# Functions file for My Free Farm Bash Bot # Copyright 2016-24 Harry Basalamah # # For license see LICENSE file function WGETREQ { local sHTTPReq=$1 local sOut=${2:-/dev/null} local sResponse local iRetVal sResponse=$(wget -nv -T10 -o - --output-document="$sOut" --user-agent="$AGENT" --load-cookies $COOKIEFILE $sHTTPReq) iRetVal=$? echo "$sResponse" | if grep -q "dbfehler\.php" || [ $iRetVal -ne 0 ]; then echo "$sResponse" >>$LOGFILE kill -SIGHUP "$$" else echo "$sResponse" >>$LOGFILE fi } AJAXURL="https://s${MFFSERVER}.${DOMAIN}/ajax/" AJAXFARM="${AJAXURL}farm.php?rid=${RID}&" AJAXFOREST="${AJAXURL}forestry.php?rid=${RID}&" AJAXFOOD="${AJAXURL}foodworld.php?rid=${RID}&" AJAXCITY="${AJAXURL}city.php?rid=${RID}&" AJAXMAIN="${AJAXURL}main.php?rid=${RID}&" AJAXGUILD="${AJAXURL}guild.php?rid=${RID}&" function exitBot { local sSignal=$1 echo -e "\n" logToFile "Caught a SIG${sSignal} signal" if [ -e "$STATUSFILE" ]; then echo "Logging off..." # don't use WGETREQ as we wouldn't like to doublekill ourself wget -nv -T10 -a $LOGFILE --output-document=/dev/null --user-agent="$AGENT" --load-cookies $COOKIEFILE "$LOGOFFURL" echo "Cleaning up..." rm -f "$STATUSFILE" "$COOKIEFILE" "$FARMDATAFILE" "$OUTFILE" "$TMPFILE" "$TMPFILE"-*-[1-6] "$LASTERRORFILE" fi case "$sSignal" in INT) echo "Committing suicide using SIGINT..." trap - SIGINT rm -f "$PIDFILE" kill -SIGINT "$$" ;; TERM) echo "Exiting..." rm -f "$PIDFILE" exit 0 ;; esac } function restartBot { # this gets called if the response to an AJAX request contains "dbfehler.php" # or if wget returns a non-zero value echo -e "\n" logToFile "My Free Farm Bash Bot encountered a problem" echo "Attempting to log off..." wget -nv -T10 -a $LOGFILE --output-document=/dev/null --user-agent="$AGENT" --load-cookies $COOKIEFILE "$LOGOFFURL" rm -f "$STATUSFILE" "$COOKIEFILE" "$FARMDATAFILE" "$OUTFILE" "$TMPFILE" "$PIDFILE" "$TMPFILE"-*-[1-6] "$LASTERRORFILE" echo "Restarting bot..." cd .. exec /usr/bin/env bash mffbashbot.sh $MFFUSER } function getFarmData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFARM}mode=getfarms&farm=1&position=0" $sFile } function getForestryData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFOREST}action=initforestry" $sFile } function getFoodWorldData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFOOD}action=foodworld_init&id=0&table=0&chair=0" $sFile } function getLotteryData { sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXCITY}city=2&mode=initlottery" $sFile } function getWindMillData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXCITY}city=2&mode=windmillinit" $sFile } function getPanData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFARM}mode=showpan&farm=1&position=0" $sFile } function getGreenHouseData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFARM}mode=greenhouse_init" $sFile } function getInnerInfoData { local sFile=$1 local iFarm=$2 local iPosition=$3 local sMode=$4 WGETREQ "${AJAXFARM}mode=${sMode}&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}" $sFile } function getOlympiaData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXMAIN}action=olympia_init" $sFile } function getCalendarData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFARM}mode=calendar_init" $sFile } function getMerchantData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXCITY}shopid=1&mode=shopinit" $sFile } function getEventGardenData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFARM}mode=eventgarden_init" $sFile } function getSpiceHouseData { local sFile=$1 WGETREQ "${AJAXFARM}mode=spicehouse_init" $sFile } function doFarm { # read function from queue file local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 if checkQueueSleep ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}; then echo "Set to sleep" return fi local sFunction=$(head -1 ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) # now we should know which function to call harvest${sFunction} ${iFarm} ${iPosition} ${iSlot} start${sFunction}${NONPREMIUM} ${iFarm} ${iPosition} ${iSlot} updateQueue ${iFarm} ${iPosition} ${iSlot} } function harvestStable { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=inner_crop&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}" } function startStable { # get parameters from line 2 # since stable takes two parameters, we need to split 'em local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local aParams=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) local sOldIFS=$IFS IFS=, set -- $aParams IFS=$sOldIFS local iPID=$1 local iAmount=$2 # feeding local sAJAXSuffix="mode=inner_feed&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&pid=${iPID}&amount=${iAmount}" if [ "$GUILDJOB" = true ]; then local sAJAXSuffix="${sAJAXSuffix}&guildjob=1" # reset guild job flag GUILDJOB=false fi sendAJAXFarmRequest $sAJAXSuffix } function startStableNP { startStable $1 $2 } function harvestKnittingMill { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) sendAJAXFarmRequest "position=${iPosition}&mode=crop&slot=${iRealSlot}&farm=${iFarm}" } function startKnittingMill { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) # Knitting Mill takes one parameter local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) # PIDs start at 1 for this building type iPID=$((iPID - 154)) local sAJAXSuffix="position=${iPosition}&item=${iPID}&mode=start&slot=${iRealSlot}&farm=${iFarm}" if [ "$GUILDJOB" = true ]; then local sAJAXSuffix="${sAJAXSuffix}&guildjob=1" GUILDJOB=false fi # do the knitting sendAJAXFarmRequest $sAJAXSuffix } function startKnittingMillNP { startKnittingMill $1 $2 $3 } function harvestOilMill { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # slot index in oil mill doesn't always match slot "name" local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) # oil mills use slots 1, 2 and 3 instead of 0, 1... FFS sendAJAXFarmRequest "position=${iPosition}&mode=crop&slot=${iRealSlot}&farm=${iFarm}" } function startOilMill { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # oil mills use slots 1, 2 and 3 FFS # Special Oil Mill takes one parameter local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) # PIDs start at 1 for this building type iPID=$((iPID - 115)) local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) # do the mill sendAJAXFarmRequest "position=${iPosition}&oil=${iPID}&mode=start&slot=${iRealSlot}&farm=${iFarm}" } function startOilMillNP { startOilMill $1 $2 $3 } function harvestTeaFactory { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) sendAJAXFarmRequest "position=${iPosition}&mode=crop&slot=${iRealSlot}&farm=${iFarm}" } function startTeaFactory { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) # PIDs start at 1 for this building type iPID=$((iPID - 749)) # this only works cuz the farm data isn't updated in between harvesting and planting (!) local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) sendAJAXFarmRequest "farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&slot=${iRealSlot}&item=${iPID}&mode=start" } function startTeaFactoryNP { startTeaFactory $1 $2 $3 } function harvestFactory { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 iSlot=$((iSlot + 1)) # sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=getadvancedcrop&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}" sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=harvestproduction&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iSlot}&slot=${iSlot}" } function startFactory { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # Factory takes one parameter local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) # factory data changed on Apr 7th 2020 case "$iPID" in # mayo kitchen, cheese diary, wool spinning mill and sweets kitchen 25|27|28|30) iPID=1 ;; 144|111|152|820) iPID=2 ;; 821) iPID=3 ;; 822) iPID=4 ;; 823) iPID=5 ;; 824) iPID=6 ;; *) logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Unknown PID $iPID" return ;; esac iSlot=$((iSlot + 1)) local sAJAXSuffix="farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&slot=${iSlot}&item=${iPID}&mode=start" if [ "$GUILDJOB" = true ]; then local sAJAXSuffix="${sAJAXSuffix}&guildjob=1" GUILDJOB=false fi # start the factory sendAJAXFarmRequest $sAJAXSuffix } function startFactoryNP { startFactory $1 $2 $3 } function harvestFarm { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=cropgarden&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}" } function startFarm { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # Farm takes one parameter local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) # start the farm sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=autoplant&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iPID}&product=${iPID}" # water the farm sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=watergarden&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}" } function startFarmNP { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # fetch garden data getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition gardeninit local iProduct=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) # shellcheck disable=SC2090 local iProductDim_x=$(echo $aDIM_X | $JQBIN -r '."'${iProduct}'"') # shellcheck disable=SC2090 local iProductDim_y=$(echo $aDIM_Y | $JQBIN -r '."'${iProduct}'"') local iPlot=1 local iCache=0 local iCacheFlag=0 local sData="mode=garden_plant&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" local sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" while (true); do if [ $iPlot -gt 120 ]; then if [ $iCacheFlag -eq 1 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sData}cid=${iPosition}" sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 fi if ! checkRipePlotOnField $iFarm $iPosition; then return fi # there's more to harvest on this very field harvestFarm $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition gardeninit iPlot=1 fi # don't plant on last column if x-dim is 2 if ! ((iPlot % 12)); then if [ $iProductDim_x -eq 2 ]; then iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi fi if [ $iPlot -ge 109 ] && [ $iProductDim_y -eq 2 ]; then if [ $iCacheFlag -eq 1 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sData}cid=${iPosition}" sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 fi if ! checkRipePlotOnField $iFarm $iPosition; then return fi harvestFarm $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition gardeninit iPlot=1 fi if ! getFieldPlotReadiness $iPlot ; then iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi # plot can be used if [ $iProductDim_x -eq 1 ]; then # product dimensions is 1 x 1 sData="${sData}pflanze[]=${iProduct}&feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot}&" sDataWater="${sDataWater}feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot}&" iCacheFlag=1 iCache=$((iCache + 1)) if [ $iCache -eq 5 ]; then # CID is some water interval ID .. screw it. sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sData}cid=${iPosition}" sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" sData="mode=garden_plant&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 continue else iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi fi # x dim is 2 if ! getFieldPlotReadiness $((iPlot + 1)); then iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) continue fi if [ $iProductDim_y -eq 1 ]; then # product dimensions is 1 x 2 sData="${sData}pflanze[]=${iProduct}&feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot},$((iPlot + 1))&" sDataWater="${sDataWater}feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot},$((iPlot + 1))&" iCacheFlag=1 iCache=$((iCache + 1)) if [ $iCache -eq 5 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sData}cid=${iPosition}" sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" sData="mode=garden_plant&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 continue else iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) continue fi fi # y dim is 2 if ! getFieldPlotReadiness $((iPlot + 12)); then iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi if ! getFieldPlotReadiness $((iPlot + 13)); then iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi # mark lower plots as occupied if cache not full - issue #86 if [ $iCache -lt 4 ]; then setPlotsToOccupied $((iPlot + 12)) fi sData="${sData}pflanze[]=${iProduct}&feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot},$((iPlot + 1)),$((iPlot + 12)),$((iPlot + 13))&" sDataWater="${sDataWater}feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot},$((iPlot + 1)),$((iPlot + 12)),$((iPlot + 13))&" iCacheFlag=1 iCache=$((iCache + 1)) if [ $iCache -eq 5 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sData}cid=${iPosition}" sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" sData="mode=garden_plant&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 continue else iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) continue fi # you should not get here :) done } function waterField { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=watergarden&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}" } function waterFieldNP { # this function only supports completely filled fields of the same crop size local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition gardeninit local iProductDim_x=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1]["1"].x' $TMPFILE) local iProductDim_y=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1]["1"].y' $TMPFILE) local sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" local iPlot=1 local iCache=0 local iCacheFlag=0 while (true); do if [ $iPlot -gt 120 ]; then if [ $iCacheFlag -eq 1 ]; then # shouldn't a check for iCache -gt 0 suffice? sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" return fi return fi if ! ((iPlot % 12)); then if [ $iProductDim_x -eq 2 ]; then iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi fi if [ $iPlot -ge 109 ]; then if [ $iProductDim_y -eq 2 ]; then if [ $iCacheFlag -eq 1 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" return else return fi fi fi if [ $iProductDim_x -eq 1 ]; then # product dimensions is 1 x 1 sDataWater="${sDataWater}feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot}&" iCacheFlag=1 iCache=$((iCache + 1)) if [ $iCache -eq 5 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" sleep 1 sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 continue else iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi fi # x dim is 2 if [ $iProductDim_y -eq 1 ]; then # product dimensions is 1 x 2 sDataWater="${sDataWater}feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot},$((iPlot + 1))&" iCacheFlag=1 iCache=$((iCache + 1)) if [ $iCache -eq 5 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" sleep 1 sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 continue else iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) continue fi fi # y dim is 2 sDataWater="${sDataWater}feld[]=${iPlot}&felder[]=${iPlot},$((iPlot + 1)),$((iPlot + 12)),$((iPlot + 13))&" iCacheFlag=1 iCache=$((iCache + 1)) if [ $iCache -eq 5 ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "${sDataWater}" sleep 1 sDataWater="mode=garden_water&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&" iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) iCacheFlag=0 iCache=0 continue else iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) continue fi done } function doForestry { local sFile=$1 local iSurplus local sFunction=$(head -1 ${sFile}/${sFile}/${sFile}) if checkQueueSleep ${sFile}/${sFile}/${sFile}; then echo "Set to sleep" return fi local iLogCapacity=$($JQBIN '.datablock[2]["1"].capacity' $FARMDATAFILE) local iPID=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock[1][0].productid' $FARMDATAFILE) local iAmountToHarvest=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock[1] | .[] | select(.productid == "'${iPID}'" and .remain == 0).productid' $FARMDATAFILE | wc -l) # log's PIDs are different from the seed's PIDs case "$iPID" in [1-5]) iPID=$((iPID + 20)) ;; *) iPID=$((iPID + 19)) ;; esac local iAmountInStock=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock["forestry_stock"]["'${iPID}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) # test for stock overflow iSurplus=$((iAmountInStock + iAmountToHarvest - iLogCapacity)) if [ $iSurplus -gt 0 ]; then if grep -q "trimlogstock = 1" $CFGFILE; then echo "Destroying $iSurplus items of log type #${iPID}" sendAJAXForestryRequest "action=schredder&productid=${iPID}&amount=${iSurplus}" else logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Max. capacity reached, not harvesting" return fi fi harvest${sFunction} start${sFunction} ${sFile}/${sFile}/${sFile} updateQueue ${sFile} ${sFile} ${sFile} } function harvestTree { # harvest all trees sendAJAXForestryRequest "action=cropall" } function startTree { local sFile=$1 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFile}) # plant trees sendAJAXForestryRequest "action=autoplant&productid=${iPID}" if checkCanWaterTrees; then waterTree fi } function waterTree { # water trees sendAJAXForestryRequest "action=water" } function harvestForestryBuilding { local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXForestryRequest "action=cropproduction&position=${iPosition}&slot=${iSlot}" } function startForestryBuilding { local sFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # this building needs one parameter local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXForestryRequest "action=startproduction&position=${iPosition}&productid=${iPID}&slot=${iSlot}" } function startForestryBuildingNP { startForestryBuilding $1 $2 $3 } function harvestFoodWorldBuilding { local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFoodworldRequest "action=crop&id=0&table=${iPosition}&chair=${iSlot}" } function startFoodWorldBuilding { local sFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # this building needs one parameter iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFoodworldRequest "action=production&id=${iPID}&table=${iPosition}&chair=${iSlot}" } function startFoodWorldBuildingNP { startFoodWorldBuilding $1 $2 $3 } function checkMunchiesAtTables { local sJSONDataType local iTable local iChair local bMunchieReady # JSON data uses different data types when you bought further tables on food world sJSONDataType=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock.tables | type' $FARMDATAFILE) for iTable in {0..4}; do # Munchies on unleased tables can still be claimed, do not skip iTable loop for iChair in 1 2; do if [ "$sJSONDataType" = "object" ]; then bMunchieReady=$($JQBIN '.datablock.tables."'