0.32.2 UML 1.4 false false false false false false false true false false 1 true Dialog 12 0 Class Diagram: Entities UML 1.4 GoodPractices CodeGeneration Java ArgoUML (using Netbeans XMI Writer version 1.0) 0.32.2(6) revised on $Date: 2010-01-11 22:20:14 +0100 (Mon, 11 Jan 2010) $ C:\Users\fx\Documents\workspace\albasim\Wegas\src true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true Cyril Junod <cyril.junod at gmail.com> @author Cyril Junod <cyril.junod at gmail.com> AbstractEntity <T> Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @param <T> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> entityClass @param entityClass * @return entity @param entity entity @param entity entity * @param entityId @param entity @return entity @param entity id * @param id @return * @return range * @param range @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> token * @throws NoResultException @param token @return game @param gameModelId @param game * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> gameModelId * @param gameModelId @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return player @param teamId @param player Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> t @param gameId @param t userId * @param teamId @param userId @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return principal * @throws NoResultException @param principal @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> variableDescriptorEntity @param gameModelId @param variableDescriptorEntity * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> variableInstance * @param gameModelId @param variableDescriptorId @param userId @param variableInstance @return * @return fx @author fx Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return id @param id a @param a * @return * @return * @return ps * @throws IOException @param ps @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the teams @return the teams teams the teams to set @param teams the teams to set t @param t the gameModel @return the gameModel gameModel the gameModel to set @param gameModel the gameModel to set * @return id @param id * @return name @param name the token @return the token token the token to set @param token the token to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> temporary solutions to store pages @fixme temporary solutions to store pages temporary solutions to store widgets @fixme temporary solutions to store widgets force @param force * @return id @param id * @return name @param name * @return variableDescriptor @param variableDescriptor game @param game variableDescriptors @param variableDescriptors the games @return the games games the games to set @param games the games to set the widgets @return the widgets widgets the widgets to set @param widgets the widgets to set the cssUri @return the cssUri cssUri the cssUri to set @param cssUri the cssUri to set the widgetsUri @return the widgetsUri widgetsUri the widgetsUri to set @param widgetsUri the widgetsUri to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> n @param n * @return name @param name * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> The game model this belongs to a @param a * @return id @param id the user @return the user user the user to set @param user the user to set the team @return the team team the team to set @param team the team to set the name @return the name name the name to set @param name the name to set the teamId @return the teamId Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> The game model this belongs to a @param a the gameModel @return the gameModel game the gameModel to set @param game the gameModel to set the players @return the players p @param p players the players to set @param players the players to set * @return id @param id * @return name @param name the gameId @return the gameId The game model this belongs to The game model this belongs to Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the gameModel @return the gameModel gameModel the gameModel to set @param gameModel the gameModel to set * @return id @param id * @return name @param name the content @return the content content the content to set @param content the content to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> force @param force * @return a @param a userId * @param userId @return v @param userId @param v the variableInstance @return the variableInstance variableInstance the variableInstance to set @param variableInstance the variableInstance to set Needs to be implemented Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @todo Needs to be implemented @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return playerId * @param playerId @return v @param playerId @param v force @param force a @param a v @param userId @param v userId * @param userId @return * @return force @param force * @return varDesc @param