require "OpenPredict" local ChampTable = --Set = {"Kindred", "Zyra", "Poppy", "Elise", "Irelia", "Nidalee", "Riven", "Singed", "Olaf"} { ["Kindred"] = true, --["Zyra"] = true, ["Poppy"] = true, ["Elise"] = true, ["Irelia"] = true, ["Nidalee"] = true, ["Singed"] = true, } Callback.Add("Load", function() if ChampTable[GetObjectName(myHero)] then Start() DickSelector() SkinChanger() Autolvl() _G[GetObjectName(myHero)]() if GetObjectName(myHero) ~= "Nidalee" then DmgDraw() end require"Analytics" Analytics("QWER-Series","Hanndel") if GetCastName(myHero,4):lower():find("summonersmite") or GetCastName(myHero,5):lower():find("summonersmite") then AutoSmite() end PrintChat("Welcome "..GetUser().." to QWER Series!") PrintChat(GetObjectName(myHero).." Loaded!") else PrintChat(GetObjectName(myHero).." Is not supported!") end if GetObjectName(myHero) == "Kindred" or GetObjectName(myHero) == "Poppy" or GetObjectName(myHero) == "Nidalee" or GetObjectName(myHero) == "Gnar" then require('MapPositionGOS') end end) local ver = "0.5" class "Start" function Start:__init() if GetUser() ~= "Hanndel" then function AutoUpdate(data) if tonumber(data) > tonumber(ver) then PrintChat("New version found! " .. data) PrintChat("Downloading update, please wait...") DownloadFileAsync("", SCRIPT_PATH .. "QWER Series.lua", function() PrintChat("Update Complete, please 2x F6!") return end) else PrintChat("No updates found!") end end GetWebResultAsync("", AutoUpdate) end if not FileExist(COMMON_PATH.."Analytics.lua") then DownloadFileAsync("", COMMON_PATH .. "Analytics.lua", function() PrintChat("Analytics Downloaded, F6x2!") return end) else require"Analytics" end local myName = myHero.charName ConfigMenu = MenuConfig("QWER Series", "QWER Series") ConfigMenu:Menu("Champ", "QWER "..myName) end class "SkinChanger" function SkinChanger:__init() local Table = { ["Kindred"] = {"Classic", "ShadowFire"}, ["Zyra"] = {"Classic", "Wildire", "Haunted", "Skt"}, ["Poppy"] = {"Classic", "Noxus", "Blacksmith", "Lollipoppy","Ragdoll", "Battle Regalia", "Scarlet Hammer"}, ["Elise"] = {"Classic", "Death Blossom", "Victorious", "Blood Moon"}, ["Irelia"] = {"Classic", "Nightblade", "Aviator", "Infiltrator", "Frostbutt", "Lotus"}, --["Nidalee"] = {"Classic", "Snow Bunny", "Leopard", "Hot Maid", "Pharaoh", "Bewitching", "HeadHunter", "Warring Kindomgs", "Challenger"} } if Table[GetObjectName(myHero)] then ConfigMenu:Menu("SK", "Skinchanger")-- ConfigMenu.SK:DropDown("S", "SkinChanger", 1, Table[GetObjectName(myHero)], function() HeroSkinChanger(myHero, ConfigMenu.SK.S:Value() - 1) end) end end class "Autolvl" function Autolvl:__init() ConfigMenu:Menu("AL", "Auto Lvl") ConfigMenu.AL:DropDown("ALT", "Auto lvl table", 7, {"QWE", "QEW", "WQE", "WEQ", "EWQ", "EQW", "Off"}) self.Table2 = { [1] = {_Q,_W,_E,_Q,_Q,_R,_Q,_W,_Q,_W,_R,_W,_W,_E,_E,_R,_E,_E}, [2] = {_Q,_E,_W,_Q,_Q,_R,_Q,_E,_Q,_E,_R,_E,_E,_W,_W,_R,_W,_W}, [3] = {_W,_Q,_E,_W,_W,_R,_W,_Q,_W,_Q,_R,_Q,_Q,_E,_E,_R,_E,_E}, [4] = {_W,_E,_Q,_W,_W,_R,_W,_E,_W,_E,_R,_E,_E,_Q,_Q,_R,_Q,_Q}, [5] = {_E,_W,_Q,_E,_E,_R,_E,_W,_E,_W,_R,_W,_W,_Q,_Q,_R,_Q,_Q}, [6] = {_E,_Q,_W,_E,_E,_R,_E,_Q,_E,_Q,_R,_Q,_Q,_W,_W,_R,_W,_W}, } OnTick(function(myHero) self:Autolvl(myHero) end) end function Autolvl:Autolvl(myHero) if ConfigMenu.AL.ALT:Value() ~= 7 then if GetLevelPoints(myHero) >= 1 then --DelayAction(function() LevelSpell(self.Table2[ConfigMenu.AL.ALT:Value()][GetLevel(myHero) - GetLevelPoints(myHero) + 1]) end, math.random(1, 2)) end end end class "AutoSmite" function AutoSmite:__init() self.Mobs = { [1] = {BaseName = "SRU_Baron", Name = "Baron"}, [2] = {BaseName = "SRU_Dragon_Water", Name = "Water Drake"}, [3] = {BaseName = "SRU_Dragon_Fire", Name = "Fire Drake"}, [4] = {BaseName = "SRU_Dragon_Earth", Name = "Earth Drake"}, [5] = {BaseName = "SRU_Dragon_Air", Name = "Air Drake"}, [6] = {BaseName = "SRU_Dragon_Elder", Name = "Elder Drake"}, [7] = {BaseName = "SRU_RiftHerald", Name = "Herald"}, [8] = {BaseName = "Sru_Crab", Name = "Crab"}, [9] = {BaseName = "SRU_Blue", Name = "Blue"}, [10] = {BaseName = "SRU_Red", Name = "Red"} } self.Smite = nil self.SmiteDmgM = {[1] = 390, [2] = 410, [3] = 430, [4] = 450 ,[5] = 480, [6] = 510, [7] = 540, [8] = 570, [9] = 600, [10] = 640, [11] = 680, [12] = 720, [13] = 760, [14] = 800, [15] = 850, [16] = 900, [17] = 950, [18] = 1000} self.SmiteHDmg = 20+8*GetLevel(myHero) self.PacketTable = {[110] = true, [99] = true, [257] = true} self.SmiteDMG = false self.Table = { ["Poppy"] = { AADmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit,(GetBaseDamage(myHero)+GetBonusDmg(myHero))) end, AADelay = function(Unit) return 0 end, [0] = { Range = function(Unit) return 430 end, Dmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 15 + 20*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)*0.8 + GetMaxHP(Unit)*0.007) end, Delay = function(Unit) return 332 + GetLatency() end, Cast = function(Unit) CastSkillShot(0, GetOrigin(Unit)) end, }, }, ["Elise"] = { AADmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit,(GetBaseDamage(myHero)+GetBonusDmg(myHero))) end, AADelay = function(Unit) return GetDistance(Unit)/2000 end, [0] = { Dmg = function(Unit) if Spider then return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 5+35*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0)+(GetCurrentHP(Unit)*0.04)/100+0.03*GetBonusAP(myHero)) else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 20+40*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0)+((GetMaxHP(Unit)-GetCurrentHP(Unit)*0.08)/100+0.03*GetBonusAP(myHero))) end end, Delay = function(Unit) if Spider then return GetDistance(Unit)/1200 + 250 + GetLatency() else return GetDistance(Unit)/3000 + 250 + GetLatency() end end, Range = function(Unit) if Spider then return 475 else return 625 end end, Cast = function(Unit) CastTargetSpell(Unit, 0) end, }, }, ["Kindred"] = { AADmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit,(GetBaseDamage(myHero)+GetBonusDmg(myHero))) end, AADelay = function(Unit) return GetDistance(Unit)/2000 end, }, ["Irelia"] = { AADmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit,(GetBaseDamage(myHero)+GetBonusDmg(myHero))) end, AADelay = function(Unit) return 0 end, [0] = { Range = function(Unit) return 650 end, Dmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, -10+30*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0) + (GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))) end, Delay = function(Unit) return GetDistance(Unit)/2000 end, Cast = function(Unit) CastTargetSpell(Unit, 0) end, }, [2] = { Range = function(Unit) return 425 end, Dmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 40+40*GetCastLevel(myHero,_E)+GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.5) end, Delay = function(Unit) return 500 + GetLatency() end, Cast = function(Unit) CastTargetSpell(Unit, 2) end, }, }, ["Nidalee"] = { AADmg = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit,(GetBaseDamage(myHero)+GetBonusDmg(myHero))) end, AADelay = function(Unit) if Human then return GetDistance(Unit)/1750 else return 0 end end, [0] = { Range = function(Unit) if Human then return 650 else return 350 end end, Dmg = function(Unit) if Human then local QHDmg = 42+17.5*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0) + GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.4 if QHDmg + GetDistance(Unit)/100*QHDmg*0.258 > QHDmg*3 then return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit, 0, QHDmg*3) else return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit, 0, QHDmg + GetDistance(Unit)/100*QHDmg*0.258) end else local QCDmg = {[1] = 4, [2] = 20, [3] = 50, [4] = 90} local QCDmgM = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1.25, [3] = 1.5, [4] = 1.75} local Multi = {[1] = 2, [2] = 2.25, [3] = 2.5, [4] = 2.75} local Maths = QCDmg[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] + (GetBaseDamage(myHero)+GetBonusDmg(myHero))*0.75 + GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.36 if Maths + Maths*(QCDmgM[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] * (GetMaxHP(Unit) - GetCurrentHP(Unit)) / GetMaxHP(Unit)) > Maths*Multi[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] then return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, Maths*Multi[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)]) else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, Maths + Maths*(QCDmgM[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] * ((GetMaxHP(Unit) - GetCurrentHP(Unit)) / GetMaxHP(Unit)))*1.33) end end end, Delay = function(Unit) if Human then return GetDistance(Unit)/1500 else return 220 + GetLatency() end end, Cast = function(Unit) if Human then CastSkillShot(0, GetOrigin(Unit)) else CastSpell(0) DelayAction(function() AttackUnit(Unit) end, 0.1) end end, } } } if GetCastName(myHero,4):lower():find("summonersmite") then self.Smite = 4 elseif GetCastName(myHero,5):lower():find("summonersmite") then self.Smite = 5 else self.Smite = nil end if GetCastName(myHero,4) == "S5_SummonerSmitePlayerGanker" then self.SmiteDMG = true elseif GetCastName(myHero,5) == "S5_SummonerSmitePlayerGanker" then self.SmiteDMG = true else self.SmiteDmg = false end ConfigMenu:Menu("AS", "Auto Smite") ConfigMenu.AS:Boolean("ASE", "Auto Smite enable", true) ConfigMenu.AS:SubMenu("ASM", "Mobs options") for i = 1, #self.Mobs do ConfigMenu.AS.ASM:Boolean("Pleb"..self.Mobs[i].BaseName, "AutoSmite "..self.Mobs[i].Name, true) end ConfigMenu.AS:Boolean("ASK", "AutoSmite ks", true) ConfigMenu.AS:Boolean("ASQ", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.AS:Boolean("ASW", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.AS:Boolean("ASEE", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.AS:Boolean("ASA", "AA Smite", true) OnProcessPacket(function(Packet) self:Packets(Packet) end) OnProcessSpell(function(Object, spellProc) self:OnProc(Object, spellProc) end) OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick(myHero) end) end function AutoSmite:Tick(myHero) for k, v in ipairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if GetCurrentHP(v) <= self.SmiteHDmg and ValidTarget(v, 500) and self.SmiteDMG and ConfigMenu.AS.ASK:Value() then CastTargetSpell(self.Smite, v) end end if ConfigMenu.AS.ASE:Value() and self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)] ~= nil then for k, i in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do for v = 1, #self.Mobs do if self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0] ~= nil and ConfigMenu.AS.ASQ:Value() then if GetObjectName(i) == self.Mobs[v].BaseName and ConfigMenu.AS.ASM["Pleb"..self.Mobs[v].BaseName]:Value() and GetDistance(i) <= self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Range(i) and Ready(0) and Ready(self.Smite) then if GetCurrentHP(i) <= self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Dmg(i) + self.SmiteDmgM[GetLevel(myHero)] then self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Cast(i) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(i, self.Smite) end, self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Delay(i)/1000) end end end if self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][1] ~= nil and ConfigMenu.AS.ASW:Value() then if GetObjectName(i) == self.Mobs[v].BaseName and ConfigMenu.AS.ASM["Pleb"..self.Mobs[v].BaseName]:Value() and GetDistance(i) <= self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Range(i) and Ready(1) and Ready(self.Smite) then if GetCurrentHP(i) <= self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Dmg(i) + self.SmiteDmgM[GetLevel(myHero)] then self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Cast(i) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(i, self.Smite) end, self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Delay(i)/1000) end end end if self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][2] ~= nil and ConfigMenu.AS.ASEE:Value() then if GetObjectName(i) == self.Mobs[v].BaseName and ConfigMenu.AS.ASM["Pleb"..self.Mobs[v].BaseName]:Value() and GetDistance(i) <= self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Range(i) and Ready(2) and Ready(self.Smite) then if GetCurrentHP(i) <= self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Dmg(i) + self.SmiteDmgM[GetLevel(myHero)] then self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Cast(i) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(i, self.Smite) end, self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)][0].Delay(i)/1000) end end end end end end end function AutoSmite:OnProc(Object, spellProc) if self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)] ~= nil and Object == myHero then if"attack") then if Ready(self.Smite) then for v = 1, #self.Mobs do if GetObjectName( == self.Mobs[v].BaseName and ConfigMenu.AS.ASM["Pleb"..self.Mobs[v].BaseName]:Value() then if GetCurrentHP( <= self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)].AADmg( + self.SmiteDmgM[GetLevel(myHero)] then DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(, self.Smite) end, self.Table[GetObjectName(myHero)].AADelay( + spellProc.windUpTime) end end end end end end end function AutoSmite:Packets(Packet) if self.PacketTable[Packet.header] then if Packet:Decode4() == GetNetworkID(myHero) then if GetCastName(myHero,4) == "S5_SummonerSmitePlayerGanker" then self.SmiteDMG = true elseif GetCastName(myHero,5) == "S5_SummonerSmitePlayerGanker" then self.SmiteDMG = true else self.SmiteDmg = false end end end end class "DickSelector" function DickSelector:__init() self.Table = { [5] = Set {"Alistar", "Amumu", "Blitzcrank", "Braum", "ChoGath", "DrMundo", "Garen", "Gnar", "Hecarim", "JarvanIV", "Leona", "Lulu", "Malphite", "Nasus", "Nautilus", "Nunu", "Olaf", "Rammus", "Renekton", "Sejuani", "Shen", "Shyvana", "Singed", "Sion", "Skarner", "Taric", "Thresh", "Volibear", "Warwick", "MonkeyKing", "Yorick", "Zac"}, [4] = Set {"Aatrox", "Darius", "Elise", "Evelynn", "Galio", "Gangplank", "Gragas", "Irelia", "Jax","LeeSin", "Maokai", "Morgana", "Nocturne", "Pantheon", "Poppy", "Rengar", "Rumble", "Ryze", "Swain","Trundle", "Tryndamere", "Udyr", "Urgot", "Vi", "XinZhao", "RekSai"}, [3] = Set {"Akali", "Diana", "Fiddlesticks", "Fiora", "Fizz", "Heimerdinger", "Janna", "Jayce", "Kassadin","Kayle", "KhaZix", "Lissandra", "Mordekaiser", "Nami", "Nidalee", "Riven", "Shaco", "Sona", "Soraka", "TahmKench", "Vladimir", "Yasuo", "Zilean", "Zyra"}, [2] = Set {"Ahri", "Anivia", "Annie", "Brand", "Cassiopeia", "Ekko", "Karma", "Karthus", "Katarina", "Kennen", "LeBlanc", "Lux", "Malzahar", "MasterYi", "Orianna", "Syndra", "Talon", "TwistedFate", "Veigar", "VelKoz", "Viktor", "Xerath", "Zed", "Ziggs", "Taliyah" }, [1] = Set {"Ashe", "Caitlyn", "Corki", "Draven", "Ezreal", "Graves", "Jinx", "Kalista", "KogMaw", "Lucian", "MissFortune", "Quinn", "Sivir", "Teemo", "Tristana", "Twitch", "Varus", "Vayne", "Jhin", }, } ConfigMenu:Menu("T", "TargetSelector") ConfigMenu.T:DropDown("ts", "Select Mode", 1, {"Closest", "Closest to mouse", "Most AP", "Most AD", "Lowest Health", "Less Cast", "Priority"}, function() if ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 7 then DelayAction(function() for k, v in ipairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do ConfigMenu.T:Slider(GetObjectName(v), "Priority: "..GetObjectName(v), (self.Table[5][GetObjectName(v)] and 5 or self.Table[4][GetObjectName(v)] and 4 or self.Table[3][GetObjectName(v)] and 3 or self.Table[2][GetObjectName(v)] and 2 or self.Table[1][GetObjectName(v)] and 1 or 1), 1, 5, 1) end end, 0.1) elseif ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() ~= 7 then print("F6x2") end end) end function DickSelector:Targets(Distance) if ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 1 then local closest = nil for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(enemies, Distance) then if not closest and enemies then closest = enemies end if GetDistance(enemies) < GetDistance(closest) then closest = enemies end end end return closest elseif ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 2 then local closest = nil for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(enemies, Distance) then if not closest and enemies then closest = enemies end if GetDistance(enemies, GetMousePos()) <= GetDistance(closest, GetMousePos()) then closest = enemies end end end return closest elseif ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 3 then local MostAp = nil for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(enemies, Distance) then if not MostAp and enemies then MostAp = enemies end if GetBonusAP(enemies) > GetBonusAP(MostAp) then MostAp = enemies end end end return MostAp elseif ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 4 then local MostAD = nil for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(enemies, Distance) then if not MostAD and enemies then MostAD = enemies end if (GetBaseDamage(enemies) + GetBonusDmg(enemies)) > (GetBaseDamage(MostAD) + GetBonusDmg(MostAD)) then MostAD = enemies end end end return MostAD elseif ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 5 then local Lowest = nil for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(enemies, Distance) then if not Lowest and enemies then Lowest = enemies end if GetCurrentHP(enemies) > GetCurrentHP(Lowest) then Lowest = enemies end end end return Lowest elseif ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 6 then local LessCast = nil for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(enemies, Distance) then if LessCast == nil and enemies then LessCast = enemies end if GetCurrentHP(enemies)/CalcDamage(myHero, enemies, 50, 50) < GetCurrentHP(LessCast)/CalcDamage(myHero, enemies, 50, 50) then LessCast = enemies end end end return LessCast elseif ConfigMenu.T.ts:Value() == 7 then local target = nil for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ConfigMenu.T[GetObjectName(enemies)] then if ValidTarget(enemies, Distance) then if not target and enemies then target = enemies end if ConfigMenu.T[GetObjectName(target)]:Value() > ConfigMenu.T[GetObjectName(enemies)]:Value() then target = enemies end end end end end end class "Zyra" function Zyra:__init() self.Spells = { [0] = { delay = 0.7, speed = math.huge, width = 200, range = 800, radius = 420, mana = function() return 70+5*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0) end}, [2] = { delay = 0.25, speed = 1150, width = 70, range = 1100, mana = function() return 65+5*GetCastLevel(myHero, 2) end}, [3] = { delay = 1, speed = math.huge, width = 500, range = 700, radius = 500, mana = function() return 80+20*GetCastLevel(myHero, 3) end} } Dmg = { [0] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 35+GetCastLevel(myHero, 0)*35+GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.65) end, [2] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 25+GetCastLevel(myHero, 2)*35+GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.50) end, [3] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 95+GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)*85+GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.70) end, } self.QPoint = nil self.EPoint = nil self.Ignite = nil if GetCastName(myHero, SUMMONER_1):lower():find("summonerdot") then self.Ignite = SUMMONER_1 elseif GetCastName(myHero, SUMMONER_2):lower():find("summonerdot") then self.Ignite = SUMMONER_2 else self.Ignite = nil end self.Target = nil self.DebuffTable = {5, 8, 11, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30} self.IsTargetFucked = false self.Seeds = {} ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("C", "Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Slider("ER", "Enemies to R", 3, 1, 5) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("H", "Harass") ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("LC", "LaneClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:Slider("SLC", "Seeds for LaneClear", 2, 1, 8) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("KS", "KillSteal") ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) if self.Ignite ~= nil then ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("IG", "Use Ignite", true) end ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("SO", "Seed Options") ConfigMenu.Champ.SO:Boolean("QS", "Logic Q Seeds?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.SO:SubMenu("QSM", "No logic seeds Q") ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM:Slider("QSM", "Seeds to use in Q?", 1, 1, 2) ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM:Slider("DTS", "Distance to 2 seeds", 1, 500, 850) ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM:Info("a", "Desactivate Logic Q Seeds") ConfigMenu.Champ.SO:Boolean("ES", "Logic E Seeds?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.SO:SubMenu("ESM", "No logic seeds E") ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.ESM:Slider("ESM", "Seeds to use in E?", 1, 1, 2) ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.ESM:Info("a", "Desactivate Logic E Seeds") ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Orb", "Hotkeys") ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("C", "Combo", string.byte(" "), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("H", "Harass", string.byte("C"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LC", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("HC", "Hit chance") ConfigMenu.Champ.HC:Slider("Q", "Q Predict", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ.HC:Slider("E", "E Predict", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ.HC:Slider("R", "R Predict", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("D", "Draw") --[[ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("DD", "Draw Damage") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("D", "Draw?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("DQ", "Draw Q dmg", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("DE", "Draw E dmg", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("DR", "Draw R dmg", true)]] ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("DR", "Draw Range") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("D", "Draw?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("DQ", "Draw Q range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("DE", "Draw E range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("DR", "Draw R range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Slider("DH", "Quality", 155, 1, 475) OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick() end) OnDraw(function(myHero) self:Draw() end) OnProcessSpell(function(Object, spellProc) self:OnProc(Object, spellProc) end) OnUpdateBuff(function(Object, buff) self:Onupdate(Object, buff) end) OnRemoveBuff(function(Object, buff) self:Onremove(Object, buff) end) OnCreateObj(function(Object) self:OnCreate(Object) end) OnDeleteObj(function(Object) self:OnDelete(Object) end) OnAggro(function(unit, flag) self:OnAggro(unit, flag) end) end function Zyra:Tick() self.Target = DickSelector:Targets(1000) if not IsDead(myHero)then if self.Target ~= nil then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() then self:Combo(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.H:Value() then self:Harass(self.Target) end end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self:LaneClear() end self:Ks() end Autolvl:Autolvl(myHero) end function Zyra:OnAggro(unit, flag) if unit and flag then print(unit) print(flag) end end function Zyra:Draw() if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.D:Value() then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DQ:Value() and Ready(0) then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), 800, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DH:Value(), GoS.Red) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DE:Value() and Ready(2) then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), 1100, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DH:Value(), GoS.Blue) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DR:Value() and Ready(3) then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), 700, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DH:Value(), GoS.Pink) end end end function Zyra:Combo(Target) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.Q:Value() and (not Ready(2) or not ConfigMenu.Champ.C.E:Value()) then self:CastQ(Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.E:Value() then self:CastE(Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.R:Value() then self:CastR(Target) end end function Zyra:Harass(Target) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.E:Value() then self:CastE(Target) end end function Zyra:LaneClear() local BestPos, BestHit = self:BestFarmPos(self.Spells[0].range, self.Spells[0].width, self.Seeds) for _, mob in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(mob, 850) then if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.Q:Value() and Ready(0) then if BestHit >= ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.SLC:Value() and BestPos then CastSkillShot(0, BestPos) elseif BestHit <= ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.SLC:Value() and BestPos then CastSkillShot(0, GetOrigin(mob)) end end end if ValidTarget(mob, 1100) then if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.E:Value() and Ready(2) then CastSkillShot(2, GetOrigin(mob)) end end end end function Zyra:Ks() for _, enemy in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() and (GetCurrentHP(enemy)+GetDmgShield(enemy)) < Dmg[0](enemy) then self:CastQ(enemy) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.E:Value() and (GetCurrentHP(enemy)+GetDmgShield(enemy)) < Dmg[2](enemy) then self:CastE(enemy) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() and (GetCurrentHP(enemy)+GetDmgShield(enemy)) < Dmg[0](enemy)+Dmg[2](enemy) then self:CastE(enemy) DelayAction(function() self:CastQ(enemy) end, GetDistance(enemy)/1500) end if self.Ignite ~= nil then if Ready(self.Ignite) and ValidTarget(enemy, 500) and GetCurrentHP(enemy)+GetHPRegen(enemy)*3 <= 50+GetLevel(myHero)*20 then CastTargetSpell(enemy, self.Ignite) end end end end function Zyra:CastQ(Unit) local Q = GetCircularAOEPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[0]) if Ready(0) and ValidTarget(Unit, 800) and not ECast and Q.hitChance >= (ConfigMenu.Champ.HC.Q:Value())/100 and Q then CastSkillShot(0, Q.castPos) QCast = true DelayAction(function() QCast = false end, 0.5) end end function Zyra:CastW(Point, Spell) local q = 0 local e = 0 if self.IsTargetFucked and Ready(1) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 800) and Spell == GetCastName(myHero, 0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QS:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, Point) DelayAction(function() CastSkillShot(1, Point) end, 0.5) elseif not self.IsTargetFucked and Ready(0) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 800) and GetDistance(self.Target) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM.DTS:Value() and Spell == GetCastName(myHero, 0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QS:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, Point) elseif not self.IsTargetFucked and Ready(0) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 800) and GetDistance(self.Target) <= ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM.DTS:Value() and Spell == GetCastName(myHero, 0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QS:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, Point) DelayAction(function() CastSkillShot(1, Point) end, 0.5) elseif Ready(1) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 800) and Spell == GetCastName(myHero, 0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QS:Value() == false then CastSkillShot(1, Point) q = q+1 DelayAction(function() if q < ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM.QSM:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, Point) q = q+1 if q == ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM.QSM:Value() then q = 0 end else q = 0 end end, 0.5) elseif Ready(1) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 800) and Spell == GetCastName(myHero, 0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QS:Value() == false then CastSkillShot(1, Point) q = q+1 DelayAction(function() if q < ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM.QSM:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, Point) q = q+1 if q == ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.QSM.QSM:Value() then q = 0 end else q = 0 end end, 0.5) end if Ready(1) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 800) and Spell == GetCastName(myHero, 2) and ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.ES:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, Point) elseif Ready(1) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 800) and Spell == GetCastName(myHero, 2) and ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.ES:Value() == false then CastSkillShot(1, Point) e = e+1 DelayAction(function() if e < ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.ESM.ESM:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, Point) e = e+1 if e == ConfigMenu.Champ.SO.ESM.ESM:Value() then e = 0 end else e = 0 end end, 0.5) end end function Zyra:CastE(Unit) local E = GetPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[2]) if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(Unit, 1100) and not QCast and E.hitChance >= (ConfigMenu.Champ.HC.E:Value())/100 and E then CastSkillShot(2, E.castPos) ECast = true DelayAction(function() ECast = false end, GetDistance(self.Target)/self.Spells[3].speed) end end function Zyra:CastR(Unit) local R = GetCircularAOEPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[3]) if Ready(3) and ValidTarget(Unit, 700) and R.hitChance >= (ConfigMenu.Champ.HC.R:Value())/100 and EnemiesAround(myHero, 1000) <= 2 and R then CastSkillShot(3, R.castPos) elseif Ready(3) and ValidTarget(Unit, 700) and EnemiesAround(myHero, 1000) >= 2 then local BestRPos, BestRHit = self:BestRPos() if BestRPos and BestRHit >= ConfigMenu.Champ.C.ER:Value() then CastSkillShot(3, BestRPos) end end end function Zyra:OnProc(Object, spellProc) local EPos = nil if Object == myHero then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() and self.Target ~= nil then DelayAction(function() if == GetCastName(myHero, 0) then self:CastW(spellProc.endPos, GetCastName(myHero, 0)) elseif == GetCastName(myHero, 2) then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() and self.Spells[2].range < GetCastRange(myHero, 1) then EPos = GetOrigin(myHero) + Vector(Vector(spellProc.endPos) - Vector(spellProc.startPos)):normalized()*GetDistance(self.Target) self:CastW(EPos, GetCastName(myHero, 2)) end end end, 0.1) end end end function Zyra:Onupdate(Object, buffProc) if self.Target ~= nil then if Object.Name == GetObjectName(self.Target) then for i, buffs in pairs(self.DebuffTable) do if buffProc.Type == buffs then self.IsTargetFucked = true end end end end end function Zyra:Onremove(Object, buffProc) if self.Target ~= nil then if Object.Name == GetObjectName(self.Target) then for i, buffs in pairs(self.DebuffTable) do if buffProc.Type == buffs then self.IsTargetFucked = false end end end end end function Zyra:OnCreate(Object) if Object and GetObjectBaseName(Object) == "Zyra_Base_W_Seed_Indicator.troy" then table.insert(self.Seeds, #self.Seeds+1, Object) end end function Zyra:OnDelete(Object) if Object and GetObjectBaseName(Object) == "Zyra_Base_W_Seed_Indicator.troy" then table.remove(self.Seeds, 1) end end function Zyra:BestRPos() -- Modded from Inspired lib local BestRPos local BestRHit = 0 for i, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if GetOrigin(enemies) ~= nil and ValidTarget(enemies, 700) then local hit = EnemiesAround(GetOrigin(enemies), 500) if hit > BestHit and GetDistance(enemies) < 700 then BestRHit = hit BestRPos = Vector(enemies) if BestHit == #GetEnemyHeroes() then break end end end end return BestRPos, BestRHit end function Zyra:BestFarmPos() -- Modded from Inspired lib --[[local BestPos local BestHit = 0 for i, object in pairs(self.Seeds) do if GetOrigin(object) ~= nil and Object then local k = GetOrigin(Object) - Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) + Vector(GetOrigin(object))):perpendicular():normalized()*X local v = GetOrigin(Object) - Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) + Vector(GetOrigin(object))):perpendicular2():normalized()*X local w = self:CountObjectsOnLineSegment(K, v, 200?, object) end end return BestPos, BestHit]] end function Zyra:CountObjectsOnLineSegment(StartPos, EndPos, width, objects, team) local n = 0 if object ~= nil and object.valid then local pointSegment, pointLine, isOnSegment = VectorPointProjectionOnLineSegment(StartPos, EndPos, GetOrigin(object)) local w = width if isOnSegment and GetDistanceSqr(pointSegment, GetOrigin(object)) < w^2 and GetDistanceSqr(StartPos, EndPos) > GetDistanceSqr(StartPos, GetOrigin(object)) then n = n + 1 end end return n end class "Kindred" function Kindred:__init() self.Spells = { [0] = {range = 500, dash = 340, mana = 35}, [1] = {range = 800, duration = 8, mana = 40}, [2] = {range = 500, mana = 70, mana = 70}, [3] = {range = 500, mana = 100}, } Dmg = { [0] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 35+20*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))*0.20+5*self.Passive) end, [1] = function(Unit) if GetTeam(Unit) == MINION_ENEMY then return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 20+5*GetCastLevel(myHero, 1)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))*0.40+self:PassiveDmg(Unit)) else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, (20+5*GetCastLevel(myHero, 1)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))*0.40+self:PassiveDmg(Unit)*0.40)*1.5) end end, [2] = function(Unit) if GetTeam(Unit) == MINION_JUNGLE and CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 30+30*GetCastLevel(myHero, 2)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))*0.20+GetMaxHP(Unit)*0.05) > 300 then return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 300) else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 30+30*GetCastLevel(myHero, 2)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))*0.20+GetMaxHP(Unit)*0.05) end end, } self.BaseAS = GetBaseAttackSpeed(myHero) self.AAPS = self.BaseAS*GetAttackSpeed(myHero) self.WolfAA = self.Spells[1].duration*self.AAPS basePos = Vector(0,0,0) if GetTeam(myHero) == 100 then basePos = Vector(415,182,415) else basePos = Vector(14302,172,14387.8) end self.Recalling = false self.Farsight = false self.Passive = 0 OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick() end) OnDraw(function(myHero) self:Draw() end) OnProcessSpellComplete(function(unit, spell) self:OnProcComplete(unit, spell) end) self.Flash = (GetCastName(myHero, SUMMONER_1):lower():find("summonerflash") and SUMMONER_1 or (GetCastName(myHero, SUMMONER_2):lower():find("summonerflash") and SUMMONER_2 or nil)) -- Ty Platy = nil pos = {pos = nil, pos2 = nil} ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Combo", "Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo:Boolean("QE", "Gapcloser", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("JunglerClear", "JunglerClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear:Slider("MM", "Mana manager", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("LaneClear", "LaneClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear:Slider("MM", "Mana manager", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Orb", "Hotkeys") ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("C", "Combo", string.byte(" "), false) -- ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("H", "Harass", string.byte("C"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LC", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Misc", "Misc") ConfigMenu.Champ.Misc:Boolean("B", "Buy Farsight", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.Misc:KeyBinding("FQ", "Flash-Q", string.byte("T")) ConfigMenu.Champ.Misc:Key("WP", "Jumps", string.byte("G")) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("ROptions", "R Options") ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions:Boolean("R", "Use R?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions:Slider("EA", "Enemies around", 3, 1, 5) ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions:Boolean("RU", "Use R on urself", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("QOptions", "Q Options") ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions:Boolean("QC", "AA reset Combo", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions:Boolean("QL", "AA reset LaneClear", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions:Boolean("QJ", "AA reset JunglerClear", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("D", "Draw") --[[ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("DD", "Draw Damage") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("D", "Draw?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("DQ", "Draw Q dmg", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("DE", "Draw E dmg", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Boolean("DR", "Draw R dmg", true)]] ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("DR", "Draw Range") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("D", "Draw?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("DQ", "Draw Q range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("DW", "Draw W range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("DE", "Draw E range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Boolean("DR", "Draw R range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR:Slider("DH", "Quality", 155, 1, 475) DelayAction(function() for i, allies in pairs(GetAllyHeroes()) do ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions:Boolean("Pleb"..GetObjectName(allies), "Use R on "..GetObjectName(allies), true) end end, 0.001) end function Kindred:Tick() if not IsDead(myHero) then = DickSelector:Targets(self.Spells[0].range) if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() then if ~= nil then self:Combo( end elseif ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self:LaneClear() end self:AutoR() if ConfigMenu.Champ.Misc.FQ:Value() then if Ready(0) and Ready(Flash) and ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo.Q:Value() then CastSkillShot(Flash, GetMousePos()) DelayAction(function() CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) end, 1) end end self.Passive = GetBuffData(myHero,"kindredmarkofthekindredstackcounter").Stacks if ConfigMenu.Champ.Misc.B:Value() then if not self.Farsight and GetLevel(myHero) >= 9 and GetDistance(myHero,basePos) < 550 then BuyItem(3363) self.Farsight = true end end self:Walljump() end end function Kindred:Draw() if not IsDead(myHero) then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.D:Value() then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DQ:Value() and Ready(0) then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[0].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DH:Value(), GoS.Red) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DW:Value() and Ready(1) then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[1].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DH:Value(), GoS.Blue) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DE:Value() and Ready(2) then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[2].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DH:Value(), GoS.Pink) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DR:Value() and Ready(3) then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[3].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DR.DH:Value(), GoS.White) end end end end function Kindred:Combo(Unit) local AfterQ = GetOrigin(myHero) +(Vector(GetMousePos()) - GetOrigin(myHero)):normalized()*self.Spells[0].dash if Ready(2) and Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo.QE:Value() and GetDistance(Unit) > self.Spells[0].range and GetDistance(AfterQ, Unit) <= 450 then CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(Unit, 2) end, 1) end if Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo.Q:Value() and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[0].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions.QC:Value() == false or (GetDistance(Unit) > self.Spells[0].range and GetDistance(AfterQ, Unit) <= 450) then CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) end if Ready(1) and ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo.W:Value() and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[1].range) then CastSpell(1) end if Ready(2) and ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo.E:Value() and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[2].range) then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 2) end end function Kindred:LaneClear() local QMana = (self.Spells[0].mana*100)/GetMaxMana(myHero) local WMana = (self.Spells[1].mana*100)/GetMaxMana(myHero) local EMana = (self.Spells[2].mana*100)/GetMaxMana(myHero) for _, mob in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if GetTeam(mob) == MINION_JUNGLE then if ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions.QJ:Value() == false and Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.Q:Value() and ValidTarget(mob, self.Spells[0].range) and GetCurrentHP(mob) >= Dmg[0](mob) and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- QMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.MM:Value() then CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) end if Ready(1) and ValidTarget(mob, self.Spells[1].range) and IsTargetable(mob) and ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.W:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- WMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.MM:Value() and self:TotalHp(self.Spells[1].range, myHero) >= Dmg[1](mob) + ((8/self.AAPS)*CalcDamage(myHero, mob, GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)+self:PassiveDmg(mob))) then CastSpell(1) end if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(mob, self.Spells[2].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.E:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- EMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.MM:Value() and GetCurrentHP(mob) >= Dmg[2](mob) + (CalcDamage(myHero, mob, GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))*3) then CastTargetSpell(mob, 2) end end if GetTeam(mob) == MINION_ENEMY then if ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions.QL:Value() == false and Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.Q:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- QMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.MM:Value() and ValidTarget(mob, self.Spells[0].range) and GetCurrentHP(mob) >= Dmg[0](mob) then CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) end if Ready(1) and ValidTarget(mob, self.Spells[1].