%% #!/usr/bin/env mmdc -i -t dark -b transparent %% %% Author: Hari Sekhon %% Date: [% DATE # 2023-05-05 02:26:36 +0100 (Fri, 05 May 2023) %] %% %% vim:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:et %% %% [% URL %] %% %% [% LICENSE %] %% %% [% MESSAGE %] %% %% [% LINKEDIN %] %% %% ========================================================================== %% %% M e r m a i d J S D i a g r a m %% ========================================================================== %% %% See Sample diagrams in the Live Editor %% https:%%mermaid.live/edit %% ========================================================================== %% %% choose type of diagram: %% %% sequenceDiagram %% flowchart TD # Flow Chart top down - 'graph' word seems to work too %% classDiagram %% stateDiagram-v2 %% erDiagram # Entity Relationship %% gantt %% journey # User Journey %% gitGraph %% pie title My Title %% mindmap %% ========================================================================== %% %% Different syntax for each type of diagram :'-( %% %% Start Here: %% %% https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/flowchart.html %% ========================================================================== %% %% directives can be on one line or multiline json (except it accepts single quotes as well as double quotes) %% Themes and customizing themes: %% %% https://mermaid.js.org/config/theming.html %%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'dark' } }%% %% ========================================================================== %% %% Git Graph %% ========================================================================== %% %% https://github.com/HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code/blob/master/README.md#github-flow-with-jira-ticket-integration --- title: Node --- flowchart LR id(content) Start --> Stop %% ========================================================================== %% %% MermaidJS in GitHub Markdown %% ========================================================================== %% %% %% https://github.com/HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code/blob/master/README.md#github-flow-with-jira-ticket-integration ### Some markdown ```mermaid graph [....] ``` ### Some more markdown ```mermaid sequenceDiagram [....] ``` ### Mermaid with custom title/desc ```mermaid graph accTitle: My title here accDescr: My description here A-->B ``` %% ========================================================================== %% %% Icon Cloud diagramas %% ========================================================================== %% %% %% https://text-to-diagram.com/?example=icons&b=mermaid graph TD subgraph aws aws_db() cache() ec2() ec2 <-->|get persisted data| aws_db ec2 <-->|get temporal data| cache end subgraph gcloud gcloud_db() end aws_db -->|backup| gcloud_db dev() github() dev -->|ssh| ec2 dev -->|version control| github