#+TITLE: Maintaining Fortran in Python in Perpetuity #+SUBTITLE: ~f2py~ and NumPy #+AUTHOR: Rohit Goswami ~.and.~ Melissa Mendonca ~.and.~ Ralf Gommers ~.and.~ Thirumalai Shaktivel ~.and.~ Pearu Peterson # I need the footnotes to be inlined #+STARTUP: fninline #+EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports none :eval always (require 'ox-extra) (ox-extras-activate '(ignore-headlines)) (eval unpackaged/org-export-html-with-useful-ids-mode) ;; Stop using citeproc-org by default (setq org-export-before-parsing-hook '(org-attach-expand-links)) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: * Configuration :ignoreheading:ignore: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: # Kanged from https://gitlab.com/oer/oer-reveal/blob/master/org/config.org # Also https://gitlab.com/oer/emacs-reveal-howto/-/blob/master/howto.org ** General Options :ignoreheading:ignore: # No Table of contents, no section numbers #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil # Enable smart quotes #+OPTIONS: ':t ** RevealJS Options :ignoreheading:ignore: # Enable: browser history, fragment IDs in URLs, mouse wheel, links between presentations #+OPTIONS: reveal_history:t reveal_fragmentinurl:t reveal_slide_number:h/v #+OPTIONS: reveal_mousewheel:t reveal_inter_presentation_links:t # Disable separate PDF pages for each fragment. Just use one per slide. #+OPTIONS: reveal_pdfseparatefragments:nil # Display notes on separate page for PDF export. #+REVEAL_EXPORT_NOTES_TO_PDF: separate-page # Transition styles: none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom/cube #+REVEAL_TRANS: fade # Set a base theme, then override #+REVEAL_THEME: robot-lung #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: /Users/rgoswami/.config/doom/reveal/extras/rlExtras.css #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: /Users/rgoswami/.config/doom/reveal/extras/oerFragments.css #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: /Users/rgoswami/.config/doom/reveal/extras/noImgBoxes.css #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: /Users/rgoswami/.config/doom/reveal/extras/betterCite.css #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: /Users/rgoswami/.config/doom/reveal/extras/moreCode.css #+REVEAL_MARGIN: 0.2 #+REVEAL_PREAMBLE:
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It used to be common to dismiss such movement with the statement, *‘There is no such thing as a machine-independent program.’* Nonetheless, a great many packages *do now move* from one machine to another”cite:lyonUsingAnsFortran1980 #+end_quote --> Through the magic of *automated coding* and *standards* ** Language Standards #+begin_quote “The standard is the contract between the compiler writer and the application developer.”cite:clermanModernFortranStyle2012 #+end_quote #+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file images/hello-program.png :cmdline -r -s 2.5 :cache yes +------+ +----------+ assembly +-----------+ | Code | --> | Compiler | ----------> | Assembler | ---+ +------+ +----------+ +-----------+ | relocatable machine code | +----------------------------<-------------------------+ | | | +--------+ executable +--------+ +--------+ +---> | Linker | -----------> | Loader | --> | Memory | +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ #+END_SRC #+RESULTS[f1fc83b64fe81184a3a817828e6dd0aec3714f25]: [[file:images/hello-program.png]] ** Changing Standards #+begin_leftcol #+begin_src fortran character(10) BLAH*8 character*8 :: BLAH_ONE(10) character(8) :: BLAH_ONE(10) #+end_src #+begin_src python #!