//const md5=require ('md5') //开发者请将上述依赖注释去除 const hpp_CDNver = "d4051c3" const hpp_ver = "HexoPlusPlus@1.2.0" const dev_mode_branch = "dist" let hpp_logstatus = 0 function getJsonLength(jsonData) { var jsonLength = 0; for (var item in jsonData) { jsonLength++; } return jsonLength; } addEventListener("fetch", event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) function getCookie(request, name) { let result = "" const cookieString = request.headers.get("Cookie") if (cookieString) { const cookies = cookieString.split(";") cookies.forEach(cookie => { const cookiePair = cookie.split("=", 2) const cookieName = cookiePair[0].trim() if (cookieName === name) { const cookieVal = cookiePair[1] result = cookieVal } }) } return result } !function (n) { "use strict"; function d(n, t) { var r = (65535 & n) + (65535 & t); return (n >> 16) + (t >> 16) + (r >> 16) << 16 | 65535 & r } function f(n, t, r, e, o, u) { return d((c = d(d(t, n), d(e, u))) << (f = o) | c >>> 32 - f, r); var c, f } function l(n, t, r, e, o, u, c) { return f(t & r | ~t & e, n, t, o, u, c) } function v(n, t, r, e, o, u, c) { return f(t & e | r & ~e, n, t, o, u, c) } function g(n, t, r, e, o, u, c) { return f(t ^ r ^ e, n, t, o, u, c) } function m(n, t, r, e, o, u, c) { return f(r ^ (t | ~e), n, t, o, u, c) } function i(n, t) { var r, e, o, u; n[t >> 5] |= 128 << t % 32, n[14 + (t + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = t; for (var c = 1732584193, f = -271733879, i = -1732584194, a = 271733878, h = 0; h < n.length; h += 16)c = l(r = c, e = f, o = i, u = a, n[h], 7, -680876936), a = l(a, c, f, i, n[h + 1], 12, -389564586), i = l(i, a, c, f, n[h + 2], 17, 606105819), f = l(f, i, a, c, n[h + 3], 22, -1044525330), c = l(c, f, i, a, n[h + 4], 7, -176418897), a = l(a, c, f, i, n[h + 5], 12, 1200080426), i = l(i, a, c, f, n[h + 6], 17, -1473231341), f = l(f, i, a, c, n[h + 7], 22, -45705983), c = l(c, f, i, a, n[h + 8], 7, 1770035416), a = l(a, c, f, i, n[h + 9], 12, -1958414417), i = l(i, a, c, f, n[h + 10], 17, -42063), f = l(f, i, a, c, n[h + 11], 22, -1990404162), c = l(c, f, i, a, n[h + 12], 7, 1804603682), a = l(a, c, f, i, n[h + 13], 12, -40341101), i = l(i, a, c, f, n[h + 14], 17, -1502002290), c = v(c, f = l(f, i, a, c, n[h + 15], 22, 1236535329), i, a, n[h + 1], 5, -165796510), a = v(a, c, f, i, n[h + 6], 9, -1069501632), i = v(i, a, c, f, n[h + 11], 14, 643717713), f = v(f, i, a, c, n[h], 20, -373897302), c = v(c, f, i, a, n[h + 5], 5, -701558691), a = v(a, c, f, i, n[h + 10], 9, 38016083), i = v(i, a, c, f, n[h + 15], 14, -660478335), f = v(f, i, a, c, n[h + 4], 20, -405537848), c = v(c, f, i, a, n[h + 9], 5, 568446438), a = v(a, c, f, i, n[h + 14], 9, -1019803690), i = v(i, a, c, f, n[h + 3], 14, -187363961), f = v(f, i, a, c, n[h + 8], 20, 1163531501), c = v(c, f, i, a, n[h + 13], 5, -1444681467), a = v(a, c, f, i, n[h + 2], 9, -51403784), i = v(i, a, c, f, n[h + 7], 14, 1735328473), c = g(c, f = v(f, i, a, c, n[h + 12], 20, -1926607734), i, a, n[h + 5], 4, -378558), a = g(a, c, f, i, n[h + 8], 11, -2022574463), i = g(i, a, c, f, n[h + 11], 16, 1839030562), f = g(f, i, a, c, n[h + 14], 23, -35309556), c = g(c, f, i, a, n[h + 1], 4, -1530992060), a = g(a, c, f, i, n[h + 4], 11, 1272893353), i = g(i, a, c, f, n[h + 7], 16, -155497632), f = g(f, i, a, c, n[h + 10], 23, -1094730640), c = g(c, f, i, a, n[h + 13], 4, 681279174), a = g(a, c, f, i, n[h], 11, -358537222), i = g(i, a, c, f, n[h + 3], 16, -722521979), f = g(f, i, a, c, n[h + 6], 23, 76029189), c = g(c, f, i, a, n[h + 9], 4, -640364487), a = g(a, c, f, i, n[h + 12], 11, -421815835), i = g(i, a, c, f, n[h + 15], 16, 530742520), c = m(c, f = g(f, i, a, c, n[h + 2], 23, -995338651), i, a, n[h], 6, -198630844), a = m(a, c, f, i, n[h + 7], 10, 1126891415), i = m(i, a, c, f, n[h + 14], 15, -1416354905), f = m(f, i, a, c, n[h + 5], 21, -57434055), c = m(c, f, i, a, n[h + 12], 6, 1700485571), a = m(a, c, f, i, n[h + 3], 10, -1894986606), i = m(i, a, c, f, n[h + 10], 15, -1051523), f = m(f, i, a, c, n[h + 1], 21, -2054922799), c = m(c, f, i, a, n[h + 8], 6, 1873313359), a = m(a, c, f, i, n[h + 15], 10, -30611744), i = m(i, a, c, f, n[h + 6], 15, -1560198380), f = m(f, i, a, c, n[h + 13], 21, 1309151649), c = m(c, f, i, a, n[h + 4], 6, -145523070), a = m(a, c, f, i, n[h + 11], 10, -1120210379), i = m(i, a, c, f, n[h + 2], 15, 718787259), f = m(f, i, a, c, n[h + 9], 21, -343485551), c = d(c, r), f = d(f, e), i = d(i, o), a = d(a, u); return [c, f, i, a] } function a(n) { for (var t = "", r = 32 * n.length, e = 0; e < r; e += 8)t += String.fromCharCode(n[e >> 5] >>> e % 32 & 255); return t } function h(n) { var t = []; for (t[(n.length >> 2) - 1] = void 0, e = 0; e < t.length; e += 1)t[e] = 0; for (var r = 8 * n.length, e = 0; e < r; e += 8)t[e >> 5] |= (255 & n.charCodeAt(e / 8)) << e % 32; return t } function e(n) { for (var t, r = "0123456789abcdef", e = "", o = 0; o < n.length; o += 1)t = n.charCodeAt(o), e += r.charAt(t >>> 4 & 15) + r.charAt(15 & t); return e } function r(n) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(n)) } function o(n) { return a(i(h(t = r(n)), 8 * t.length)); var t } function u(n, t) { return function (n, t) { var r, e, o = h(n), u = [], c = []; for (u[15] = c[15] = void 0, 16 < o.length && (o = i(o, 8 * n.length)), r = 0; r < 16; r += 1)u[r] = 909522486 ^ o[r], c[r] = 1549556828 ^ o[r]; return e = i(u.concat(h(t)), 512 + 8 * t.length), a(i(c.concat(e), 640)) }(r(n), r(t)) } function t(n, t, r) { return t ? r ? u(t, n) : e(u(t, n)) : r ? o(n) : e(o(n)) } "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function () { return t }) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = t : n.md5 = t }(this); async function handleRequest(request) { try { const req = request const urlStr = req.url const urlObj = new URL(urlStr) const path = urlObj.href.substr(urlObj.origin.length) const domain = (urlStr.split('/'))[2] const username = hpp_username.split(","); const password = hpp_password.split(","); //console.log(hpp_logstatus) for (var i = 0; i < getJsonLength(username); i++) { if (getCookie(request, "password") == md5(password[i]) && getCookie(request, "username") == md5(username[i])) { hpp_logstatus = 1 } } if (path.startsWith('/hpp/admin')) { if (hpp_logstatus == 1) { const hpp_config = await KVNAME.get("hpp_config"); if (hpp_config === null) { if (path == '/hpp/admin/api/upconfig') { const config_r = JSON.stringify(await request.text()) await KVNAME.put("hpp_config", config_r) return new Response("OK") } else { let hpp_installhtml = ` ${hpp_ver}安装


































Global API Key:






` return new Response(hpp_installhtml, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8" } }) } } else { const config = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(hpp_config)) const hpp_domain = config["hpp_domain"] const hpp_userimage = config["hpp_userimage"] const hpp_title = config["hpp_title"] const hpp_usericon = config["hpp_usericon"] const hpp_cors = config["hpp_cors"] const hpp_githubdoctoken = config["hpp_githubdoctoken"] const hpp_githubimagetoken = config["hpp_githubimagetoken"] const hpp_githubdocusername = config["hpp_githubdocusername"] const hpp_githubdocrepo = config["hpp_githubdocrepo"] const hpp_githubdocroot = config["hpp_githubdocroot"] const hpp_githubdocbranch = config["hpp_githubdocbranch"] const hpp_githubimageusername = config["hpp_githubimageusername"] const hpp_githubimagerepo = config["hpp_githubimagerepo"] const hpp_githubimagepath = config["hpp_githubimagepath"] const hpp_githubimagebranch = config["hpp_githubimagebranch"] const hpp_autodate = config["hpp_autodate"] const hpp_account_identifier = config["hpp_account_identifier"] const hpp_script_name = config["hpp_script_name"] const hpp_CF_Auth_Key = config["hpp_CF_Auth_Key"] const hpp_Auth_Email = config["hpp_Auth_Email"] const hpp_twikoo_envId = config["hpp_twikoo-envId"] const hpp_OwO = config["hpp_OwO"] const hpp_back = config["hpp_back"] const hpp_lazy_img = config["hpp_lazy_img"] const hpp_highlight_style = config["hpp_highlight_style"] const hpp_plugin_js = config["hpp_plugin_js"] const hpp_plugin_css = config["hpp_plugin_css"] const hpp_githubdocpath = hpp_githubdocroot + "source/_posts/" const hpp_githubdocdraftpath = hpp_githubdocroot + "source/_drafts/" const githubdocdraftpath = encodeURI(hpp_githubdocdraftpath) const githubdocpath = encodeURI(hpp_githubdocpath) const githubimagepath = encodeURI(hpp_githubimagepath) const hpp_color=config["hpp_color"]==undefined?"rose":config["hpp_color"] const hpp_bg_color=config["hpp_bg_color"]==undefined?"white":config["hpp_bg_color"] const hpp_theme_mode=config["hpp_theme_mode"]=="dark"?"dark":"light" const hpp_page_limit=config["hpp_page_limit"]==undefined?"10":config["hpp_page_limit"] if (hpp_autodate == "True") { const now = Date.now(new Date()) await KVNAME.put("hpp_activetime", now) const hpp_kvwait = Date.now(new Date()) - now } const hpp_githubgetimageinit = { method: "GET", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubimagetoken }, } const hpp_githubgetdocinit = { method: "GET", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubdoctoken }, } /*主面板*/ if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/dash")) { let hpp_home_act = "" let hpp_edit_act = "" let hpp_talk_act = "" let hpp_docs_man_act = "" let hpp_img_man_act = "" let hpp_tool_act = "" let hpp_set_act = "" let hpp_js = "" let hpp_init = `



` if (path == "/hpp/admin/dash/home") { hpp_home_act = " active" hpp_init = `
` hpp_js = `` } if (path == "/hpp/admin/dash/edit") { hpp_edit_act = " active" hpp_init = `



` hpp_js = ` ` } if (path == "/hpp/admin/dash/talk") { hpp_talk_act = " active" hpp_init = `



` hpp_js = ` ` } if (path == "/hpp/admin/dash/docs_man") { hpp_docs_man_act = " active" hpp_init = `



名称 大小 发布状态
` hpp_js = `` } if (path == "/hpp/admin/dash/img_man") { hpp_img_man_act = " active" hpp_init = `



名称 大小 预览
` hpp_js = ` ` } if (path == "/hpp/admin/dash/tool") { hpp_tool_act = " active" hpp_init = `
` hpp_js = `` } if (path == "/hpp/admin/dash/set") { hpp_set_act = " active" hpp_init = `



键值 内容 操作
` hpp_js = `` } let hpp_plugin = "" if (hpp_plugin_css != undefined) { hpp_plugin += `` } if (hpp_plugin_js != undefined) { hpp_js += `` } let hpp_dash_head = ` ${hpp_title} ${hpp_plugin}
` let hpp_dash_foot = `
${hpp_js} ` let hpp_dash = `${hpp_dash_head}${hpp_init}${hpp_dash_foot}` return new Response(hpp_dash, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8" } }) } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/adddoc/")) { const file = await request.text() const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/adddoc/").length) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/contents${githubdocpath}${filename}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}` const hpp_sha = (JSON.parse(await (await fetch(url, hpp_githubgetdocinit)).text())).sha const hpp_body = { branch: hpp_githubdocbranch, message: `Upload from ${hpp_ver} By ${hpp_githubdocusername}`, content: file, sha: hpp_sha } const hpp_docputinit = { body: JSON.stringify(hpp_body), method: "PUT", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubdoctoken } } const hpp_r = await fetch(url, hpp_docputinit) const hpp_r_s = await hpp_r.status if (hpp_r_s == 200 || hpp_r_s == 201) { if (hpp_r_s == 201) { await KVNAME.delete("hpp_doc_list_index") } return new Response('Update Success', { status: hpp_r_s }) } else { return new Response('Fail To Update', { status: hpp_r_s }) } } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/adddraft/")) { const file = await request.text() const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/adddraft/").length) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/contents${githubdocdraftpath}${filename}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}` const hpp_sha = (JSON.parse(await (await fetch(url, hpp_githubgetdocinit)).text())).sha const hpp_body = { branch: hpp_githubdocbranch, message: `Upload draft from ${hpp_ver} By ${hpp_githubdocusername}`, content: file, sha: hpp_sha } const hpp_docputinit = { body: JSON.stringify(hpp_body), method: "PUT", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubdoctoken } } const hpp_r = await fetch(url, hpp_docputinit) const hpp_r_s = await hpp_r.status if (hpp_r_s == 200 || hpp_r_s == 201) { if (hpp_r_s == 201) { await KVNAME.delete("hpp_doc_draft_list_index") } return new Response('Update Success', { status: hpp_r_s }) } else { return new Response('Fail To Update', { status: hpp_r_s }) } } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/addimage")) { const file = await request.text() const hpp_time = Date.parse(new Date()) const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/addimage/").length) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubimageusername}/${hpp_githubimagerepo}/contents${githubimagepath}${hpp_time}.