// @match        *kittytools.herokuapp.com/*
// @match        *kittygenerations.herokuapp.com/*
// @grant        none
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-standalone/6.18.2/babel.js
// @require      http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

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    let orderedCattributes = [];
    let foundId = [];
    let curCat = 'n/a';
    let curId = 'n/a';
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    let ethPrice = false;
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        requestAnimationFrame(()=> {
            if (url !== location.pathname) {
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                foundId = [];
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                        document.getElementsByClassName('extPercentList')[0].style = "display:block;";
                } else {
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                        document.getElementsByClassName('extPercentList')[0].style = "display:none;";
                url = location.pathname;
    }, true);

    let tblNew = {"Genesis":{"count":' (One)'},"BugCat":{"count":' (Three)'},"Mistletoe":{"count":0.009},"Dracula":{"count":0.062},"ShipCat":{"count":0.2194},"DuCat":{"count":1.0496}};
    let tbl = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionOldTbl'));
    let defaultTblStorage = false;
    if (!tbl) {
        tbl = {"Genesis":{"count":' (One)'},"BugCat":{"count":' (Three)'},"Mistletoe":{"count":0.009},"Dracula":{"count":0.062},"ShipCat":{"count":0.2194},"DuCat":{"count":1.0496},"royalblue":{"count":0.0828},"wingtips":{"count":0.3132},"wolfgrey":{"count":0.3915},"oldlace":{"count":0.513},"mainecoon":{"count":0.6337},"violet":{"count":1.0166},"gerbil":{"count":1.0467},"cerulian":{"count":1.1275},"fabulous":{"count":1.4981},"cottoncandy":{"count":1.5491},"chartreux":{"count":1.7489},"jaguar":{"count":2.0837},"dali":{"count":3.2633},"bubblegum":{"count":3.2756},"whixtensions":{"count":3.3428},"peach":{"count":3.9973},"otaku":{"count":4.1494},"googly":{"count":4.2248},"tigerpunk":{"count":4.77},"skyblue":{"count":4.803},"limegreen":{"count":5.5166},"bloodred":{"count":6.0443},"scarlet":{"count":6.0761},"beard":{"count":6.3582},"cloudwhite":{"count":6.5947},"calicool":{"count":7.1994},"laperm":{"count":7.3071},"barkbrown":{"count":7.5338},"tongue":{"count":8.2172},"emeraldgreen":{"count":8.3669},"chestnut":{"count":8.4015},"gold":{"count":8.9369},"spock":{"count":9.056},"mauveover":{"count":11.0459},"shadowgrey":{"count":12.9477},"coffee":{"count":13.3334},"cymric":{"count":13.4623},"salmon":{"count":14.3589},"royalpurple":{"count":14.9657},"mintgreen":{"count":15.0105},"swampgreen":{"count":15.6626},"lemonade":{"count":15.6752},"chocolate":{"count":15.8619},"topaz":{"count":15.9411},"sphynx":{"count":15.9704},"greymatter":{"count":16.1274},"simple":{"count":16.1511},"saycheese":{"count":16.3916},"orangesoda":{"count":16.5409},"aquamarine":{"count":16.8679},"munchkin":{"count":17.429},"raisedbrow":{"count":17.8955},"happygokitty":{"count":18.3734},"soserious":{"count":18.3819},"ragamuffin":{"count":19.6109},"sizzurp":{"count":19.6501},"strawberry":{"count":19.7618},"himalayan":{"count":20.4016},"pouty":{"count":21.0919},"crazy":{"count":25.6307},"thicccbrowz":{"count":26.6106},"luckystripe":{"count":27.4069},"kittencream":{"count":38.2094},"granitegrey":{"count":39.8877},"totesbasic":{"count":45.9613}};
        defaultTblStorage = true;
        console.log('using default table');

    function getJSON(url, cb, fail) {
        $.getJSON( url , cb ).fail( fail );

