The most basic for of lightbox, displays user clickable image, which on click expands.
## Props
Basic customization is done by setting prop(s) to desired value.
### title
Type: `string/HTML`
Image's title that is displayed below the image (in a lightbox), feel free to use HTML (eg, `
`, ``). Everything
in a lightbox footer is aligned to the left, but you can override it by putting it into `` which would allow you to
apply a different style or a class of your choosing.
### description
Type: `string/HTML`
Image's description that is, similarly to the title, displayed under the image (in a lightbox). The difference between
those two are the title is wrapped in `` and description is wrapped in ``.
### imagePreset
Type: `ImagePrest (string)`
Select between these 3 presets:
- `''` - Default preset, doesn't make any drastic behavior changes, just displays image in its maximum size and fits into viewport.
- `'fullscreen'` - Makes image fullscreen to cover at least one of axes.
- `'scroll'` - Enables scrolling big image instead of making it smaller to fit into the screen.
### customization
Type: `LightboxCustomization (object)`
Customization object contains these props, which represent html props of their key (e.g. closeButtonProps = html props of
close button of).
- closeButtonProps: `HTMLButtonElement`
- lightboxFooterProps: `HTMLDivElement`
- lightboxHeaderProps: `HTMLDivElement`
- lightboxProps: `HTMLDivElement`
- thumbnailProps: `HTMLDivElement`
### transitionDuration
Type: `number`
Duration of lightbox toggle, in milliseconds. Based on this number are calculated transitions for lightbox cover. Default
### keepBodyScroll
Type: `boolean`
Keeps body scroll while lightbox is open. Default `false`.
### enableImageExpand
Type: `boolean`
Enables image inside lightbox to resize above its resolution. Default `false`.
### enableFallbackThumbnail
Type: `boolean`
Enables inferring thumbnail from lightbox content, if thumbnail isn't specified. Default `true`.
### enableEscapeToClose
Enables closing lightbox on keydown which is equal to escape button. Default `true`.
### enableClickToClose
Type: `boolean`
Anywhere user clicks when modal is opened, closes it. Default `false`.
### showCloseButton
Type: `boolean`
Shows close button. Default `true`.
### isVisible
Type: `boolean`
Allows you to programmatically control lightbox visibility without programmaticController. Default varies on user activity.
### programmaticController
Type: `object`
Object with these basic control functions:
- toggle `() => void` - toggles lightbox (opened -> closed, vice versa)
- open `() => void` - opens lightbox
- close `() => void` - closes lightbox
## CSS
If you'd like to change global styles, feel free to override these global CSS classes: `.svelte-lightbox-main`,
`.svelte-lightbox-body`, `.svelte-lightbox-overlay`, `.svelte-lightbox-header`, `.svelte-lightbox-footer` and `.svelte-lightbox-thumbnail`.