/usr/bin/env python print("Hello World") print "Hello World" #+end_src #+end_leftcol #+begin_rightcol #+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-09-08 23:12:16 [[file:images/Why_Care_About_New_Standards/2021-09-08_23-12-16_screenshot.png]] #+end_rightcol # ** F77 ∉ F90 always # #+ATTR_HTML: :width 70% :height 70% # [[file:images/Why_Care_About_New_Standards/2021-09-08_23-14-26_screenshot.png]] # #+ATTR_HTML: :width 70% :height 70% # [[file:images/Why_Care_About_New_Standards/2021-09-08_23-14-38_screenshot.png]] * Fortran, C, Python - F2003 :: Introduced the ~ISO_C_BINDING~ - F2008 :: ~C_PTR~ for ~void *~ and more - F2018 :: Brought interop for exotic Fortran features which via ~C descriptors~ - Interop :: Described in great detail on [[https://www.fortran90.org/src/best-practices.html#python-interface][fortran90.org]]: #+begin_src ditaa :file images/hello-stdfcpy.png :cmdline -r -s 1.5 :cache yes +--------------+ iso_c_binding +------------+ | Fortran Code | --------------> | Call in C | +--------------+ compiler type +------------+ checking | v +--------+ +--------+ | Python | | Cython | | Code |<--------------| cffi | +--------+ +--------+ #+end_src #+RESULTS[c649e6871e7d2b61cff7d210af3db78f85b0fcc5]: [[file:images/hello-stdfcpy.png]] * F2PY ** History - Developed by Pearu Peterson cite:petersonF2PYToolConnecting2009 + July 9, 1999 :: ~f2py.py~ --> Fortran to Python Interface Generator (FPIG) + January 22, 2000 :: ~f2py2e~ --> Fortran to Python Interface Generator, 2nd edition. + July 19, 2007 :: ~numpy.f2py~ --> f2py2e moved to NumPy project. This is current stable code of f2py. - Used extensively for F77 + [[https://numpy.org/][NumPy]] cite:waltNumPyArrayStructure2011, [[https://scipy.org/][SciPy]] cite:virtanenSciPyFundamentalAlgorithms2020 + [[https://msspec.cnrs.fr/][MsSpec]] cite:sebilleauMsSpec1MultipleScattering2011 :) ** Design #+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file images/hello-f2py.png :cmdline -r -s 2.5 :cache yes +------+ +--------------+ uses C syntax in pyf | Code | --> | crackfortran | ---------->----------+ +------+ +--------------+ | match rules, generate wrappers, build library | +----------------------------<---------------------+ | +---------+ callbacks +--------+ | | CPython | <---------| Python | +---> | Library | --------->| Code | +---------+ +--------+ #+END_SRC #+RESULTS[7f80fadd5cfd09443054d3693a2d688d9a0b639d]: [[file:images/hello-f2py.png]] - A *best effort* wrapper + Specifications via ~.pyf~ or inline comments + *Not* a compiler - Can rewrite code :) * Explorations in F77 ** Fibonacci #+begin_src fortran C FILE: FIB1.F SUBROUTINE FIB(A,N) C CALCULATE FIRST N FIBONACCI NUMBERS INTEGER N REAL*8 A(N) DO I=1,N IF (I.EQ.1) THEN A(I) = 0.0D0 ELSEIF (I.EQ.2) THEN A(I) = 1.0D0 ELSE A(I) = A(I-1) + A(I-2) ENDIF ENDDO END C END FILE FIB1.F #+end_src #+begin_src bash f2py -m fib -c fib1.f python -c "import fib; import numpy as np; a=np.zeros(7); fib.fib(a); print(a); exit();" #+end_src ** Up the magician's sleeve **** Generated files #+begin_src bash mkdir blah f2py -m fib -c fib1.f --build-dir blah tree blah blah ├── blah │   └── src.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.9 │   ├── blah │   │   └── src.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.9 │   │   ├── fortranobject.o │   │   └── fortranobject.o.d │   ├── fibmodule.o │   └── fibmodule.o.d ├── fib1.o └── src.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.9 ├── blah │   └── src.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.9 │   ├── fortranobject.c │   └── fortranobject.h └── fibmodule.c 7 directories, 8 files #+end_src *** Complexity #+begin_src bash wc -l fortranobject.c fortranobject.h fibmodule.c 1107 fortranobject.c 132 fortranobject.h 372 fibmodule.c 1611 total #+end_src **** NumPy Distutils #+begin_src python from numpy.distutils.core import Extension, setup fibby = Extension(name = 'fib', sources = ['fib1.f']) if __name__ == "__main__": setup(name = 'fib', ext_modules = [ fibby ]) #+end_src Which can then be built simply with: #+begin_src bash python setup.py build ag -g .so # build/lib.