    function saveStorage(id, cattributes) {
        if (window.location.pathname == "/my-kitties") {
            storageMyTbl['id'+id] = cattributes;
            localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionMyTbl', JSON.stringify(storageMyTbl));
        } else {
            storageTbl['id'+id] = cattributes;
            if (Object.keys(storageTbl).length > 1000) {
                for (let first in storageTbl) break;
                delete storageTbl[first];
            localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionTbl', JSON.stringify(storageTbl));
    function checkVersion(){
            let savedVersion = localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionVersion') || 0;
            if (savedVersion !== version){
                localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionTbl', JSON.stringify({}));
                localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionMyTbl', JSON.stringify({}));
                localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionVersion', version);
                console.log('New version loaded:',version);

    let hasLocalStorage = typeof(Storage) !== "undefined";
    let storageTbl = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionTbl')) || {};
    let storageMyTbl = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionMyTbl')) || {};
    let currency = localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionEtherUSD') || "💲👎";

    if (window.location.hostname == 'www.cryptokitties.co') {
        let checked = localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionRarityToggle') || 'true';
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        $("body").append("<button onclick='openMenu(event)' id='extMenuButton' class='extUSD extAtt'><div class='extUSDInner'><span style='float:left; padding-left: 4px;'>⚙️ Kitty Extension</span><div id='extMenuCloseButton' class='extX' onclick='closeMenu(event)'>✖️</div><br><br><input type='checkbox' id='rarityToggle' onclick='rarityShowToggle(event)' "+(checked == 'true' ? 'checked' : '')+"> Show Rarity List<br></div></button>");

    $.get("https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/ethereum/", data => {
        ethPrice =  parseFloat(data[0].price_usd);
        $(".extUSDInner").append("Show prices in <select id='switchPrice' onchange='switchPrice()'><option value='Eth'>Eth</option><option value='USD'>USD</option></select>");

    function getColor(catt) {
        let color, count;
        let usableTbl = tblNew.royalblue ? tblNew : tbl;
        if (catt == 'Fancy' || catt == 'Exclusive') {
            //To Do?
        } else if (usableTbl[catt]) {
            let uniqe = typeof usableTbl[catt].count == 'string';
            if (uniqe || usableTbl[catt].count <= 0.27) {
                color = "#ff0dbf"; // legendary
            } else if (usableTbl[catt].count <= 1.7) {
                color = "#ff8000"; // very rare
            } else if (usableTbl[catt].count <= 6.5) {
                color = "#a335ee"; // rare
            } else if (usableTbl[catt].count <= 15) {
                color = "#0070ff"; // uncommon
            } else {
                color = "white";   // common
            if (uniqe) {
                count = usableTbl[catt].count;
            } else {
                count = usableTbl[catt].count < 1 ? usableTbl[catt].count.toFixed(3) : usableTbl[catt].count.toFixed(1);
                count = usableTbl[catt].count <= 20 ? " ("+ count +"%)" : " (20%+)";
        } else {
            color = "#ff0dbf";
            count = " (Ultra%)";
        return [color, count];

    function requestId(element, stats) {
        $.getJSON( "https://api.cryptokitties.co/kitties/"+stats.id, data => {

            // sort cattributes so they are grouped for easier comparison visually
            data.cattributes.sort((a, b) => orderedCattributes.indexOf(a.description) - orderedCattributes.indexOf(b.description));

            finalizeOverlay(data.cattributes, element, stats);
            if (hasLocalStorage) {
                if (data.children.length === 0) {
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                    if (ul) {
                        ul.innerHTML += "<ul class='extAttUl'><li style='list-style: none;' class='extAtt'><span style='font-weight: 500;'>&nbsp;virgin&nbsp;</span></li></ul>";