varDesc * @return id @param id Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return userId * @param userId @return v @param userId @param v force @param force a @param a Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return id @param id * @return name @param name a @param a Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> = CascadeType.ALL) = "user_player", joinColumns = { = "userId")}) Collection<TeamEntity> players; * @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinTable(name = "user_player", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "playerId")}, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "userId")}) Collection<TeamEntity> players; * * @return id @param id * @return name @param name a @param a the players @return the players players the players to set @param players the players to set = CascadeType.ALL) = "user_player", joinColumns = { = "userId")}) Collection<TeamEntity> players; * @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinTable(name = "user_player", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "playerId")}, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "userId")}) Collection<TeamEntity> players; * Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the minValue @return the minValue minValue the minValue to set @param minValue the minValue to set the maxValue @return the maxValue maxValue the maxValue to set @param maxValue the maxValue to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the validationPattern @return the validationPattern validationPattern the validationPattern to set @param validationPattern the validationPattern to set VariableInstanceEntity <T> Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @param <T> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> Here we cannot use type T, otherwise a @param a playerId * @param playerId @return * @return id @param id * @return name @param name gameModel @param gameModel * @return the scope @return the scope scope the scope to set @param scope the scope to set the defaultVariableInstance @return the defaultVariableInstance defaultVariableInstance the defaultValue to set @param defaultVariableInstance the defaultValue to set Here we cannot use type T, otherwise Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the variableDescriptors @return the variableDescriptors variableDescriptors the variableDescriptors to set @param variableDescriptors the variableDescriptors to set vd @param vd Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the value @return the value value the value to set @param value the value to set a @param a Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the value @return the value value the value to set @param value the value to set a @param a Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the id @return the id id the id to set @param id the id to set the scope @return the scope scope the scope to set @param scope the scope to set scope the scope to set @param scope the scope to set scope @param scope a @param a AbstractFacade <T> Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @param <T> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return * Index : retrieve the game model list @return entityId OK Retrieve a specific game model @param entityId @return OK entity * @param entity @return entity * @param entityId @param entity @return entityId * @param entityId @return name * @param name @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return gameModelId * @param gameModelId @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> entity * @param entity @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return gameModelId game model id OK Resets all the variables of a given game model @param gameModelId game model id @return OK script * @param gameModelId @param playerId @param script @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return newInstance * @param gameModelId @param variableDescriptorId @param userId @param newInstance @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <francois-xavier.aeberhard@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <francois-xavier.aeberhard@red-agent.com> the content @return the content content the content to set @param content the content to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <francois-xavier.aeberhard@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <francois-xavier.aeberhard@red-agent.com> s * @param gameModelId @param playerId @param s @return s @param s maxence @author maxence sre @param sre sre @param sre maxence @author maxence maxence @author maxence se @param se se @param se Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return * @return This realm has all {@link JdbcRealm} capabilities. It also supports JNDI as datasource source and can add salt to passwords. * @return jndiDataSourceName @param jndiDataSourceName