--- layout: post author: HackingPheasant title: What I learnt while building this blog categories: [blog] tags: [programming, web development, Problems with Solutions] --- I've tried many times to build a blog, this current iteration so far has lasted the longest, it is also the first time I decided to build a theme for it instead of using something prebuilt.
I encountered my far share of issues (or just lack of knowledge on how to use a certain feature) and new features that where pretty neat and useful (while trying and still implementing [my blogs theme](https://github.com/HackingPheasant/jekyll-theme-pheasants-nest)) that I thought it would be a good idea to document them for future [reference](https://xkcd.com/979/). With this short preamble out of the way lets get into it! ## Using SVG \ When looking online on how others used SVG's on their website I came to realise the [common](https://svgontheweb.com/#implementation) [ways](https://css-tricks.com/using-svg/) that appeared, seemed pretty consistent across a majority of websites. And in my honest opinion, all the options provided seemed rather lackluster to me, as they all had different cons and gotchas, with very few pros.
Granted the majority of resources you come across when searching, are anywhere (on average) 5 to 10 years old and starting to show their age. Frustrated, I did what I usually do in this situation and search github to see how other projects ended up handling the situation, when I came across [this](https://github.com/jekyll/minima/blob/master/_includes/footer.html#L10-L12). To my amazement, coloring the SVG was as simple as `color: #f66a0a;` and it was orange. A quick search later I end up on the useful Mozilla developer docs to see the overall [compatibility](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Element/use#Browser_compatibility) for `` is pretty good. Implementing this into my website was pretty straight forward (as shown below), with it currently being used right now as seen on my lovely [Subscribe](/atom.xml) link in my footer. **HTML**: ```html Subscribe ``` **CSS:** ```css .icon-orange { color: #f66a0a; } .svg-icon { box-sizing: initial; width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem; display: inline-block; fill: currentColor; padding: 5px 3px 2px 5px; vertical-align: middle; } ``` **Note:** A little gotcha I encountered (and mostly overlooked when looking at documentation) is you have to reference an \#id somewhere inside your use. So for example: `` - **Doesn't work**
`` - **Does work** (this requires the `` element inside rss-icon.svg to have an id attached to it so you can reference it in ``) ## CSS `@import` to import style rules from other style sheets Since I have a separate style sheet for code syntax and another style sheet for printing I thought it would be cool to import them as needed. This was a pretty straight forward thing to add (Only caveat is it needs to be at the top of the style sheet before anything else). Below is what I am currently using, and if you want a more detailed explanation then I highly suggest you have a look at the Mozilla Developer Docs page on [@import](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/@import). **CSS:** ```css @import "syntax-highlighting.css"; @import "print.css" print; ``` ## Universal box sizing with inheritance This was shamelessly ~~stolen~~ referenced from the css-tricks [box-sizing](https://css-tricks.com/box-sizing/#article-header-id-3) page. ```css html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; } ``` ## Global variables in CSS As always Mozilla Developer docs has come to the rescue again describing how to use [CSS custom properties (variables)](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_custom_properties). This is achieved by defining the custom property on the pseudo-class `:root` (highest-level "parent" element) and then referencing the custom variables via the `var()` functional notation. This is a pretty useful tidbit of information that would probably pay dividends when used in more complex projects. **CSS:** ```css :root { /* Global Variables */ --nav-color: #6a9fb5; } .site-header, .navigation { background-color: var(--nav-color); } ``` ## Customising the width of the tab character! Not wanting to get into the Spaces VS. Tabs debate I will keep this one quick. [Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/tab-size) ```css pre { /* Inital Value was 8, we set it to 4 */ -moz-tab-size: 4; -o-tab-size: 4; tab-size: 4; } ``` ## CSS Grid TODO ## Responsive Video Resize TODO ## Print Styles TODO