                if (!data.status.is_ready) {
                    let note = element.getElementsByClassName('KittyStatus-note');
                    if (note.length !== 0) {
                        let cd = (((data.status.cooldown - Date.now())/6000/600));
                        let time = timeDisplay(cd * 3600);
                        note[note[1] ? 1 : 0].textContent = time;
                saveStorage(stats.id, data.cattributes);
        }).fail(() => {
            //let ul = element.getElementsByClassName("extAttUl")[0];
            //ul.innerHTML = "😿";
            setTimeout(() => {
                requestId(element, stats);
            }, 1000);

    function timeDisplay(seconds) {
        if (typeof seconds === "number") {
            seconds = Math.floor(seconds);
            let hourS = seconds / 3600;
            let minute = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
            let second = seconds % 60;
            second = second < 10 ? '0'+second : second;
            if (hourS> 1) {
                let hour = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
                minute = minute % 60;
                minute = minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute;
                if (hourS > 24) {
                    return hour + ' hours';
                } else {
                    return hour + ':' + minute;
            } else {
                return minute + ' minutes';
        } else {
            return '';

    function finalizeOverlay(cattributes, element, stats) {
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        ul.innerHTML = "";
        for (let x in cattributes) {
            if (cattributes[x]) {
                let background_color = getColor(cattributes[x].description)[0];
                let color = background_color == 'white' ? 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.76)' : 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.98)';
                ul.innerHTML += "<li class='extAtt' style=\'background-color:"+background_color+"; color: "+color+"\'>"+cattributes[x].description+"</li>";

        //if (window.location.hostname == 'www.cryptokitties.co') {
            //calcPrice(stats.id , cattributes, stats, element);

    function isValidId(id) {
      return !isNaN(id) && id !== "" && id.substring(0,2) != "0x" && id != curId && !foundId.includes(id) && !document.URL.includes("activity");

    //Creates overlay on hover
    var timer = Date.now();
    function overlay() {
        let nativeElement = $( this )[0];
        let id = /[^/]*$/.exec(nativeElement)[0];
        if (isValidId(id)) {
            curId = id;
            let mainSite = window.location.hostname == 'www.cryptokitties.co';
            let toolsSite = window.location.hostname == 'kittytools.herokuapp.com';
            let element = mainSite ? nativeElement.getElementsByClassName('KittyCard')[0] : toolsSite ? nativeElement.parentElement : nativeElement;
            if (element) {
                let stats = {"id": curId, "fast":false, "gen": false, "cd": false};
                if (mainSite) {
                    let status = nativeElement.getElementsByClassName('KittyCard-status')[0];
                    if (status) {
                        stats.cd = status.innerHTML.includes("Resting");
                    let speed = nativeElement.getElementsByClassName('KittyCard-details-item')[2];
                    if (speed) {
                        let cdTbl = ["Fast", "Swift", "Snappy", "Brisk", "Plodding", "Slow", "Sluggish", "Catatonic"];
                        stats.fast = cdTbl.indexOf(speed.innerText);
                    let gen = nativeElement.getElementsByClassName('KittyCard-details-item')[1];
                    if (gen) {
                        stats.gen = gen.innerText.split('Gen ').pop();
                element.innerHTML += "<div class='extWrapper'><ul style='list-style: none;' class='extBounce extAttUl'>🐈</ul></div>";
                if (toolsSite) {
                    let wrapper = element.getElementsByClassName("extWrapper")[0];
                if (tblNew.royalblue) {
                    setTimeout(()=> {
                        console.log('KittyExtension: Requesting - '+ id);
                        requestId(element, stats);
                    }, timer - Date.now());

                restrictAPI += 250;
                setTimeout(()=> {
                    restrictAPI -= 250;
                }, 250);
                timer = Date.now() + restrictAPI;
    $( "body").on( "mouseover", "a", overlay);