password SQLException @param userName @param password @throws SQLException password SQLException @param userName @param password @throws SQLException Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> request * @param request @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> ae @param request @param ae Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> replyId p @param gameModelId @param playerId @param replyId @return p * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> a @param a the description @return the description description the description to set @param description the description to set the replies @return the replies replies the replies to set @param replies the replies to set reply @param reply the label @return the label label the label to set @param label the label to set the multipleReplies @return the multipleReplies allowMultipleReplies @param allowMultipleReplies the tag @return the tag tag the tag to set @param tag the tag to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> a @param a the description @return the description description the description to set @param description the description to set the impact @return the impact impact the impact to set @param impact the impact to set the mCQVariableDescriptor @return the mCQVariableDescriptor mCQVariableDescriptor the mCQVariableDescriptor to set @param mCQVariableDescriptor the mCQVariableDescriptor to set the answer @return the answer answer the answer to set @param answer the answer to set the duration @return the duration duration the duration to set @param duration the duration to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the active @return the active active the active to set @param active the active to set the replies @return the replies replies the replies to set @param replies the replies to set reply @param reply Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> a @param a the description @return the description description the description to set @param description the description to set the impact @return the impact impact the impact to set @param impact the impact to set the mcqVariableDescriptor @return the mcqVariableDescriptor mCQVariableInstance @param mCQVariableInstance the answer @return the answer answer the answer to set @param answer the answer to set the startTime @return the startTime startTime the startTime to set @param startTime the startTime to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return fx @author fx value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return fx @author fx selectOne * @param entities @param selectOne @return defaultMsg @param ex @param defaultMsg messages @param messages msg @param msg msg @param msg key * @param key @return component * @param requestParameterName @param converter @param component @return fx @author fx pageSize @param pageSize * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> IOException @throws IOException * @return * @return the currentPlayer @return the currentPlayer the id @return the id id the id to set @param id the id to set the gameId @return the gameId gameId the gameId to set @param gameId the gameId to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> value * @param facesContext @param component @param value @return object * @param facesContext @param component @param object @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return * @return the gameToken @return the gameToken gameToken the gameToken to set @param gameToken the gameToken to set the selectedTeam @return the selectedTeam selectedTeam the selectedTeam to set @param selectedTeam the selectedTeam to set the currentPlayer @return the currentPlayer currentPlayer the currentPlayer to set @param currentPlayer the currentPlayer to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> the msg @return the msg msg the msg to set @param msg the msg to set the userName @return the userName userName the userName to set @param userName the userName to set the userPass @return the userPass userPass the userPass to set @param userPass the userPass to set Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> @author Francois-Xavier Aeberhard <fx@red-agent.com> selectOne * @param entities @param selectOne @return defaultMsg @param ex @param defaultMsg messages @param messages msg @param msg msg @param msg key * @param key @return component * @param requestParameterName @param converter @param component @return AbstractEntity AbstractFacade VariableInstanceEntity GameEntity logger : Logger id : Long name : String token : String teams : List<TeamEntity> gameModel : GameModelEntity GameModelEntity logger : Logger id : Long name : String variableDescriptors : List<VariableDescriptorEntity> games : List<GameEntity> widgets : List<WidgetEntity> cssUri : String widgetsUri : String sourcePortFig="Fig1" destPortFig="Fig0" sourceFigNode="Fig1" destFigNode="Fig0" PlayerEntity logger : Logger id : Long name : String user : UserEntity team : TeamEntity teamId : int TeamEntity logger : Logger id : Long name : String players : List<PlayerEntity> gameId : int game : GameEntity sourcePortFig="Fig4" destPortFig="Fig3" sourceFigNode="Fig4" destFigNode="Fig3" sourcePortFig="Fig0" destPortFig="Fig4" sourceFigNode="Fig0" destFigNode="Fig4" UserEntity logger : Logger id : Long name : String players : List<PlayerEntity> sourcePortFig="Fig7" destPortFig="Fig3" sourceFigNode="Fig7" destFigNode="Fig3" VariableDescriptorEntity serialVersionUID : long id : Long name : String defaultVariableInstance : VariableInstanceEntity scope : ScopeEntity gameModel : GameModelEntity sourcePortFig="Fig1" destPortFig="Fig9" sourceFigNode="Fig1" destFigNode="Fig9" StringVariableDescriptorEntity serialVersionUID : long logger : Logger validationPattern : String sourcePortFig="Fig11" destPortFig="Fig9" sourceFigNode="Fig11" destFigNode="Fig9" NumberVariableDescriptorEntity getMinValue() : Long setMinValue(minValue : Long) : void getMaxValue() : Long setMaxValue(maxValue : Long) : void sourcePortFig="Fig13" destPortFig="Fig9" sourceFigNode="Fig13" destFigNode="Fig9" ListVariableDescriptorEntity serialVersionUID : long logger : Logger sourcePortFig="Fig15.0" destPortFig="Fig9" sourceFigNode="Fig15" destFigNode="Fig9" ScopeEntity serialVersionUID : long id : Long variableDescriptor : VariableDescriptorEntity sourcePortFig="Fig9" destPortFig="Fig17" sourceFigNode="Fig9" destFigNode="Fig17" sourcePortFig="Fig17" destPortFig="Fig9" sourceFigNode="Fig17" destFigNode="Fig9" GameModelScopeEntity logger : Logger variableInstance : VariableInstanceEntity sourcePortFig="Fig20" destPortFig="Fig17" sourceFigNode="Fig20" destFigNode="Fig17" GameScopeEntity logger : Logger sourcePortFig="Fig22" destPortFig="Fig17" sourceFigNode="Fig22" destFigNode="Fig17" PlayerScopeEntity logger : Logger variableInstances : Map<Long, VariableInstanceEntity> sourcePortFig="Fig24" destPortFig="Fig17" sourceFigNode="Fig24" destFigNode="Fig17" TeamScopeEntity logger : Logger teamVariableInstances : Map<Long, VariableInstanceEntity> sourcePortFig="Fig26" destPortFig="Fig17" sourceFigNode="Fig26" destFigNode="Fig17" VariableInstanceEntity serialVersionUID : long logger : Logger id : Long scope : ScopeEntity teamScope : ScopeEntity gameModelScope : ScopeEntity variableDescriptor : VariableDescriptorEntity sourcePortFig="Fig28" destPortFig="Fig20" sourceFigNode="Fig28" destFigNode="Fig20" sourcePortFig="Fig28" destPortFig="Fig9" sourceFigNode="Fig28" destFigNode="Fig9" sourcePortFig="Fig17" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig17" destFigNode="Fig28" sourcePortFig="Fig17" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig17" destFigNode="Fig28" sourcePortFig="Fig17" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig17" destFigNode="Fig28" sourcePortFig="Fig9" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig9" destFigNode="Fig28" sourcePortFig="Fig26" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig26" destFigNode="Fig28" sourcePortFig="Fig24" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig24" destFigNode="Fig28" sourcePortFig="Fig22" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig22" destFigNode="Fig28" NumberVariableInstanceEntity serialVersionUID : long logger : Logger val : double sourcePortFig="Fig38" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig38" destFigNode="Fig28" StringVariableInstanceEntity serialVersionUID : long logger : Logger val : String sourcePortFig="Fig40" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig40" destFigNode="Fig28" VariableInstanceEntity serialVersionUID : long logger : Logger id : Long scope : ScopeEntity teamScope : ScopeEntity gameModelScope : ScopeEntity variableDescriptor : VariableDescriptorEntity ListVariableInstanceEntity serialVersionUID : long logger : Logger variableDescriptors : List<VariableDescriptorEntity> sourcePortFig="Fig43" destPortFig="Fig28" sourceFigNode="Fig43" destFigNode="Fig28" PlayerScopeEntityController ScopeEntityController NumberVariableInstanceEntityController PlayerEntityController TeamEntityController TeamScopeEntityController StringVariableDescriptorEntityController StringVariableInstanceEntityController ListVariableInstanceEntityController MCQVariableDescriptorEntityController GroupEntityController ListVariableDescriptorEntityController MCQVariableInstanceReplyEntityController NumberVariableDescriptorEntityController MCQVariableDescriptorReplyEntityController MCQVariableInstanceEntityController GameScopeEntityController GameModelScopeEntityController GameModelEntityController GameEntityController util VariableInstanceEntityController WidgetEntityController UserEntityController VariableDescriptorEntityController 1 GameScopeEntityControllerConverter 1 