${iTable}'"."chairs"."'${iChair}'".ready? == 1' $FARMDATAFILE) elif [ "$sJSONDataType" = "array" ]; then bMunchieReady=$($JQBIN '.datablock.tables['${iTable}']."chairs"."'${iChair}'".ready? == 1' $FARMDATAFILE) else logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Unknown JSON data type ${sJSONDataType}" break 2 fi if [ "$bMunchieReady" = "true" ]; then echo "Munchie available at table $((iTable + 1)), chair ${iChair}, claiming it..." sendAJAXFoodworldRequest "action=cash&id=0&table=${iTable}&chair=${iChair}" fi done done } function checkMunchies { # unused function. sits munchie down if there's enough goods for him local iID local aIDs local iPID local aPIDs local aTables local iTable local iChair local iAmountNeeded local iAmountInStock local bCanSit # get Munchies with status 0 aIDs=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock.farmis | .[] | select(.status == "0").id' $FARMDATAFILE) for iID in $aIDs; do bCanSit="true" aPIDs=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock.farmis | .[] | select(.id == "'${iID}'").products | to_entries[] | .key' $FARMDATAFILE) for iPID in $aPIDs; do iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 1) iAmountNeeded=$($JQBIN '.datablock.farmis | .[] | select(.id == "'${iID}'").products["'${iPID}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iAmountInStock -lt $iAmountNeeded ]; then bCanSit="false" break fi done if [ "$bCanSit" = "false" ]; then continue fi # get tables that are neither locked or blocked aTables=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock.tables | .[] | select(.block != 1 and .locked != 1).id' $FARMDATAFILE) for iTable in $aTables; do # find a free chair - the logical "or" for .id is needed cuz the source data is inconsistent as of 11/2019 iChair=$($JQBIN 'first(.datablock.tables | .[] | select(.id == '${iTable}' or .id == "'${iTable}'").chairs| tostream | select(length == 2) as [$key, $value] | if ($key[0] | tonumber < 3) and $value == [] then $key[-1] | tonumber else empty end)' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ -n "$iChair" ]; then echo "Sitting munchie with ID ${iID} down at table ${iTable}, chair ${iChair}..." # table indices start at 0 iTable=$((iTable - 1)) sendAJAXFoodworldRequest "action=dropped&id=${iID}&table=${iTable}&chair=${iChair}" sleep 2 break fi done if [ -z "$iChair" ]; then echo "No free seat found for munchie with ID ${iID}" fi done } function doFarmersMarket { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 if checkQueueSleep ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}; then echo "Set to sleep" return fi local sFunction=$(head -1 ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) harvest${sFunction} ${sFarm} ${sPosition} ${iSlot} start${sFunction} ${sFarm} ${sPosition} ${iSlot} if [ $SKIPQUEUEUPDATE -eq 1 ]; then SKIPQUEUEUPDATE=0 return fi updateQueue ${sFarm} ${sPosition} ${iSlot} } function harvestFlowerArea { # harvest flowers if [ "$NONPREMIUM" = "NP" ]; then harvestFlowerAreaNP return fi sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=flowerarea_harvest_all&farm=1&position=1" } function harvestFlowerAreaNP { # this function only supports the same flower in all spots local iPID=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.flower_area["1"].pid' $FARMDATAFILE) local iCount local sData="mode=flowerarea_harvest&farm=1&position=1&set=" for iCount in {1..36}; do sData=${sData}${iCount}:${iPID}, done sendAJAXFarmRequest $sData } function startFlowerArea { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) if [ "$iPID" = "998" ]; then # bonus plant? iPID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.flower_bonus.pid' $FARMDATAFILE) fi if [ "$NONPREMIUM" = "NP" ]; then startFlowerAreaNP $iPID return fi sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=flowerarea_autoplant&farm=1&position=1&set=0&pid=${iPID}" # water the flowers sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=flowerarea_water_all&farm=1&position=1" } function startFlowerAreaNP { local iPID=$1 local iCount local sData="mode=flowerarea_plant&farm=1&position=1&set=" local sDataWater="mode=flowerarea_water&farm=1&position=1&set=" for iCount in {1..36}; do sData=${sData}${iCount}:${iPID}, sDataWater=${sDataWater}${iCount}:${iPID}, done sendAJAXFarmRequest $sData sendAJAXFarmRequest $sDataWater } function harvestNursery { local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=nursery_harvest&farm=1&position=1&id=1&slot=${iSlot}" } function startNursery { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=nursery_startproduction&farm=1&position=1&id=${iPID}&pid=${iPID}&slot=${iSlot}" } function doFarmersMarketFlowerPots { local iPID local iSlot # find withered arrangements local aSlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.flower_slots.slots | to_entries[] | select(.value.remain < 0).key' $FARMDATAFILE) for iSlot in $aSlots; do iPID=$(getConfigValue flowerarrangementslot${iSlot}) if [ $iPID -ne 0 ]; then sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=flowerslot_remove&farm=1&position=1&set=${iSlot}:1," sleep 1 echo "Planting arrangement ${iPID} in flower pot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=flowerslot_plant&farm=1&position=1&set=${iSlot}:${iPID}," fi done # water pots in need aSlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.flower_slots.slots | to_entries[] | select((.value.waterremain < 1800) and (.value.waterremain > 0)).key' $FARMDATAFILE) for iSlot in $aSlots; do iPID=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.flower_slots.slots["'${iSlot}'"].pid' $FARMDATAFILE) # skip watering of special flowers (214 and up) if [ $iPID -le 213 ]; then # skip plants that don't need water anymore if [ -n "$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.flower_slots.slots["'${iSlot}'"] | select(.remain != .waterremain)' $FARMDATAFILE)" ]; then echo "Watering flower pot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=flowerslot_water&farm=1&position=1&set=${iSlot}:1," fi fi done } function checkFlowerFarmies { # unused function. sells stuff to flower farmies local iFarmieCount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.farmis? | length' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iFarmieCount -eq 0 ]; then return fi local iID local iCount=0 local iCount2 local iItemCount local iPID local iAmountNeeded local iAmountInStock local bCanBeServed while [ $iCount -lt $iFarmieCount ]; do bCanBeServed="true" # get cart length iCount2=0 iItemCount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.farmis['${iCount}'].cart | length' $FARMDATAFILE) while [ $iCount2 -lt $iItemCount ]; do iPID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.farmis['${iCount}'].cart['${iCount2}'].pid' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 1) iAmountNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.farmis['${iCount}'].cart['${iCount2}'].amount' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iAmountInStock -lt $iAmountNeeded ]; then bCanBeServed="false" break fi iCount2=$((iCount2 + 1)) done if [ "$bCanBeServed" = "false" ]; then iCount=$((iCount + 1)) continue fi # serve flower farmie iID=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.farmis['${iCount}'].id' $FARMDATAFILE) echo "Serving flower farmie with ID ${iID}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=handleflowerfarmi&farm=1&position=1&id=${iID}&farmi=${iID}&status=1" sleep 1 iCount=$((iCount + 1)) done } function checkSushiBarFarmies { local aServedFarmies local iServedFarmie local aFarmieNeededCategories local iFarmieNeededCategoriesCount local sFarmieNeededCategory local iFarmieNeedsAmount local iFarmieHasAmount local iCount aServedFarmies=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.sushibar.farmis | to_entries[] | select(.value.data.have | type == "object").value.slot' $FARMDATAFILE) # cycle through farmies who have been served at least once for iServedFarmie in $aServedFarmies; do aFarmieNeededCategories=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.sushibar.farmis["'${iServedFarmie}'"].data.need | keys[]' $FARMDATAFILE) iFarmieNeededCategoriesCount=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.sushibar.farmis["'${iServedFarmie}'"].data.need | keys | length' $FARMDATAFILE) iCount=0 for sFarmieNeededCategory in $aFarmieNeededCategories; do iFarmieNeedsAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.sushibar.farmis["'${iServedFarmie}'"].data.need["'${sFarmieNeededCategory}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) iFarmieHasAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.sushibar.farmis["'${iServedFarmie}'"].data.have["'${sFarmieNeededCategory}'"] // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iFarmieNeedsAmount -eq $iFarmieHasAmount ]; then iCount=$((iCount + 1)) fi done if [ $iCount -eq $iFarmieNeededCategoriesCount ]; then # we have a prospect if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.sushibar.farmis["'${iServedFarmie}'"].eat.remain'; then echo "Collecting sushi bar farmie in slot #${iServedFarmie}" sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iServedFarmie}&mode=sushibar_finishfarmi" fi fi done } function harvestMonsterFruitHelper { : } function startMonsterFruitHelper { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=megafruit_buyobject&farm=1&position=1&id=${iPID}&oid=${iPID}" } function doFoodContestCashDesk { sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=foodcontest_merchpin&farm=1&position=1" } function doFoodContestAudience { local iBlock=$1 local sPinType=$2 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=foodcontest_pincache&farm=1&position=1&id=1_${sPinType},&value=${iBlock}_${sPinType}," } function doFoodContestFeeding { sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=foodcontest_feed&farm=1&position=1" } function harvestPets { local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pets_harvest_production&slot=${iSlot}&position=1" } function startPets { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pets_start_production&slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}" } function harvestVet { local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=vet_harvestproduction&farm=1&position=1&id=${iSlot}&slot=${iSlot}&pos=1" } function startVet { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=vet_startproduction&farm=1&position=1&id=${iSlot}&slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&pos=1" } function doFarmersMarketAnimalTreatment { local iSlot=$1 local iAnimalID local aQueue local sTreatmentSet= local iDiseaseID local iFastestCure sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=vet_endtreatment&farm=1&position=1&id=${iSlot}&slot=${iSlot}" if ! grep -q "restartvetjob = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "restartvetjob = " $CFGFILE; then checkVetJobDone fi if getAnimalQueueLength; then # queue is empty, return return fi # get animal ID from queue holding status 0 iAnimalID=$($JQBIN -r 'first(.updateblock.farmersmarket.vet.animals.queue | .[] | select(.status == "0").id)' $FARMDATAFILE) # place it in slot sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=vet_setslot&farm=1&position=1&id=${iSlot}&slot=${iSlot}&aid=${iAnimalID}" # isolate deseases for animal ID aQueue=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vet.animals.queue["'${iAnimalID}'"].diseases | .[] | .id?' $FARMDATAFILE) for iDiseaseID in $aQueue; do # find fastest cure for disease iFastestCure=$(getAnimalsFastestCureForDisease $iDiseaseID) sTreatmentSet=${sTreatmentSet}${iDiseaseID}_${iFastestCure}, done # start treatment sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=vet_starttreatment&farm=1&position=1&id=${iSlot}&slot=${iSlot}&set=${sTreatmentSet}" } function checkVetJobDone { local iAnimalsHealedCount=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vet.info.role_count' $FARMDATAFILE) local iAnimals2HealCount=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vet.info.role_count_max' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iAnimals2HealCount -eq $iAnimalsHealedCount ]; then local iVetJob=$(getConfigValue restartvetjob) echo "Restarting vets' treatment with difficulty ${iVetJob}..." sleep 2 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=vet_setrole&farm=1&position=1&id=${iVetJob}&role=${iVetJob}" fi } function doFarmersMarketPetCare { local sSlot=$1 # get config data if grep -q "care${sSlot} = 0" $CFGFILE; then echo "Pet's $sSlot care is set to sleep" else local sCare=$(getConfigValue care${sSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pets_care&set=${sCare},${sCare},${sCare}" fi } function harvestCowRacing { local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&position=1&mode=cowracing_harvestproduction" } function startCowRacing { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&mode=cowracing_startproduction" } function checkRaceCowFeeding { local iSlot=$1 local iPID=$(getConfigValue racecowslot${iSlot}) local sSlotType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cowslots["'${iSlot}'"] | type' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$sSlotType" = "number" ]; then if ! checkCowIsPvP ${iSlot}; then SLOTREMAIN=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'${iSlot}'"].feed_remain?' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$SLOTREMAIN" = "null" ]; then echo "Feeding race cow in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "pid=${iPID}&slot=${iSlot}&mode=cowracing_feedCow" else checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'${iSlot}'"].feed_remain?' fi fi else logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: There seems to be no cow in slot ${iSlot}" fi } function checkCowRace { local iSlot local sEnvironment local sBodyPart local iEquipmentID local iCowLevel local aSlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cowslots | keys | .[]' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) for iSlot in $aSlots; do if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"]?.race_remain'; then if grep -q "excluderank1cow = 1" $CFGFILE && checkCowRanked1st $iSlot; then echo "Skipping training race for cow ranked 1st in slot $iSlot" continue fi if checkCowIsPvP ${iSlot}; then echo "Skipping PvP signed up cow in slot $iSlot" continue fi iCowLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iCowLevel -gt 1 ]; then # remove all equipment from cow removeCowEquipment $iSlot sEnvironment=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"].lanestatus' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) for sBodyPart in head body foot; do # find/equip best equipment for the cow, buy non-coin equipment if possible iEquipmentID=$(getCowEquipmentID $sBodyPart $sEnvironment) if [ "$iEquipmentID" = "-1" ]; then continue fi # equip it sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "id=${iEquipmentID}&slot=${iSlot}&mode=cowracing_equipitem" done # start the race sleep 1 fi echo "Starting cow training race in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "type=pve&slot=${iSlot}&mode=cowracing_startrace" && sleep 3 # put equipment back into stock removeCowEquipment $iSlot fi done } function checkCowRacePvP { local bTimeThreshold local sEnvironment local sBodyPart local sIsPvP=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows | .[] | select(.ispvp == "1").ispvp' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ -n "$sIsPvP" ]; then echo "You have already signed up for the PvP cow race" return fi # give player enough time to sign up in case he chooses to override the bot bTimeThreshold=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.pvp.racedayremain < 5400' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bTimeThreshold" = "false" ]; then return fi local iCow=0 local iCowProspect=0 local iCowRating local iCowSlot local iEquipmentID local aCows=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows | keys | .