${filename}` const hpp_body = { branch: hpp_githubimagebranch, message: `Upload from ${hpp_ver} By ${hpp_githubimageusername}`, content: file } const hpp_imageputinit = { body: JSON.stringify(hpp_body), method: "PUT", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubimagetoken } } const hpp_r = await fetch(url, hpp_imageputinit) const hpp_r_s = await hpp_r.status if (hpp_r_s == 200 || hpp_r_s == 201) { return new Response(`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/${hpp_githubimageusername}/${hpp_githubimagerepo}@${hpp_githubimagebranch}${hpp_githubimagepath}${hpp_time}.${filename}`, { status: hpp_r_s }) } else { return new Response(`Fail To Upload Image`, { status: hpp_r_s }) } } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/deldoc")) { const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/deldoc/").length) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/contents${githubdocpath}${filename}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}` const hpp_sha = (JSON.parse(await (await fetch(url, hpp_githubgetdocinit)).text())).sha const hpp_body = { branch: hpp_githubdocbranch, message: `Delete from ${hpp_ver} By ${hpp_githubdocusername}`, sha: hpp_sha } const hpp_docputinit = { body: JSON.stringify(hpp_body), method: "DELETE", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubdoctoken } } const hpp_r = await fetch(url, hpp_docputinit) const hpp_r_s = await hpp_r.status if (hpp_r_s == 200) { await KVNAME.delete("hpp_doc_list_index") return new Response('Delete Success', { status: hpp_r_s }) } else { return new Response('Fail To Delete doc', { status: hpp_r_s }) } } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/deldraft")) { const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/deldraft/").length) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/contents${githubdocdraftpath}${filename}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}` const hpp_sha = (JSON.parse(await (await fetch(url, hpp_githubgetdocinit)).text())).sha const hpp_body = { branch: hpp_githubdocbranch, message: `Delete draft from ${hpp_ver} By ${hpp_githubdocusername}`, sha: hpp_sha } const hpp_docputinit = { body: JSON.stringify(hpp_body), method: "DELETE", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubdoctoken } } const hpp_r = await fetch(url, hpp_docputinit) const hpp_r_s = await hpp_r.status if (hpp_r_s == 200) { await KVNAME.delete("hpp_doc_draft_list_index") return new Response('Delete Success', { status: hpp_r_s }) } else { return new Response('Fail To Delete doc', { status: hpp_r_s }) } } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/delimage")) { const filepath = githubimagepath.substr(0, (githubimagepath).length - 1) const listurl = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubimageusername}/${hpp_githubimagerepo}/contents${filepath}?ref=${hpp_githubimagebranch}` const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/delimage/").length) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubimageusername}/${hpp_githubimagerepo}/contents${githubimagepath}${filename}?ref=${hpp_githubimagebranch}` const hpp_re = (JSON.parse(await (await fetch(listurl, hpp_githubgetimageinit)).text())) //console.log(hpp_re) let hpp_sha = "" for (var i = 0; i < getJsonLength(hpp_re); i++) { if (hpp_re[i]["name"] == filename) { hpp_sha = hpp_re[i]["sha"] break } } //console.log(hpp_sha) const hpp_body = { branch: hpp_githubimagebranch, message: `Delete from ${hpp_ver} By ${hpp_githubdocusername}`, sha: hpp_sha } const hpp_imageputinit = { body: JSON.stringify(hpp_body), method: "DELETE", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "user-agent": hpp_ver, "Authorization": "token " + hpp_githubimagetoken } } const hpp_r = await fetch(url, hpp_imageputinit) const hpp_r_s = await hpp_r.status if (hpp_r_s == 200) { return new Response('Delete Success', { status: hpp_r_s }) } else { return new Response('Fail To Delete Image', { status: hpp_r_s }) } } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/getdoc")) { const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/getdoc/").length) return (fetch(`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/${hpp_githubdocbranch}${githubdocpath}${filename}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}`, hpp_githubgetdocinit)) } if (path == ("/hpp/admin/api/getscaffolds")) { return (fetch(`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/${hpp_githubdocbranch}${hpp_githubdocroot}scaffolds/post.md?