    //Updates attributes on specific kitty page
    setInterval(() => {
        let curPage = document.getElementsByClassName("KittyHeader-details");
        if (curPage.length > 0 && curPage[0].innerHTML.substr(0, curPage[0].innerHTML.indexOf('</span>')) != curCat) {
            curCat = curPage[0].innerHTML.substr(0, curPage[0].innerHTML.indexOf('</span>'));
            if (document.getElementsByClassName("ListAttributes-item").length > 0) {
                let cattributes = document.getElementsByClassName("ListAttributes-item");

                for (let att in cattributes) {
                    if (cattributes[att].style) {
                        let catt = cattributes[att].innerText;
                        let arr = getColor(catt);
                        let color = arr[0];
                        let num = arr[1];
                        cattributes[att].style.backgroundColor = color;
                        if (num) {
                            cattributes[att].style.color = color == 'white' ? '#000' : '#fff';
                        cattributes[att].innerHTML += num ? num : '';
    }, 2000);

    /*function calcPrice(id, cattributes, stats, element) {
        let base = "https://api.cryptokitties.co/auctions";
        let query = "?type=sale&limit=15&sorting=cheap&orderBy=current_price&orderDirection=asc&sorting=cheap&status=open&search=";
        let totalGen = ' gen:'+stats.gen;
        if (stats.gen >= 10) {
            totalGen += ' gen:'+(stats.gen-1)+' gen:';
            totalGen += parseInt(stats.gen)+1;
        let rareTbl = getBestRares(cattributes);
        let search = totalGen + rareTbl[0];

        function finishPrice(data, index) {
            let newMultiplier = stats.id == data.auctions[index].kitty.id ? 1 : rareTbl[1];
            let nomralizePrice = data.auctions[index].current_price/1000000000000000000;
            return (nomralizePrice*newMultiplier).toFixed(2);
        $.getJSON( base+query+search, (data) => {
            if (data.total > 0) {
                if (data.total == 1) {
                    if (data.auctions[0].kitty.id == id) {
                        renderPrice(element, 'Name your price', query + search, false);
                    } else {
                        renderPrice(element, finishPrice(data, 0), query + search, true);
                } else {
                    let cdTbl = ["Fast", "Swift", "Snappy", "Brisk", "Plodding", "Slow", "Sluggish", "Catatonic"];
                    let cdValueTbl = ["Fast","Swift","Swift","Snappy","Snappy","Brisk","Brisk","Plodding","Plodding","Slow","Slow","Sluggish","Sluggish","Catatonic"];
                    for (let x in data.auctions) {
                        let cdValue = cdTbl.indexOf(cdValueTbl[data.auctions[x].kitty.status.cooldown_index]);
                        if (stats.cd && stats.fast > 1) {
                            renderPrice(element, finishPrice(data, x), query + search, false);
                        } else if (stats.fast > 4 ||  stats.fast >= cdValue) {
                            renderPrice(element, finishPrice(data, x), query + search, false);
                        } else if (stats.cd && data.auctions[x].kitty.status.is_ready) {
                            renderPrice(element, finishPrice(data, x), query + search, false);
                        } if (x == data.auctions.length - 1) {
                            renderPrice(element, finishPrice(data, x), query + search, true);

            } else {
                renderPrice(element, 'Name your price', query + search, false);
        }).fail(() => {


    function renderPrice(element, price, url, fast) {
        if (price >= 50) {
            price = Math.ceil(price / 10) * 10;
            price += '+';
        } else if (fast) {
            price += '+';
        let ul = element.getElementsByClassName("extWrapper")[0];
        ul.innerHTML += "<ul class='extAttUl' onclick='searchSimilarKitties(event, &quot;"+ url +"&quot;)'><li style='list-style: none;' class='extAtt'><span style='font-weight: 500;'>Score:</span> " + price + "</li></ul>";

    function getBestRares(cattributes, adjust) {
        let newCatts = [];
        for (let single in cattributes) {
        cattributes = newCatts;
        let best = '';
        let hasRare = false;
        let count = adjust || 0;