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.W:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- WMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.MM:Value() and self:TotalHp(self.Spells[1].range, myHero) >= Dmg[1](mob) + ((8/self.AAPS)*CalcDamage(myHero, mob, GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)+self:PassiveDmg(mob))) then CastSpell(1) end if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(mob, self.Spells[2].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.E:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- EMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.MM:Value() and GetCurrentHP(mob) >= Dmg[2](mob) + (CalcDamage(myHero, mob, GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))*3) then CastTargetSpell(mob, 2) end end end end function Kindred:AutoR() if ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions.R:Value() and not self.Recalling and not IsDead(myHero) and Ready(1) then for i, allies in pairs(GetAllyHeroes()) do if GetPercentHP(allies) <= 20 and ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions["Pleb"..GetObjectName(allies)]:Value() and not IsDead(allies) and GetDistance(allies) <= self.Spells[3].range and EnemiesAround(allies, 1500) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions.EA:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, 3) end end if GetPercentHP(myHero) <= 20 and ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions.RU:Value() and EnemiesAround(myHero, 1500) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.ROptions.EA:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, 3) end end end function Kindred:OnProcComplete(unit, spell) local QMana = (self.Spells[0].mana*100)/GetMaxMana(myHero) if unit == myHero then if"attack") then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then for _, mob in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions.QL:Value() and ValidTarget(mob, 500) and GetTeam(mob) == MINION_ENEMY and ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.Q:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- QMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.LaneClear.MM:Value() and Ready(0) then CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions.QJ:Value() and ValidTarget(mob, 500) and GetTeam(mob) == MINION_JUNGLE and ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.Q:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- QMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.JunglerClear.MM:Value() and Ready(0) then CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) end end elseif ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() and ~= nil then if ConfigMenu.Champ.QOptions.QC:Value() and Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.Combo.Q:Value() and ValidTarget(, 500) then CastSkillShot(0, GetMousePos()) end end end end end function Kindred:OnUpdate(unit, buff) if unit == myHero then if buff.Name == "recall" or buff.Name == "OdinRecall" then self.Recalling = true end end end function Kindred:OnRemove(unit, buff) if unit == myHero and buff.Name == "recall" or buff.Name == "OdinRecall" then self.Recalling = false end end function Kindred:PassiveDmg(unit) if self.Passive ~= 0 then local PassiveDmg = self.Passive * 1.25 if GetTeam(unit) == MINION_JUNGLE then return CalcDamage(myHero, unit, math.max(75+10*self.Passive, GetCurrentHP(unit)*(PassiveDmg/100))) else return CalcDamage(myHero, unit, GetCurrentHP(unit)*(PassiveDmg/100)) end else return 0 end end function Kindred:TotalHp(range, pos) local hp = 0 for _, mob in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if not IsDead(mob) and IsTargetable(mob) and (GetTeam(mob) == MINION_JUNGLE or GetTeam(mob) == MINION_ENEMY) and GetDistance(mob, pos) <= range then hp = hp + GetCurrentHP(mob) end end return hp end function Kindred:Walljump() local V1 = GetMousePos() + Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - Vector(GetMousePos())):normalized()*340 local V2 = GetMousePos() + Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - Vector(GetMousePos())):normalized()*170 if ConfigMenu.Champ.Misc.WP:Value() then if not MapPosition:inWall(GetMousePos()) and not MapPosition:inWall(V1) and MapPosition:inWall(V2) then MoveToXYZ(V1) pos[1] = V1 pos[2] = GetMousePos() end end if pos[1] ~= nil then if GetDistance(pos[1]) <= 50 and Ready(0) then CastSkillShot(0, pos[2]) end end end class "Poppy" function Poppy:__init() self.Spells = { [0] = { range = 430, speed = math.huge, delay = 0.25, width = 100}, [1] = { range = 400, mana = 50,}, [2] = { range = 425, push = 300, mana = 70, speed = 1150, delay = 0.25}, [3] = { range = 425, mana = 100, speed = 1150, delay = 0.25},--475 } self.DashTable = { ["AAtrox"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Ahri"] = { SpellSlot = 3, type = "Untarget", Name = "R"}, ["Akali"] = { SpellSlot = 3, type = "Target", Name = "R"}, ["Alistar"] = { SpellSlot = 1, type = "Target", Name = "Q"}, --["Amumu"] = { SpellSlot = } --["Aurelion"] = { SpellSlot = } ["Azir"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Braum"] = { SpellSlot = 1, type = "Target", Name = "W"}, ["Caitlyn"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Corki"] = { SpellSlot = 1, type = "Untarget", Name = "W"}, ["Diana"] = { SpellSlot = 3, type = "Target", Name = "R"}, ["Ekko"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Fiora"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Fizz"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Gnar"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Gragas"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Graves"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Hecarim"] = { SpellSlot = 3, type = "Untarget", Name = "R"}, ["Irelia"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Target", Name = "Q"}, --["JarvanIV"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Jax"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Target", Name = "Q"}, ["Jayce"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Target", Name = "Q"}, ["Kalista"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Target", Name = "Q"}, ["Khazix"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Kindred"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["LeeSin"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Target", Name = "Q"}, ["Leona"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Target", Name = "E"}, ["Lucian"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Malphite"] = { SpellSlot = 3, type = "Untarget", Name = "R"}, ["Nidalee"] = { SpellSlot = 1, type = "Untarget", Name = "W"}, ["Nocturne"] = { SpellSlot = 3, type = "Target", Name = "R"}, --["Nocturne"] = {Spellslot = _R}, ["Pantheon"] = { SpellSlot = 1, type = "Target", Name = "W"}, ["Quinn"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Target", Name = "E"}, ["RekSai"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Renekton"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Riven"] = { SpellSlot = 1, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Riven"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Sejuani"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Shen"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Shyvana"] = { SpellSlot = 3, type = "Untarget", Name = "R"}, --["Thresh"] = { SpellSlot = ?, type = "Target", Name = ?}, ["Tristana"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "W"}, ["Tryndamere"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, ["Vayne"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Vi"] = { SpellSlot = 0, type = "Untarget", Name = "Q"}, ["Wukong"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Target", Name = "E"}, ["XinZhao"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Target", Name = "E"}, ["Yasuo"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Target", Name = "E"}, ["Zac"] = { SpellSlot = 2, type = "Untarget", Name = "E"}, } self.ChannelTable = { ["Caitlyn"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["FiddleSticks"] = { SpellSlot = 1, Name = "W"}, ["FiddleSticks"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Galio"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Janna"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Jhin"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Karthus"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Katarina"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Lucian"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Malzahar"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["MissFortune"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Nunu"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Pantheon"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Shen"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["TwistedFate"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Urgot"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Varus"] = { SpellSlot = 0, Name = "R"}, ["Velkoz"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Warwick"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, ["Xerath"] = { SpellSlot = 3, Name = "R"}, } self.Object = nil self.Flash = nil self.Target = nil if GetCastName(myHero, SUMMONER_1):lower():find("summonerflash") then self.Flash = SUMMONER_1 elseif GetCastName(myHero, SUMMONER_2):lower():find("summonerflash") then self.Flash = SUMMONER_2 else self.Flash = nil end ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("C", "Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:KeyBinding("I", "Insec Flash+E", string.byte("Y"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("H", "Harass") ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("LC", "LaneClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:Slider("MM", "Mana manager", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("JC", "JunglerClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.JC:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JC:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JC:Slider("MM", "Mana manager", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Orb", "Hotkeys") ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("C", "Combo", string.byte(" "), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("H", "Harass", string.byte("C"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LC", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("F", "Fuck Dashes") ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("ASA", "Auto Stun") ConfigMenu.Champ.ASA:Boolean("AS", "Auto Stun enable?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.ASA:KeyBinding("T", "Flash-Stun", string.byte("T"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("IN", "Interrupt") DelayAction(function() for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if self.DashTable[GetObjectName(enemies)] then ConfigMenu.Champ.F:Boolean("Pleb"..GetObjectName(enemies), "Interrupt "..GetObjectName(enemies).." Dash "..self.DashTable[GetObjectName(enemies)].Name, true) end if self.ChannelTable[GetObjectName(enemies)] then ConfigMenu.Champ.IN:Boolean("Pleb"..GetObjectName(enemies), "Interrupt "..GetObjectName(enemies).." "..self.ChannelTable[GetObjectName(enemies)].Name, true) end ConfigMenu.Champ.ASA:Boolean("Pleb"..GetObjectName(enemies), "Auto Stun On "..GetObjectName(enemies), true) end end, 0.1) OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick(myHero) end) OnProcessSpell(function(Object, spellProc) self:OnProc(Object, spellProc) end) end function Poppy:Tick(myHero) self:Stun() self:Insec() self.Target = DickSelector:Targets(600) if self.Target ~= nil then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() then self:Combo(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.H:Value() then self:Harass(self.Target) end end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self:LaneClear() end end function Poppy:Combo(Unit) if ValidTarget(Unit, 200) then self:UseQ(Unit) self:UseE(Unit) self:UseR(Unit) elseif ValidTarget(Unit, 400) then self:UseE(Unit) DelayAction(function() self:UseQ(Unit) end, GetDistance(Unit)/self.Spells[2].speed) self:UseR(Unit) end end function Poppy:Harass(Unit) if ValidTarget(Unit, GetRange(myHero)) then self:UseQ(Unit) self:UseE(Unit) elseif ValidTarget(Unit, 400) then self:UseE(Unit) DelayAction(function() self:UseQ(Unit) end, GetDistance(Unit)/self.Spells[2].speed) end end function Poppy:LaneClear() local QMana = (30+5*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0)*100)/GetMaxMana(myHero) local EMana = (self.Spells[2].mana*100)/GetMaxMana(myHero) for _, mobs in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(mobs, 600) then if GetTeam(mobs) == 200 then if Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.Q:Value() and ValidTarget(mobs, self.Spells[0].range) then CastSkillShot(0, GetOrigin(mobs)) end elseif GetTeam(mobs) == 300 then local MyPos = GetOrigin(myHero) + Vector(GetOrigin(mobs) - Vector(GetOrigin(myHero))):normalized()*GetDistance(mobs) + Vector(GetOrigin(mobs) - Vector(GetOrigin(myHero))):normalized()*325 if Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.Q:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- QMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.MM:Value() and ValidTarget(mobs, self.Spells[0].range) then CastSkillShot(0, GetOrigin(mobs)) end --DrawLine(WorldToScreen(0,myHero).x, WorldToScreen(0,myHero).y, WorldToScreen(0,MyPos).x, WorldToScreen(0,MyPos).y, 1, GoS.Pink) if Ready(2) and ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.E:Value() and (GetPercentMP(myHero)- EMana) >= ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.MM:Value() and MapPosition:inWall(MyPos) and ValidTarget(mobs, self.Spells[2].range) then CastTargetSpell(mobs, 2) end end end end end function Poppy:UseQ(Unit) local Q = GetPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[0]) if Ready(0) and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[0].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.Q:Value() and Q and Q.hitChance >= 0.20 then CastSkillShot(0, Q.castPos) end end function Poppy:UseE(Unit) if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[2].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.E:Value() then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 2) end end function Poppy:UseR(Unit) local R = GetPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[3]) if Ready(3) and ValidTarget(Unit, 425) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.R:Value() and R and R.hitChance >= 0.20 then CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(myHero)) DelayAction(function() CastSkillShot2(3, R.castPos) end, 0.1) end end function Poppy:Stun() for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do local E = GetPrediction(enemies, self.Spells[2]) local MousePos = GetMousePos() local MyPos = GetOrigin(myHero) + Vector(E.castPos - Vector(GetOrigin(myHero))):normalized()*GetDistance(enemies) + Vector(E.castPos - Vector(GetOrigin(myHero))):normalized()*325 local MyMousePos = MousePos + Vector(E.castPos - Vector(MousePos)):normalized()*GetDistance(enemies, MousePos) + Vector(E.castPos - Vector(MousePos)):normalized()*325 if ValidTarget(enemies, 400) and Ready(2) then if ConfigMenu.Champ.ASA["Pleb"..GetObjectName(enemies)]:Value() and MapPosition:inWall(MyPos) then CastTargetSpell(enemies, 2) end elseif GetDistance(enemies, MousePos) <= 425 and MapPosition:inWall(MyMousePos) and ConfigMenu.Champ.ASA.T:Value() and Ready(2) then CastSkillShot(self.Flash, MousePos) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(enemies, 2) end, 0.1) end end end function Poppy:OnProc(Object, spellProc) for i, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do DelayAction(function() if self.DashTable[GetObjectName(enemies)] then if self.DashTable[GetObjectName(enemies)].type == "Untarget" then if == GetCastName(enemies, self.DashTable[GetObjectName(enemies)].SpellSlot) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F["Pleb"..GetObjectName(enemies)]:Value() and (GetDistance(spellProc.endPos) <= self.Spells[1].range or GetDistance(spellProc.startPos) <= self.Spells[1].range) and Ready(1) then CastSpell(1) end elseif self.DashTable[GetObjectName(enemies)].type == "Target" then if == GetCastName(enemies, self.DashTable[GetObjectName(enemies)].SpellSlot) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F["Pleb"..GetObjectName(enemies)]:Value() and GetDistance( <= self.Spells[1].range and Ready(1) then CastSpell(1) end end end if self.ChannelTable[GetObjectName(enemies)] then if == GetCastName(enemies, self.ChannelTable[GetObjectName(enemies)].SpellSlot) and ValidTarget(enemies, 400) and Ready(2) then CastTargetSpell(enemies, 2) end end end, 0.0001) end end function Poppy:Insec() for _, enemies in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(enemies, 400) and Ready(2) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.I:Value() then local FlashPos = GetOrigin(myHero) + Vector(GetOrigin(enemies)-Vector(GetOrigin(myHero))):normalized()*425 CastSkillShot(self.Flash, FlashPos) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(enemies, 2) end, 0.1) end end end class "Elise" function Elise:__init() Dmg = { [0] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 5+35*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0)+(GetCurrentHP(Unit)*0.04)/100+0.03*GetBonusAP(myHero)) end, [1] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 20+50*GetCastLevel(myHero, 1)+0.8*GetBonusAP(myHero)) end, [2] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 20+40*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0)+((GetMaxHP(Unit)-GetCurrentHP(Unit)*0.08)/100+0.03*GetBonusAP(myHero))) end, } self.Spells = { [0] = {CD = function(myHero) return 6 + 6*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseHumanQ", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, [1] = {CD = function(myHero) return 12 + 12*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseHumanW", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, [2] = {CD = function(myHero) return 15-GetCastLevel(myHero, 2) + (15-GetCastLevel(myHero, 2))*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseHumanE", Timer = 0, Ready = false, speed = 1100, width = 55, range = 1600, delay = 0.25}, [3] = {CD = function(myHero) return 4 + 4*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseR", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, } self.Spells2 = { [0] = {CD = function(myHero) return 6 + 6*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseSpiderQCast", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, [1] = {CD = function(myHero) return 12 + 12*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseSpiderW", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, [2] = {CD = function(myHero) return 29-GetCastLevel(myHero, 2)*3 + (29-GetCastLevel(myHero, 2)*3)*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseSpiderEDescent", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, [3] = {CD = function(myHero) return 4 + 4*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "EliseRSpider", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, } self.Sprite = { [1] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_Q.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_Q.png"}, [2] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_W.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_W.png"}, [3] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_E.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_E.png"}, [4] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_R.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_R.png"}, [5] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_Q_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_Q_CD.png"}, [6] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_W_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_W_CD.png"}, [7] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_E_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_E_CD.png"}, [8] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Human_R_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "Elise_Human_R_CD.png"}, [9] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_Q.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_Q.png"}, [10] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_W.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_W.png"}, [11] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_E.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_E.png"}, [12] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_R.