[]' $FARMDATAFILE) sEnvironment=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.pvp.lanestatus' $FARMDATAFILE) for iCowSlot in $aCows; do if ! checkCowRanked1st $iCowSlot; then # echo "DEBUG: cow in slot $iCowSlot isn't ranked 1st" continue fi if checkCowSuspended $iCowSlot; then # echo "DEBUG: cow in slot $iCowSlot has been temporarily suspended" continue fi iCowRating=$(getCowRating $iCowSlot $sEnvironment) if [ $iCowRating -gt $iCowProspect ]; then iCowProspect=$iCowRating iCow=$iCowSlot # echo "DEBUG: current prospect is cow in slot $iCow" fi done if [ $iCow -eq 0 ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: No suitable cow available for PvP cow race" return fi # ready to rock iCowSlot=$iCow removeCowEquipment $iCowSlot for sBodyPart in head body foot; do iEquipmentID=$(getCowEquipmentID $sBodyPart $sEnvironment) if [ "$iEquipmentID" = "-1" ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Could not get equipment for your cow's $sBodyPart" continue fi sendAJAXFarmRequest "id=${iEquipmentID}&slot=${iCowSlot}&mode=cowracing_equipitem" done sleep 1 echo "Signing up cow in slot ${iCowSlot} for the next PvP race..." # we cannot remove the eqiupment here sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iCowSlot}&mode=cowracing_registercowpvp" && sleep 3 } function getCowRating { local iSlot=$1 local sEnvironment=$2 local iCowRating local iCowLevel local iCowType local iCowSpeed local sCowAdv local sCowDisadv local iCowLevelSpeed iCowLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) iCowType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"].type' $FARMDATAFILE) iCowSpeed=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.config.cows["'$iCowType'"].speed' $FARMDATAFILE) sCowAdv=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.config.cows["'$iCowType'"].racetype_pro' $FARMDATAFILE) sCowDisadv=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.config.cows["'$iCowType'"].racetype_con' $FARMDATAFILE) iCowLevelSpeed=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.config.level["'$iCowLevel'"].speed' $FARMDATAFILE) iCowRating=$(awk 'BEGIN { print ('${iCowSpeed}' + '${iCowLevelSpeed}') * 100 }') # since i don't know the exact values for (dis)advantage, i'll define them as (-)3.75% - changed to 13.75% 12/2021 if [ "$sEnvironment" = "$sCowAdv" ]; then iCowRating=$(awk 'BEGIN { print int('${iCowRating}' * 1.1375 * 100) }') echo $iCowRating return elif [ "$sEnvironment" = "$sCowDisadv" ]; then iCowRating=$(awk 'BEGIN { print int('${iCowRating}' * 0.8625 * 100) }') echo $iCowRating return fi echo $((iCowRating * 100)) } function removeCowEquipment { # does what the name suggests. local iSlot=$1 local sBodyPart local bItemEquipped local iSuspendedCowSlot for sBodyPart in head body foot; do bItemEquipped=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'${iSlot}'"].slot_'${sBodyPart}' != "0"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bItemEquipped" = "true" ]; then sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "type=${sBodyPart}&slot=${iSlot}&mode=cowracing_unequipitem" && sleep 1 fi done # call again if PvP race cow is still wearing items iSuspendedCowSlot=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows | .[] | select(.suspendpvp == "1" and (.slot_head != "0" or .slot_body != "0" or .slot_foot != "0")).slot' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ -n "$iSuspendedCowSlot" ]; then removeCowEquipment $iSuspendedCowSlot fi } function getCowEquipmentID { local sBodyPart=$1 local sEnvironment=$2 local iEquipmentID=-1 case "$sBodyPart:$sEnvironment" in head:normal) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "17 1") ;; head:rain) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "2 16") ;; head:cold) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "4 16") ;; head:heat) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "17 5") ;; head:mud) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "17 3") ;; body:normal) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "21 11") ;; body:rain) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "14 20") ;; body:cold) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "21 13") ;; body:heat) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "12 20") ;; body:mud) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "21 15") ;; foot:normal) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "19 6") ;; foot:rain) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "19 9") ;; foot:cold) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "10 18") ;; foot:heat) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "19 8") ;; foot:mud) iEquipmentID=$(checkCowEquipmentAvailability "7 18") ;; esac echo "$iEquipmentID" } function checkCowEquipmentAvailability { local iSearchPattern="$1" local iItem local iKey # desired globbing for iItem in $iSearchPattern; do iKey=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.items | .[] | select(.type == "'${iItem}'" and .stock == "1").id][0]' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iKey" != "null" ]; then echo $iKey return fi done # nothing suitable in stock, let's try and buy something that fits iKey=$(getCowEquipment "$iSearchPattern") echo $iKey } function getCowEquipment { local iSearchPattern="$1" local iItem local iKey local bIsMoneyItem local iSlot for iItem in $iSearchPattern; do bIsMoneyItem=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.config.items["'${iItem}'"].money? | type == "number"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bIsMoneyItem" = "true" ]; then # we need a slot with a cow in it to make a purchase iSlot=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows | keys | .[]][0]' $FARMDATAFILE) echo "Buying cow equipment #${iItem}..." >&2 # this is very ugly. sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "id=${iItem}&slot=${iSlot}&mode=cowracing_buyitem" && sleep 1 iKey=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.items | .[] | select(.type == "'${iItem}'")][0]?.id' $FARMDATAFILE) # at this point it should be safe to use this construct. but just to be even safer... ;) if [ "$iKey" != "null" ] && [ -n "$iKey" ]; then echo $iKey return # else # echo "DEBUG: cow equipment was bought, but iKey could not be read!" >&2 # echo "DEBUG: iKey value is $iKey" >&2 # echo "DEBUG: saving FARMDATAFILE for later analysis" >&2 # cp $FARMDATAFILE ${FARMDATAFILE}.debug fi fi done echo "-1" } function checkCowRanked1st { # returns true if a cow is ranked 1st local iSlot=$1 local bCowIsRanked1st=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"].ladder.rank == 1' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bCowIsRanked1st" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function checkCowIsPvP { # returns true if a cow has signed up for a PvP race local iSlot=$1 local bCowIsPvP=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"].ispvp == "1"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bCowIsPvP" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function checkCowSuspended { # returns true if a cow has been suspended from PvP racing local iSlot=$1 local bCowSuspended=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data.cows["'$iSlot'"].suspendpvp == "1"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bCowSuspended" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function harvestFishing { local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&position=1&mode=fishing_harvestproduction" } function startFishing { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) if ! grep -q "preferredbait${iSlot} = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "preferredbait${iSlot} = " $CFGFILE; then # player has a food preference local iNeededItem local iNeededAmount local iAmountInStock local iPreferredPID=$(getConfigValue preferredbait${iSlot}) if ! grep -q "preferredbait${iSlot} = 2886" $CFGFILE; then # individual preference takes precedence iNeededItem=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.config.products["'${iPreferredPID}'"].needs.items | keys[0]' $FARMDATAFILE) iNeededAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.config.products["'${iPreferredPID}'"].needs.items["'${iNeededItem}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountInStock=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.data.stock["'${iNeededItem}'"]?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iAmountInStock" != "null" ]; then if [ $iAmountInStock -ge $iNeededAmount ]; then echo "Producing a preferred item..." iPID=$iPreferredPID SKIPQUEUEUPDATE=1 fi fi else # food preference is set to auto (2886) local aPIDs local bIsCoinItem local iLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.data.level' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iLevel -ge 2 ]; then aPIDs=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.config.products | tostream | select(length == 2) as [$key,$value] | if $key[-1] == "level" and $value <= '${iLevel}' then ($key[-2] | tonumber) else empty end | if . != 900 and . != 912 then . else empty end' $FARMDATAFILE) for iPreferredPID in $aPIDs; do bIsCoinItem=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.config.products["'${iPreferredPID}'"].coins? | type == "number" ' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bIsCoinItem" = "true" ]; then # skip coin items continue fi iNeededItem=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.config.products["'${iPreferredPID}'"].needs.items | keys[0]' $FARMDATAFILE) iNeededAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.config.products["'${iPreferredPID}'"].needs.items["'${iNeededItem}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountInStock=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.data.stock["'${iNeededItem}'"]?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iAmountInStock" != "null" ]; then if [ $iAmountInStock -ge $iNeededAmount ]; then echo "Producing an auto-selected item..." iPID=$iPreferredPID SKIPQUEUEUPDATE=1 break fi fi done fi fi fi sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&mode=fishing_startproduction" } function doFisherman { local iSlot=$1 local iSpeciesbait=$(getConfigValue speciesbait${iSlot}) local iRaritybait=$(getConfigValue raritybait${iSlot}) local iFishinggear=$(getConfigValue fishinggear${iSlot}) local iAmountInStock local iItem local bIsCoinItem local sSelection local iPID for iPID in $iSpeciesbait $iRaritybait; do iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 1) if [ $iAmountInStock -le 0 ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Lacking equipment, Item #${iPID} not in stock" return fi done sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=fishing_finish_fishing" && sleep 1 iItem=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.data.items | .[]? | select(.type == "'${iFishinggear}'" and .stock == "1").id][0]' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iItem" == "null" ]; then # no item available, buy it, if it's not a coin-item bIsCoinItem=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.config.items["'${iFishinggear}'"].coins? | type == "number"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bIsCoinItem" = "true" ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Refusing to buy coin item" return fi echo "Buying fishing gear #${iFishinggear}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "id=${iFishinggear}&mode=fishing_shop_buy" && sleep 1 iItem=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.data.items | .[] | select(.type == "'${iFishinggear}'" and .stock == "1").id][0]' $FARMDATAFILE) fi # request requires encoded JSON data # sSelection=$(echo '{"category":'${iSpeciesbait}',"rarity":'${iRaritybait}',"item":'${iItem}'}' | jq -r @uri) sSelection="%7B%22category%22%3A${iSpeciesbait}%2C%22rarity%22%3A${iRaritybait}%2C%22item%22%3A${iItem}%7D" echo "Starting fishing session in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&selection=${sSelection}&mode=fishing_start_fishing" } function checkVineYard { local aSlots local iSlot local iSeason local iFreeBarrelSlot local iVineAge local iVineType local iCare local iOption local sSummerCut=$(getConfigValue summercut) local sWinterCut=$(getConfigValue wintercut) local iWeatherMitigation=$(getConfigValue weathermitigation) local iHarvestVine=$(getConfigValue harvestvine) local iHarvestInAutumn=$(getConfigValue harvestvineinautumn) local iRestartVine=$(getConfigValue restartvine) local iRemoveVine=$(getConfigValue removevine) # this means after the 4th year local iBuyVineTillSunny=$(getConfigValue buyvinetillsunny) local iVineFullService=$(getConfigValue vinefullservice) aSlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants | keys | .[]' $FARMDATAFILE) for iSlot in $aSlots; do if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].remain'; then # season is over iSeason=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].season' $FARMDATAFILE) case "$iSeason" in 1) # summer is next startVineYardSeason $iSlot $((iSeason + 1)) if [ "${sSummerCut:-0}" != "0" ]; then echo "Performing $sSummerCut summer cut on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=2&option=${sSummerCut}&mode=vineyard_plant_select_care" fi if ! checkVineYardWeather $iSlot; then checkVineYardWeatherMitigation $iSlot ${iWeatherMitigation:-0} fi checkVineYardCare $iSlot continue ;; 2) # autumn is next startVineYardSeason $iSlot $((iSeason + 1)) if checkVineYardWeather $iSlot; then # weather is fine checkVineYardCare $iSlot continue fi if [ "${iHarvestInAutumn:-0}" = "0" ]; then checkVineYardWeatherMitigation $iSlot ${iWeatherMitigation:-0} checkVineYardCare $iSlot continue fi ;; esac # season must be 3 or 4 from here, other cases are covered above if [ "${iHarvestVine:-0}" = "0" ]; then return fi # data has changed, re-read value iSeason=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].season' $FARMDATAFILE) # it's harvest time from here iFreeBarrelSlot=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.barrels | to_entries[] | select(.value.data | type != "object").value.slot][0] // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iFreeBarrelSlot -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${iVineFullService:-0}" = "0" ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Cannot harvest, there's no free barrel" if [ $iSeason -eq 3 ]; then # take care of vine if harvest fails in autumn checkVineYardWeatherMitigation $iSlot ${iWeatherMitigation:-0} checkVineYardCare $iSlot fi return fi # do the full service on stock, barrels and vine... if getFreeBarrelSlot; then # getFreeBarrelSlot returned 0 logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Cannot harvest, there was a problem with either bottling or selling" if [ $iSeason -eq 3 ]; then checkVineYardWeatherMitigation $iSlot ${iWeatherMitigation:-0} checkVineYardCare $iSlot fi return else # getFreeBarrelSlot returned a now free slot iFreeBarrelSlot=$? fi fi if [ $iSeason -eq 3 ]; then # take care of vine one last time before harvest in autumn checkVineYardCare $iSlot fi echo "Harvesting vine in slot $iSlot into barrel in slot ${iFreeBarrelSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&slot2=${iFreeBarrelSlot}&mode=vineyard_plant_harvest" && sleep 1 if [ "${iRestartVine:-0}" = "0" ]; then return fi if [ "${iRemoveVine:-0}" != "0" ]; then iVineAge=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].year' $FARMDATAFILE) iVineType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].type' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iVineAge -ge 4 ]; then echo -n "Removing and re-buying vine of type #${iVineType} in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=vineyard_remove_plant" && sleep 1 sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "type=plants&slot=${iSlot}&id=${iVineType}&mode=vineyard_buy_shop_item" && sleep 1 # vine starts automatically after purchase if [ "${iBuyVineTillSunny:-0}" = "0" ]; then echo if ! checkVineYardWeather $iSlot; then checkVineYardWeatherMitigation $iSlot ${iWeatherMitigation:-0} fi else while (! checkVineYardWeather $iSlot); do echo -n "." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=vineyard_remove_plant" && sleep 1 sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "type=plants&slot=${iSlot}&id=${iVineType}&mode=vineyard_buy_shop_item" && sleep 1 done echo fi checkVineYardCare $iSlot continue fi fi if [ $iSeason -eq 3 ]; then # harvesting in autumn needs an extra step startVineYardSeason $iSlot $((iSeason + 1)) fi if [ "${sWinterCut:-0}" != "0" ]; then echo "Performing ${sWinterCut} winter cut on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=${sWinterCut}&mode=vineyard_plant_wintercut" fi startVineYardSeason $iSlot 1 if ! checkVineYardWeather $iSlot; then checkVineYardWeatherMitigation $iSlot ${iWeatherMitigation:-0} fi checkVineYardCare $iSlot continue fi # aCare=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].care | to_entries[] | select(.value.duration > 0) | select(.value.remain <= 0).key' $FARMDATAFILE) for iCare in 3 4 5; do if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].care["'${iCare}'"].remain'; then iOption=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].care["'${iCare}'"].option' $FARMDATAFILE) case "$iCare" in 3) echo "Performing defoliation on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." ;; 4) echo "Applying fertiliser on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." ;; 5) echo "Watering vine in slot ${iSlot}..." ;; esac sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=${iCare}&option=${iOption}&mode=vineyard_plant_select_care" fi done done } function startVineYardSeason { local iSlot=$1 local iSeason=$2 local sSeason case "$iSeason" in 1) sSeason=spring ;; 2) sSeason=summer ;; 3) sSeason=autumn ;; 4) sSeason=winter ;; esac echo "Starting $sSeason season on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=vineyard_start_season" && sleep 1 } function checkVineYardWeather { # returns true if the weather in a given vine slot is sunny local iSlot=$1 local sWeather=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.plants["'${iSlot}'"].weather' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$sWeather" != "sunny" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } function checkVineYardCare { local iSlot=$1 local iDefoliation=$(getConfigValue vinedefoliation) local iFertiliser=$(getConfigValue vinefertiliser) local iWater=$(getConfigValue vinewater) if [ "${iFertiliser:-0}" != "0" ]; then # fertiliser comes first since it has negative quality impact echo "Applying fertiliser on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=4&option=${iFertiliser}&mode=vineyard_plant_select_care" fi if [ "${iDefoliation:-0}" != "0" ]; then echo "Performing defoliation on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=3&option=${iDefoliation}&mode=vineyard_plant_select_care" fi if [ "${iWater:-0}" != "0" ]; then echo "Watering vine in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=5&option=${iWater}&mode=vineyard_plant_select_care" fi } function checkVineYardWeatherMitigation { local iSlot=$1 local iWeatherMitigation=$2 local sPercentage if [ $iWeatherMitigation -ne 0 ]; then if [ $iWeatherMitigation -eq 1 ]; then sPercentage="50%" else sPercentage="100%" fi echo "Using ${sPercentage} weather mitigation on vine in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&type=${iWeatherMitigation}&mode=vineyard_buy_weathertool" fi } function getFreeBarrelSlot { local aSlots local iSlot local iRemaining local iMaxRipeningTime local iType local iPercent local iBarrelSlot local iBarrelType local iAmount local iBottles local iStockCapacity local iStockSlotsUsed local iStockSlotsAvailable local iBottles2Sell local iBottleID local iDurability local iSlotProspect=0 local iBottlingMinPercent=20 # don't bother jq with ".updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.config.constants.barrel_unfill_min_percent" here aSlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.barrels | keys | .[]' $FARMDATAFILE) for iSlot in $aSlots; do iRemaining=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.barrels["'${iSlot}'"].data.remain' $FARMDATAFILE) iType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.barrels["'${iSlot}'"].type' $FARMDATAFILE) iMaxRipeningTime=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.config.barrels["'${iType}'"].time' $FARMDATAFILE) iPercent=$(awk 'BEGIN { printf "%.2f", sqrt(100 - '${iRemaining}' * 100 / '${iMaxRipeningTime}') * 10 }') iPercent=${iPercent/,/.} # overcome locales with a ',' as decimal point if [ ${iPercent%.*} -lt $iBottlingMinPercent ]; then continue fi if awk 'BEGIN { exit !('${iPercent}' > '${iSlotProspect}') }'; then iSlotProspect=$iPercent iBarrelSlot=$iSlot iBarrelType=$iType fi done if [ ${iSlotProspect%.*} -eq 0 ]; then # none of the barrels could be emptied return 0 fi iAmount=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.barrels["'${iBarrelSlot}'"].data.amount' $FARMDATAFILE) iBottles=$(awk 'BEGIN { printf "%d", ('${iAmount}' / 10)^0.8 * 0.4 + 1.5 }') # original equation is "Math.round(Math.pow((a / 10), 0.8) * 0.4) + 1" # we need to emulate JavaScript's Math.round() function, that's why we have to add an extra .5 # see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/444292/rounding-off-to-nearest-number iStockCapacity=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.stock_level' $FARMDATAFILE) iStockCapacity=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.config.levels_stock["'${iStockCapacity}'"].max' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iBottles -gt $iStockCapacity ]; then # more bottles to fill than the stock can hold. # doubtful this ever happens return 0 fi iStockSlotsUsed=$($JQBIN '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.stock | .[].amount | tonumber] | add // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) iStockSlotsAvailable=$((iStockCapacity - iStockSlotsUsed)) if [ $iStockSlotsAvailable -lt $iBottles ]; then # sell bottles to trader iBottles2Sell=$((iBottles - iStockSlotsAvailable)) echo -n "Selling $iBottles2Sell bottles of wine to trader..." while [ $iBottles2Sell -gt 0 ]; do # sell 'em one by one iBottleID=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.stock | min_by(.quality).id' $FARMDATAFILE) sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "id=${iBottleID}&amount=1&mode=vineyard_expert_sell" echo -n "." sleep 1 iBottles2Sell=$((--iBottles2Sell)) done echo fi # empty a barrel # save durability state iDurability=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data.barrels["'${iBarrelSlot}'"].durability' $FARMDATAFILE) echo "Emptying barrel in slot ${iBarrelSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iBarrelSlot}&mode=vineyard_unfill_barrels_slot" if [ $iDurability -eq 1 ]; then # re-buy barrel echo "Buying a barrel of type #${iBarrelType} for slot ${iBarrelSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "type=barrels&slot=${iBarrelSlot}&id=${iBarrelType}&mode=vineyard_buy_shop_item" fi return ${iBarrelSlot} } function harvestScouts { local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&position=1&mode=scouts_harvestproduction" } function startScouts { local sFarm=$1 local sPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${sFarm}/${sPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&mode=scouts_startproduction" } function checkScouts { local aTasksDone local iTaskID local aTasksPending local sTaskType local iTaskNeededEnergy local iTaskNeededScouts local iAvailableScoutsAmount local jData local iCount local aScoutIDs local iScoutID local iScoutItem local sNeedCategory local iCharityPID local iCharityPIDNeeded local iAmountInStock local iPID=$(getConfigValue scoutfood) aTasksDone=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.tasks[] | select(.remain <= 0).id' $FARMDATAFILE) for iTaskID in $aTasksDone; do echo "Finishing scout task..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "taskid=${iTaskID}&mode=scouts_finish_task" done aTasksPending=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.tasks[] | select(.data == null).id' $FARMDATAFILE) for iTaskID in $aTasksPending; do iTaskNeededScouts=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.tasks["'${iTaskID}'"].scouts' $FARMDATAFILE) sTaskType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.tasks["'${iTaskID}'"].type' $FARMDATAFILE) iAvailableScoutsAmount=$($JQBIN '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.scouts[] | select(.status == "1" and .taskid == "0" and (.skills.'${sTaskType}' | type == "object"))] | length' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iAvailableScoutsAmount -lt $iTaskNeededScouts ]; then # not enough specialised scouts available continue fi iTaskNeededEnergy=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.tasks["'${iTaskID}'"].energy' $FARMDATAFILE) aScoutIDs=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.scouts[] | select(.status == "1" and .taskid == "0" and (.skills.'${sTaskType}' | type == "object")).id' $FARMDATAFILE) iCount=1 jData='{"scouts":{"1":0},"itemid":0}' for iScoutID in $aScoutIDs; do if ! checkScoutEnergy $iScoutID $iTaskNeededEnergy $iPID $sTaskType; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Unable to feed scout" unset jData break fi jData=$(echo $jData | $JQBIN --compact-output '.scouts["'${iCount}'"]='${iScoutID}) iCount=$((++iCount)) if [ $iCount -gt $iTaskNeededScouts ]; then break fi done if [ -z "$jData" ]; then continue fi if [ "$sTaskType" = "charity" ]; then # this type is treated differently sNeedCategory=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.tasks["'${iTaskID}'"].need | keys[0]' $FARMDATAFILE) iCharityPIDNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.tasks["'${iTaskID}'"].need["'${sNeedCategory}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) # this selects non-coin items only iCharityPID=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.config.products | to_entries | map(select((.value.category == "'${sNeedCategory}'") and (.value.coins | type != "number")).key)[0]' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iCharityPID 1) if [ $iAmountInStock -lt $iCharityPIDNeeded ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Not enough items of type $sNeedCategory to start $sTaskType task" continue fi jData=$(echo $jData | $JQBIN --compact-output 'del(.itemid) | .pid='${iCharityPID} | $JQBIN -r @uri) else iScoutItem=$(getScoutItem $sTaskType) if [ "$iScoutItem" = "-1" ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Purchase of scout item failed" continue fi jData=$(echo $jData | $JQBIN --compact-output '.itemid='${iScoutItem} | $JQBIN -r @uri) fi echo "Starting scout task of type ${sTaskType}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "taskid=${iTaskID}&data=${jData}&mode=scouts_start_task" done } function checkScoutEnergy { # returns true if scout has/gets enough energy for a task local iScoutID=$1 local iSlot local iTaskNeededEnergy=$2 local iPID=$3 local sTaskType=$4 local sDebuffValue=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.scouts["'${iScoutID}'"].traits["debuff"].type' $FARMDATAFILE) # can also receive a float local iEnergyPerFood=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.config.products["'${iPID}'"].energy' $FARMDATAFILE) local iScoutEnergy=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.scouts["'${iScoutID}'"].energy' $FARMDATAFILE) local iFoodDiff local iAmountInStock # issue #106 if [ "$sDebuffValue" = "energy" ]; then sDebuffValue=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.scouts["'${iScoutID}'"].traits["debuff"].skill' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$sDebuffValue" = "$sTaskType" ]; then # re-calculate needed energy sDebuffValue=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.scouts["'${iScoutID}'"].traits["debuff"].amount' $FARMDATAFILE) # need to emulate JS' Math.ceil() here iTaskNeededEnergy=$(awk 'BEGIN { printf "%.0f", ('${iTaskNeededEnergy}' * ('${sDebuffValue}' + 1)) + 0.5 }') fi fi if [ $iScoutEnergy -ge $iTaskNeededEnergy ]; then return 0 fi iFoodDiff=$(((iTaskNeededEnergy + (iEnergyPerFood - 1)) / iEnergyPerFood)) iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 1) if [ $iAmountInStock -lt $iFoodDiff ]; then # not enough food in stock return 1 fi iSlot=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.data.scout_slots | to_entries[] | select(.value.scoutid == '${iScoutID}').key' $FARMDATAFILE) echo "Refilling scout's energy in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "pid=${iPID}&amount=${iFoodDiff}&slot=${iSlot}&mode=scouts_feedscout" return 0 } function getScoutItem { local sTaskType=$1 local sItem local iItemID # this selects non-coin items that boost the skill needed for the current task sItem=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.config.items | to_entries | map(select((.value.skills[] | contains("'${sTaskType}'")) and (.value.skill_bonus["'${sTaskType}'"] | type == "number") and (.value.coins | type != "number")).key)[0]' $FARMDATAFILE) # Item in stock? iItemID=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.items[] | select(.stock == "1" and .type == "'${sItem}'").id][0]' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iItemID" != "null" ]; then echo $iItemID return fi # buy item echo "Buying new scout item of type ${sItem}..." >&2 # this is still very ugly sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "name=${sItem}&mode=scouts_shop_buy" sleep 1 iItemID=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.items[] | select(.stock == "1" and .type == "'${sItem}'").id][0]' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iItemID" != "null" ]; then echo $iItemID return fi echo "-1" } function harvestMegaField { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iHarvestDevice=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) local iPlot local aPlots local iVehicleBought=0 # check for 2x2 harvest device case "$iHarvestDevice" in 5|7|9|10) harvestMegaField2x2 ${iFarm} ${iPosition} ${iSlot} ${iHarvestDevice} updateQueue ${iFarm} ${iPosition} ${iSlot} iHarvestDevice=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) case "$iHarvestDevice" in 5|7|9|10) logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: You need a 1x1 device after the 2x2 one - cannot continue harvesting" return ;; esac ;; esac iHarvestDelay=$(getMegaFieldHarvesterDelay $iHarvestDevice) if [ $iHarvestDelay -eq 0 ]; then echo "Stopping work on Mega Field!" return fi aPlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.megafield.area | to_entries[] | select(.value.remain < 0).key' $FARMDATAFILE) for iPlot in $aPlots; do iVehicleBought=$(checkMegaFieldEmptyHarvestDevice $iHarvestDevice $iVehicleBought) if [ $iVehicleBought -eq 2 ]; then return fi echo -n "Harvesting Mega Field plot ${iPlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=megafield_tour&farm=1&position=1&set=${iPlot},|&vid=${iHarvestDevice}" echo "delaying ${iHarvestDelay} seconds" sleep ${iHarvestDelay}s # plant instantly startMegaField${NONPREMIUM} 1 done if checkRipePlotOnMegaField; then harvestMegaField ${FARM} ${POSITION} 0 fi } function startMegaField { local iSafetyCount=$1 if [ -z "$iSafetyCount" ]; then return # no need to run through since insta-plant is default now. # calling functions deliver a value for iSafetyCount fi local iProductSlot local iPID local iAmountToGo local iAmount local iFreePlots if [ $iSafetyCount -gt 4 ] 2>/dev/null; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Exiting after four cycles" return fi for iProductSlot in 0 1 2; do if ! checkMegaFieldProductIsHarvestable $iProductSlot ; then continue fi # here we've got a product that is harvestable iPID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.job.products['$iProductSlot'].pid' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.job.products['$iProductSlot'].amount' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountToGo=$(getMegaFieldAmountToGoInSlot $iProductSlot) if [ "$iAmountToGo" = "0" ]; then continue # no need to plant more fi iFreePlots=$(getMegaFieldFreePlotsCount) if [ $iFreePlots -eq 0 ]; then # no free plots, no need to plant return fi # plant if [ $iFreePlots -lt $iAmountToGo ]; then if checkMegaFieldPIDAmount $iPID $iFreePlots $iAmount; then # plant on all free plots megaFieldPlant${NONPREMIUM} $iPID $iFreePlots else logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Cannot plant, not enough crop in stock" fi return fi if checkMegaFieldPIDAmount $iPID $iAmountToGo $iAmount; then megaFieldPlant${NONPREMIUM} $iPID $iAmountToGo else logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Cannot plant, not enough crop in stock" return fi # call function again since there are still free plots iSafetyCount=$((iSafetyCount + 1)) startMegaField $iSafetyCount done } function startMegaFieldNP { startMegaField $1 } function checkMegaFieldPIDAmount { local iPID=$1 local iFreePlots=$2 local iAmount=$3 local iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 1) local iAmountNeeded=$((iFreePlots * iAmount)) if [ $iAmountInStock -ge $iAmountNeeded ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function harvestFuelStation { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=fuelstation_harvest&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iRealSlot}&slot=${iRealSlot}" } function startFuelStation { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iRealSlot=$(getRealSlotName $iFarm $iPosition $iSlot) local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) iSlot=$iRealSlot # get points per good local iPointsPerGood=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farms.farms["'${iFarm}'"]["'${iPosition}'"].data.data.slots["'${iSlot}'"].products["'${iPID}'"].points' $FARMDATAFILE) # calculate points and amount needed to start fuel production # it's defined as constants in .updateblock.farms.farms[FARM][POSITION].data.constants.slot_level[LEVEL].limit # and devided by the points we get per good local iSlotLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farms.farms["'${iFarm}'"]["'${iPosition}'"].data.data.slots["'${iSlot}'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) local iPointsNeededToStart=$((iSlotLevel * 1000000)) # amount needs to be calculated using "round to nearest" # changed to "round up" 08.11.2015 (old foobar/2, new foobar-1) local iAmount=$(((iPointsNeededToStart + (iPointsPerGood - 1)) / iPointsPerGood)) # force 3 second delay, cuz upjers server can't handle too quick a re-start sleep 3 