<# .NOTES ============================================================================================== Copyright (c) Harvesting Clouds. All rights reserved. File: Get-AzureRmTagsReport.ps1 Purpose: To get the report for tags of all the resources in Azure Version: Author: Aman Sharma ============================================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Azure Resources Tags Report Generation Script .DESCRIPTION This script is used to get the report for tags of all the resources in Azure. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> .\Get-AzureRmVMDiskDetails.ps1 -SubscriptionName "Your-Subscription-Name-Here" -OutputPath "C:\AzureData\TagsResults" Description ----------- This command executes the script with default parameters. Replace the value for SubscriptionName parameter as per your environment. Also replace the output path as per your environment. The script will prompt for Azure Credentials. It doesn't store these credentials anywhere. .PARAMETER SubscriptionName This is the name of the subscription for which you want the report. .PARAMETER OutputPath This is the output directory path where you want to save the report. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .LINK None. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$SubscriptionName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$OutputPath ) try { #Adding Azure Account and Subscription Add-AzureRmAccount #Selecting the Azure Subscription Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName #Getting all Azure Resources $resources = Get-AzureRmResource #Declaring Variables $results = @() $TagsAsString = "" foreach($resource in $resources) { #Fetching Tags $Tags = $resource.Tags #Checkign if tags is null or have value if($Tags -ne $null) { $Tags.GetEnumerator() | % { $TagsAsString += $_.Key + ":" + $_.Value + ";" } } else { $TagsAsString = "NULL" } #$results = @() #Adding to Results $details = @{ Tags = $TagsAsString Name = $resource.Name ResourceId = $resource.ResourceId ResourceName = $resource.ResourceName ResourceType = $resource.ResourceType ResourceGroupName =$resource.ResourceGroupName Location = $resource.Location SubscriptionId = $resource.SubscriptionId Sku = $resource.Sku } $results += New-Object PSObject -Property $details #Clearing Variable $TagsAsString = "" } #Generating Output $OutputPathWithFileName = $OutputPath + "\Tags-" + $SubscriptionName + ".csv" $results | export-csv -Path $OutputPathWithFileName -NoTypeInformation } catch [system.exception] { Write-Output "Error in generating report: $($_.Exception.Message) " Write-Output "Error Details are: " Write-Output $Error[0].ToString() Exit $ERRORLEVEL }