
[[Download Latest Release](] Yet another osu! leaderboard camping program but simple implementation in Golang [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![DeepSource](](
## How does it work? An endless loop of API requests to check the map's status, if the map is ranked, it will play a sound to notify you. ***Camplified is not working with classic loved camping, the program will not react to the LOVED status.*** ### Cloudflare WARP Camplified can now detect your Cloudflare WARP status to make sure your Wireguard service is connected to osu!'s domain. At the same time it recognizes exactly which Cloudflare Edge servers you've been assigned by Bancho. ### Sound Effect Campilfied's sound is based on Windows' ``kernel32.dll``'s [``Beep``]( function. This is a part of Windows API. If your Windows doesn't have ``kernel32.dll``, you **can't run** Campilfied. This shouldn't be happened in most cases. #### No Sound? Make sure your **System Sound** is set to the correct volume and **Output Device**. The priority of the sound is the same as the Windows itself. ## Troubleshooting See some weird code like ``[1;1H``, ``[2;4H`` in your terminal? Your Windows seem doesn't enable the support of **ANSI escape sequences**. But you have multiple ways to fix it. ### Enable support of ANSI Terminal Control Run **PowerShell** as ***administrator*** and execute the following command: ```powershell Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Console VirtualTerminalLevel -Type DWORD 1 ``` This command will change the registry value of ``VirtualTerminalLevel`` in ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\`` to ``1``. Aka enable the support of ANSI Terminal Control. Also change to ``0`` means disable. Learn more in [Windows console with ANSI colors handling - Stack Exchange]( ### Run Camplified in Microsoft Terminal Feel restless to edit the registry? Try [Microsoft Terminal]( - Get it from Microsoft Store: [Windows Terminal]( - Download the latest release from [GitHub]( - You can also learn more about how to install and run Windows Terminal in their [Github repository]( After installing, you have multiple ways to run Camplified in Microsoft Terminal. We take a simple way here. 1. Going to the directory of ``Camplified.exe``. 2. Right-click empty space and click ``Open in Windows Terminal``, or type ``wt`` in the address bar of File Explorer to open Microsoft Terminal in the current directory. 3. Then type ``.\Camplified.exe`` to run Camplified. 4. You're done!