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}`, hpp_githubgetdocinit)) } //他名字叫bfs,他就叫bfs/doge async function fetch_bfs(arr, url, getinit) { try { const hpp_getlist = await JSON.parse(await (await fetch(url, hpp_githubgetdocinit)).text()) for (var i = 0; i < getJsonLength(hpp_getlist); i++) { if (hpp_getlist[i]["type"] != "dir") { arr.push(hpp_getlist[i]) } else { await fetch_bfs(arr, hpp_getlist[i]["_links"]["self"], getinit) } } return arr; } catch (e) { return {} } } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/getlist") { let hpp_doc_list_index = await KVNAME.get("hpp_doc_list_index") if (hpp_doc_list_index === null) { const filepath = githubdocpath.substr(0, (githubdocpath).length - 1) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/contents${filepath}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}` hpp_doc_list_index = await JSON.stringify(await fetch_bfs([], url, hpp_githubgetdocinit)) await KVNAME.put("hpp_doc_list_index", hpp_doc_list_index) } return new Response(hpp_doc_list_index, { headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": hpp_cors } }) } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/getdraft")) { const filename = path.substr(("/hpp/admin/api/getdraft/").length) return (fetch(`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/${hpp_githubdocbranch}${githubdocdraftpath}${filename}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}`, hpp_githubgetdocinit)) } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/get_draftlist") { let hpp_doc_draft_list_index = await KVNAME.get("hpp_doc_draft_list_index") if (hpp_doc_draft_list_index === null) { const filepath = githubdocdraftpath.substr(0, (githubdocdraftpath).length - 1) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubdocusername}/${hpp_githubdocrepo}/contents${filepath}?ref=${hpp_githubdocbranch}` hpp_doc_draft_list_index = await JSON.stringify(await fetch_bfs([], url, hpp_githubgetdocinit)) await KVNAME.put("hpp_doc_draft_list_index", hpp_doc_draft_list_index) } return new Response(hpp_doc_draft_list_index, { headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": hpp_cors } }) } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/getimglist") { const filepath = githubimagepath.substr(0, (githubimagepath).length - 1) const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${hpp_githubimageusername}/${hpp_githubimagerepo}/contents${filepath}?ref=${hpp_githubimagebranch}` return new Response(await JSON.stringify(await fetch_bfs([], url, hpp_githubgetimageinit)), { headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": hpp_cors } }) } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/index_del") { await KVNAME.delete("hpp_doc_draft_list_index") await KVNAME.delete("hpp_doc_list_index") return new Response("OK") } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/addtalk") { let hpp_talk_re = await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_data") if (hpp_talk_re === null) { hpp_talk_re = "[]" } let hpp_talk = await JSON.parse(hpp_talk_re); let hpp_talk_id_re = await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_id") if (hpp_talk_id_re === null) { hpp_talk_id_re = 0 } let hpp_talk_id = hpp_talk_id_re; hpp_talk_id++; const now = await request.json() const add = { id: hpp_talk_id, time: now["time"], name: now["name"], avatar: now["avatar"], content: now["content"], visible: "True" } hpp_talk.push(add); await KVNAME.put("hpp_talk_data", JSON.stringify(hpp_talk)) await KVNAME.put("hpp_talk_id", hpp_talk_id) return new Response('OK') } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/deltalk") { const