[ { "Author": "Haselnussbomber", "Name": "HaselTweaks", "InternalName": "HaselTweaks", "AssemblyVersion": "25.2.5", "Description": "Keep on tweaking.", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/HaselTweaks", "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 1, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "Punchline": "A collection of quality of life tweaks.", "AcceptsFeedback": true, "Changelog": "DTR\n\n- Fixed: Instance not showing up again after switching to a zone without instances and switching back to a zone with the same Instance Id.\n\nSearch the markets\n\n- Fixed: The tweak incorrectly used Dalamuds language setting to search for the item instead of the clients language.\n- Fixed: It wasn't possible to search for items if they were high quality.", "DownloadCount": 4518, "LastUpdate": 1721379760, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/HaselTweaks/releases/download/v25.2.5/latest.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/HaselTweaks/releases/download/v25.2.5/latest.zip" }, { "Author": "Haselnussbomber", "Name": "LeveHelper", "InternalName": "LeveHelper", "AssemblyVersion": "2.3.0", "Description": "A little helper to check which Levequests have been completed and which are missing.", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/LeveHelper", "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 1, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": true, "LoadPriority": 0, "Punchline": "A little helper for Levequests.", "AcceptsFeedback": true, "Changelog": "- Added: Fishing leves now show the required fish in the Levequests tab.\n- Added: Spearfish are now listed in the Queue tab.", "DownloadCount": 723, "LastUpdate": 1721386799, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/LeveHelper/releases/download/v2.3.0/latest.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/LeveHelper/releases/download/v2.3.0/latest.zip" }, { "Author": "Haselnussbomber", "Name": "MogMogCheck", "InternalName": "MogMogCheck", "AssemblyVersion": "2.2.1", "Description": "MogMogCheck is a small plugin to assist you in tracking the rewards of the Moogle Treasure Trove event (called Mog Mog Kollektion in German, hence the name).", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/MogMogCheck", "DalamudApiLevel": 9, "LoadRequiredState": 1, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": true, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Haselnussbomber/MogMogCheck/main/MogMogCheck/Assets/Icon.png", "Punchline": "Tracking assistant for Moogle Treasure Trove rewards", "AcceptsFeedback": true, "Changelog": "The target framework has been updated to .NET 8, some code has been adjusted to take advantage of the additions it brings, and the NoAlloq dependency was removed.\n\nNo further changes on the plugin itself.", "DownloadCount": 806, "LastUpdate": 1710963433, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/MogMogCheck/releases/download/v2.2.1/latest.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/MogMogCheck/releases/download/v2.2.1/latest.zip" }, { "Author": "Haselnussbomber", "Name": "Yo-kai Check", "InternalName": "YokaiCheck", "AssemblyVersion": "1.2.0", "Description": "Yo-kai Check is a small plugin to assist you in tracking the rewards of the Yo-kai Watch event.", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/YokaiCheck", "DalamudApiLevel": 9, "LoadRequiredState": 1, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": true, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Haselnussbomber/YokaiCheck/main/YokaiCheck/Assets/Icon.png", "Punchline": "Tracking assistant for Yo-kai Watch rewards", "AcceptsFeedback": true, "Changelog": "- Added: The server info bar entry can not be clicked to open the plugin window.\n- Added: The server info bar entry now shows the locations in which you can farm the medals in the tooltip.\n- Added: In the table, the medal count of each weapon now also has a tooltip that shows the locations in which you can farm them. A location displayed in a green color is your current location.\n- Added: In the table, the minion name can now be clicked to summon it and will be shown in a green color when it is currently summoned.\n- Changed: The server info bar entry is now based on the currently summoned minion (previously it was based on inventory changes - the medals that were added) and will persist between zones until the minion is sent away or the weapon has been acquired.", "DownloadCount": 841, "LastUpdate": 1714178614, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/YokaiCheck/releases/download/v1.2.0/latest.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://github.com/Haselnussbomber/YokaiCheck/releases/download/v1.2.0/latest.zip" } ]