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_R.png"}, [13] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_Q_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_Q_CD.png"}, [14] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_W_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_W_CD.png"}, [15] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_E_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_E_CD.png"}, [16] = {FName = "Elise\\Elise_Spider_R_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "Elise_Spider_R_CD.png"}, } --[[self.SpellsTable = { ["AatroxE"]= {charName="Aatrox", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1075, radius=35, speed=1250, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="AatroxEConeMissile", killTime=0}, ["AhriOrbofDeception"]= {charName="Ahri", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=100, speed=2500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="AhriOrbMissile", killTime=0}, ["AhriOrbReturn"]= {charName="Ahri", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=100, speed=60, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="AhriOrbReturn", killTime=0}, ["AhriSeduce"]= {charName="Ahri", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=60, speed=1550, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="AhriSeduceMissile", killTime=0}, ["BandageToss"]= {charName="Amumu", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=90, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="SadMummyBandageToss", killTime=0}, ["FlashFrost"]= {charName="Anivia", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=110, speed=850, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="FlashFrostSpell", killTime=0}, ["Volley"]= {charName="Ashe", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1250, radius=60, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VolleyAttack", killTime=0}, ["EnchantedCrystalArrow"]= {charName="Ashe", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=20000, radius=130, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="EnchantedCrystalArrow", killTime=0}, ["AurelionSolQ"]= {charName="AurelionSol", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1500, radius=180, speed=850, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="AurelionSolQMissile", killTime=0}, ["AurelionSolR"]= {charName="AurelionSol", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.3, range=1420, radius=120, speed=4500, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="AurelionSolRBeamMissile", killTime=0}, ["BardQ"]= {charName="Bard", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=60, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="BardQMissile", killTime=0}, ["BardR"]= {charName="Bard", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0.5, range=3400, radius=350, speed=2100, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="BardR", killTime=1}, ["RocketGrab"]= {charName="Blitzcrank", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1050, radius=70, speed=1800, addHitbox=true, danger=4, dangerous=true, proj="RocketGrabMissile", killTime=0}, ["BrandQ"]= {charName="Brand", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=60, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="BrandQMissile", killTime=0}, ["BraumQ"]= {charName="Braum", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1050, radius=60, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="BraumQMissile", killTime=0}, ["BraumRWrapper"]= {charName="Braum", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=1200, radius=115, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=4, dangerous=true, proj="braumrmissile", killTime=0}, ["CaitlynPiltoverPeacemaker"]= {charName="Caitlyn", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.625, range=1300, radius=90, speed=2200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="CaitlynPiltoverPeacemaker", killTime=0}, ["CaitlynEntrapment"]= {charName="Caitlyn", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.125, range=1000, radius=70, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=1, dangerous=false, proj="CaitlynEntrapmentMissile", killTime=0}, ["CassiopeiaNoxiousBlast"]= {charName="Cassiopeia", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.75, range=850, radius=150, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="CassiopeiaNoxiousBlast", killTime=0.2}, ["CassiopeiaPetrifyingGaze"]= {charName="Cassiopeia", slot=3, type="Cone", delay=0.6, range=825, radius=80, speed=999999999, addHitbox=false, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="CassiopeiaPetrifyingGaze", killTime=0}, ["Rupture"]= {charName="Chogath", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=1.2, range=950, radius=250, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="Rupture", killTime=0.45}, ["PhosphorusBomb"]= {charName="Corki", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.3, range=825, radius=250, speed=1000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="PhosphorusBombMissile", killTime=0.35}, ["MissileBarrage"]= {charName="Corki", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.2, range=1300, radius=40, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="MissileBarrageMissile", killTime=0}, ["MissileBarrage2"]= {charName="Corki", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.2, range=1500, radius=40, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="MissileBarrageMissile2", killTime=0}, ["DariusCleave"]= {charName="Darius", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.75, range=0, radius=425 - 50, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="DariusCleave", killTime=0}, ["DariusAxeGrabCone"]= {charName="Darius", slot=2, type="Cone", delay=0.25, range=550, radius=80, speed=999999999, addHitbox=false, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="DariusAxeGrabCone", killTime=0}, ["DianaArc"]= {charName="Diana", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=895, radius=195, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="DianaArcArc", killTime=0}, ["DianaArcArc"]= {charName="Diana", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=895, radius=195, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="DianaArcArc", killTime=0}, ["InfectedCleaverMissileCast"]= {charName="DrMundo", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1050, radius=60, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="InfectedCleaverMissile", killTime=0}, ["DravenDoubleShot"]= {charName="Draven", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=130, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="DravenDoubleShotMissile", killTime=0}, ["DravenRCast"]= {charName="Draven", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.4, range=20000, radius=160, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="DravenR", killTime=0}, ["EkkoQ"]= {charName="Ekko", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=60, speed=1650, addHitbox=true, danger=4, dangerous=true, proj="ekkoqmis", killTime=0}, ["EkkoW"]= {charName="Ekko", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=3.75, range=1600, radius=375, speed=1650, addHitbox=false, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="EkkoW", killTime=1.2}, ["EkkoR"]= {charName="Ekko", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=1600, radius=375, speed=1650, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="EkkoR", killTime=0.2}, ["EliseHumanE"]= {charName="Elise", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=55, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=4, dangerous=true, proj="EliseHumanE", killTime=0}, ["EvelynnR"]= {charName="Evelynn", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=650, radius=350, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="EvelynnR", killTime=0.2}, ["EzrealMysticShot"]= {charName="Ezreal", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1200, radius=60, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="EzrealMysticShotMissile", killTime=0}, ["EzrealEssenceFlux"]= {charName="Ezreal", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1050, radius=80, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="EzrealEssenceFluxMissile", killTime=0}, ["EzrealTrueshotBarrage"]= {charName="Ezreal", slot=3, type="Line", delay=1, range=20000, radius=160, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="EzrealTrueshotBarrage", killTime=0}, ["FioraW"]= {charName="Fiora", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=800, radius=70, speed=3200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="FioraWMissile", killTime=0}, ["FizzMarinerDoom"]= {charName="Fizz", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1300, radius=120, speed=1350, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="FizzMarinerDoomMissile", killTime=0}, ["GalioResoluteSmite"]= {charName="Galio", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=900, radius=200, speed=1300, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GalioResoluteSmite", killTime=0.2}, ["GalioRighteousGust"]= {charName="Galio", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1200, radius=120, speed=1200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GalioRighteousGust", killTime=0}, ["GnarQ"]= {charName="Gnar", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1125, radius=60, speed=2500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="gnarqmissile", killTime=0}, ["GnarQReturn"]= {charName="Gnar", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0, range=2500, radius=75, speed=60, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GnarQMissileReturn", killTime=0}, ["GnarBigQ"]= {charName="Gnar", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=1150, radius=90, speed=2100, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GnarBigQMissile", killTime=0}, ["GnarBigW"]= {charName="Gnar", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.6, range=600, radius=80, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GnarBigW", killTime=0}, ["GnarE"]= {charName="Gnar", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0, range=473, radius=150, speed=903, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GnarE", killTime=0.2}, ["GnarBigE"]= {charName="Gnar", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=475, radius=200, speed=1000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GnarBigE", killTime=0.2}, ["GragasQ"]= {charName="Gragas", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=275, speed=1300, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GragasQMissile", killTime=2.5}, ["GragasE"]= {charName="Gragas", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0, range=950, radius=200, speed=1200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GragasE", killTime=0}, ["GragasR"]= {charName="Gragas", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=1050, radius=375, speed=1800, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="GragasRBoom", killTime=0.3}, ["GravesQLineSpell"]= {charName="Graves", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=808, radius=40, speed=3000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="GravesQLineMis", killTime=0}, ["GravesChargeShot"]= {charName="Graves", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=100, speed=2100, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="GravesChargeShotShot", killTime=0}, ["Heimerdingerwm"]= {charName="Heimerdinger", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1500, radius=70, speed=1800, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="HeimerdingerWAttack2", killTime=0}, ["HeimerdingerE"]= {charName="Heimerdinger", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=925, radius=100, speed=1200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="heimerdingerespell", killTime=0.3}, ["IllaoiQ"]= {charName="Illaoi", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.75, range=850, radius=100, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="illaoiemis", killTime=0}, ["IllaoiE"]= {charName="Illaoi", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=50, speed=1900, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="illaoiemis", killTime=0}, ["IreliaTranscendentBlades"]= {charName="Irelia", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0, range=1200, radius=65, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="IreliaTranscendentBlades", killTime=0}, ["JannaQ"]= {charName="Janna", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1700, radius=120, speed=900, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="HowlingGaleSpell", killTime=0}, ["JarvanIVDemacianStandard"]= {charName="JarvanIV", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.5, range=860, radius=175, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="JarvanIVDemacianStandard", killTime=1.5}, ["jayceshockblast"]= {charName="Jayce", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1300, radius=70, speed=1450, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="JayceShockBlastMis", killTime=0}, ["JayceQAccel"]= {charName="Jayce", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1300, radius=70, speed=2350, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="JayceShockBlastWallMis", killTime=0}, ["JhinW"]= {charName="Jhin", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.75, range=2550, radius=40, speed=5000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="JhinWMissile", killTime=0}, ["JhinRShot"]= {charName="Jhin", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=3500, radius=80, speed=5000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="JhinRShotMis", killTime=0}, ["JinxW"]= {charName="Jinx", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.6, range=1500, radius=60, speed=3300, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="JinxWMissile", killTime=0}, ["JinxR"]= {charName="Jinx", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.6, range=20000, radius=140, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="JinxR", killTime=0}, ["KalistaMysticShot"]= {charName="Kalista", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1200, radius=40, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="kalistamysticshotmis", killTime=0}, ["KarmaQ"]= {charName="Karma", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1050, radius=60, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KarmaQMissile", killTime=0}, ["KarmaQMantra"]= {charName="Karma", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=80, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KarmaQMissileMantra", killTime=0}, ["RiftWalk"]= {charName="Kassadin", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=450, radius=270, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="RiftWalk", killTime=0.3}, ["KennenShurikenHurlMissile1"]= {charName="Kennen", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.125, range=1050, radius=50, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KennenShurikenHurlMissile1", killTime=0}, ["KhazixW"]= {charName="Khazix", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1025, radius=73, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KhazixWMissile", killTime=0}, ["KhazixE"]= {charName="Khazix", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=600, radius=300, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KhazixE", killTime=0.2}, ["KogMawQ"]= {charName="Kogmaw", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1200, radius=70, speed=1650, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KogMawQ", killTime=0}, ["KogMawVoidOoze"]= {charName="Kogmaw", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1360, radius=120, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KogMawVoidOozeMissile", killTime=0}, ["KogMawLivingArtillery"]= {charName="Kogmaw", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=1.2, range=1800, radius=225, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="KogMawLivingArtillery", killTime=0.5}, ["LeblancSlide"]= {charName="Leblanc", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=0, range=600, radius=220, speed=1450, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LeblancSlide", killTime=0.2}, ["LeblancSlideM"]= {charName="Leblanc", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0, range=600, radius=220, speed=1450, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LeblancSlideM", killTime=0.2}, ["LeblancSoulShackle"]= {charName="Leblanc", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=70, speed=1750, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="LeblancSoulShackle", killTime=0}, ["LeblancSoulShackleM"]= {charName="Leblanc", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=70, speed=1750, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="LeblancSoulShackleM", killTime=0}, ["BlindMonkQOne"]= {charName="LeeSin", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=65, speed=1800, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="BlindMonkQOne", killTime=0}, ["LeonaZenithBlade"]= {charName="Leona", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=905, radius=70, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="LeonaZenithBladeMissile", killTime=0}, ["LeonaSolarFlare"]= {charName="Leona", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=1, range=1200, radius=300, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="LeonaSolarFlare", killTime=0.5}, ["LissandraQ"]= {charName="Lissandra", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=700, radius=75, speed=2200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LissandraQMissile", killTime=0}, ["LissandraQShards"]= {charName="Lissandra", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=700, radius=90, speed=2200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="lissandraqshards", killTime=0}, ["LissandraE"]= {charName="Lissandra", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1025, radius=125, speed=850, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LissandraEMissile", killTime=0}, ["LucianQ"]= {charName="Lucian", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=1300, radius=65, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LucianQ", killTime=0}, ["LucianW"]= {charName="Lucian", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=55, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="lucianwmissile", killTime=0}, ["LucianRMis"]= {charName="Lucian", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=1400, radius=110, speed=2800, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="lucianrmissileoffhand", killTime=0}, ["LuluQ"]= {charName="Lulu", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=60, speed=1450, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LuluQMissile", killTime=0}, ["LuluQPix"]= {charName="Lulu", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=60, speed=1450, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LuluQMissileTwo", killTime=0}, ["LuxLightBinding"]= {charName="Lux", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1300, radius=70, speed=1200, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="LuxLightBindingMis", killTime=0}, ["LuxLightStrikeKugel"]= {charName="Lux", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=275, speed=1300, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="LuxLightStrikeKugel", killTime=5.25}, ["LuxMaliceCannon"]= {charName="Lux", slot=3, type="Line", delay=1, range=3500, radius=190, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="LuxMaliceCannon", killTime=0}, ["UFSlash"]= {charName="Malphite", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0, range=1000, radius=270, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="UFSlash", killTime=0.4}, ["MalzaharQ"]= {charName="Malzahar", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.75, range=900, radius=85, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="MalzaharQ", killTime=0}, ["DarkBindingMissile"]= {charName="Morgana", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1300, radius=80, speed=1200, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="DarkBindingMissile", killTime=0}, ["NamiQ"]= {charName="Nami", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.95, range=1625, radius=150, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="namiqmissile", killTime=0.35}, ["NamiR"]= {charName="Nami", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=2750, radius=260, speed=850, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="NamiRMissile", killTime=0}, ["NautilusAnchorDrag"]= {charName="Nautilus", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1250, radius=90, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="NautilusAnchorDragMissile", killTime=0}, ["NocturneDuskbringer"]= {charName="Nocturne", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1125, radius=60, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="NocturneDuskbringer", killTime=0}, ["JavelinToss"]= {charName="Nidalee", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1500, radius=40, speed=1300, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="JavelinToss", killTime=0}, ["OlafAxeThrowCast"]= {charName="Olaf", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=105, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="olafaxethrow", killTime=0}, ["OriannasQ"]= {charName="Orianna", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0, range=1500, radius=80, speed=1200, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="orianaizuna", killTime=0}, ["OrianaDissonanceCommand-"]= {charName="Orianna", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=0, radius=255, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="OrianaDissonanceCommand-", killTime=0.3}, ["OriannasE"]= {charName="Orianna", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0, range=1500, radius=85, speed=1850, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="orianaredact", killTime=0}, ["OrianaDetonateCommand-"]= {charName="Orianna", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0.7, range=0, radius=410, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="OrianaDetonateCommand-", killTime=0.5}, ["QuinnQ"]= {charName="Quinn", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.313, range=1050, radius=60, speed=1550, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="QuinnQ", killTime=0}, ["PoppyQ"]= {charName="Poppy", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=430, radius=100, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="PoppyQ", killTime=0}, ["PoppyRSpell"]= {charName="Poppy", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.3, range=1200, radius=100, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="PoppyRMissile", killTime=0}, ["RengarE"]= {charName="Rengar", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=70, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="RengarEFinal", killTime=0}, ["reksaiqburrowed"]= {charName="RekSai", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=1625, radius=60, speed=1950, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="RekSaiQBurrowedMis", killTime=0}, ["rivenizunablade"]= {charName="Riven", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=125, speed=1600, addHitbox=false, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="RivenLightsaberMissile", killTime=0}, ["RumbleGrenade"]= {charName="Rumble", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=60, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="RumbleGrenade", killTime=0}, ["RumbleCarpetBombM"]= {charName="Rumble", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.4, range=1200, radius=200, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=4, dangerous=false, proj="RumbleCarpetBombMissile", killTime=0}, ["RyzeQ"]= {charName="Ryze", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=900, radius=50, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="RyzeQ", killTime=0}, ["ryzerq"]= {charName="Ryze", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=900, radius=50, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ryzerq", killTime=0}, ["SejuaniGlacialPrisonStart"]= {charName="Sejuani", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=110, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="sejuaniglacialprison", killTime=0}, ["SionE"]= {charName="Sion", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=800, radius=80, speed=1800, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="SionEMissile", killTime=0}, ["ShenE"]= {charName="Shen", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0, range=650, radius=50, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="ShenE", killTime=0}, ["ShyvanaFireball"]= {charName="Shyvana", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=60, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ShyvanaFireballMissile", killTime=0}, ["ShyvanaTransformCast"]= {charName="Shyvana", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=150, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="ShyvanaTransformCast", killTime=0}, ["shyvanafireballdragon2"]= {charName="Shyvana", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=850, radius=70, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=false, proj="ShyvanaFireballDragonFxMissile", killTime=0}, ["SivirQReturn"]= {charName="Sivir", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0, range=1250, radius=100, speed=1350, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="SivirQMissileReturn", killTime=0}, ["SivirQ"]= {charName="Sivir", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1250, radius=90, speed=1350, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="SivirQMissile", killTime=0}, ["SkarnerFracture"]= {charName="Skarner", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=70, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="SkarnerFractureMissile", killTime=0}, ["SonaR"]= {charName="Sona", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=140, speed=2400, addHitbox=true, danger=5, dangerous=true, proj="SonaR", killTime=0}, ["SwainShadowGrasp"]= {charName="Swain", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=1.1, range=900, radius=180, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="SwainShadowGrasp", killTime=0.5}, ["SyndraQ"]= {charName="Syndra", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.6, range=800, radius=150, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="SyndraQ", killTime=0.2}, ["syndrawcast"]= {charName="Syndra", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=210, speed=1450, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="syndrawcast", killTime=0.2}, ["syndrae5"]= {charName="Syndra", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0, range=950, radius=100, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="syndrae5", killTime=0}, ["SyndraE"]= {charName="Syndra", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0, range=950, radius=100, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="SyndraE", killTime=0}, ["TalonRake"]= {charName="Talon", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=800, radius=80, speed=2300, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=true, proj="talonrakemissileone", killTime=0}, ["TalonRakeReturn"]= {charName="Talon", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=800, radius=80, speed=1850, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=true, proj="talonrakemissiletwo", killTime=0}, ["TahmKenchQ"]= {charName="TahmKench", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=951, radius=90, speed=2800, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="tahmkenchqmissile", killTime=0}, ["TaricE"]= {charName="Taric", slot=2, type="Line", delay=1, range=750, radius=100, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="TaricE", killTime=0}, ["ThreshQ"]= {charName="Thresh", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=1100, radius=70, speed=1900, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="ThreshQMissile", killTime=0}, ["ThreshEFlay"]= {charName="Thresh", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.125, range=1075, radius=110, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="ThreshEMissile1", killTime=0}, ["RocketJump"]= {charName="Tristana", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=0.5, range=900, radius=270, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="RocketJump", killTime=0.3}, ["slashCast"]= {charName="Tryndamere", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0, range=660, radius=93, speed=1300, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="slashCast", killTime=0}, ["WildCards"]= {charName="TwistedFate", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1450, radius=40, speed=1000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="SealFateMissile", killTime=0}, ["TwitchVenomCask"]= {charName="Twitch", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=900, radius=275, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="TwitchVenomCaskMissile", killTime=0.3}, ["UrgotHeatseekingLineMissile"]={charName="Urgot", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.125, range=1000, radius=60, speed=1600, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="UrgotHeatseekingLineMissile", killTime=0}, ["UrgotPlasmaGrenade"]= {charName="Urgot", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=210, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="UrgotPlasmaGrenadeBoom", killTime=0.3}, ["VarusQMissilee"]= {charName="Varus", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1800, radius=70, speed=1900, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VarusQMissile", killTime=0}, ["VarusE"]= {charName="Varus", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=1, range=925, radius=235, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VarusE", killTime=1.5}, ["VarusR"]= {charName="Varus", slot=3, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1200, radius=120, speed=1950, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="VarusRMissile", killTime=0}, ["VeigarBalefulStrike"]= {charName="Veigar", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=950, radius=70, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VeigarBalefulStrikeMis", killTime=0}, ["VelkozQ"]= {charName="Velkoz", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=50, speed=1300, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VelkozQMissile", killTime=0}, ["VelkozQSplit"]= {charName="Velkoz", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1100, radius=55, speed=2100, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VelkozQMissileSplit", killTime=0}, ["VelkozW"]= {charName="Velkoz", slot=1, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1200, radius=88, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VelkozWMissile", killTime=0}, ["VelkozE"]= {charName="Velkoz", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.5, range=800, radius=225, speed=1500, addHitbox=false, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="VelkozEMissile", killTime=0.5}, ["Vi-q"]= {charName="Vi", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=90, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="ViQMissile", killTime=0}, ["Laser"]= {charName="Viktor", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1500, radius=80, speed=1050, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ViktorDeathRayMissile", killTime=0}, ["xeratharcanopulse2"]= {charName="Xerath", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.6, range=1600, radius=95, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="xeratharcanopulse2", killTime=0}, ["XerathArcaneBarrage2"]= {charName="Xerath", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=0.7, range=1000, radius=200, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="XerathArcaneBarrage2", killTime=0.3}, ["XerathMageSpear"]= {charName="Xerath", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.2, range=1150, radius=60, speed=1400, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=true, proj="XerathMageSpearMissile", killTime=0}, ["xerathrmissilewrapper"]= {charName="Xerath", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0.7, range=5600, radius=130, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="xerathrmissilewrapper", killTime=0.4}, ["YasuoQ3W"]= {charName="Yasuo", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=1150, radius=90, speed=1500, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="yasuoq3w", killTime=0}, ["ZacQ"]= {charName="Zac", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.5, range=550, radius=120, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZacQ", killTime=0}, ["ZedQ"]= {charName="Zed", slot=0, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=925, radius=50, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZedQMissile", killTime=0}, ["ZiggsQ"]= {charName="Ziggs", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=850, radius=140, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZiggsQSpell", killTime=0.2}, ["ZiggsQBounce1"]= {charName="Ziggs", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=850, radius=140, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZiggsQSpell2", killTime=0.2}, ["ZiggsQBounce2"]= {charName="Ziggs", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=850, radius=160, speed=1700, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZiggsQSpell3", killTime=0.2}, ["ZiggsW"]= {charName="Ziggs", slot=1, type="Circle", delay=0.25, range=1000, radius=275, speed=1750, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZiggsW", killTime=2.25}, ["ZiggsE"]= {charName="Ziggs", slot=2, type="Circle", delay=0.5, range=900, radius=235, speed=1750, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZiggsE", killTime=2.5}, ["ZiggsR"]= {charName="Ziggs", slot=3, type="Circle", delay=0, range=5300, radius=500, speed=999999999, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZiggsR", killTime=1.25}, ["ZileanQ"]= {charName="Zilean", slot=0, type="Circle", delay=0.3, range=900, radius=210, speed=2000, addHitbox=true, danger=2, dangerous=false, proj="ZileanQMissile", killTime=1.5}, ["ZyraE"]= {charName="Zyra", slot=2, type="Line", delay=0.25, range=1150, radius=70, speed=1150, addHitbox=true, danger=3, dangerous=true, proj="ZyraE", killTime=0}, }]] self.Color = ARGB(255,255,255,255) = false self.Point = nil self.Dick = { [0] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[1].Sprite ,self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[1].Sprite ,self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[5].Sprite ,self.Sprite[5].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[5].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[5].Sprite ,self.Sprite[5].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[5].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [1] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[2].Sprite ,self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[2].Sprite ,self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[6].Sprite ,self.Sprite[6].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[6].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[6].Sprite ,self.Sprite[6].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[6].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [2] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[3].Sprite ,self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[3].Sprite ,self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[7].Sprite ,self.Sprite[7].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[7].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[7].Sprite ,self.Sprite[7].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[7].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [3] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[4].Sprite ,self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[4].Sprite ,self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[8].Sprite ,self.Sprite[8].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[8].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[8].Sprite ,self.Sprite[8].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[8].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, } self.Dick2 = { [0] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[9].Sprite ,self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[9].Sprite ,self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[13].Sprite ,self.Sprite[13].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[13].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[13].Sprite ,self.Sprite[13].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[13].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [1] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[10].Sprite ,self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[10].Sprite ,self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[14].Sprite ,self.Sprite[14].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[14].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[14].Sprite ,self.Sprite[14].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[14].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [2] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[11].Sprite ,self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[11].Sprite ,self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[15].Sprite ,self.Sprite[15].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[15].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[15].Sprite ,self.Sprite[15].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[15].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [3] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[12].Sprite ,self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[12].Sprite ,self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[16].Sprite ,self.Sprite[16].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[16].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[16].Sprite ,self.Sprite[16].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[16].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, } self.Stuff = { ["Combo"] = { [1] = { [true] = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() then self:CastW(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.E:Value() then self:CastE(Unit) end end, [false] = function(Unit) if not self.Spells[3].Ready then if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S.Q:Value() then self:CastSQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S.W:Value() then self:CastSW(Unit) end else CastSpell(3) end end, }, [2] = { [true] = function(Unit) if not self.Spells2[3].Ready then if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() then self:CastW(Unit) end self:CastE(Unit) else CastSpell(3) end end, [false] = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S.Q:Value() then self:CastSQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S.W:Value() then self:CastSW(Unit) end end, }, [3] = { [true] = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() then self:CastW(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.E:Value() then self:CastE(Unit) end if not self.Spells[3].Ready then self:CastE(Unit) else if not self.Spells[0].Ready and not self.Spells[1].Ready and not self.Spells[2].Ready then CastSpell(3) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S.Q:Value() then self:CastSQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S.W:Value() then self:CastSW(Unit) end if self.Spells2[3].Ready then if not self.Spells2[0].Ready and self.Spells[0].Ready then CastSpell(3) end end end, }, }, } Human = true self.WBuff = nil self.WTable = {} self.Point = nil self.Unit = nil self.aaTimer = 0 self.aaTimeReady = 0 self.windUP = 0 self.baseAS = GetBaseAttackSpeed(myHero) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("C", "Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C:SubMenu("H", "Human Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H:Boolean("E", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:SubMenu("S", "Spider Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C.S:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:DropDown("F", "Choose ur form", 3, {"Human", "Spider", "Both"}) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("JC", "JunglerClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.JC:SubMenu("H", "Human Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.H:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JC:SubMenu("S", "Spider Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.S:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.S:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("LC", "LaneClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:SubMenu("H", "Human Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.H:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:SubMenu("S", "Spider Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.S:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.S:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("KS", "KillSteal") ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("Q", "Use Human Q in KillSteal", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("W", "Use Human W in KillSteal", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("SQ", "Use Spider Q in KillSteal", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("SW", "Use Spider W in KillSteal", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("D", "Draws") ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Boolean("F", "Draw different form CD?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("HD", "Human Draws") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD:Boolean("Q", "Draw Q range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD:Boolean("W", "Draw W range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD:Boolean("E", "Draw E range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("SD", "Spider Draws") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.SD:Boolean("Q", "Draw Q range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.SD:Boolean("E", "Draw E range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Slider("Q", "Quality", 155, 1, 255) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Boolean("DD", "Draw Total Dmg?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("S", "Sprites") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:SubMenu("X", "X Pos") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X:Slider("QX", "PosX", 0, -1000, 1000) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:SubMenu("Y", "Y Pos") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y:Slider("QY", "PosX", 0, -1000, 1000) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:Boolean("H", "Horizontal?