GroupEntityControllerConverter MCQVariableController rest ejb persistence MCQVariableInstanceReplyEntityFacade MCQVariableInstanceEntityFacade MCQVariableDescriptorReplyEntityFacade MCQVariableDescriptorEntityFacade crimesim admin totest core app SessionListener RequestListener SessionController 1 GameModelScopeEntityControllerConverter 1 GameModelEntityControllerConverter GameEntityControllerConverter 1 controllers jsf TeamController UserController PlayerController GameController GameModelController AbstractRestController VariableDescriptorController VariableInstanceController ScriptManager ScriptEntity session script rest persistence ejb security PlayerScopeEntityFacade PlayerEntityFacade ScopeEntityFacade StringVariableInstanceEntityFacade StringVariableDescriptorEntityFacade TeamEntityFacade sourcePortFig="Fig5" destPortFig="Fig1" sourceFigNode="Fig5" destFigNode="Fig1" UserEntityFacade sourcePortFig="Fig7" destPortFig="Fig5" sourceFigNode="Fig7" destFigNode="Fig5" TeamScopeEntityFacade VariableInstanceEntityFacade VariableDescriptorEntityFacade sourcePortFig="Fig11" destPortFig="Fig10" sourceFigNode="Fig11" destFigNode="Fig10" WidgetEntityFacade AbstractFacade GameEntityFacade sourcePortFig="Fig15" destPortFig="Fig5" sourceFigNode="Fig15" destFigNode="Fig5" GameModelEntityFacade sourcePortFig="Fig17" destPortFig="Fig15" sourceFigNode="Fig17" destFigNode="Fig15" sourcePortFig="Fig17" destPortFig="Fig11" sourceFigNode="Fig17" destFigNode="Fig11" GameModelScopeEntityFacade GameScopeEntityFacade GroupEntityFacade ListVariableDescriptorEntityFacade ListVariableInstanceEntityFacade NumberVariableDescriptorEntityFacade NumberVariableInstanceEntityFacade AbstractEntity game users layout scope variableinstance variabledescriptor Book VerboseFormAuthenticationFilter PerformFunctionAndGoBackServlet MCQVariableDescriptorEntity MCQVariableInstanceEntity MCQVariableDescriptorReplyEntity sourcePortFig="Fig0" destPortFig="Fig2" sourceFigNode="Fig0" destFigNode="Fig2" MCQVariableInstanceReplyEntity sourcePortFig="Fig1" destPortFig="Fig4" sourceFigNode="Fig1" destFigNode="Fig4" variable GameEntity_ TeamEntity GameEntity sourcePortFig="Fig2" destPortFig="Fig1" sourceFigNode="Fig2" destFigNode="Fig1" GameModelEntity sourcePortFig="Fig4" destPortFig="Fig2" sourceFigNode="Fig4" destFigNode="Fig2" NamedEntity sourcePortFig="Fig2" destPortFig="Fig6" sourceFigNode="Fig2" destFigNode="Fig6" sourcePortFig="Fig4" destPortFig="Fig6" sourceFigNode="Fig4" destFigNode="Fig6" PlayerEntity sourcePortFig="Fig1" destPortFig="Fig9" sourceFigNode="Fig1" destFigNode="Fig9" jsf controllers TeamScopeEntity ScopeEntity sourcePortFig="Fig0" destPortFig="Fig1" sourceFigNode="Fig0" destFigNode="Fig1" GameModelScopeEntity sourcePortFig="Fig3" destPortFig="Fig1" sourceFigNode="Fig3" destFigNode="Fig1" GameScopeEntity sourcePortFig="Fig5" destPortFig="Fig1" sourceFigNode="Fig5" destFigNode="Fig1" PlayerScopeEntity sourcePortFig="Fig7" destPortFig="Fig1" sourceFigNode="Fig7" destFigNode="Fig1" GroupEntity UserEntity UserEntity_ WidgetEntity Actions <<enumeration>> actions servlet realm VariableInstanceEntity StringVariableInstanceEntity sourcePortFig="Fig1" destPortFig="Fig0" sourceFigNode="Fig1" destFigNode="Fig0" NumberVariableInstanceEntity sourcePortFig="Fig3" destPortFig="Fig0" sourceFigNode="Fig3" destFigNode="Fig0" ListVariableInstanceEntity sourcePortFig="Fig5" destPortFig="Fig0" sourceFigNode="Fig5" destFigNode="Fig0" com::wegas::core::persistence::variabledescriptor::VariableDescriptorEntity.java sourcePortFig="Fig7" destPortFig="Fig0" sourceFigNode="Fig7" destFigNode="Fig0" com::wegas::core::persistence::variabledescriptor::NumberVariableDescriptorEntity.java sourcePortFig="Fig9" destPortFig="Fig3" sourceFigNode="Fig9" destFigNode="Fig3" VariableDescriptorEntity StringVariableDescriptorEntity NumberVariableDescriptorEntity ListVariableDescriptorEntity PasswdSalt JNDIAndSaltAwareJdbcRealm PlayerEntityControllerConverter 1 PlayerScopeEntityControllerConverter 1 1 NumberVariableDescriptorEntityControllerConverter 1 NumberVariableInstanceEntityControllerConverter StringVariableInstanceEntityControllerConverter 1 TeamEntityControllerConverter 1 1 ScopeEntityControllerConverter 1 StringVariableDescriptorEntityControllerConverter ListVariableDescriptorEntityControllerConverter 1 ListVariableInstanceEntityControllerConverter 1 MCQVariableInstanceEntityControllerConverter 1 MCQVariableInstanceReplyEntityControllerConverter 1 1 MCQVariableDescriptorEntityControllerConverter 1 MCQVariableDescriptorReplyEntityControllerConverter PaginationHelper JsfUtil JsfUtil LoginController SignupController LobbyController GameController LobbyControllerConverter WidgetEntityControllerConverter 1 1 VariableDescriptorEntityControllerConverter 1 VariableInstanceEntityControllerConverter TeamScopeEntityControllerConverter 1 UserEntityControllerConverter 1