Open In Total Commander =========================== Author: Björn Carlsson License: MIT About ----- A sublime plugin that allows you to open selected file (by pressing'ctrl+shift+o') in Total Commander or other app if you tweek the settings a bit. Usage ----- All you need to do is to press 'ctrl+shift+o' and Open in Total Commander will open the selected file in Total Commander or another app if you have changed the settings Configuration ------------- Default: // Environment variabel with path to Total Commander // if sublime is started from Total Commander you already have // COMMANDER_EXE // name of environment variable that contains path to executable "path_environment_variable": "COMMANDER_EXE", // executable is used, if path_environment_variable is empty, or doesn't exist "executable": "C:/Program Files(x86)/Totalcmd/Totalcmd.exe", // Fallback if first executable doesn't exist "executable2": "C:/Program Files/Totalcmd/Totalcmd64.exe", // {path} refers to open file/buffer "aruments": "/O /P=L /L=\"{path}\"" On linux if have tried this: // Environment variabel with path to Total Commander // if sublime is started from Total Commander you already have // COMMANDER_EXE // name of environment variable that contains path to executable "path_environment_variable": "COMMANDER_EXE", // executable is used, if path_environment_variable is empty, or doesn't exist "executable": "nautilus", // Fallback if first executable doesn't exist "executable2": "", // {path} refers to open file/buffer "aruments": "{path}" Installation ------------ **With Package Control:** The easiest way to install Open In Total Commander is by using the [Package Control plugin] ( **Without Git:** Download the latest source from [GitHub]( and copy the Open In Total Commander folder to your Sublime Text 2 "Packages" directory. **With Git:** Clone the repository in your Sublime Text 2 "Packages" directory: git clone "Open In Total Commander" The "Packages" directory can be found in the following locations: * OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ * Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/ * Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/