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:Slider("T", "Move ur time", 0, -50, 50) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Orb", "Hotkeys") ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("C", "Combo", string.byte(" "), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LC", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"), false) --ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("E", "E Options") --ConfigMenu.Champ.E:SubMenu("SE", "Spider E") ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("HC", "HitChance") ConfigMenu.Champ.HC:Slider("E", "E HitChance", 20, 1, 100) self:Sprites() self:Download() --[[DelayAction(function() for k, v in pairs(self.SpellsTable) do if ConfigMenu.Champ.E.SE[v.charName] then local wow = {[0] = "Q", [1] = "W", [2] = "E", [3] = "R"} ConfigMenu.Champ.E.SE[v.charName]:Boolean(v.charName, "Evade "[v.slot], true) end end end, 0.001)]] OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick(myHero) end) OnDraw(function(myHero) self:Draw(myHero) end) OnProcessSpellCast(function(unit, spell) self:OnCast(unit, spell) end) --OnProcessSpellComplete(function(Object, spellProc) self:OnProcComplete(Object, spellProc) end) --[[OnCreateObj(function(Object) self:OnCreate(Object) end) OnDeleteObj(function(Object) self:OnDelete(Object) end)]] end -->< function Elise:Sprites() for i = 1,16,1 do if FileExist(SPRITE_PATH..self.Sprite[i].FName) then self.Sprite[i].Sprite = CreateSpriteFromFile(self.Sprite[i].FName, 1) end end end function Elise:Tick(myHero) local target = DickSelector:Targets(1000) self:Checks() if target and ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() then self.Stuff["Combo"][ConfigMenu.Champ.C.F:Value()][Human](target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self:LaneClear() end end function Elise:LaneClear() for k, Unit in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if GetTeam(Unit) == 200 then if Human then if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.H.W:Value() then self:CastW(Unit) end if self.Spells[3].Ready and not self.Spells[0].Ready and not self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSpell(3) end else if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastSQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.H.W:Value() then self:CastSW(Unit) end if self.Spells2[3].Ready and not self.Spells2[0].Ready and not self.WBuff and self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSpell(3) end end elseif GetTeam(Unit) == 300 then if Human then if ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.H.W:Value() then self:CastW(Unit) end if self.Spells[3].Ready and not self.Spells[0].Ready and not self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSpell(3) end else if ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastSQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.H.W:Value() then self:CastSW(Unit) end if self.Spells2[3].Ready and not self.Spells2[0].Ready and not self.WBuff and self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSpell(3) end end end end end function Elise:Draw(myHero) if FileExist(SPRITE_PATH..self.Sprite[16].FName) then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.F:Value() then for k = 0, 3, 1 do if Human then self.Dick2[k][self.Spells2[k].Ready](Unit) else self.Dick[k][self.Spells[k].Ready](Unit) end end end end end function Elise:Checks() if GetCastName(myHero, 0) == "EliseHumanQ" then Human = true else Human = false end if self.aaTimeReady ~= nil then self.aaTimer = self.aaTimeReady - GetGameTimer() if self.aaTimer <= 0 then self.aaTimer = 0 end end for i = 0, 3, 1 do self.Spells[i].Timer = self.Spells[i].CDT + self.Spells[i].CD(myHero) - GetGameTimer() self.Spells2[i].Timer = self.Spells2[i].CDT + self.Spells2[i].CD(myHero) - GetGameTimer() if self.Spells[i].Timer <= 0 then self.Spells[i].Ready = true self.Spells[i].Timer = 0 else self.Spells[i].Ready = false end if self.Spells2[i].Timer <= 0 then self.Spells2[i].Ready = true self.Spells2[i].Timer = 0 else self.Spells2[i].Ready = false end if GetCastLevel(myHero, i) == 0 then self.Spells[i].Ready = false self.Spells2[i].Ready = false end end end function Elise:OnCast(unit, spell) if unit == myHero then for i = 0, 3, 1 do if Human then if == self.Spells[i].Name then self.Spells[i].CDT = GetGameTimer() end else if == self.Spells2[i].Name then self.Spells2[i].CDT = GetGameTimer() end end end end end --[[function Elise:OnProcComplete(Object, spellProc) local V1 = nil local Unit = nil if Object == myHero and not Human then if"attack") then ASDelay = 1/(self.baseAS*GetAttackSpeed(myHero)) self.windUP = spellProc.windUpTime self.aaTimeReady = ASDelay + GetGameTimer() - self.windUP/1000 --if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self.Unit = Unit = if self.aaTimer ~= 0 then V1 = Unit.pos + Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - Vector(Unit.pos)):normalized()*GetMoveSpeed(myHero) self.Point = V1 else V1 = Unit.pos + Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - Vector(Unit.pos)):normalized()*(GetMoveSpeed(myHero)*self.aaTimer) self.Point = V1 end self:Orb(false) --MoveToXYZ(V1) DelayAction(function() self:Orb(true) end, GetDistance(V1)/GetMoveSpeed(myHero)) --end end end end]] function Elise:KS() for k, v in ipairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if Human then if GetCurrentHP(v) <= Dmg[0](v) then self:CastQ(v) end if GetCurrentHP(v) <= Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1](v) then self:CastQ(v) self:CastW(v) end if GetCurrentHP(v) <= Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1](v) + Dmg[2](v) and self.Spells2[3].Ready then self:CastQ(v) self:CastW(v) DelayAction(function() CastSpell(3) end, 0.1) DelayAction(function() self:CastSQ(v) end, 0.2) end else if GetCurrentHP(v) <= Dmg[0](v) then self:CastSQ(v) end end end end --[[function Elise:Orb(Boolean) if _G.IOW then IOW.attacksEnabled = Boolean IOW.movementEnabled = Boolean elseif _G.DAC_Loaded then DAC:AttacksEnabled(Boolean) DAC:movementEnabled(Boolean) elseif _G.AutoCarry_Loaded then DACR.attacksEnabled(Boolean) DACR.movementEnabled(Boolean) elseif _G.PW then PW.attacksEnabled = Boolean PW.movementEnabled = Boolean elseif _G.GoSWalkLoaded then GoSWalk:EnableAttack(Boolean) GoSWalk:EnableMovement(Boolean) end end]] function Elise:CastQ(Unit) if not Human then return end if ValidTarget(Unit, 626) and self.Spells[0].Ready then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 0) end end function Elise:CastW(Unit) if not Human then return end if ValidTarget(Unit, 950) and self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSkillShot(1, GetOrigin(Unit)) end end function Elise:CastE(Unit) if not Human then return end local EPred = GetPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[2]) if ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[2].range) and self.Spells[2].Ready and EPred and EPred.hitChance >= (ConfigMenu.Champ.HC.E:Value()/100) and not EPred:mCollision(1) then CastSkillShot(2, EPred.castPos) end end function Elise:CastSQ(Unit) if Human then return end if ValidTarget(Unit, 425) and self.Spells2[0].Ready then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 0) end end function Elise:CastSW(Unit) if Human then return end if ValidTarget(Unit, 425) and self.Spells2[1].Ready then CastSpell(1) end end function Elise:Download() for i = 1,16,1 do if FileExist(SPRITE_PATH..self.Sprite[i].FName) then = true return end if not DirExists(SPRITE_PATH.."Elise") then CreateDir(SPRITE_PATH.."Elise") end if DirExists(SPRITE_PATH.."Elise") then DownloadFileAsync(""..self.Sprite[i].Web, SPRITE_PATH .. "Elise\\"..self.Sprite[i].Web, function() PrintChat("Downloading "..self.Sprite[i].Web.." F6x2!") return end) end end end class "Irelia" function Irelia:__init() Dmg = { [0] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, -10+30*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0) + (GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero))) end, [1] = function(Unit) return 15*GetCastLevel(myHero, 1) end, [2] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, 40+40*GetCastLevel(myHero, 2)*GetBonusAP(myHero)/2) end, [3] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 40+40*GetCastLevel(myHero, 3) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)*0.6 + GetBonusAP(myHero)/2) end, } self.Spells = { [0] = {range = 650}, [1] = {duration = 6}, [2] = {range = 425}, [3] = {range = 1000, speed = 1700, delay = 0.250, width = 25}, } self.WBuff = false self.WEndBuff = 0 self.WTimer = nil self.Trinity = false self.aaTimer = 0 self.aaTimeReady = 0 self.windUP = 0 self.baseAS = GetBaseAttackSpeed(myHero) self.Target = nil ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("C", "Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("QG", "Gapcloser?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Slider("DG", "Distance after GP", 200, 300, 650) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:DropDown("E", "E Mode", 1, {"Always", "Only stun", "Off"}) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Slider("HPR", "Hp to spam R", 30, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("H", "Harass") ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("QG", "Gapcloser?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.H:DropDown("E", "E Mode", 1, {"Always", "Only stun", "Off"}) -- ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Slider("M", "Mana for Harass", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("HC", "Hitchance") ConfigMenu.Champ.HC:Slider("R", "R HitChance", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("F", "Farm") ConfigMenu.Champ.F:SubMenu("LH", "LastHit") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) -- ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH:Slider("M", "Mana for LH", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ.F:SubMenu("LC", "LaneClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) -- ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:Slider("M", "Mana for LC", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ.F:SubMenu("JC", "JunglerClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) -- ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC:Slider("M", "Mana for JC", 50, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("KS", "KillSteal") ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.KS:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("I", "Items") ConfigMenu.Champ.I:Boolean("TH", "Use Tiamat/Hydra", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.I:Boolean("TI", "Use Titanic Hydra", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.I:Boolean("BG", "Use Bilgewhater", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.I:Boolean("BO", "Use Botkr", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.I:Boolean("YO", "Use Youmu", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.I:Boolean("HG", "Use Hextech Gunblade", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("D", "Draws") ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Boolean("Q", "Draw Q Range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Boolean("E", "Draw E Range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Boolean("R", "Draw R Range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Slider("DH", "Quality", 155, 1, 475) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Orb", "Hotkeys") ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("C", "Combo", string.byte(" "), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("H", "Harass", string.byte("C"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LC", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LH", "LastHit", string.byte("X"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("Q", "LastHit Q", string.byte("T"), false) --ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("F", "Flee", string.byte("T"), false) OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick(myHero) end) OnDraw(function(myHero) self:Draw(myHero) end) OnProcessSpellComplete(function(Object, spellProc) self:OnProcComplete(Object, spellProc) end) OnProcessSpell(function(Object, spellProc) self:OnProc(Object, spellProc) end) OnUpdateBuff(function(Object, buff) self:OnUpdate(Object, buff) end) OnRemoveBuff(function(Object, buff) self:OnRemove(Object, buff) end) end function Irelia:Tick(myHero) self.WTimer = self.WEndBuff - GetGameTimer() self.Target = DickSelector:Targets(1000) if self.aaTimeReady ~= nil then self.aaTimer = self.aaTimeReady - GetGameTimer() if self.aaTimer <= 0 then self.aaTimer = 0 end end if self.Target ~= nil then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() then self:Combo(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.H:Value() then self:Harass(self.Target) end end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self:LaneClear() end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LH:Value() then self:LastHit() end end function Irelia:Draw(myHero) if Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.D.Q:Value() then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[0].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DH:Value(), GoS.Red) end if Ready(2) and ConfigMenu.Champ.D.E:Value() then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[2].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DH:Value(), GoS.Blue) end if Ready(3) and ConfigMenu.Champ.D.R:Value() then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[3].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DH:Value(), GoS.Green) end end function Irelia:Gapcloser(Unit) if ValidTarget(Unit, 1000) then for k, v in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(v, self.Spells[0].range) and GetDistance(v, Unit) <= ConfigMenu.Champ.C.DG:Value() then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.QG:Value() then if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) and Ready(0) then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and Ready(0) and Ready(1) then CastSpell(1) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, 0.1) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and Ready(0) and self.WBuff then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[3](v) and Ready(0) and Ready(3) then CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, GetDistance(v)/self.Spells[3].speed) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[3](v) + Dmg[1] and Ready(0) and Ready(3) and Ready(1) then CastSpell(1) CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, GetDistance(v)/self.Spells[3].speed) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[3](v) + Dmg[1] and Ready(0) and Ready(3) and self.Wbuff then CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, GetDistance(v)/self.Spells[3].speed) end end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.H:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.H.QG:Value() then if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) and Ready(0) then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and Ready(0) and Ready(1) then CastSpell(1) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, 0.1) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and Ready(0) and self.WBuff then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[3](v) and Ready(0) and Ready(3) then CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, GetDistance(v)/self.Spells[3].speed) end end else return false end end end end function Irelia:Combo(Unit) self:Gapcloser(Unit) if not self:Gapcloser(Unit) and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[0].range) and Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 0) end if Ready(1) and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[2].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.W:Value() then CastSpell(1) end if Ready(3) and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[3].range) and (GetPercentHP(myHero) > ConfigMenu.Champ.C.HPR:Value() and not self.Trinity or GetPercentHP(myHero) < ConfigMenu.Champ.C.HPR:Value()) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.R:Value() then local RPred = GetPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[3]) if RPred and RPred.hitChance >= ConfigMenu.Champ.HC.R:Value()/100 then CastSkillShot(3, RPred.castPos) end end end function Irelia:Harass(Unit) self:Gapcloser(Unit) if not self:Gapclose(Unit) and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[0].range) and Ready(0) and ConfigMenu.Champ.H.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 0) end if Ready(1) and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[2].range) and ConfigMenu.Champ.H.W:Value()then CastSpell(1) end end function Irelia:Items(Unit) if ValidTarget(Unit, 500) and GetItemSlot(myHero, 3146) > 0 and Ready(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3146)) then CastTargetSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3146), Unit) end if ValidTarget(Unit, 500) and GetItemSlot(myHero, 3153) > 0 and Ready(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3153)) and GetPercentHP(myHero) < 20 then CastTargetSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3153), Unit) end if ValidTarget(Unit, 500) and GetItemSlot(myHero, 3144) > 0 and Ready(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3144)) then CastTargetSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3144), Unit) end if GetItemSlot(myHero, 3142) > 0 and Ready(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3142)) and GetDistance(Unit)/GetMoveSpeed(myHero)+GetMoveSpeed(myHero)*0.2 < 6 then CastSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3142)) end end -->< function Irelia:LastHit() for k, v in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) then if GetDistance(v + GetHitBox(v)) > GetRange(myHero) + GetHitBox(myHero) then if GetCurrentHP(v) - GetHealthPrediction(v, (GetDistance(v + GetHitBox(v)) - GetRange(myHero) + GetHitBox(myHero))/GetMoveSpeed(myHero) + self.aaTimer) < 1 then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end else if GetCurrentHP(v) - GetHealthPrediction(v, self.aaTimer) < 1 then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end end end end end function Irelia:LaneClear() for k, v in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if GetTeam(v) == 200 then if ValidTarget(v, 425) and Ready(1) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.W:Value() then CastSpell(1) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and self.WBuff and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if ValidTarget(v, 1000) and Ready(3) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.R:Value() then CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) end elseif GetTeam(v) == 300 then if ValidTarget(v, 425) and Ready(1) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.W:Value() then CastSpell(1) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and self.WBuff and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end end end end function Irelia:Ks() for k, v in ipairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and Ready(1) and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.W:Value() then CastSpell(1) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, 0.1) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and self.WBuff and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and Ready(3) and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[3](v) and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.R:Value() then CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, GetDistance(v)/self.Spells[3].speed) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and Ready(1) and Ready(3) and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] + Dmg[3](v) and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.W:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.R:Value() then CastSpell(1) CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, GetDistance(v)/self.Spells[3].speed) end if ValidTarget(v, 650) and Ready(0) and self.WBuff and Ready(3) and GetCurrentHP(v) < Dmg[0](v) + Dmg[1] + Dmg[3](v) and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.Q:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.KS.R:Value() then CastSkillShot(3, GetOrigin(v)) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 0) end, GetDistance(v)/self.Spells[3].speed) end end end function Irelia:OnProcComplete(Object, spellProc) if Object == myHero then if"attack") then ASDelay = 1/(self.baseAS*GetAttackSpeed(myHero)) self.windUP = spellProc.windUpTime self.aaTimeReady = ASDelay + GetGameTimer() - self.windUP/1000 if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() and self.Target ~= nil then if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 425) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.E:Value() == 1 then CastTargetSpell(self.Target, 2) elseif Ready(2) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 425) and ConfigMenu.Champ.C.E:Value() == 2 and GetPercentHP(myHero) < GetPercentHP(self.Target) then CastTargetSpell(self.Target, 2) end end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.H:Value() and self.Target ~= nil then if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 425) and ConfigMenu.Champ.H.E:Value() == 1 then CastTargetSpell(self.Target, 2) elseif Ready(2) and ValidTarget(self.Target, 425) and ConfigMenu.Champ.H.E:Value() == 2 and GetPercentHP(myHero) < GetPercentHP(self.Target) then CastTargetSpell(self.Target, 2) end end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then for k, v in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if GetTeam(v) == 200 then if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(v, 425) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.E:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 2) end end if GetTeam(v) == 300 then if Ready(2) and ValidTarget(v, 425) and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.E:Value() then CastTargetSpell(v, 2) end end end end if not Ready(2) and GetItemSlot(myHero, 3748) > 0 and Ready(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3748)) and ConfigMenu.Champ.I.TI:Value() then CastSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3748)) end end end end function Irelia:OnProc(Object, spellProc) if Object == myHero then if"attack") then if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() then if == "IreliaEquilibriumStrike" and Tiamat > 0 and Ready(Tiamat) and ConfigMenu.Champ.I.TH:Value() then DelayAction(function() CastSpell(Tiamat) end, 0.1) elseif == "IreliaEquilibriumStrike" and Hydra > 0 and Ready(Hydra) and ConfigMenu.Champ.I.TH:Value() then DelayAction(function() CastSpell(Hydra) end, 0.1) end end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then if == "IreliaEquilibriumStrike" and GetItemSlot(myHero, 3077) > 0 and Ready(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3077)) and ConfigMenu.Champ.I.TH:Value() then DelayAction(function() CastSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3077)) end, 0.1) elseif == "IreliaEquilibriumStrike" and GetItemSlot(myHero, 3074) > 0 and Ready(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3074)) and ConfigMenu.Champ.I.TH:Value() then DelayAction(function() CastSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero, 3074)) end, 0.1) end end end end end function Irelia:OnUpdate(Object, buff) if Object == myHero then if buff.Name == "ireliahitenstylecharged" then WEndBuff = buff.ExpireTime WBuff = true end if buff.Name == "sheen" then Trinity = true end end end function Irelia:OnRemove(Object, buff) if Object == myHero then if buff.Name == "ireliahitenstylecharged" then WBuff = false end if buff.Name == "sheen" then Trinity = false end end end class "Nidalee" function Nidalee:__init() self.Color = ARGB(255,255,255,255) Human = true self.Recalling = false self.QCDmg = {[1] = 4, [2] = 20, [3] = 50, [4] = 90} self.QCDmgM = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1.25, [3] = 1.5, [4] = 1.75} self.Multi = {[1] = 2, [2] = 2.25, [3] = 2.5, [4] = 2.75} self.aaTimer = 0 self.aaTimeReady = 0 self.windUP = 0 self.baseAS = GetBaseAttackSpeed(myHero) = false self.Sprite = { [1] = {FName = "Nidalee\\Q_H.