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=fuelstation_entry&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iSlot}&amount=${iAmount}&slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}" } function startFuelStationNP { startFuelStation $1 $2 $3 } function harvestWindMill { local iSlot=$3 sendAJAXCityRequest "city=2&mode=windmillcrop&slot=${iSlot}" } function startWindMillNP { startWindMill $1 $2 $3 } function startWindMill { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXCityRequest "city=2&mode=windmillstartproduction&formula=${iPID}&slot=${iSlot}" } function checkSushiBarPlates { local sCategory local iPID local iSlot local iPIDCount for sCategory in soup salad sushi dessert; do if checkFreePlates; then # echo "DEBUG: no free plates left on train" return fi iPID=$(getConfigValue sushibar${sCategory}) if [ "${iPID:-0}" = "0" ]; then # no preference or value missing continue fi if checkCategoryOnPlate ${sCategory}; then # echo "DEBUG: ${sCategory} already present" continue fi iPIDCount=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 8) if [ $iPIDCount -le 0 ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Cannot place dish, no dishes of type #${iPID} in stock" continue fi iSlot=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.sushibar.data.train | to_entries[] | select((.value.buy_time | type == "number") and (.value.pid | type == "null")).key][0]' $FARMDATAFILE) echo "Placing dish #${iPID} onto plate #${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&mode=sushibar_settrainslot" && sleep 1 done } function checkFreePlates { local iFreePlates=$($JQBIN '[.updateblock.sushibar.data.train | to_entries[] | select((.value.buy_time | type == "number") and (.value.pid | type == "null")).key] | length' $FARMDATAFILE) return $iFreePlates } function checkCategoryOnPlate { local sCategory=$1 local sCategoryOnPlate local iDish local aDishes=$($JQBIN '[.updateblock.sushibar.data.train | to_entries[] | select((.value.buy_time | type == "number") and (.value.pid | type == "number")).value.pid] | unique[]' $FARMDATAFILE) for iDish in $aDishes; do sCategoryOnPlate=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.sushibar.config.products["'${iDish}'"].category' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$sCategoryOnPlate" = "$sCategory" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function checkOven { local iPID local iPIDCount local iSafetyCount local aSlots="1 2 3" local iSlot local iSlotLevel local iSlotCapacity local iLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.level' $FARMDATAFILE) local iLevelNeeded local jData='{}' for iSlot in $aSlots; do iLevelNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.config.oven["'${iSlot}'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iLevelNeeded -gt $iLevel ]; then continue fi iPID=$(getConfigValue ovenslot${iSlot}) if [ "${iPID:-0}" = "0" ]; then continue fi iSlotLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.oven_slots["'${iSlot}'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) iSlotCapacity=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.config.oven_levels["'${iSlotLevel}'"].capacity' $FARMDATAFILE) iPIDCount=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 10) iSafetyCount=$(getProductCountFittingOnField $iPID) if [ $((iPIDCount - iSlotCapacity )) -lt $iSafetyCount ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Not enough crop in stock for oven slot ${iSlot}" continue fi # we can fill the JSON array jData=$(echo $jData | $JQBIN --compact-output '.["'${iSlot}'"]["1"].pid='${iPID}' | .["'${iSlot}'"]["1"].amount='${iSlotCapacity}) done if [ "$jData" = "{}" ]; then # nothing to do return fi jData=$(echo $jData | $JQBIN --compact-output '.' | $JQBIN -r @uri) echo "Heating up the oven..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "setup=${jData}&mode=spicehouse_start_oven" } function checkSpiceMill { local iSlot=$1 local iPID local iLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.level' $FARMDATAFILE) local iLevelNeeded local iCurrentTime local iStartTime local iDeltaTime local iItemsDone local iDuration local iAmount local iRemaining iLevelNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.config.mill["'${iSlot}'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iLevelNeeded -gt $iLevel ]; then return 1 fi iStartTime=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.mill_slots["'${iSlot}'"].start | type' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iStartTime" != "number" ]; then return 1 fi # slot is in operation iPID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.mill_slots["'${iSlot}'"].pid' $FARMDATAFILE) iDuration=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.config.products["'${iPID}'"].duration' $FARMDATAFILE) iStartTime=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.mill_slots["'${iSlot}'"].start' $FARMDATAFILE) iCurrentTime=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.time' $FARMDATAFILE) iDeltaTime=$((iCurrentTime - iStartTime)) iItemsDone=$((iDeltaTime / iDuration)) iAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.mill_slots["'${iSlot}'"].amount_original' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iItemsDone -lt $iAmount ]; then iRemaining=$(((iStartTime + iDuration * iAmount) - iCurrentTime)) if [ $iRemaining -lt $PAUSETIME ]; then PAUSETIME=$iRemaining PAUSECORRECTEDAT=$(date +"%s") fi # not all of the thrown in goods have been milled yet return 1 fi return 0 } function doInfiniteQuest { local iCount local iPIDCount local aPID=() local aAmount=() local iTotalProductsNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.queststatus.infinite.data.quest.products | keys | length' $FARMDATAFILE) for iCount in $(seq 0 $((iTotalProductsNeeded - 1))); do # see if player has enuff in stock aPID+=($($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.queststatus.infinite.data.quest.products | keys['${iCount}']' $FARMDATAFILE)) aAmount+=($($JQBIN '.updateblock.queststatus.infinite.data.quest.products["'${aPID[$iCount]}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE)) iPIDCount=$(getPIDAmountFromStock ${aPID[$iCount]} 1) if [ $iPIDCount -lt ${aAmount[$iCount]} ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Not enough goods for infinite quest" return 1 fi done echo "Doing infinite quest..." for iCount in $(seq 0 $((iTotalProductsNeeded - 1))); do sendAJAXFarmRequest "pid=${aPID[$iCount]}&amount=${aAmount[$iCount]}&mode=infinitequestline_questentry" done } function harvestPonyFarm { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot local iAnimalID getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition innerinfos local aAnimalIDs=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1].farmis | .[] | select(.data.remain < 0 and .data.remain != null).data.animalid' $TMPFILE) for iAnimalID in $aAnimalIDs; do iSlot=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1].ponys | .[] | select(.animalid == "'$iAnimalID'").data.position' $TMPFILE) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pony_crop&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iSlot}" done } function startPonyFarmNP { startPonyFarm $1 $2 } function startPonyFarm { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iMaxFood=8 local iDuration local iSlot local iFarmie local iPony local iFood local iEnergyBarCount for iSlot in 1 2 3; do getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition innerinfos sBlocked=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1].ponys["'${iSlot}'"] | select(.block == null and .data.farmi == null).data.position' $TMPFILE) if [ -n "$sBlocked" ]; then # slot is unblocked and idle... iPony=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock[1].ponys["'${iSlot}'"].animalid' $TMPFILE) # refill food dispenser iFood=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1].ponys["'${iSlot}'"].data.feed' $TMPFILE) iFood=$((iMaxFood - iFood)) sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pony_feed&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iSlot}&pos=${iSlot}&amount=${iFood}" # find a farmie if [ $iSlot -ge 2 ]; then updateQueue ${iFarm} ${iPosition} 0 if checkQueueSleep ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/0; then echo "Set to sleep" return fi fi iDuration=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/0) iFarmie=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock[1].farmis | .[] | select(.status == "0" and .type == "'$iDuration'").id' $TMPFILE) if [ -z "$iFarmie" ]; then # something went wrong. bail out. return fi sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pony_setfarmi&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&farmi=${iFarmie}&pony=${iPony}" # check for pony energy bar... if grep -q "useponyenergybar = 1" $CFGFILE; then iEnergyBarCount=$((iDuration / 2)) sleep 2 sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pony_speedup&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iSlot}&pos=${iSlot}&amount=${iEnergyBarCount}" fi fi done } function startButterflies { local iSlot=$1 if checkButterflyFeed ${iSlot}; then echo "Feeding butterfly in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=butterfly_carebreed" else logToFile "Not enough food available to feed butterfly in slot ${iSlot}" fi } function checkButterflyFeed { # returns true if currently needed food is sufficiently available local iSlot=$1 local iButterfly=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.breed["'${iSlot}'"]?.butterfly?' $FARMDATAFILE) local iCurrentFeed=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.breed["'${iSlot}'"].count' $FARMDATAFILE) local iCareCount1=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.config.butterflies["'${iButterfly}'"].care_count1' $FARMDATAFILE) local iNeededProduct local iNeededAmount local iAmountInStock if [ $iCurrentFeed -lt $iCareCount1 ]; then iNeededProduct=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.config.butterflies["'${iButterfly}'"].products1 | keys[0]' $FARMDATAFILE) iNeededAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.config.butterflies["'${iButterfly}'"].products1["'${iNeededProduct}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) else iNeededProduct=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.config.butterflies["'${iButterfly}'"].products2 | keys[0]' $FARMDATAFILE) iNeededAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.config.butterflies["'${iButterfly}'"].products2["'${iNeededProduct}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) fi iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iNeededProduct 1) if [ $iAmountInStock -gt $iNeededAmount ]; then # we use -gt 'cause we want to make sure, there's at least one item available after feeding # just in case checkStockRefill() is set to re-buy the item return 0 else return 1 fi } function checkButterflies { local aButterflies=$(getConfigValue autobuybutterflies) local iSlot=$1 if [ $iSlot -ge 2 ]; then local bSlotExists=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.slots["'${iSlot}'"].time | type == "number"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bSlotExists" = "false" ]; then return fi fi local iMaxRepeat=10 local iButterfly=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.breed["'${iSlot}'"]?.butterfly?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iButterfly" != "null" ] && [ -n "$iButterfly" ]; then # care_count1 is always 5 (needs 5 feedings to mature) local iMaxFeed=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.config.butterflies["'${iButterfly}'"].care_count2' $FARMDATAFILE) local iCurrentFeed=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.breed["'${iSlot}'"].count' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iCurrentFeed -lt 14 ]; then return fi local iReleaseValue # we're gonna release butterflies immediately BEFORE they reach the min. blossoms count case $iMaxFeed in 10) iReleaseValue=15 ;; 15) iReleaseValue=19 ;; 20) iReleaseValue=24 ;; *) logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Invalid iMaxFeed value" return ;; esac if [ $iCurrentFeed -ge $iReleaseValue ]; then echo "Releasing butterfly in slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=butterfly_free" sleep 1 else return fi fi echo -n "Trying to buy a butterfly in slot ${iSlot}..." while (true); do if [ $iMaxRepeat -eq 0 ]; then echo "failed" break fi if ! checkButterflyHouseSlotIsFree $iSlot; then echo "failed" break fi # echo "DEBUG: Buying egg for slot $iSlot ... Attempts left: $iMaxRepeat" echo -n "." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=2&mode=butterfly_startbreed" if checkButterflyMatch $iSlot "$aButterflies"; then sleep 1 echo "success" getButterflyHouseDeco $iSlot break fi # echo "DEBUG: Removing egg..." sleep 1 sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=butterfly_delete" iMaxRepeat=$((iMaxRepeat - 1)) sleep 1 done } function checkButterflyHouseSlotIsFree { # returns 0 (true) if slot is free local iSlot=$1 local sSlotType sSlotType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.breed["'${iSlot}'"]? | type' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ -z "$sSlotType" ] || [ "$sSlotType" = "null" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function checkButterflyMatch { # returns 0 (true) if a desired butterfly was purchased local iSlot=$1 local aButterfies=$2 local iButterfly=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.breed["'${iSlot}'"]?.butterfly?' $FARMDATAFILE) local _iButterfly if [ "$iButterfly" = "null" ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Error reading butterfly house slot ${iSlot}" return 1 fi for _iButterfly in $aButterfies; do if [ $iButterfly -eq $_iButterfly ]; then # echo "DEBUG: Bought butterfly egg #${iButterfly} in slot ${iSlot}" return 0 fi done # echo "DEBUG: this butterfly is not welcome..." return 1 } function getButterflyHouseDeco { local iSlot=$1 local iButterfly=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.breed["'${iSlot}'"]?.butterfly?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iButterfly" = "null" ]; then # return if there's been an error return 0 fi local bQuestIsString=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.last_questid? | type == "string"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bQuestIsString" = "false" ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Cannot buy decoration" return fi local iQuest=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.last_questid?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iQuest -lt 1 ]; then echo "You cannot buy any decoration (yet)" return fi if [ $iButterfly -ge 12 ] && [ $iButterfly -le 19 ]; then # Schmetterling ist tropisch if [ $iQuest -ge 35 ]; then # echo "DEBUG: Buying decoration for tropical butterfly..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=6&mode=butterfly_shopbuy" return else echo "You cannot buy decoration for tropical butterflies (yet)" fi fi # echo "DEBUG: Brennessel kaufen..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&id=1&mode=butterfly_shopbuy" } function checkFarmies { local sFarmieType=$1 local aFarmies local iID case "$sFarmieType" in farmie) aFarmies=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmis[0] | .[] | .id' $FARMDATAFILE) for iID in $aFarmies; do echo "Sending farmie with ID ${iID} away..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=sellfarmi&farm=1&position=1&id=${iID}&farmi=${iID}&status=2" done ;; flowerfarmie) aFarmies=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.farmis | .[] | .id' $FARMDATAFILE) for iID in $aFarmies; do echo "Sending flower farmie with ID ${iID} away..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=handleflowerfarmi&farm=1&position=1&id=${iID}&farmi=${iID}&status=2" done ;; forestryfarmie) aFarmies=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock[5] | .[] | .farmiid' $FARMDATAFILE) for iID in $aFarmies; do echo "Sending forestry farmie with ID ${iID} away..." sendAJAXForestryRequest "action=kickfarmi&productid=${iID}" done ;; munchie) aFarmies=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock.farmis | .[] | .id' $FARMDATAFILE) for iID in $aFarmies; do echo "Sending munchie with ID ${iID} away..." sendAJAXFoodworldRequest "action=kick&id=${iID}&table=0&chair=0" done ;; spicehousefarmie) local iSlot local aPIDs local iPID local iAmountNeeded local iAmountInStock local aSlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.customers | if (. | type) == "object" then (. | keys[]) else empty end' $FARMDATAFILE) for iSlot in $aSlots; do # this assumes that the key names align with the slot numbers aPIDs=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.customers["'${iSlot}'"].data | keys[]' $FARMDATAFILE) for iPID in $aPIDs; do iAmountNeeded=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.customers["'${iSlot}'"].data["'${iPID}'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 10) if [ $iAmountNeeded -ge $iAmountInStock ]; then echo "Sending spice house farmie in slot ${iSlot} away..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=spicehouse_deny_customer" break fi done done ;; esac } function checkVehiclePosition { local iFarm=$1 local iRoute=$2 local iVehicle local iCurrentVehiclePos echo -n "Transport vehicle for route $iRoute is " iVehicle=$(getConfigValue vehiclemgmt${iFarm}) if ! $JQBIN -e '.updateblock.map.vehicles["'${iRoute}'"]["'${iVehicle}'"].remain' $FARMDATAFILE >/dev/null; then iCurrentVehiclePos=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.map.vehicles["'${iRoute}'"]["'$iVehicle'"].current' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iCurrentVehiclePos" = "1" ]; then echo "on farm 1" checkSendGoodsOffMainFarm $iVehicle $iFarm $iRoute else echo "on farm $iCurrentVehiclePos" # check if sending a fully loaded vehicle is possible checkSendGoodsToMainFarm $iVehicle $iFarm $iRoute fi else echo "en route" fi } function checkSendGoodsToMainFarm { local iVehicle=$1 local iFarm=$2 local iRoute=$3 local iPID local iPIDCount local iSafetyCount local iCropValue local sCart= local iTransportCount=0 local iTransportPercent=0 local iTransportPercentNeeded=75 local iVehicleSlotsUsed=0 local iPIDMin local iPIDMax local aPIDs local iFilledFieldCount local iVehicleCapacity=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.config.vehicles["'${iVehicle}'"].capacity' $FARMDATAFILE) local iVehicleSlotCount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.config.vehicles["'${iVehicle}'"].products' $FARMDATAFILE) local iFieldsOnFarmCount=$(getFieldsOnFarmCount $iFarm) local aPositions=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farms.farms["'${iFarm}'"] | .[] | select(.buildingid == "1" and .status == "1").position' $FARMDATAFILE) echo -n "Calculating transport count for route ${iRoute}..." case $iFarm in 5) if ! grep -q "transO5 = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "transO5 = " $CFGFILE; then iPIDMin=$(getConfigValue transO5) iPIDMax=$iPIDMin else iPIDMin=351 iPIDMax=361 fi ;; 6) if ! grep -q "transO6 = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "transO6 = " $CFGFILE; then iPIDMin=$(getConfigValue transO6) iPIDMax=$iPIDMin else iPIDMin=700 iPIDMax=709 fi ;; 7) if ! grep -q "transO7 = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "transO7 = " $CFGFILE; then iPIDMin=$(getConfigValue transO7) iPIDMax=$iPIDMin else iPIDMin=998 iPIDMax=998 fi ;; 8) if ! grep -q "transO8 = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "transO8 = " $CFGFILE; then iPIDMin=$(getConfigValue transO8) iPIDMax=$iPIDMin else iPIDMin=950 iPIDMax=957 fi ;; 9) if ! grep -q "transO9 = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "transO9 = " $CFGFILE; then iPIDMin=$(getConfigValue transO9) iPIDMax=$iPIDMin else iPIDMin=998 iPIDMax=998 fi ;; 10) if ! grep -q "transO10 = 0" $CFGFILE && grep -q "transO10 = " $CFGFILE; then iPIDMin=$(getConfigValue transO10) iPIDMax=$iPIDMin else iPIDMin=1100 iPIDMax=1106 fi ;; esac aPIDs=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.stock.stock["'${iFarm}'"] | .[] | .[] | select((.pid | tonumber) >= '${iPIDMin}' and (.pid | tonumber) <= '${iPIDMax}').pid' $FARMDATAFILE) for iPID in $aPIDs; do echo -n "." iPIDCount=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID $iFarm) iSafetyCount=$(getProductCountFittingOnField $iPID) # do we have multiple fields on the current farm? # are they filled with crop we want to transport off? iFilledFieldCount=$(getFilledFieldCount $iFarm $iPID "$aPositions") iSafetyCount=$((iSafetyCount * (iFieldsOnFarmCount - iFilledFieldCount))) if [ $iSafetyCount -lt 5 ]; then iSafetyCount=5 fi iPIDCount=$((iPIDCount - iSafetyCount)) if [ $iPIDCount -le 0 ]; then continue fi iTransportCount=$((iTransportCount + iPIDCount)) if [ $iTransportCount -ge $iVehicleCapacity ]; then iCropValue=$((iTransportCount - iVehicleCapacity)) iPIDCount=$((iPIDCount - iCropValue)) iVehicleSlotsUsed=$((iVehicleSlotsUsed + 1)) sCart=${sCart}${iVehicleSlotsUsed},${iPID},${iPIDCount}_ echo -e "\nSending $((iTransportCount - iCropValue)) items to main farm..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=map_sendvehicle&farm=${iFarm}&position=1&route=${iRoute}&vehicle=${iVehicle}&cart=${sCart}" return fi iVehicleSlotsUsed=$((iVehicleSlotsUsed + 1)) sCart=${sCart}${iVehicleSlotsUsed},${iPID},${iPIDCount}_ if [ $iVehicleSlotsUsed -eq $iVehicleSlotCount ]; then iTransportPercent=$(awk 'BEGIN { printf "%d", 100 / '${iVehicleCapacity}' * '${iTransportCount}' }') if [ $iTransportPercent -lt $iTransportPercentNeeded ]; then # issue #82 echo -e "\n$iTransportPercentNeeded percent load required for transport on route ${iRoute}, no transport started" return fi echo -e "\nSending partially loaded vehicle to main farm (no slots left)..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=map_sendvehicle&farm=${iFarm}&position=1&route=${iRoute}&vehicle=${iVehicle}&cart=${sCart}" return fi done if [ $iTransportCount -lt 0 ]; then iTransportCount=0 fi if ! checkQueueSleep city2/trans2${iFarm}/0; then echo -e "\nSending vehicle back empty (Queue is still busy)..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=map_sendvehicle&farm=${iFarm}&position=1&route=${iRoute}&vehicle=${iVehicle}&cart=" else echo -e "\n$iTransportCount/$iVehicleCapacity items available for transport on route ${iRoute}, no transport started" fi } function getProductCountFittingOnField { local iPID=$1 local sCategory local iPIDDim_x local iPIDDim_y # shellcheck disable=SC2090 sCategory=$(echo $aCAT | $JQBIN -r '."'${iPID}'"') case "$sCategory" in v|ex|alpin|water|spice) # item is plantable # shellcheck disable=SC2090 iPIDDim_x=$(echo $aDIM_X | $JQBIN -r '."'${iPID}'"') # shellcheck disable=SC2090 iPIDDim_y=$(echo $aDIM_Y | $JQBIN -r '."'${iPID}'"') echo $((120 / (iPIDDim_x * iPIDDim_y))) return ;; *) # see issue #77 echo 1 ;; esac } function getFieldsOnFarmCount { local iFarm=$1 local iFieldsOnFarm=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farms.farms["'${iFarm}'"] | .[] | select(.buildingid == "1" and .status == "1").position' $FARMDATAFILE | wc -l) echo $iFieldsOnFarm } function checkSendGoodsOffMainFarm { local iVehicle=$1 # this is the destination farm local iFarm=$2 local iRoute=$3 local iProduct local iProductCount local sCart= local iTransportCount=0 local iVehicleSlotsUsed=0 local iVehicleCapacity=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.config.vehicles["'${iVehicle}'"].capacity' $FARMDATAFILE) local iVehicleSlotCount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.config.vehicles["'${iVehicle}'"].products' $FARMDATAFILE) local iPosition=trans2${iFarm} local sOldIFS=$IFS # ugly static coding... :) while (true); do if checkQueueSleep city2/${iPosition}/0; then echo "Sending $iTransportCount items to farm ${iFarm}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=map_sendvehicle&farm=1&position=1&route=${iRoute}&vehicle=${iVehicle}&cart=${sCart}" return fi local aParams=$(sed '2q;d' city2/${iPosition}/0) IFS=, set -- $aParams IFS=$sOldIFS iProduct=$1 iProductCount=$2 iTransportCount=$((iTransportCount + iProductCount)) if [ $iTransportCount -gt $iVehicleCapacity ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Transport to farm ${iFarm} stopped due to vehicle overload" return fi iVehicleSlotsUsed=$((iVehicleSlotsUsed + 1)) sCart=${sCart}${iVehicleSlotsUsed},${iProduct},${iProductCount}_ if [ $iTransportCount -eq $iVehicleCapacity ]; then echo "Sending $iTransportCount items to farm ${iFarm}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=map_sendvehicle&farm=1&position=1&route=${iRoute}&vehicle=${iVehicle}&cart=${sCart}" updateQueue city2 ${iPosition} 0 return fi if [ $iVehicleSlotsUsed -eq $iVehicleSlotCount ]; then echo "Sending partially loaded vehicle to farm ${iFarm} (no slots left)..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=map_sendvehicle&farm=1&position=1&route=${iRoute}&vehicle=${iVehicle}&cart=${sCart}" updateQueue city2 ${iPosition} 0 return fi updateQueue city2 ${iPosition} 0 done } function checkPowerUps { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 if checkQueueSleep ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}; then return fi local iActivePowerUp local iAmountInStock local bCanBeActivated="false" local iCount local iPowerUp=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) local iActivePowerUps=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farms.powerups.active | keys | length' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iActivePowerUps -eq 0 ]; then bCanBeActivated="true" else # there are active powerups for iCount in $(seq 0 $((iActivePowerUps - 1))); do iActivePowerUp=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farms.powerups.active | keys['$iCount']' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iActivePowerUp -eq $iPowerUp ]; then echo "Requested power-up #${iPowerUp} is already in use" return fi done bCanBeActivated="true" fi if [ "$bCanBeActivated" = "true" ]; then iAmountInStock=$(getPowerUpAmountFromStock $iPowerUp) if [ $iAmountInStock -gt 0 ]; then echo "Activating power-up #${iPowerUp}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=activatepowerup&farm=1&position=1&id=${iPowerUp}&formula=${iPowerUp}" updateQueue ${iFarm} ${iPosition} ${iSlot} return else logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Power-up #${iPowerUp} not in stock" fi fi } function checkTools { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 if checkQueueSleep ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}; then return fi local iActiveTool local iTool=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) iActiveTool=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.job.tool.remain' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iActiveTool -gt 0 ]; then echo "Requested tool #${iTool} is already in use" return else echo "Activating tool #${iTool}..." sendAJAXGuildRequest "mode=job_set_tool&pid=${iTool}" updateQueue ${iFarm} ${iPosition} ${iSlot} return fi } function updateQueue { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 # re-order the queue if any local sInfile=${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot} local sTmpfile=/tmp/mff-q-$$ local iLines=$(cat $sInfile | wc -l) if [ $iLines -gt 2 ]; then echo "Updating queue..." head -1 $sInfile >$sTmpfile sed -n '3,'$iLines'p' $sInfile >>$sTmpfile head -2 $sInfile | tail -1 >>$sTmpfile mv $sTmpfile $sInfile fi } function checkQueueSleep { local sFile=$1 local sQueueItem=$(sed '2q;d' $sFile) if [ "$sQueueItem" = "sleep" ] || [ -z "$sQueueItem" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function checkCanWaterTrees { local bCanWaterTrees=$($JQBIN '.datablock[9]?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bCanWaterTrees" = "1" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function checkRipePlotOnField { # returns true if at least one plot is ripe local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition gardeninit local bHasRipePlots=$($JQBIN '[.datablock[1] | .[] | select(.phase? == 4 and (.buildingid == "v" or .buildingid == "ex" or .buildingid == "alpin"))][0] | type == "object"' $TMPFILE) if [ "$bHasRipePlots" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function checkRunningMegaFieldJob { local iJobEnd=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.megafield.job_endtime' $FARMDATAFILE) local iJobStart=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.megafield.job_start' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iJobStart -gt 0 ] && [ $iJobEnd -eq 0 ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function checkRipePlotOnMegaField { # returns true if a plot shows a negative remainder local bHasNegatives=$($JQBIN '[.updateblock.megafield.area | .[] | select(.remain < 0)][0] | type == "object"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bHasNegatives" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function getUnlockedMegaFieldPlotCount { local iUnlockedPlots=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.area_free | length' $FARMDATAFILE) # we always have a positive number here echo $iUnlockedPlots } function getMegaFieldHarvesterDelay { local iHarvestDevice=$1 local iHarvesterDelay=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.vehicle_slots["'${iHarvestDevice}'"].duration // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iHarvesterDelay -eq 0 ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Unknown harvest device $iHarvestDevice" fi echo $iHarvesterDelay } function checkMegaFieldEmptyHarvestDevice { local iHarvestDevice=$1 local iVehicleBought=$2 local bIsCoinItem local bDurability=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.vehicles["'${iHarvestDevice}'"]?.durability | type == "number"' $FARMDATAFILE) # if no vehicle is available, the query returns an empty array which can't be indexed # hence the -z test. don't remove it :) if [ "$bDurability" = "false" ] || [ -z "$bDurability" ]; then if [ $iVehicleBought -eq 0 ]; then bIsCoinItem=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.vehicle_slots["'${iHarvestDevice}'"].coins? | type == "number"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bIsCoinItem" = "true" ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Refusing to buy coin item" echo 2 return fi # buy a brand new one if empty echo "Buying new vehicle #${iHarvestDevice}..." >&2 # this is very ugly. sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=megafield_vehicle_buy&farm=1&position=1&id=${iHarvestDevice}&vid=${iHarvestDevice}" echo 1 return else logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Not buying new vehicle since it's already been bought this iteration" echo 1 return fi else echo 0 fi } function checkMegaFieldProductIsHarvestable { local iProductSlot=$1 local iIsHarvestable=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.job.products['$iProductSlot'].harvest' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$iIsHarvestable" = "1" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function getMegaFieldAmountToGoInSlot { local iBusyPlots local iPIDOnBusyPlots local iProductSlot=$1 local iNeededPID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.job.products['$iProductSlot'].need' $FARMDATAFILE) local iHavePID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.job.products['$iProductSlot'].have' $FARMDATAFILE) local iPID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.job.products['$iProductSlot'].pid' $FARMDATAFILE) local iSeeminglyNeeded=$((iNeededPID - iHavePID)) if [ "$iSeeminglyNeeded" = "0" ]; then # no more products needed in this slot echo 0 return fi # look at mega field, see if theres still busy plots with needed PID iBusyPlots=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.area | length' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iBusyPlots -eq 0 ]; then # no busy plots at all... return needed products echo $iSeeminglyNeeded return fi iPIDOnBusyPlots=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.area | .[] | select(.pid == '$iPID').pid' $FARMDATAFILE | wc -l) echo $((iSeeminglyNeeded - iPIDOnBusyPlots)) # in theory, this amount can't be less than zero } function getMegaFieldFreePlotsCount { local iTotalPlots=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.area_free | length' $FARMDATAFILE) local iBusyPlots=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.area | length' $FARMDATAFILE) echo $((iTotalPlots - iBusyPlots)) } function megaFieldPlantNP { local iPID=$1 local iFreePlots=$2 local iCount=1 local iCount2=0 local bPlotOccupied local iUnlockedPlotsCount=$(getUnlockedMegaFieldPlotCount) while [ "$iCount" -le "$iFreePlots" ]; do while [ "$iCount2" -lt "$iUnlockedPlotsCount" ]; do sUnlockedPlotName=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.megafield.area_free | keys['$iCount2']' $FARMDATAFILE) bPlotOccupied=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.megafield.area["'$sUnlockedPlotName'"]? | type == "object"' $FARMDATAFILE) # if all the plots are free, the query returns an empty array which can't be indexed # hence the -z test. don't remove it ;) if [ "$bPlotOccupied" = "false" ] || [ -z "$bPlotOccupied" ]; then # plot is free, plant stuff on it echo "Planting item ${iPID} on Mega Field plot ${sUnlockedPlotName}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=megafield_plant&farm=1&position=1&set=${sUnlockedPlotName}_${iPID}|" iCount2=$((iCount2 + 1)) break fi iCount2=$((iCount2 + 1)) done iCount=$((iCount + 1)) done } function megaFieldPlant { # new premium function after changes made by upjers 09.02.2016 local iPID=$1 local iAmount=$2 echo "Planting item ${iPID} on ${iAmount} Mega Field plot(s)..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=megafield_autoplant&farm=1&position=1&id=${iPID}&pid=${iPID}" } function harvestMegaField2x2 { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iHarvestDevice=$4 local iPlot=1 local iVehicleBought=0 iHarvestDelay=$(getMegaFieldHarvesterDelay $iHarvestDevice) if [ $iHarvestDelay -eq 0 ]; then echo "Stopping work on Mega Field!" return fi while (true); do if [ $iPlot -gt 87 ]; then return fi iVehicleBought=$(checkMegaFieldEmptyHarvestDevice $iHarvestDevice $iVehicleBought) if [ $iVehicleBought -eq 2 ]; then return fi if ! ((iPlot % 11)); then iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) # prevent harvesting of last column fi if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.megafield.area["'$iPlot'"]?.remain'; then if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.megafield.area["'$((iPlot + 1))'"]?.remain'; then if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.megafield.area["'$((iPlot + 11))'"]?.remain'; then if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.megafield.area["'$((iPlot + 12))'"]?.remain'; then echo -n "Harvesting Mega Field plots ${iPlot}, $((iPlot + 1)), $((iPlot + 11)), $((iPlot + 12))..