version: "3" services: service.rss: image: wangqiru/ttrss:latest container_name: ttrss ports: - 181:80 environment: - SELF_URL_PATH=http://localhost:181 # please change to your own domain - DB_PASS=ttrss # use the same password defined in `database.postgres` - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 volumes: - feed-icons:/var/www/feed-icons/ networks: - public_access - service_only - database_only stdin_open: true tty: true restart: always service.mercury: # set Mercury Parser API endpoint to `service.mercury:3000` on TTRSS plugin setting page image: wangqiru/mercury-parser-api:latest container_name: mercury networks: - public_access - service_only restart: always service.opencc: # set OpenCC API endpoint to `service.opencc:3000` on TTRSS plugin setting page image: wangqiru/opencc-api-server:latest container_name: opencc environment: - NODE_ENV=production networks: - service_only restart: always database.postgres: image: postgres:16-alpine container_name: postgres environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=ttrss # feel free to change the password volumes: - ~/postgres/data/:/var/lib/postgresql/data # persist postgres data to ~/postgres/data/ on the host networks: - database_only restart: always # utility.watchtower: # container_name: watchtower # image: containrrr/watchtower:latest # volumes: # - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # environment: # - WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP=true # - WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL=86400 # restart: always volumes: feed-icons: networks: public_access: # Provide the access for ttrss UI service_only: # Provide the communication network between services only internal: true database_only: # Provide the communication between ttrss and database only internal: true