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Q_H.png"}, [2] = {FName = "Nidalee\\W_H.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "W_H.png"}, [3] = {FName = "Nidalee\\E_H.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "E_H.png"}, [4] = {FName = "Nidalee\\R_H.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "R_H.png"}, [5] = {FName = "Nidalee\\Q_H_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Q_H_CD.png"}, [6] = {FName = "Nidalee\\W_H_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "W_H_CD.png"}, [7] = {FName = "Nidalee\\E_H_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "E_H_CD.png"}, [8] = {FName = "Nidalee\\R_H_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "R_H_CD.png"}, [9] = {FName = "Nidalee\\Q_C.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Q_C.png"}, [10] = {FName = "Nidalee\\W_C.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "W_C.png"}, [11] = {FName = "Nidalee\\E_C.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "E_C.png"}, [12] = {FName = "Nidalee\\R_C.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "R_C.png"}, [13] = {FName = "Nidalee\\Q_C_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-150 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+50 end end, Web = "Q_C_CD.png"}, [14] = {FName = "Nidalee\\W_C_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2-75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+125 end end, Web = "W_C_CD.png"}, [15] = {FName = "Nidalee\\E_C_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+200 end end, Web = "E_C_CD.png"}, [16] = {FName = "Nidalee\\R_C_CD.png", Sprite = nil, PosX = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().x/2+75 else return GetResolution().x/2-127 end end, PosY = function(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then return GetResolution().y/2+250 else return GetResolution().y/2+275 end end, Web = "R_C_CD.png"}, } self.Dick = { [0] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[1].Sprite ,self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[1].Sprite ,self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[5].Sprite ,self.Sprite[5].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[5].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[5].Sprite ,self.Sprite[5].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[5].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[1].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[1].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [1] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[2].Sprite ,self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[2].Sprite ,self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[6].Sprite ,self.Sprite[6].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[6].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[6].Sprite ,self.Sprite[6].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[6].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[2].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[2].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [2] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[3].Sprite ,self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[3].Sprite ,self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[7].Sprite ,self.Sprite[7].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[7].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[7].Sprite ,self.Sprite[7].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[7].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[3].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[3].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [3] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[4].Sprite ,self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[4].Sprite ,self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[8].Sprite ,self.Sprite[8].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[8].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[8].Sprite ,self.Sprite[8].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[8].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[4].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[4].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, } self.Dick2 = { [0] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[9].Sprite ,self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[9].Sprite ,self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[13].Sprite ,self.Sprite[13].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[13].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[13].Sprite ,self.Sprite[13].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[13].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[0].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[9].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[9].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [1] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[10].Sprite ,self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[10].Sprite ,self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[14].Sprite ,self.Sprite[14].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[14].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[14].Sprite ,self.Sprite[14].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[14].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[1].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[10].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[10].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [2] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[11].Sprite ,self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[11].Sprite ,self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[15].Sprite ,self.Sprite[15].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[15].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[15].Sprite ,self.Sprite[15].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[15].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[2].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[11].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[11].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, [3] = { [true] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[12].Sprite ,self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[12].Sprite ,self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) end end end, [false] = function(Unit) if then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.H:Value() then DrawSprite(self.Sprite[16].Sprite ,self.Sprite[16].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[16].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit)+12.5 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit)+20 + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value()) else DrawSprite(self.Sprite[16].Sprite ,self.Sprite[16].PosX(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[16].PosY(Unit) + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.Color) DrawText(string.format("%.2f", self.Spells2[3].Timer), 25, self.Sprite[12].PosX(Unit)+12.5 - ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.T:Value() + ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X.QX:Value(), self.Sprite[12].PosY(Unit)+15 + (ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y.QY:Value()*1.25)) end end end, }, } self.Spells = { [0] = {CD = function(myHero) return 6 + 6*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "JavelinToss", Timer = 0, Ready = false, speed = 1300, width = 60, range = 1500, delay = 0.25}, [1] = {CD = function(myHero) return 14-1*GetCastLevel(myHero, 1) + (14-1*GetCastLevel(myHero, 1))*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "Bushwhack", Timer = 0, Ready = false, speed = math.huge, width = 90, range = 900, delay = 0.5}, [2] = {CD = function(myHero) return 12 + 12*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "PrimalSurge", Timer = 0, Ready = false, range = 600}, [3] = {CD = function(myHero) return 3 + 3*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "AspectOfTheCougar", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, } self.Spells2 = { [0] = {CD = function(myHero) return 6 + 6*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "Takedown", Timer = 0, Ready = false, range = 200}, [1] = {CD = function(myHero) return 6 + 6*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "Pounce", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, [2] = {CD = function(myHero) return 6 + 6*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "Swipe", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, [3] = {CD = function(myHero) return 3 + 3*GetCDR(myHero) end, CDT = 0, Name = "AspectOfTheCougar", Timer = 0, Ready = false}, } -->< self.HDmg = { [0] = function(Unit) if self:QHDmg(myHero) + GetDistance(Unit)/100*self:QHDmg(myHero)*0.258 > self:QHDmg(myHero)*3 then return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit, 0, self:QHDmg(myHero)*3) else return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit, 0, self:QHDmg(myHero) + GetDistance(Unit)/100*self:QHDmg(myHero)*0.258) end end, --HQ [1] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit, 0, 40*GetCastLevel(myHero, 1)+GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.2) end, --HW } self.CDmg = { [0] = function(Unit) if self:Hunteds(Unit) then if GetPercentHP(Unit) ~= 100 then if (self:Maths(myHero) + self:Maths(myHero)*(self.QCDmgM[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] * ((GetMaxHP(Unit) - GetCurrentHP(Unit)) / GetMaxHP(Unit))))*1.33 > (self:Maths(myHero)*self.Multi[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)])*1.33 then return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, (self:Maths(myHero)*self.Multi[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)])*1.33) else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, (self:Maths(myHero) + self:Maths(myHero)*(self.QCDmgM[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] * ((GetMaxHP(Unit) - GetCurrentHP(Unit)) / GetMaxHP(Unit))))*1.33) end else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, (self:Maths(myHero)*1.33)) end else if GetPercentHP(Unit) ~= 100 then if self:Maths(myHero) + self:Maths(myHero)*(self.QCDmgM[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] * (GetMaxHP(Unit) - GetCurrentHP(Unit)) / GetMaxHP(Unit)) > self:Maths(myHero)*self.Multi[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] then return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, self:Maths(myHero)*self.Multi[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)]) else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, self:Maths(myHero) + self:Maths(myHero)*(self.QCDmgM[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] * ((GetMaxHP(Unit) - GetCurrentHP(Unit)) / GetMaxHP(Unit)))*1.33) end else return CalcDamage(myHero, Unit, 0, self:Maths(myHero)) end end end, [1] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit, 0, 10+50*GetCastLevel(myHero, 3) + GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.3) end, --CW [2] = function(Unit) return CalcDamage(myHero,Unit, 0, 10+60*GetCastLevel(myHero, 3) + GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.45) end, } self.Stuff = { ["Combo"] = { [1] = { [true] = function() if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.Q:Value() and self.Target then self:CastQH(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() and self.Target then self:CastWH(self.Target) end end, [false] = function() if not self.Spells2[3].Ready then if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.Q:Value() and self.Target then self:CastQC(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.W:Value() and self.Target then self:CastWC(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.E:Value() and self.Target then self:CastEC(self.Target) end else self:CastRC(self.Target) end end, }, [2] = { [true] = function() if self.Spells[3].Ready and self.Target then self:CastRH(self.Target) else if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.Q:Value() and self.Target then self:CastQH(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() and self.Target then self:CastWH(self.Target) end end end, [false] = function() if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.Q:Value() and self.Target then self:CastQC(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.W:Value() and self.Target then self:CastWC(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.E:Value() and self.Target then self:CastEC(self.Target) end end, }, [3] = { [true] = function() if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.Q:Value() and self.Target then self:CastQH(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() and self.Target then self:CastWH(self.Target) end if not self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Spells[3].Ready and self.Target then self:CastRH(self.Target) end end, [false] = function() if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.Q:Value() and self.Target then self:CastQC(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.W:Value() and self.Target then self:CastWC(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.E:Value() and self.Target then self:CastEC(self.Target) end if self.Spells2[3].Ready and self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Target then self:CastRC(self.Target) end end, }, }, ["Harass"] = { [true] = function() if ConfigMenu.Champ.H.Q:Value() and self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Target then self:CastQH(self.Target) end end, [false] = function() if ConfigMenu.Champ.H.R:Value() and self.Spells2[3].Ready and self.Target then self:CastRC(self.Target) end end }, } self.DebuffTable = {[5] = true, [8] = true, [11] = true, [21] = true, [22] = true, [24] = true, [28] = true, [29] = true, [30] = true} self.Fucked = {} self.Hunted = {} self.Target = nil ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("C", "Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C:SubMenu("H", "Human Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H:DropDown("W", "Use W (Human) when", 1, {"Enemy on cc", "Always"}) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:SubMenu("C", "Cat Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C:Boolean("WT", "Go under tower?", false) ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:DropDown("F", "Choose ur form", 3, {"Human", "Cat", "Both"}) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("H", "Harass") ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Human Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.H:Boolean("R", "Switch to human?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("F", "Farm") ConfigMenu.Champ.F:SubMenu("LH", "LastHit") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH:SubMenu("H", "Human LT") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Human Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.H:Slider("Mn", "Mana for LastHit", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH:SubMenu("C", "Cat LT") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Cat Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH:DropDown("F", "Choose ur form", 3, {"Human", "Cat", "Both"}) ConfigMenu.Champ.F:SubMenu("LC", "LaneClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:SubMenu("H", "Human Mode") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.H:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:SubMenu("C", "Cat Mode") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) --ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:Slider("MLC", "Minimun mana to JunglerClear", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC:DropDown("F", "Choose ur form", 3, {"Human", "Cat", "Both"}) ConfigMenu.Champ.F:SubMenu("JC", "JunglerClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC:SubMenu("H", "Human Mode") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.H:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.H:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC:SubMenu("C", "Cat Mode") ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.C:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.C:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) --ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC:Slider("MJC", "Minimun mana to JunglerClear", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("HE", "Heals") ConfigMenu.Champ.HE:Boolean("R", "Force human for heal?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.HE:Slider("E", "Use E under hp (Ursef)", 20, 1, 100) DelayAction(function() for k, v in ipairs(GetAllyHeroes()) do ConfigMenu.Champ.HE:SubMenu("HM"..GetObjectName(v), "Heal config for "..GetObjectName(v)) ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)]:Boolean("HO"..GetObjectName(v), "Heal on "..GetObjectName(v).."?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)]:Boolean("FH"..GetObjectName(v), "Force heal on "..GetObjectName(v).."?", false) ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)]:Slider("HV"..GetObjectName(v), "Heal on "..GetObjectName(v).." under hp", 20, 1, 100) end end, 0.001) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("S", "Run bitch") ConfigMenu.Champ.S:Boolean("R", "Switch to Cat?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.S:Boolean("W", "Use Cat W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("D", "Draws") ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Boolean("F", "Draw different form CD?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("HD", "Human Draws") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD:Boolean("Q", "Draw Q range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD:Boolean("W", "Draw W range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD:Boolean("E", "Draw E range", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Slider("Q", "Quality", 155, 1, 255) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:Boolean("DD", "Draw Total Dmg?