hpp_talk = JSON.parse(await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_data")); const now = Number(await request.text()) for (var i = 0; i < getJsonLength(hpp_talk); i++) { if (Number(hpp_talk[i]["id"]) == now) { hpp_talk.splice(i, 1) } } await KVNAME.put("hpp_talk_data", JSON.stringify(hpp_talk)) return new Response('OK') } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/visibletalk") { const hpp_talk = JSON.parse(await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_data")); const now = await request.text() for (var i = 0; i < getJsonLength(hpp_talk); i++) { if (hpp_talk[i]["id"] == now) { hpp_talk[i]["visible"] = hpp_talk[i]["visible"] == "False" ? "True" : "False" } } await KVNAME.put("hpp_talk_data", JSON.stringify(hpp_talk)) return new Response('OK') } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/update") { const update_script = await (await fetch(`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HexoPlusPlus/HexoPlusPlus/main/index.js`)).text() const up_init = { body: update_script, method: "PUT", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "X-Auth-Key": hpp_CF_Auth_Key, "X-Auth-Email": hpp_Auth_Email } } const update_resul = await (await fetch(`https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${hpp_account_identifier}/workers/scripts/${hpp_script_name}`, up_init)).text() return new Response(JSON.parse(update_resul)["success"]) } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/small_white_mouse_update") { const update_script = await (await fetch(`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HexoPlusPlus/HexoPlusPlus/dev/index.js`)).text() const up_init = { body: update_script, method: "PUT", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "X-Auth-Key": hpp_CF_Auth_Key, "X-Auth-Email": hpp_Auth_Email } } const update_resul = await (await fetch(`https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${hpp_account_identifier}/workers/scripts/${hpp_script_name}`, up_init)).text() return new Response(JSON.parse(update_resul)["success"]) } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/inputtalk") { let hpp_talk_re = await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_data") if (hpp_talk_re === null) { hpp_talk_re = "[]" } let hpp_talk = await JSON.parse(hpp_talk_re); let hpp_talk_id_re = await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_id") if (hpp_talk_id_re === null) { hpp_talk_id_re = 0 } let hpp_talk_id = hpp_talk_id_re; let now = await JSON.parse(await request.text()) let talk_init = {} for (var i = 0; i < now.length; i++) { hpp_talk_id++; ftime = now[i]["updatedAt"] ftime = ftime.split('T') talk_init = { id: hpp_talk_id, time: ftime[0], name: username[0], avatar: now[i]["avatar"], content: now[i]["atContentHtml"], visible: "True" } hpp_talk.push(talk_init) } await KVNAME.put("hpp_talk_data", JSON.stringify(hpp_talk)) await KVNAME.put("hpp_talk_id", hpp_talk_id) return new Response(JSON.stringify(hpp_talk)) } if (path.startsWith("/hpp/admin/api/checkupdate")) { const update_check_script = await (await fetch(`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HexoPlusPlus/HexoPlusPlus/main/update.js`)).text() return new Response(update_check_script, { headers: { headers: "content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8" } }) } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/del_all") { await KVNAME.delete("hpp_config") return new Response('OK') } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/get_config") { return new Response(await JSON.parse(hpp_config)) } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/edit_config") { let req_con = await JSON.parse(await request.text()) let _index = req_con["index"] let _value = req_con["value"] let k = await JSON.parse(await JSON.parse(hpp_config)) k[_index] = _value k = await JSON.stringify(k) await KVNAME.put("hpp_config", await JSON.stringify(k)) return new Response('OK') } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/del_config") { let _index = await request.text() let k = await JSON.parse(await JSON.parse(hpp_config)) delete k[_index] await KVNAME.put("hpp_config", await JSON.stringify(await JSON.stringify(k))) return