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=megafield_tour&farm=1&position=1&set=${iPlot},$((iPlot + 1)),$((iPlot + 11)),$((iPlot + 12)),|&vid=${iHarvestDevice}" echo "delaying ${iHarvestDelay} seconds" sleep ${iHarvestDelay}s # plant instantly startMegaField${NONPREMIUM} 1 iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) continue else iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi else iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) continue fi else iPlot=$((iPlot + 2)) continue fi fi iPlot=$((iPlot + 1)) done } function harvestSushiBar { local iSlot=$3 iSlot=$((iSlot + 1)) sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&position=1&mode=sushibar_harvestproduction" } function startSushiBar { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) iSlot=$((iSlot + 1)) sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&mode=sushibar_startproduction" } function startSushiBarNP { startSushiBar $1 $2 $3 } function harvestEventGarden { sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=eventgarden_harvest_all" } function startEventGarden { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) sendAJAXFarmRequest "plant=${iPID}&mode=eventgarden_autoplant" } function harvestSpiceHouse { local iSlot=$3 iSlot=$((++iSlot)) sendAJAXFarmRequest "slot=${iSlot}&mode=spicehouse_clear_mill" } function startSpiceHouseNP { startSpiceHouse $1 $2 $3 } function startSpiceHouse { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iPID=$(sed '2q;d' ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/${iSlot}) local iSlotLevel local iSlotCapacity # tests as to whether a slot can be served is done in checkSpiceMill(), so no testing here # find out what we have to throw in iPID=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.spicehouse.config.products | to_entries[] | select(.value.transform == '${iPID}').key' $FARMDATAFILE) iSlot=$((++iSlot)) iSlotLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.mill_slots["'${iSlot}'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) iSlotCapacity=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.config.mill_levels["'${iSlotLevel}'"].capacity' $FARMDATAFILE) iPIDCount=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 10) if [ $iPIDCount -lt $iSlotCapacity ]; then logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Not enough crop in stock for mill slot ${iSlot}" return fi sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&amount=${iSlotCapacity}&mode=spicehouse_set_millslot" } function startEventGardenNP { startEventGarden $1 $2 $3 } function getAnimalQueueLength { local iAnimalQueueLength=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.vet.animals.queue | length' $FARMDATAFILE) return $iAnimalQueueLength } function getAnimalsFastestCureForDisease { local iDiseaseID=$1 case "$iDiseaseID" in 1) echo 300 # Gelber Schnupfen ;; 2) echo 301 # Lichtempfindliche Augen ;; 3) echo 300 # Humpeln ;; 4) echo 303 # Roehrhusten ;; 5) echo 303 # Fieber ;; 6) echo 304 # Trockener Husten ;; 7) echo 304 # Magengrummeln ;; 8) echo 307 # Sehschwaeche ;; 9) echo 307 # Rote Augen ;; 10) echo 309 # Gruener Schnupfen ;; 11) echo 309 # Kopfschmerz ;; 12) echo 311 # Rote Flecken ;; 13) echo 311 # Weisser Schnupfen ;; 14) echo 311 # Magenverstimmung ;; 15) echo 313 # Gelenkprobleme ;; 16) echo 313 # Appetitlosigkeit ;; 17) echo 315 # Hoerschwaeche ;; 18) echo 315 # Juckende Haut ;; 19) echo 317 # Verrenkung ;; 20) echo 317 # Haarausfall ;; 21) echo 319 # Futterallergie ;; 22) echo 320 # Harte Muskeln ;; 23) echo 322 # Keuchhusten ;; 24) echo 322 # Kopfdruck ;; 25) echo 320 # Drehwurm ;; 26) echo 324 # Wacklige Beine ;; 27) echo 327 # Furchtbares Humpeln ;; 28) echo 325 # Furchtbar Gelber Schnupfen ;; 29) echo 326 # Furchtbar Lichtempfindliche Augen ;; 30) echo 328 # Furchtbares Fieber ;; 31) echo 328 # Furchtbarer Roehrhusten ;; 32) echo 329 # Furchtbares Magengrummeln ;; 33) echo 329 # Furchtbar Trockener Husten ;; 34) echo 330 # Beule ;; 35) echo 333 # Furchtbar Rote Augen ;; 36) echo 333 # Furchtbare Sehschwaeche ;; 37) echo 335 # Furchtbar Wacklige Beine ;; 38) echo 336 # Furchtbarer Kopfschmerz ;; 39) echo 336 # Furchtbar Gruener Schnupfen ;; 40) echo 338 # Furchtbare Magenverstimmung ;; 41) echo 338 # Furchtbar Weißer Schnupfen ;; 42) echo 338 # Furchtbar Rote Flecken ;; 43) echo 340 # Furchtbare Appetitlosigkeit ;; 44) echo 340 # Furchtbare Gelenkprobleme ;; 45) echo 342 # Furchtbar Juckende Haut ;; 46) echo 342 # Furchtbare Hoerschwaeche ;; 47) echo 345 # Furchtbarer Haarausfall ;; 48) echo 345 # Furchtbare Verrenkung ;; 49) echo 347 # Furchtbare Futterallergie ;; 50) echo 348 # Furchtbar Harte Muskeln ;; 51) echo 348 # Furchtbarer Drehwurm ;; 52) echo 400 # Furchtbarer Kopfdruck ;; 53) echo 400 # Furchtbarer Keuchhusten ;; 54) echo 402 # Furchtbare Beule ;; *) logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Unknown disease id $iDiseaseID" echo 0 ;; esac } function getRealSlotName { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iSlot=$3 local iSlotName iSlotName=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farms.farms["'${iFarm}'"]["'${iPosition}'"].production['${iSlot}'].slot' $FARMDATAFILE) echo $iSlotName } function getFieldPlotReadiness { # returns 0 if a plot is not occupied in any way local iPlot=$1 local sResult=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1] | .[] | select(.teil_nr? == "'$iPlot'") | type == "object"' $TMPFILE) if [ -z "$sResult" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function setPlotsToOccupied { local iPlot=$1 local iLabel local fJSONtemp=tmpfile.json # don't mess up existing objects iLabel=$((iPlot + 120)) $JQBIN '.datablock[1] += {"'$iLabel'": {"teil_nr": "'$iPlot'"}} | .datablock[1] += {"'$((++iLabel))'": {"teil_nr": "'$((++iPlot))'"}}' $TMPFILE >$fJSONtemp && mv $fJSONtemp $TMPFILE } function getFilledFieldCount { # returns the number of fields completely filled with a certain product local iFarm=$1 local iPID=$2 local aPositions="$3" local iPosition local iPIDCount local iFilledFields=0 local sTmpFile for iPosition in $aPositions; do sTmpFile="${TMPFILE}-${iFarm}-${iPosition}" if ! [ -f "$sTmpFile" ]; then getInnerInfoData "$sTmpFile" $iFarm $iPosition gardeninit fi iPIDCount=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1] | map([select(.teil_nr? and .inhalt == "'${iPID}'")]) | [.[] | select(length > 0)] | length' "$sTmpFile") if [ $iPIDCount -eq 120 ]; then iFilledFields=$((iFilledFields + 1)) fi done echo $iFilledFields } function checkQueueCount { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iBuildingID=$3 local iQueuesInFS=$(getQueueCountInFS $iFarm $iPosition) local iMaxQueueCount=$(getMaxQueuesForBuildingID $iBuildingID) local iQueuesInGame if [ $iQueuesInFS -gt $iMaxQueueCount ]; then echo "Reducing position $iPosition to $iMaxQueueCount Queue(s)..." reduceQueuesOnPosition $iFarm $iPosition $iMaxQueueCount iQueuesInFS=$(getQueueCountInFS $iFarm $iPosition) fi # queues are capped to the max. possible value # from here we'll handle multi-q buildings case "$iBuildingID" in 13|14|16|21) iQueuesInGame=$(getQueueCountFromInnerInfo $iFarm $iPosition) ;; 20) iQueuesInGame=$(getQueueCount20 $iFarm $iPosition) ;; 23) iQueuesInGame=$(getQueueCount23) ;; 24) iQueuesInGame=$(getQueueCount24) ;; *) iQueuesInGame=1 ;; esac if [ "$iQueuesInFS" -lt "$iQueuesInGame" ]; then echo "Adding $((iQueuesInGame - iQueuesInFS)) Queue(s) to position $iPosition..." addQueuesToPosition $iFarm $iPosition $iQueuesInFS $iQueuesInGame fi if [ "$iQueuesInFS" -gt "$iQueuesInGame" ]; then echo "Reducing position $iPosition to $iQueuesInGame Queue(s)..." reduceQueuesOnPosition $iFarm $iPosition $iQueuesInGame fi } function getQueueCountInFS { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iQueueCount iQueueCount=$(ls -ld ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/* | wc -l) echo $iQueueCount } function getMaxQueuesForBuildingID { local iBuildingID=$1 case "$iBuildingID" in 13|14|16|20|21|23|24) echo 3 ;; *) echo 1 ;; esac } function reduceQueuesOnPosition { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iMaxQ=$3 local iQueueCount=$(ls -ld ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/* | wc -l) local iQDel=$((iQueueCount - iMaxQ)) rm $(ls -d1 ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/* | tail -${iQDel}) } function getQueueCountFromInnerInfo { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iCount local iSlots=1 local iBlocked getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition innerinfos # these buildings always have at least one slot. we'll check slots 2 and 3... for iCount in 2 3; do iBlocked=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1]["slots"]["'${iCount}'"].block?' $TMPFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ $iBlocked -eq 0 ]; then iSlots=$((iSlots + 1)) fi done echo $iSlots } function getQueueCount20 { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iCount local iSlots=1 local sBlocked # building ID 20 can have 4 slots, we only handle 3 for iCount in 2 3; do sBlocked=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farms.farms["'${iFarm}'"]["'${iPosition}'"].data.data.slots["'${iCount}'"].block?' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$sBlocked" = "null" ]; then iSlots=$((iSlots + 1)) fi done echo $iSlots } function getQueueCount23 { local iCount local iSlots=1 local sBlocked for iCount in 2 3; do sBlocked=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.sushibar.data.slots["'${iCount}'"].block?' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$sBlocked" = "null" ]; then iSlots=$((iSlots + 1)) fi done echo $iSlots } function getQueueCount24 { local iLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.spicehouse.data.level' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iLevel -ge 11 ]; then echo 3 return fi if [ $iLevel -ge 5 ]; then echo 2 return fi echo 1 } function addQueuesToPosition { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local iQueuesInFS=$3 local iQueuesInGame=$4 local iQueuesToAdd=$((iQueuesInGame - iQueuesInFS)) # we'll assume queue '0' already exists if [ $iQueuesToAdd -eq 2 ] || ([ $iQueuesInFS -eq 2 ] && [ $iQueuesToAdd -eq 1 ]); then echo -e "sleep\nsleep" > ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/2 fi if [ $iQueuesInFS -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "sleep\nsleep" > ${iFarm}/${iPosition}/1 fi } function redeemPuzzlePartsPacks { local iPackCount local iCount local iCount2 local iType iPackCount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.pets.packs | length' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iPackCount -gt 0 ]; then for iCount in $(seq 0 $((iPackCount - 1))); do iType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.pets.packs | keys['$iCount']' $FARMDATAFILE) iPackCount=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.pets.packs["'$iType'"]' $FARMDATAFILE) echo "Redeeming $iPackCount puzzle parts pack(s) of type ${iType}..." for iCount2 in $(seq 1 $iPackCount); do sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pets_open_pack&type=${iType}" done done fi } function checkGreenHouseBonus { getGreenHouseData $FARMDATAFILE if checkTimeRemaining '.datablock.data.remain'; then echo "Collecting points bonus from green house..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=greenhouse_get_bonus" fi } function checkPanBonus { # function by jbond47, update by maiblume & jbond47 # 2024 update based on update by Niknak local aCollections local sCollection local iAmountNeeded local iAmountInStock local bValue local iLastBonus getPanData $FARMDATAFILE local iToday=$($JQBIN '.datablock.paymentitemcollection.today' $FARMDATAFILE) aCollections=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock.paymentitemcollection.collections | keys[]' $FARMDATAFILE) for sCollection in $aCollections; do iAmountInStock=$($JQBIN '.datablock.paymentitemcollection.collections["'${sCollection}'"] | length' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountNeeded=$($JQBIN '.datablock.paymentitemcollection.config.collection["'${sCollection}'"] | length' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iAmountInStock -ne $iAmountNeeded ]; then continue # collection is not complete fi iLastBonus=$($JQBIN '.datablock.paymentitemcollection.lastbonus.'${sCollection}' // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iToday -gt $iLastBonus ]; then echo "Collecting points bonus from $sCollection sheep collection..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "type=${sCollection}&mode=paymentitemcollection_bonus" # this seemingly collects all bonus points, regardless of how many full collections are available - hence the break break fi done # Portal Rabbit Points bValue=$($JQBIN '.datablock["1"].gifts | has("289")' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bValue" = "true" ]; then echo -n "Portal rabbit..." bValue=$($JQBIN '.datablock["1"].gifts."289" | has("giver")' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bValue" = "true" ]; then echo "available, claiming it..." sendAJAXCityRequest "city=0&mode=giverpresent&id=289" else echo "already claimed" fi fi # Bug Rogers Points bValue=$($JQBIN '.datablock["1"].gifts | has("410")' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bValue" = "true" ]; then echo -n "Bug Rogers..." bValue=$($JQBIN '.datablock["1"].gifts."410" | has("giver")' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bValue" = "true" ]; then echo "available, claiming it..." sendAJAXCityRequest "city=0&mode=giverpresent&id=410" else echo "already claimed" fi fi } function checkStockRefill { local iPID local iCanBuyPID local iAmountInStock local iAmountToBuy local bRackIsPresent=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.stock.stock["1"] | type == "object"' $FARMDATAFILE) local aPIDs=$(getConfigValue autobuyitems) local iRefillAmount=$(getConfigValue autobuyrefillto) local iLowerThreshold=$((iRefillAmount / 2)) # prevent unwanted purchase, i.e. in case of network problems if [ "$bRackIsPresent" = "false" ]; then # something is very wrong if rack 1 is missing # abort silently return fi for iPID in $aPIDs; do iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 1) if [ $iAmountInStock -ge $iLowerThreshold ]; then continue fi # lower threshold reached, prepare purchase getMerchantData $TMPFILE iAmountToBuy=$((iRefillAmount - iAmountInStock)) if [ $iAmountToBuy -eq $iRefillAmount ]; then # in order to prevent erroneous purchases, player needs to own at least one item logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Refusing to buy $iAmountToBuy items of item #${iPID}" continue fi # check, if player can buy the item iCanBuyPID=$($JQBIN '.datablock[1].products | .[] | select(.pid == '${iPID}').pid?' $TMPFILE) if [ -z "$iCanBuyPID" ]; then echo "Sorry, you cannot buy item #${iPID} yet" continue fi echo "Buying $iAmountToBuy of item #${iPID}..." sendAJAXCityRequest "shopid=1&mode=shopfire&cart=${iPID},${iAmountToBuy}" sleep 2 done } function checkButterflyBonus { local iToday=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.today?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ -z "$iToday" ] || [ "$iToday" = "null" ]; then # place doesn't exist return fi local aKeys local iKey aKeys=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data.free | to_entries[] | select((.value.last < '$iToday') or (.value.last == null)).key' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ -n "$aKeys" ]; then if [ "$NONPREMIUM" != "NP" ]; then # premium echo "Collecting butterfly points bonus..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=butterfly_click_all" return else # non-premium for iKey in $aKeys; do echo "Collecting points bonus from butterfly type ${iKey}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "id=${iKey}&mode=butterfly_click" done fi fi } function checkDogBonus { local bDogExists=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.farmdog == 1' $FARMDATAFILE) local bDogDone=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.farmdog_harvest == 1' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bDogExists" = "true" ] && [ "$bDogDone" = "false" ]; then echo "not yet claimed, activating it..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=dogbonus&farm=1&position=0" # reduce pause time by 300 secs after claiming the dogs' time bonus PAUSETIME=$((PAUSETIME - 300)) else echo "already claimed" fi } function checkDonkeyBonus { local bDonkeyExists=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.donkey == 1' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bDonkeyExists" = "true" ]; then echo -n "Checking if it's time for the daily donkey bonus..." if [ $SECONDS -gt 86400 ] || [ $DONKEYCLAIMED -eq 0 ]; then echo "it is, claiming it..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=dailydonkey&farm=1&position=1" SECONDS=0 DONKEYCLAIMED=1 else echo "it's not" fi fi } function checkPuzzleParts { local bPartsAvailable=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.farmersmarket.pets.daily == 1' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bPartsAvailable" = "true" ]; then echo "available, buying it..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=pets_buy_parts&id=1&amount=1" else echo "already bought" fi } function checkLottery { getLotteryData $FARMDATAFILE local iLot local bLotstatus=$($JQBIN '.datablock[2] == 0' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bLotstatus" = "true" ]; then iLot=$(getConfigValue dolot) echo -n "not yet claimed, getting it" sendAJAXCityRequest "city=2&mode=newlot" if [ $iLot -eq 2 ]; then echo " and trading it for an instant-win..." sleep 1 sendAJAXCityRequest "city=2&mode=lotgetprize" else echo "..." fi else echo "already claimed" fi } function checkDeliveryEvent { local iPointsNeeded local iPointsAvailable local iMaxPoints local iPointsSaved local bDeliveryEventRunning=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.deliveryevent != 0' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bDeliveryEventRunning" = "false" ]; then return fi iMaxPoints=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.deliveryevent.config.maxpoints' $FARMDATAFILE) iPointsSaved=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.deliveryevent.data.saved' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iPointsSaved -ge $iMaxPoints ] 2>/dev/null; then return fi iPointsNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.deliveryevent.config.spots | .[] | select(.points <= 250).points' $FARMDATAFILE) if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.menue.deliveryevent.data.tour.remain'; then iPointsAvailable=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.deliveryevent.data["points"]' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iPointsAvailable -ge $iPointsNeeded ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "Starting one-hour delivery tour..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "spot=playground&mode=deliveryevent_starttour" else echo "Not enough points to start delivery tour" fi fi } function checkOlympiaEvent { getOlympiaData $FARMDATAFILE sleep 2 local iMaxBerries=$($JQBIN '.datablock.config?.berries_full? // 99999' $FARMDATAFILE) # make sure we get a number local iBerriesNeeded=$((iMaxBerries / 10)) local iBerriesAvailable local iEnergy local iOlympiayEventRemain=$($JQBIN '.datablock.remain?' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iOlympiayEventRemain -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then iBerriesAvailable=$($JQBIN '.datablock.data.berries // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) iEnergy=$($JQBIN '.datablock.energy' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iEnergy -lt 100 ] && [ $iBerriesAvailable -ge $iBerriesNeeded ]; then echo "Re-filling 10% energy..." sendAJAXMainRequest "amount=10&action=olympia_entry" # echo "DEBUG: Energy = $iEnergy" fi fi } function checkCalendarEvent { local iDay local iEventDaysCount local bPresentCollected getCalendarData $TMPFILE iDay=$($JQBIN '.datablock.day?' $TMPFILE) if ! [ $iDay -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then # no valid value for the current event day no. echo return fi iEventDaysCount=$($JQBIN '.datablock.config.fields | length' $TMPFILE) if [ $iDay -gt $iEventDaysCount ]; then echo "Event period is over, deactivating feature..." sed -i 's/docalendarevent = 1/docalendarevent = 0/' $CFGFILE return fi bPresentCollected=$($JQBIN '.datablock.data.days["'${iDay}'"]? | type == "object"' $TMPFILE) if [ "$bPresentCollected" = "true" ]; then echo "already collected" return fi echo "not yet claimed, opening door no. ${iDay}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "field=${iDay}&mode=calendar_openfield" } function checkPentecostEvent { local iWaterNeeded local iWaterAvailable local iFertiliserNeeded local iFertiliserAvailable local bPentecostEventRunning=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.pentecostevent != 0' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bPentecostEventRunning" = "false" ]; then return fi iWaterNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.pentecostevent.config.exchange.water.amount' $FARMDATAFILE) iFertiliserNeeded=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.pentecostevent.config.exchange.fertilizer.amount' $FARMDATAFILE) if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.menue.pentecostevent.data.water_remain'; then iWaterAvailable=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.pentecostevent.data.water' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iWaterAvailable -ge $iWaterNeeded ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "Using water on peony bush..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "type=water&mode=pentecostevent_care" else echo "Not enough water available for the peony bush" fi fi if checkTimeRemaining '.updateblock.menue.pentecostevent.data.fertilizer_remain'; then iFertiliserAvailable=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.pentecostevent.data.fertilizer' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iFertiliserAvailable -ge $iFertiliserNeeded ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "Using fertiliser on peony bush..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "type=fertilizer&mode=pentecostevent_care" else echo "Not enough fertiliser available for the peony bush" fi fi } function checkEventGarden { local bEventGardenIsUsable getEventGardenData $TMPFILE bEventGardenIsUsable=$($JQBIN '.datablock?.data?.remain? > 0' $TMPFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$bEventGardenIsUsable" ] || [ "$bEventGardenIsUsable" = "false" ]; then # 2nd check bEventGardenIsUsable=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.missingproductions.eventgarden["1"] != 0' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$bEventGardenIsUsable" = "false" ]; then return 1 fi fi if checkRipePlotInEventGarden; then echo "Doing event field..." doFarm city2 eventgarden 0 fi return 0 } function checkLoginBonus { local iLoginCount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.loginbonus.data.count?' $FARMDATAFILE) local bLoginBonusDone=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.loginbonus.data.rewards["'$iLoginCount'"].done > 0' $FARMDATAFILE) local bLoginBonusActive=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.menue.loginbonus.data.bonus.remain > 0' $FARMDATAFILE) local iPID if [ "$bLoginBonusDone" = "false" ]; then if [ $iLoginCount -eq 7 ] && [ "$bLoginBonusActive" = "false" ]; then iPID=$(getConfigValue dologinbonus) echo "not yet claimed, activating points bonus for plant #${iPID}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "pid=${iPID}&mode=loginbonus_setplant" else if [ $iLoginCount -le 6 ]; then echo "not yet claimed, getting it for day ${iLoginCount}..." sendAJAXFarmRequest "day=${iLoginCount}&mode=loginbonus_getreward" else echo "not claiming it yet since points bonus is still active" fi fi else echo "already claimed" fi } function checkFruitStall { local iSlot=$1 local iStall=$2 local iTemp if [ $iStall -eq 2 ]; then iTemp=2 fi local iPID=$(getConfigValue fruitstall${iTemp}slot${iSlot}) local iLevel local iAmount local iCurrentEpoch # rumours say the regular fruit stall farmie interval is 1800 secs ;) local iFarmieInterval=1800 # local bDelayBooster=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.stall.data["1"].booster.delay.remain? | type == "number"' $FARMDATAFILE) # if [ "$bDelayBooster" = "true" ];then # iFarmieInterval=900 # fi local iLastFarmieEpoch local iNextFarmieEpoch local iSecsToNextFarmie local sSlotType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.map.stall.data | type' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$sSlotType" = "object" ]; then # ANY reward ready for pickup? local sSlotType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.map.stall.data["'${iStall}'"].reward | type' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$sSlotType" = "object" ]; then echo "Collecting fruit stall ${iStall} reward..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "position=${iStall}&mode=stall_get_reward" && sleep 1 fi sSlotType=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.map.stall.data["'${iStall}'"].slots["'${iSlot}'"].amount? | type' $FARMDATAFILE 2>/dev/null) if [ "$sSlotType" != "number" ]; then # refill slot iLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.stall.data["'${iStall}'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.stall.config.level["'${iStall}'"]["'${iLevel}'"].fillsum' $FARMDATAFILE) echo "Posting ${iAmount} items to fruit stall ${iStall}, slot ${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "position=${iStall}&slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&amount=${iAmount}&mode=stall_fill_slot" fi # boosters are not taken into account - or are they? ;) iLastFarmieEpoch=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.map.stall.data["'${iStall}'"].farmi_last' $FARMDATAFILE) iNextFarmieEpoch=$((iLastFarmieEpoch + iFarmieInterval)) iCurrentEpoch=$(date +"%s") iSecsToNextFarmie=$((iNextFarmieEpoch - iCurrentEpoch)) if [ $iSecsToNextFarmie -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null && [ $iSecsToNextFarmie -lt $PAUSETIME ] 2>/dev/null; then PAUSETIME=$iSecsToNextFarmie PAUSECORRECTEDAT=$(date +"%s") fi fi } function checkInsectHotel { local bCheckout local bBuildingExists=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.insecthotel.data.id? | type == "string"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bBuildingExists" = "false" ]; then return fi bCheckout=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.insecthotel.data.checkout.points | type == "number"' $FARMDATAFILE) # we only check for available points if [ "$bCheckout" = "true" ]; then echo "Collecting reward from insect hotel..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "mode=insecthotel_collect_checkout" fi } function checkInsectHotelStock { local aSlots=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.map.insecthotel.data.stock | to_entries[] | select((.value.amount >= 0)).key' $FARMDATAFILE) local iSlot local iLevel local iPID local iCapacity local iAmount local iLowerThreshold=25 local iPercentFull local iAmountToRefill local iAmountInStock for iSlot in $aSlots; do iAmount=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.insecthotel.data.stock["'${iSlot}'"].amount' $FARMDATAFILE) iLevel=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.insecthotel.data.stock["'${iSlot}'"].level' $FARMDATAFILE) iCapacity=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.insecthotel.config.stock_level["'${iLevel}'"].capacity' $FARMDATAFILE) iPercentFull=$(awk 'BEGIN { printf "%d", 100 / '${iCapacity}' * '${iAmount}' }') if [ $iPercentFull -lt $iLowerThreshold ]; then iPID=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.map.insecthotel.data.stock["'${iSlot}'"].pid' $FARMDATAFILE) iAmountToRefill=$((iCapacity-iAmount)) iAmountInStock=$(getPIDAmountFromStock $iPID 1) if [ $iAmountInStock -lt $iAmountToRefill ]; then # hmm. -le would leave 1 in stock... logToFile "${FUNCNAME}: Not enough crop in stock for refill of insect hotel slot #${iSlot}" continue else echo "Refilling insect hotel's slot #${iSlot}..." sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest "slot=${iSlot}&pid=${iPID}&amount=${iAmountToRefill}&mode=insecthotel_set_stockslot" fi fi done } function checkActiveGuildJobForPlayer { local iActiveGuildJob=$($JQBIN '.updateblock.job.guild_job_data | length' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ $iActiveGuildJob -gt 0 ]; then # guild job is running and player is taking part return 0 fi return 1 } function removeWeed { local iFarm=$1 local iPosition=$2 local bIsActiveField local iPlot local aPlots bIsActiveField=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farms.farms["'${iFarm}'"]["'${iPosition}'"] | .buildingid == "1" and .status == "1"' $FARMDATAFILE) if [ "$bIsActiveField" = "true" ]; then getInnerInfoData $TMPFILE $iFarm $iPosition gardeninit aPlots=$($JQBIN -r '.datablock[1] | .[]? | select(.buildingid? == "u").teil_nr?' $TMPFILE) if [ -n "$aPlots" ]; then echo -n "Removing weed on farm ${iFarm}, position ${iPosition}..." for iPlot in $aPlots; do sendAJAXFarmRequest "mode=garden_removeweed&farm=${iFarm}&position=${iPosition}&id=${iPlot}&tile=${iPlot}" echo -n "." done echo fi fi } function checkRipePlotInEventGarden { local bHasNegatives=$($JQBIN '[.datablock.data.tiles?[] | select(.remain < 0)][0] | type == "object"' $TMPFILE) if [ "$bHasNegatives" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function checkLoginNews { # checks for news to be displayed upon login # marks it/them as read # this prevents news popups in running browser sessions local iNews local aNews=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.menue.news? | .[]? | select(.login == "1").nnr' $FARMDATAFILE) # you've guessed it: globbing is needed here :) for iNews in $aNews; do # echo "Marking news #${iNews} as read..." sendAJAXMainRequest "nnr=${iNews}&opt1=1&action=setnewsunread" done } function checkTimeRemaining { # returns true if a zero or negative timer is found # and sets new PAUSETIME if applicable local sFilter="$1" sFilter="$sFilter | if . == 0 then 0 elif (. | length) > 0 and . < 0 then 0 elif (. | length) > 0 and . < $PAUSETIME then . else empty end" # this expression returns 0 if a zero / negative value or the value itself if it's between 0 and $PAUSETIME # in all other cases, there's no return value local iRemaining=$($JQBIN "$sFilter" $FARMDATAFILE) if [ -z "$iRemaining" ]; then return 1 fi if [ $iRemaining -eq 0 ]; then return 0 fi PAUSETIME=$iRemaining PAUSECORRECTEDAT=$(date +"%s") return 1 } function getPIDAmountFromStock { # returns the amount of items found in stock on a given farm local iPID=$1 local iFarm=$2 local iPIDCount=$($JQBIN -r '[.updateblock.stock.stock["'${iFarm}'"] | .[] | .[] | select(.pid? == "'${iPID}'").amount][0] // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) echo $iPIDCount # encapsulation: see issue #64 } function getPowerUpAmountFromStock { # returns the amount of a given power up local iPowerUp=$1 local iPowerUpCount=$($JQBIN -r '.updateblock.farms.powerups.rack["'${iPowerUp}'"].rack // 0' $FARMDATAFILE) echo $iPowerUpCount } function getConfigValue { local sConfigItem=$1 local sConfigLine=$(grep -m1 "$sConfigItem " $CFGFILE | tr -d "'") echo ${sConfigLine/$sConfigItem = /} } function sendAJAXFarmRequest { local sAJAXSuffix=$1 WGETREQ ${AJAXFARM}${sAJAXSuffix} } function sendAJAXFarmUpdateRequest { local sAJAXSuffix=$1 local sResponse local iRetVal sResponse=$(wget -nv -T10 -o - --output-document=$TMPFILE --user-agent="$AGENT" --load-cookies $COOKIEFILE ${AJAXFARM}${sAJAXSuffix}) iRetVal=$? echo "$sResponse" | if grep -q "dbfehler\.php" || [ $iRetVal -ne 0 ]; then echo "$sResponse" >>$LOGFILE kill -SIGHUP "$$" else echo "$sResponse" >>$LOGFILE fi # merge files into single JSON, (hopefully) updating old data and abuse OUTFILE ;) # some data needs to be deleted prior to the merge since it's sometimes the _absence_ of data that's evaluated # in a normal merge, that data would remain and lead to errors case "$sAJAXSuffix" in *megafield*) # slurp in two files, put them into an array each, then recursively merge 'em $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.megafield) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *butterfly*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.farmersmarket.butterfly.data) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *stall*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.map.stall.data) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *fishing*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.farmersmarket.fishing.data) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *cowracing*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.farmersmarket.cowracing.data) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *vineyard*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.farmersmarket.vineyard.data) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *scouts*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.farmersmarket.scouts.data) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *sushibar*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.sushibar) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *spicehouse*) $JQBIN -s 'del(.[0].updateblock.spicehouse.data) | .[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; *) $JQBIN -s '.[0] * .[1]' $FARMDATAFILE $TMPFILE >$OUTFILE ;; esac cp -f $OUTFILE $FARMDATAFILE } function sendAJAXForestryRequest { local sAJAXSuffix=$1 WGETREQ ${AJAXFOREST}${sAJAXSuffix} } function sendAJAXFoodworldRequest { local sAJAXSuffix=$1 # keep food world status current. this shouldn't break anything wget -nv -T10 -a $LOGFILE --output-document=$FARMDATAFILE --user-agent="$AGENT" --load-cookies $COOKIEFILE ${AJAXFOOD}${sAJAXSuffix} } function sendAJAXCityRequest { local sAJAXSuffix=$1 WGETREQ ${AJAXCITY}${sAJAXSuffix} } function sendAJAXMainRequest { local sAJAXSuffix=$1 WGETREQ ${AJAXMAIN}${sAJAXSuffix} } function sendAJAXGuildRequest { local sAJAXSuffix=$1 WGETREQ ${AJAXGUILD}${sAJAXSuffix} } function logToFile { local sText="$1" echo "$(date '+%F %X') $sText" | tee -a $LOGFILE | tee $LASTERRORFILE >&2 ERRCOUNT=$((++ERRCOUNT)) }