        if (cattributes.length === 0) {
            hasRare = ' type:fancy';
        for (let x in cattributes) {
            if (!tbl[cattributes[x]]) {
                best += ' ' + x;
                count += 3;
                hasRare = ' ' + x;
        let score = 0;
        let multiplier = 1;
        let multCount = 0;
        for (let key1 in tbl) {
            if (tbl[key1].count) {
                for (let key in cattributes) {
                    if (tbl[key1].count <= 0.4) {
                        multiplier *= 1.55;
                    } else if(tbl[key1].count <= 1.8) {
                        multiplier *= 1.25;
                    } else if (tbl[key1].count <= 5) {
                        multiplier *= 1.05;
                    } else if (tbl[key1].count <= 10) {
                        multiplier *= 1.025;
        for (let key in tbl) {
            if (cattributes.includes(key)) {
                if (tbl[key].count <= 1.2) {
                } else if (tbl[key].count <= 6) {
            if (count >= 3) {
                return [' ' + best, multiplier];
        let attrCount = 0;
            if (tbl[key]) {
                if (tbl[key].count <= 0.4) {
                    attrCount += 3;
                } else if(tbl[key].count <= 1.8) {
                    attrCount += 2;
                } else if (tbl[key].count <= 5) {
                    attrCount += 1;
                } else if (tbl[key].count <= 10) {
                    attrCount += 1;
                } else {
                    score += 0;
            } else {
                attrCount += 5;
            score = ((attrCount/6)*7)+1;
            if (cattributes.length === 0) {
                score = 8;
            } else if (cattributes.length > 8) {
                score -= cattributes.length - 8;
        return score;

    document.searchSimilarKitties = (e, query) => {
        window.location.href = "https://www.cryptokitties.co/marketplace/sale" + query;

    function changePrices() {
        let items = document.getElementsByClassName('KittyStatus-itemText');
        if (ethPrice && items.length > 0 && document.getElementsByClassName('extUSD').length > 0) {
            for (let item of items) {
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                    if (!item.parentElement.innerHTML.includes("Icon--timer") && !item.parentElement.innerHTML.includes('Bun in oven')) {
                        let cur = item.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText.split(' ');

                        if (currency == "💲👍" && cur[0] != "$") {
                            let endPrice = (cur[1] * ethPrice ).toFixed(2);
                            if (endPrice != 'NaN') {
                                item.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = '$ ' + endPrice;
                        } else if (currency == "💲👎" && cur[0] != "Ξ") {
                            let endPrice = (cur[1] / ethPrice ).toFixed(4);
                            if (endPrice != 'NaN') {
                                item.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = 'Ξ ' + endPrice;
                    } else {

    let saleNum = 0;
    document.switchPrice = () => {
        let value = document.getElementById("switchPrice").value;
        hasChanged = true;
        currency = value == "Eth" ? "💲👎" : "💲👍";
        localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionEtherUSD', currency);
    document.openMenu = (e) => {
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    document.closeMenu = (e) => {
            document.getElementById("extMenuButton").className = "extUSD extAtt";
        }, 50);

    document.rarityShowToggle = (e) => {
        let checked = document.getElementById("rarityToggle").checked;
        if (checked) {
            document.getElementsByClassName('extPercentList')[0].style = "display:block;";
        } else {
            document.getElementsByClassName('extPercentList')[0].style = "display:none;";
        localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionRarityToggle', checked);

    document.extSearch = (value) => {
        let searchButton = document.getElementsByClassName('InputButtons-button InputButtons-button--primary');
        if (searchButton.length > 0) {
            let input = document.getElementsByClassName('InputButtons-input')[0];
            input.value = value;
            }, 100);

        let items = document.getElementsByClassName('KittyStatus-itemText');
        if (items.length != saleNum) {
            saleNum = items.length;
            if (hasChanged || currency == "💲👍") {

        let mItems = document.getElementsByClassName('KittyStatus KittyStatus--multiple');
             let replace = i.children[1].innerHTML.replace("Resting", "");
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             if(hasText && hasText.textContent && hasText.textContent !== '') {
                 i.children[1].innerHTML = replace;

    let dataTotal = false;
    let dataCattributes = false;