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.9/fib.cpython-39-darwin.so #+end_src - Not fun for non ~python~ projects * (Some) Planned Features ** Meson and ~f2py~ #+begin_leftcol #+begin_src meson project('test_builds', 'c', version : '0.1') add_languages('fortran') py_mod = import('python') py3 = py_mod.find_installation() py3_dep = py3.dependency() incnp = run_command(py3, ['-c', 'import os; os.chdir(".."); import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())'], check : true ).stdout().strip() #+end_src #+end_leftcol #+begin_rightcol #+begin_src meson inc_np = include_directories(incnp) py3.extension_module('fib1', 'fib1.f', 'fib1module.c', 'fortranobject.c', include_directories: inc_np, dependencies : py3_dep, install : true) #+end_src #+end_rightcol ** Command Line Interface - The F2PY UX is rather distinctive + ~-c~ flag acts as a compiler / build-tool + Otherwise works to generate ~C wrappers~ and Signature files - Rewrite ongoing *[GSoC]* + Supports Namami Shankar + ~argparse~ based design #+ATTR_HTML: :width 30% :height 30% [[file:images/namami.jpeg]] ** Derived Types - Soon to be a NEP : https://github.com/HaoZeke/f2py_derived_nep - Tested by ~cmocka~ - e.g. ~bind(c)~ types [[https://github.com/HaoZeke/f2py_derived_nep/blob/main/examples/bindc/pyclass/pyclassderived.c][map to classes]] #+begin_src bash meson setup bbdir meson compile -C bbdir python -c "import bbdir.pycart as pycart; aak = pycart.pycart(1,10,2); print(aak); aak.unitstep(); print(aak)" pycart(x: 1.000000, y: 10.000000, z: 2.000000) Modifying derived type pycart(x: 2.000000, y: 11.000000, z: 3.000000) #+end_src ** Moving beyond ~bind(c)~ - Generate Fortran wrappers to manipulate types + All allocations handled in Fortran - Python only calls wrappers to aforementioned types ** Logical restructure #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - Current flat hierarchy --> intimidating + Don't need much Fortran for front-end work #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - codegen :: Creates wrappers #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - csrcs :: ~fortranobject.{c,h}~ for builds #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - frontend :: Parser, type inference #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - stds :: Includes *f77*, *f90*, and *pyf* specs #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - utils :: For testing and more #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - tests :: For sanity - WIP : https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/20481 * Maintenance ** Concepts #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear #+ATTR_HTML: :width 50% :height 50% file:images/blackSand.jpg #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - Fortran 202X standard :: 668 pages #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - Python-C API description :: 320 pages #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - NumPy-C API description :: 103 pages #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - C++ 2020 (N4849) standard :: 1815 pages #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - C11 (N1570) standard :: 701 pages ** Test isolation #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - Write a test for each bug + Typically already in the issue! #+begin_src python class TestNegativeBounds(util.F2PyTest): # Check that negative bounds work correctly sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "negative_bounds", "issue_20853.f90")] @pytest.mark.slow def test_negbound(self): xvec = np.arange(12) xlow = -6 xhigh = 4 # Calculate the upper bound, # Keeping the 1 index in mind def ubound(xl, xh): return xh - xl + 1 rval = self.module.foo(is_=xlow, ie_=xhigh, arr=xvec[:ubound(xlow, xhigh)]) expval = np.arange(11, dtype = np.float32) assert np.allclose(rval, expval) #+end_src ** Front-end - Covers *(parser, code-gen)* - ~pdb~ and editable installs are good choices + Tough otherwise (~global~ variables) #+begin_src python micromamba create -f environment.yml micromamba activate numpy-dev pip install -e . # EDITABLE MODE # Add a breakpoint anywhere breakpoint() # Profit f2py -m blah buggy.f90 #+end_src #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - e.g. https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/21256/files --> Negative bounds ** Back-end - Covers *(C wrappers, code-gen)* #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - ~gdb~ works well + Sometimes with CPython extensions (see the *sprint*) #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - Manipulate the generated ~C~ code + Then move back to code-gen in Python #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear - e.g. https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/21807/files --> Respect ~value~ ** Supporting ~value~ attributes - Fortran 2003 supports call-by-value + ~f2py~ wrappers pass by reference - Details [[https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/21665][here]] + Very well reported issue ** Verify Bug #+begin_leftcol #+begin_src bash # Make wrappers f2py -m foo blah.f90 meson bbdir meson compile -C bbdir cd bbdir python -c "import foo; print( foo.fortfuncs.square(3) );" 170676880 #+end_src #+end_leftcol #+begin_rightcol #+begin_src C static PyObject *f2py_rout_foo_fortfuncs_square( const PyObject *capi_self, PyObject *capi_args, PyObject *capi_keywds, void (*f2py_func)(int*,int*)) { (*f2py_func)(&x,&y); // Passed by reference! #+end_src #+end_rightcol ** Fixup ~C~ wrapper #+begin_leftcol #+begin_src bash # Make wrappers meson compile -C bbdir cd bbdir python -c "import foo; print( foo.fortfuncs.square(3) );" 9 #+end_src #+end_leftcol #+begin_rightcol #+begin_src C static PyObject *f2py_rout_foo_fortfuncs_square( const PyObject *capi_self, PyObject *capi_args, PyObject *capi_keywds, void (*f2py_func)(int,int*)) { (*f2py_func)(x,&y); #+end_src #+end_rightcol ** Modify Parser - ~value~ should be recognized by ~crackfortran~ + Add a ~breakpoint~ and stare #+begin_src python name_match = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z][\w$]*').match breakpoint() for v in list(vars.keys()): >>> c # till fortfuncs is processed >>> pp vars {'x': {'attrspec': ['intent(in)', 'value'], 'typespec': 'integer'}, 'y': {'attrspec': ['intent(out)'], 'typespec': 'integer'}} #+end_src - So it is already recognized.. ** Augment aux functions - Handle the attribute within ~aux.py~ + Also conditionally modify signatures + call conventions #+begin_src python def isattr_value(var): return 'value' in var.get('attrspec', []) def getcallprotoargument(rout, cb_map={}): ... if not isattr_value(var): ctype = ctype + '*' #+end_src ** Generate wrappers - This is similar to the handling of the existing ~intent(c)~ + In ~rules.py~ #+begin_src python 'callfortran': {l_or(isintent_c, isattr_value): '#varname#,', l_not(l_or(isintent_c, isattr_value)): '&#varname#,'}, #+end_src ** Final tasks - Add a test - Solicit reviews - Ask about a release note - *Profit!* * Conclusions ** Road-map - Updating the test suite, using ~cmocka~ - Rewriting the C wrappers for newer standards - Build tool support [Namami Shankar] + ~np.distutils~ is going the way of the dodo - Implementing newer standards (90, 95, 2003, 2008, 2018, 2020Y) + Automating guarantees - Documentation and more interop with NumPy-C - ~crackfortran~ works via dictionaries and strings.. + Perhaps a more abstract semantic representation... + Or concepts from G3 F2PY [Pearu] - Handle parallelism (proposed) + ~do concurrent~ and ~ufuncs~ ** Why does Fortran stay in Python anyway? :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #c9eae7 :END: #+begin_quote To write *efficient* wrappers without being a language lawyer #+end_quote ** How does Fortran stay in Python anyway? :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #c9eae7 :END: #+begin_quote With *all your help* (Issues, users, developers, non-code contribs) #+end_quote * The End ** Acknowledgments #+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-09-09 00:22:06 [[file:images/Acknowledgements/2021-09-09_00-22-06_screenshot.png]] - [[https://notendur.hi.is//~hj/indexE.html][Prof. Hannes Jónsson]] as my supervisor, [[https://english.hi.is/staff/birgirhr][Prof. Birgir Hrafnkelsson]] as my co-supervisor - [[https://ondrejcertik.com/][Dr. Ondřej Čertík]] at GSI Tech. - [[https://quansight.com/labs][Quansight Labs]] ([[https://rgommers.github.io/][Dr. Ralf Gommers]], [[https://melissawm.github.io/about-me/][Dr. Melissa Weber Mendonça]] and [[https://github.com/pearu][Dr. Pearu Peterson]]) - NumPy Team (Matti, Ross, Sebastian, Chuck, Inessa, etc.) - Family, pets, Groupmembers, *audience* # ** Bibliography # :PROPERTIES: # :CUSTOM_ID: bibliography # :END: # printbibliography:refs.bib ** Thanks! :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #c9eae7 :END: # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # org-src-preserve-indentation: t # End: