SSH-Panel ========= This Sublime Text plugin allow you to browse and edit files on remote servers Windows and Linux servers that support any openssh available [此处](中文文档 ![Screenshot]( # Installation ## 1. Check dependent Libraries (**very important**) ### on Windows you need: * python3.dll > you can install from [this repositories]( and copy to **installation directory** of sublime ### on Linux you need: * install **libffi** ```bash # if Debian / Ubuntu apt-get install libffi-dev # if Fedora / CentOS / RHEL sudo yum install libffi-devel ``` ### python3.8 dependent libraries following * bcrypt * cffi * cryptography * nacl * six > you can install from [this repositories]( and copy to **Lib\python38** path of sublime ## 2. Install Package ### You can using Package Control or Manual installation * using Package Control > Open `Package Control: install` menu and type **"SSH-Panel"** to install * Manual installation > Download this package as ZIP file and extract to **"{you packages path}/SSH-Panel"** ## 3. restart sublime text # Settings Setup service connect parameter open command palette and select `SSH-Panel: Edit Settings` command to edit settings file ## parameter description: ### root: * `default_connect_settings` All connect use default parameter values * `server_settings` Specify preferences for connections * `debug_mode` Debug enable switch * `style_css` Custom CSS Style,value is sublime resource,default is *Packages/SSH-Panel/style.css* [see details](#style-coustom) * `new_window` open new window when connect * `quiet_log` the pop-up message panel is not displayed immediately when a message is obtained * `reconnect_on_start` whether to automatically open the last closed connection when starting sublime text * `nav_bar_color_change` change color of the directory panel,value range is -16777215~+16777215(-0xffffff~+0xffffff) type is string,this value will be added with the RGB color of the current view background to get a new RGB color > if you not want to change the background color value can be set to "0" ### path: * `remote_path` The path on the remote host. You can use the environment variable of the remote host ,like "$HOME" or "%userprofile%",value is path name or path list > Each remote root path will be mapped to the subdirectory of `local_path`. The subdirectory name is the summary string generated by the path name * `local_path` Local directory for synchronization,if empty will automatically generated in the user's home directory.can use the local environment variable ``` string "{auto_generate}" will be replaced with the UUID string generated from configuration and timestamp to generate a unique UUID path After the first connection, this path will be save to the user configuration and using at next connection ``` ### connect and authentication: * `network_timeout` The number of timeout seconds used to authenticate and connect to the remote host * `port` SSH service port of remote host,default is 22 * `known_hosts_file` know_hosts file path at local,if filled it will: > use the host key algorithm recorded in known_hosts_file when connecting > if host not recorded in known_hosts_file, confirm whether to add and save the host public_key when connecting > warn and force close connect when public_key obtained from remote host not matches public_key recorded in known_host_file * `username` user name on remote host * `hostname` remote host IP address or domain name * `always_fingerprint_confirm` confirm server fingerprint every time,if `known_hosts_file` is set wile use AA to verify the host fingerprint #### if your server uses password authentication,option is: * `password` password plaintext * `save_password` save password plaintext in settings file,if is false the password will be deleted in the settings after connecting #### if your server uses private and public_key authentication,option is: * `private_key` used to set the encryption method and private key path when logged in to the server with the key ``` key algorithm available "RSAKey","DSSKey","ECDSAKey","Ed25519Key" The value is a list of 2 elements like [{RSAKey/DSSKey/ECDSAKey/Ed25519Key},{private key path}] !! if you sublime version < 4000 the command to generate the key must contain the [-m PEM] parameter or use a tool to convert the existing private key file format ``` * `"need_passphrase"` tells the plug-in whether a passphrase is set when generating a key pair, value is bool #### if your server uses gssapi authentication,option is: * `gss_host` remote host IP address or domain name,if used, the `hostname` option is not used * `gss_auth` enable gss authentication ,valus is bool * `gss_kex` enable gss kex,valus is bool * `gss_deleg_creds` gss deleg creds * `gss_trust_dns` gss trust dns ## Example ```js "server_settings":{ // use password and username connect "MyServer0":{ "username":"", "hostname":"", // ip or domain name "password":"", // if empty will prompt intput when connect "save_password":false, // (optional) default is true // ... }, // use username and [private key] connect "MyServer1":{ "username":"", "hostname":"", "private_key":["RSAKey","~/.ssh/id_rsa"], // ssh-keygen -t rsa [-m PEM] // "private_key":["DSSKey","~/.ssh/id_dsa"] // ssh-keygen -t dsa [-m PEM] // "private_key":["ECDSAKey","~/.ssh/id_ecdsa"] // ssh-keygen -t ecdsa [-m PEM] // "private_key":["Ed25519Key","~/.ssh/id_ed25519"] // ssh-keygen -t ed25519 [-m PEM] "need_passphrase":false // (optional) default is false, if is true will prompt intput when connect // path "remote_path":"/", // absolute path // "remote_path":["/var","/etc"], // path list // "remote_path":"%HOME/", // using environment variables (remote host) "local_path":"~/SFTP-Local/{auto_generate}" // auto generate // ... }, // use gssapi connect "MyServer2":{ "username":"", "gss_host":"", "gss_auth":true, "gss_kex":true, "gss_deleg_creds":true, "gss_trust_dns":true // ... }, // ... }, ``` # Using open command palette and select `SSH-Panel: Connect Server` command after select you server name to connect you can edit and view server information on the pop-up directory panel ## quick button: * `[?]` :help * `[I]` :show server infomation * `[R]` :refresh and sync file list * `[E]` :edit settings * `[T]` :pseudo terminal * `[+]` :add new root path * `[-]` :remove root path from view you can click the `[...]` button on the right side of the directory or file to view attribute, delete or create a new one # Style coustom you can set *style_css* option to control display in HTML style of output_panel and navigation_view Create file *"Packages\User\SSH-Panel\style.css"* in sublime package path and set *"style_css":"Packages\User\SSH-Panel\style.css"* ## css class ```css .keyword{} .keyword_error{} .symbol{} .title_bar{} .res_dir{} .res{} .res_focus{} .operation_menu{} .warning{} .error{} .info{} .debug{} .no_accessible{} ``` # Feedback welcome report issues and commit code. if you like this can give me star :)