    //Update percentages
    function getTotal() {
        getJSON( 'https://api.cryptokitties.co/kitties' , data => {
            dataTotal = data.total;
            if (dataTotal && dataCattributes) {
                parseCattributes(dataCattributes, dataTotal);
        }, ()=> {
            }, 2000);

    function getCattributes() {
        let endpoint = 'https://api.cryptokitties.co/cattributes?total=true';
        getJSON(endpoint, data => {
            dataCattributes = data.reverse();
            if (dataTotal && dataCattributes) {
                parseCattributes(dataCattributes, dataTotal);
            let dataCopy = Object.assign([], data);
            dataCopy.sort((a,b) => (a.type == b.type) ? 0 : ((a.type < b.type) ? -1 : 1)); // group by cattribute type
            orderedCattributes = dataCopy.map(attr => attr.description);
        }, () => {
            }, 2000);

    //Stores table of percents that is 8 hours old to compare to current stats
    function parseCattributes(data, total) {
        let newTblStorage = localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionNewTbl') || null;
        let newTblTime = localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionNewTblTime') || Date.now();

        if (newTblTime && Date.now() - newTblTime > 28800000) {
            console.log("//Update 'old' table");
            localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionOldTbl', localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionNewTbl'));
            tbl = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('kittyExtensionOldTbl'));

        let originalLength = Object.keys(tbl).length;
        let newAvg = 0;
        let totalNotIncludingNew = 0;
            let percent = Number((( Number(c.total) / total ) * 100 ).toFixed(3));
            tblNew[c.description] = { "count": percent };
            if (tbl[c.description]) {
                newAvg += tbl[c.description].count/tblNew[c.description].count;
        let newLength = Object.keys(tblNew).length;

        //Average change
        newAvg = newAvg / totalNotIncludingNew;

        let tblDiff = newLength - originalLength;
            let background_color = getColor(c.description)[0];
            let color = background_color == 'white' ? 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.76)' : 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.98)';
            let arrow = '';

            let originalDiff = Object.keys(tbl).indexOf(c.description);
            let diff = 0;
            if (originalDiff > -1) {
                diff = (Object.keys(tblNew).indexOf(c.description) - tblDiff) - Object.keys(tbl).indexOf(c.description);

            //Adjust for longer term span of the default data
            let adjuster = defaultTblStorage ? 0.07 : 0.0575;

            if (tbl[c.description] && tbl[c.description].count/tblNew[c.description].count >= newAvg + adjuster ) {
                arrow = '<div class="extArrowUp"></span>';
            } else if (tbl[c.description] && tbl[c.description].count/tblNew[c.description].count <= newAvg - adjuster) {
                arrow = '<div class="extArrowDown"></span>';
            let count = tblNew[c.description].count.toFixed(2);

            $(".extPercentList").append("<li class='extRarityList'><a href='https://www.cryptokitties.co/marketplace/sale?orderBy=current_price&orderDirection=asc&sorting=cheap&search="+c.description+"' style=\'background-color:"+background_color+"; color: "+color+"\' class='extPercentListI extAtt'>"+c.description+ " (" + count + "%)</a>"+arrow+"</li>");

        if (newTblTime && Date.now() - newTblTime > 28800000) {
            console.log("//Update 'new' table");
            localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionNewTbl', JSON.stringify(tblNew));
            localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionNewTblTime', Date.now());

        if (!newTblStorage) {
            console.log("//Initialize 'new' table");
            localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionNewTbl', JSON.stringify(tblNew));
            localStorage.setItem('kittyExtensionNewTblTime', Date.now());