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D:SubMenu("S", "Sprites") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:SubMenu("X", "X Pos") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.X:Slider("QX", "PosX", 0, -1000, 1000) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:SubMenu("Y", "Y Pos") ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S.Y:Slider("QY", "PosX", 0, -1000, 1000) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:Boolean("H", "Horizontal?", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.D.S:Slider("T", "Move ur time", 0, -50, 50) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Orb", "Hotkeys") ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("C", "Combo", string.byte(" "), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("H", "Harass", string.byte("C"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LC", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LH", "LastHit", string.byte("X"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("F", "Flee", string.byte("T"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("WJ", "WallJump", string.byte("G"), false) OnDraw(function(myHero) self:Draw(myHero) end) OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick(myHero) end) OnProcessSpellCast(function(unit, spell) self:OnCast(unit, spell) end) OnProcessSpell(function(unit, spellProc) self:OnProc(unit, spellProc) end) OnProcessSpellComplete(function(unit, spellProc) self:OnProcComplete(unit, spellProc) end) OnUpdateBuff(function(unit, buff) self:OnUpdate(unit, buff) end) OnRemoveBuff(function(unit, buff) self:OnRemove(unit, buff) end) self:Download() self:Sprites() end function Nidalee:Sprites() for i = 1,16,1 do if FileExist(SPRITE_PATH..self.Sprite[i].FName) then self.Sprite[i].Sprite = CreateSpriteFromFile(self.Sprite[i].FName, 1) end end end function Nidalee:Draw(myHero) if not IsDead(myHero) then if self.Spells[0].Ready and ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD.Q:Value() then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[0].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.Q:Value(), GoS.Pink) end if self.Spells[1].Ready and ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD.W:Value() then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[1].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.Q:Value(), GoS.Green) end if self.Spells[2].Ready and ConfigMenu.Champ.D.HD.E:Value() then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(myHero), self.Spells[2].range, 1, ConfigMenu.Champ.D.Q:Value(), GoS.Black) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.DD:Value() then for k, v in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do local asd = self:TotalDmg(v) local HpBar = GetHPBarPos(v) local What = (asd*100)/GetMaxHP(v) local hp = (GetCurrentHP(v)*100/GetMaxHP(v)) if IsVisible(v) and ValidTarget(v, 2000) then if GetCurrentHP(v) > asd then FillRect(HpBar.x+4+hp-What*1.03,HpBar.y,What*1.03,5, GoS.Red) else FillRect(HpBar.x+1,HpBar.y,hp*1.03,5, GoS.Red) end end end end if FileExist(SPRITE_PATH..self.Sprite[16].FName) then if ConfigMenu.Champ.D.F:Value() then for k = 0, 3, 1 do if Human then self.Dick2[k][self.Spells2[k].Ready](Unit) else self.Dick[k][self.Spells[k].Ready](Unit) end end end end end end function Nidalee:Tick(myHero) self:Checks() self:CastEH() self:Walljump() self.Target = DickSelector:Targets(1500) if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() then self.Stuff["Combo"][ConfigMenu.Champ.C.F:Value()][Human]() end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.H:Value() then self.Stuff["Harass"][Human]() end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self:LaneClear() end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LH:Value() then self:LastHit() end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.F:Value() then self:Flee() end end function Nidalee:Flee() local LastTick = 0 if Human then if self.Spells[3].Ready and ConfigMenu.Champ.S.R:Value() then CastSpell(3) end else if self.Spells2[1].Ready and ConfigMenu.Champ.S.W:Value() then CastSkillShot(1, GetMousePos()) end end if LastTick + 300 < GetGameTimer() then MoveToXYZ(GetMousePos()) end end function Nidalee:LaneClear() for k, Unit in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(Unit, 1500) then if GetTeam(Unit) == 200 then if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.F:Value() == 1 then if Human then if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQH(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.H.W:Value() and self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSkillShot(1, GetOrigin(Unit)) end else self:CastRC(Unit) end elseif ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.F:Value() == 2 then if Human then self:CastRH(Unit) else if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C.Q:Value() then self:CastQC(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C.W:Value() then self:CastWC(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C.E:Value() then self:CastEC(Unit) end end elseif ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.F:Value() == 3 then if Human then if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQH(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.H.W:Value() and self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSkillShot(1, GetOrigin(Unit)) end if not self.Spells[0].Ready and not self.Spells[1].Ready then self:CastRH(Unit) end else if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C.Q:Value() then self:CastQC(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C.W:Value() then self:CastWC(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C.E:Value() then self:CastEC(Unit) end if not self.Spells2[0].Ready and not self.Spells2[1].Ready and not self.Spells2[2].Ready and self.Spells2[3].Ready then self:CastRC(Unit) end end end elseif GetTeam(Unit) == 300 then if Human then if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQH(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.H.W:Value() and self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSkillShot(1, GetOrigin(Unit)) end if not self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Spells[3].Ready then self:CastRH(Unit) end else if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.C.W:Value() then self:CastWC(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.JC.C.E:Value() then self:CastEC(Unit) end if self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Spells2[3].Ready then self:CastRC(Unit) end end end end end end function Nidalee:LastHit() for k, Unit in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if GetTeam(Unit) == 200 then if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.F:Value() == 1 then if Human then if (GetCurrentHP(Unit) - GetHealthPrediction(Unit, self.aaTimer)) == 0 and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.H.Q:Value() and Unit.valid then self:CastQH(Unit) end else if self.Spells2[3].Ready and self.Spells[0].Ready and v.valid then self:CastRC(Unit) end end elseif ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.F:Value() == 2 then if Human then if self.Spells[3].Ready and v.valid then self:CastRH(Unit) end else if (GetCurrentHP(Unit) - GetHealthPrediction(Unit, self.aaTimer)) == 0 and self.Spells2[0].Ready and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.C.Q:Value() and Unit.valid then self:CastQC(Unit) end end elseif ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.F:Value() == 3 then if Human then if (GetCurrentHP(Unit) - GetHealthPrediction(Unit, self.aaTimer)) == 0 and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.H.Q:Value() and Unit.valid then self:CastQH(Unit) end if not self.Spells[0].Ready and self.Spells[3].Ready and Unit.valid then self:CastRC(Unit) end else if (GetCurrentHP(Unit) - GetHealthPrediction(Unit, self.aaTimer)) == 0 and self.Spells2[0].Ready and ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LH.C.Q:Value() and Unit.valid then self:CastQC(Unit) end if not self.Spells2[0].Ready and self.Spells[0].Ready and Unit.valid then self:CastRC(Unit) end end end end end end function Nidalee:Walljump() local Pos = {pos = nil, pos2 = nil, pos3 = nil, time = 0, time2 = 0} local V1 = GetMousePos() + Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - Vector(GetMousePos())):normalized()*375 local V2 = GetMousePos() + Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - Vector(GetMousePos())):normalized()*187 if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.WJ:Value() then if not MapPosition:inWall(GetMousePos()) and not MapPosition:inWall(V1) and MapPosition:inWall(V2) then Pos[1] = GetMousePos() Pos[2] = V1 Pos[3] = GetOrigin(myHero) DelayAction(function() Pos[4] = GetDistance(Pos[1])/GetMoveSpeed(myHero) end, 0.1) Pos[5] = self.Spells2[3].Timer MoveToXYZ(V1) end -->< if Human then if self.Spells[3].Ready then CastSpell(3) else if Pos[4] ~= nil then if Pos[5] < Pos[4] and (Pos[5] - Pos[4]) > 1 then DelayAction(function() CastSpell(3) end, Pos[5]) else DelayAction(function() CastSpell(3) end, Pos[5]) end end end end end if not Human and Pos[1] ~= nil and Pos[2] ~= nil then if GetDistance(Pos[2]) < 50 and self.Spells[1].Ready then CastSkillShot(1, Pos[1]) DelayAction(function() HoldPosition() Pos[1] = nil Pos[2] = nil Pos[4] = 0 end, 0.1) end end end function Nidalee:TotalDmg(Unit) local TDmg = 0 if self.Spells[0].Ready then TDmg = TDmg + self.HDmg[0](Unit) end if self.Spells[1].Ready then TDmg = TDmg end if self.Spells2[0].Ready then TDmg = TDmg + self.CDmg[0](Unit) end if self.Spells2[1].Ready then TDmg = TDmg + self.CDmg[1](Unit) end if self.Spells2[2].Ready then TDmg = TDmg + self.CDmg[2](Unit) end return TDmg end function Nidalee:Checks() if GetCastName(myHero, 0) ~= "JavelinToss" then Human = false else Human = true end for i = 0, 3, 1 do self.Spells[i].Timer = self.Spells[i].CDT + self.Spells[i].CD(myHero) - GetGameTimer() self.Spells2[i].Timer = self.Spells2[i].CDT + self.Spells2[i].CD(myHero) - GetGameTimer() if self.Spells[i].Timer <= 0 then self.Spells[i].Ready = true self.Spells[i].Timer = 0 else self.Spells[i].Ready = false end if self.Spells2[i].Timer <= 0 then self.Spells2[i].Ready = true self.Spells2[i].Timer = 0 else self.Spells2[i].Ready = false end if GetCastLevel(myHero, i) == 0 then self.Spells[i].Ready = false self.Spells2[i].Ready = false end end if self.aaTimeReady ~= nil then self.aaTimer = self.aaTimeReady - GetGameTimer() if self.aaTimer <= 0 then self.aaTimer = 0 end end end function Nidalee:UnderTower(Object) for i = 1, #Towers, 1 do if GetDistance(Object, Towers[i]) < 1000 then return true end end return false end function Nidalee:Hunteds(Unit) if Unit ~= nil and self.Hunted[GetNetworkID(Unit)] then return true end return false end function Nidalee:CC(Unit) if Unit ~= nil and self.Fucked[GetNetworkID(Unit)] then return true end return false end function Nidalee:QHDmg(Unit) return 42+17.5*GetCastLevel(myHero, 0) + GetBonusAP(myHero)*0.4 end function Nidalee:Maths(Unit) return self.QCDmg[GetCastLevel(Unit, 3)] + (GetBaseDamage(Unit)+GetBonusDmg(Unit))*0.75 + GetBonusAP(Unit)*0.36 end function Nidalee:CastQH(Unit) local QPred = GetPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[0]) if self.Spells[0].Ready and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[0].range) and Human and QPred and QPred.hitChance*100 >= 20 and not QPred:mCollision(1) then CastSkillShot(0, QPred.castPos) end end function Nidalee:CastWH(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() == 2 then local WPred = GetPrediction(Unit, self.Spells[1]) if self.Spells[1].Ready and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[1].range) and Human and WPred and WPred.hitChance*100 >= 20 then CastSkillShot(1, WPred.castPos) end elseif ConfigMenu.Champ.C.H.W:Value() == 1 then if self.Spells[1].Ready and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[1].range) and Human and self:CC(Unit) then CastSkillShot(1, GetOrigin(Unit)) end end end function Nidalee:CastRH(Unit) if self.Spells[3].Ready and ValidTarget(Unit, 750) and Human then CastSpell(3) end end function Nidalee:CastQC(Unit) if self.Spells2[0].Ready and ValidTarget(Unit, 200) and not Human then CastSpell(0) DelayAction(function() AttackUnit(Unit) end, 0.1) end end function Nidalee:CastWC(Unit) if Unit ~= nil then local V1 = GetOrigin(myHero) - Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - Vector(GetOrigin(Unit))):normalized()*375 if self.Spells2[1].Ready and not Human then if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.C.WT:Value() then if self:Hunteds(Unit) then if ValidTarget(Unit, 750) then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 1) end else if ValidTarget(Unit, 375) then CastSkillShot(1, GetOrigin(Unit)) end end else if self:Hunteds(Unit) then if ValidTarget(Unit, 750) and not UnderTurret(GetOrigin(Unit)) then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 1) end else if ValidTarget(Unit, 375) and not UnderTurret(V1) then CastSkillShot(1, GetOrigin(Unit)) end end end end end end function Nidalee:CastEC(Unit) if self.Spells2[2].Ready and not Human and ValidTarget(Unit, 300) then CastSkillShot(2, GetOrigin(Unit)) end end function Nidalee:CastRC(Unit) if self.Spells[3].Ready and not Human and ValidTarget(Unit, self.Spells[0].range) then CastSpell(3) end end function Nidalee:CastEH() for k, v in ipairs(GetAllyHeroes()) do if not self.Recalling and ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)] ~= nil then if Human then if GetPercentHP(myHero) < ConfigMenu.Champ.HE.E:Value() and self.Spells[2].Ready then CastTargetSpell(myHero, 2) end if GetDistance(v) < self.Spells[2].range and GetPercentHP(v) < ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)]["HV"..GetObjectName(v)]:Value() and self.Spells[2].Ready then CastTargetSpell(v, 2) end else if GetPercentHP(myHero) < ConfigMenu.Champ.HE.E:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.HE.R:Value() and self.Spells[2].Ready then CastSpell(3) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(myHero, 2) end, 0.1) end if GetDistance(v) < self.Spells[2].range and GetPercentHP(v) < ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)]["HV"..GetObjectName(v)]:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)]["HO"..GetObjectName(v)]:Value() and ConfigMenu.Champ.HE["HM"..GetObjectName(v)]["FH"..GetObjectName(v)]:Value() and self.Spells[2].Ready then CastSpell(3) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(v, 2) end, 0.1) end end end end end function Nidalee:OnProc(unit, spellProc) if unit == myHero and == self.Spells2[1].Name then if self:Hunteds( then DelayAction(function() self.Spells2[1].Timer = self.Spells2[1].Timer*0.70 end, 0.1) end end end function Nidalee:OnProcComplete(unit, spellProc) if unit == myHero then if"attack") then ASDelay = 1/(self.baseAS*GetAttackSpeed(myHero)) self.windUP = spellProc.windUpTime self.aaTimeReady = ASDelay + GetGameTimer() - self.windUP/1000 end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then for k, v in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if"attack") then if Human then if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.H.Q:Value() then self:CastQH(v) end else if ConfigMenu.Champ.F.LC.C.Q:Value() then self:CastQC(v) end end end end end end end function Nidalee:OnCast(unit, spell) if unit == myHero then for i = 0, 3, 1 do if Human then if == self.Spells[i].Name then self.Spells[i].CDT = GetGameTimer() end else if == self.Spells2[i].Name then self.Spells2[i].CDT = GetGameTimer() end end end end end function Nidalee:OnUpdate(unit, buff) if GetTeam(unit) ~= GetTeam(myHero) and GetObjectType(unit) == Obj_AI_Hero or GetObjectType(unit) == Obj_AI_Camp and buff and unit.valid then if self.DebuffTable[buff.Type] then self.Fucked[GetNetworkID(unit)] = true end if buff.Name == "NidaleePassiveHunted" then self.Hunted[GetNetworkID(unit)] = true end end if buff.Name == "recall" or buff.Name == "OdinRecall" and unit == myHero then self.Recalling = true end end function Nidalee:OnRemove(unit, buff) if GetTeam(unit) ~= GetTeam(myHero) and GetObjectType(unit) == Obj_AI_Hero and buff then if self.Fucked[GetNetworkID(unit)] then self.Fucked[GetNetworkID(unit)] = nil end if self.Hunted[GetNetworkID(unit)] then self.Hunted[GetNetworkID(unit)] = nil end end if buff.Name == "recall" or buff.Name == "OdinRecall" and unit == myHero then self.Recalling = false end end function Nidalee:Download() for i = 1,16,1 do if FileExist(SPRITE_PATH..self.Sprite[i].FName) then = true return end if not DirExists(SPRITE_PATH.."Nidalee") then CreateDir(SPRITE_PATH.."Nidalee") end if DirExists(SPRITE_PATH.."Nidalee") then DownloadFileAsync(""..self.Sprite[i].Web, SPRITE_PATH .. "Nidalee\\"..self.Sprite[i].Web, function() PrintChat("Downloading "..self.Sprite[i].Web.." F6x2!") return end) end end end class "Singed" function Singed:__init() self.Spot = nil self.Target = nil self.Poison = false ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("C", "Combo") ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.C:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("JC", "JunglerClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.JC:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.JC:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("LC", "LaneClear") ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) ConfigMenu.Champ.LC:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("HC", "Hitchance") ConfigMenu.Champ.HC:Slider("W", "W HitChance", 20, 1, 100) ConfigMenu.Champ:Menu("Orb", "Hotkeys") ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("C", "Combo", string.byte(" "), false) --ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("H", "Harass", string.byte("C"), false) ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LC", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"), false) --ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb:KeyBinding("LH", "LastHit", string.byte("X"), false) OnTick(function(myHero) self:Tick(myHero) end) OnProcessWaypoint(function(unit, way) self:OnWay(unit, way) end) end function Singed:Tick(myHero) self.Target = DickSelector:Targets(1000) Autolvl:Autolvl(myHero) if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.C:Value() and self.Target then self:Combo(self.Target) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.Orb.LC:Value() then self:LaneClear() end end function Singed:OnUpdate(unit, buff) if unit == myHero and buff.Name == "PoisonTrail" then self.Poison = true end end function Singed:OnRemove(unit, buff) if unit == myHero and buff.Name == "PoisonTrail" then self.Poison = false end end function Singed:OnWay(unit, way) if unit and unit == self.Target then if way.index == 1 then self.Spot = way.position end end end -->< function Singed:Combo(Unit) if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.W:Value() then self:CastW(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.E:Value() then self:CastE(Unit) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.C.R:Value() then self:CastR(Unit) end end function Singed:LaneClear() for k, v in ipairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(v, 1000) then if GetTeam(v) == MINION_ENEMY then if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(v) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.LC.Q:Value() then self:CastE(v) end elseif GetTeam(v) == MINION_JUNGLE then if ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(v) end if ConfigMenu.Champ.JC.Q:Value() then self:CastE(v) end end end end end function Singed:CastQ(Unit) if GetObjectType(Unit) ~= Obj_AI_Minion then if ValidTarget(Unit, 500) then if self.Spot then local V = GetOrigin(myHero) - Vector(Vector(self.Spot) - Vector(GetOrigin(myHero))):normalized()*100 if GetDistance(V, Unit) < GetDistance(Unit, myHero) and Ready(0) and not self.Poison then CastSpell(0) self.Poison = true end end else if self.Poison and Ready(0) then CastSpell(0) self.Poison = false end end else if ValidTarget(Unit, 500) then if Ready(0) and not self.Poison then CastSpell(0) self.Poison = true end else if self.Poison and Ready(0) then CastSpell(0) self.Poison = false end end end end function Singed:CastW(Unit) local W = {range = 1000, delay = 0.5, radius = 175, speed = 1200} local WPRed = GetPrediction(Unit, W) if ValidTarget(Unit, W.range) and Ready(1) then if GetDistance(Unit) > 200 then if WPred and WPred.hitChance >= (ConfigMenu.Champ.HC.W:Value())/100 then CastSkillShot(1, WPred.castPos) end else local V = GetOrigin(myHero) - Vector(Vector(GetOrigin(Unit)) - Vector(GetOrigin(myHero))):normalized()*550 if Ready(2) then CastSkillShot(1, V) DelayAction(function() CastTargetSpell(Unit, 2) end, 0.6) end end end end function Singed:CastE(Unit) if ValidTarget(Unit, 200) and Ready(2) and not Ready(1) then CastTargetSpell(Unit, 2) end end function Singed:CastR(Unit) local R = {[1] = 7, [2] = 10, [3] = 16} if ValidTarget(Unit, 500) and Ready(3) then if GetMaxHP(myHero) - GetCurrentHP(myHero) < 25*R[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] and GetMaxMana(myHero) - GetCurrentMana(myHero) < 25*R[GetCastLevel(myHero, 3)] then CastSpell(3) end end end class "DmgDraw" function DmgDraw:__init() ConfigMenu:Menu("DD", "Draw Dmg") ConfigMenu.DD:Boolean("DTD", "Draw Total Damage", true) ConfigMenu.DD:ColorPick("DColor", "Damage Color", {255,255,0,255}) OnDraw(function(myHero) self:Draw(myHero) end) end function DmgDraw:Draw(myHero) local Keepo = {0, 0, 0, 0} for k, v in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do for i = 0, 3, 1 do if Dmg ~= nil and Dmg[i] then if Ready(i) then Keepo[i+1] = Dmg[i](v) end local asd = Keepo[1] + Keepo[2] + Keepo[3] + Keepo[4] local HpBar = GetHPBarPos(v) local What = (asd*100)/GetMaxHP(v) local hp = (GetCurrentHP(v)*100/GetMaxHP(v)) if IsVisible(v) and ValidTarget(v, 2000) then if GetCurrentHP(v) > asd then FillRect(HpBar.x+4+hp-What*1.03,HpBar.y,What*1.03,5,ConfigMenu.DD.DColor:Value()) else FillRect(HpBar.x+1,HpBar.y,hp*1.03,5,ConfigMenu.DD.DColor:Value()) end end end end end end