new Response('OK') } if (path == '/hpp/admin/api/kick') { const now = Date.now(new Date()) await KVNAME.put("hpp_activetime", now) const hpp_kvwait = Date.now(new Date()) - now return new Response("OK") } if (path == "/hpp/admin/api/gethpptalk") { const req_r = await request.text() if (req_r != "") { const limit = (await JSON.parse(req_r))["limit"] const start = (await JSON.parse(req_r))["start"] const hpp_talk = await JSON.parse(await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_data")); let hpp_talk_res = [] for (var i = getJsonLength(hpp_talk) - start - 1; i > getJsonLength(hpp_talk) - start - limit; i--) { hpp_talk_res.push(await JSON.stringify(hpp_talk[i])) } return new Response(JSON.stringify(hpp_talk_res), { headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" } }) } else { return new Response("ERROR", { headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" } }) } } } } else { if (path == '/hpp/admin/login') { let hpp_captcha_html = "" let hpp_captcha_no_1 = "" let hpp_captcha_no_2 = "" try { captcha = hpp_captcha } catch (e) { captcha = "Flase" } if (captcha != "True") { hpp_captcha_html = "//"; hpp_captcha_no_1 = "" } let hpp_loginhtml = ` 后台


${hpp_captcha_no_1}${hpp_captcha_no_2} ${hpp_captcha_no_1}${hpp_captcha_no_2} ` return new Response(hpp_loginhtml, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8" } }) } return Response.redirect('https://' + domain + '/hpp/admin/login', 302) } return Response.redirect('https://' + domain + '/hpp/admin/dash', 302) } if (path.startsWith('/hpp/api')) { if (path == "/hpp/api/getblogeractive") { const hpp_activetime = await KVNAME.get("hpp_activetime") var k = (Date.parse(new Date()) - hpp_activetime) / 1000 const hpp_re_active_init = { headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript; charset=utf-8", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" } } if (k < 30) { return new Response('document.getElementById("bloggeractivetime").innerHTML=\'博主刚刚还在这儿呢\'', hpp_re_active_init) } else if (k < 60) { return new Response('document.getElementById("bloggeractivetime").innerHTML=\'博主在' + k + '秒前离开这儿\'', hpp_re_active_init) } else if (k < 3600) { return new Response('document.getElementById("bloggeractivetime").innerHTML=\'博主在' + Math.round(k / 60) + '分钟前偷偷瞄了一眼博客\'', hpp_re_active_init) } else { return new Response('document.getElementById("bloggeractivetime").innerHTML=\'博主在' + Math.round(k / 3600) + '小时前活跃了一次\'', hpp_re_active_init) } } if (path == "/hpp/api/captchaimg") { let url = "https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/image" let request = new Request(url); return ( fetch(request) ); } if (path == "/hpp/api/twikoo") { const hpp_config = await JSON.parse(await JSON.parse(await KVNAME.get("hpp_config"))); const env_id = hpp_config["hpp_twikoo_envId"] const hpp_cors = hpp_config["hpp_cors"] const url = "https://tcb-api.tencentcloudapi.com/web?env=" + env_id async function get_refresh_token() { /*第一步获得refresh_token*/ const step_1_body = { action: "auth.signInAnonymously", anonymous_uuid: "", dataVersion: "1970-1-1", env: env_id, refresh_token: "", seqId: "" } const step_1 = { body: JSON.stringify(step_1_body), method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" } } /*refresh_token到手*/ //console.log(step_1_body) return JSON.parse(await (await fetch(url, step_1)).text())["refresh_token"] } async function get_access_token(refresh_token) { const step_2_body = { action: "auth.fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken", anonymous_uuid: "", dataVersion: "1970-1-1", env: env_id, refresh_token: refresh_token, seqId: "" } const step_2 = { body: JSON.stringify(step_2_body), method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" } } /*access_token到手*/ return JSON.parse(await (await fetch(url, step_2)).text())["access_token"]; } async function get_comment(access_token, path, before) { const re_data = { "event": "COMMENT_GET", "url": path, "before": before } const step_3_body = { access_token: access_token, action: "functions.invokeFunction", dataVersion: "1970-1-1", env: env_id, function_name: "twikoo", request_data: JSON.stringify(re_data), seqId: "" } const step_3 = { body: JSON.stringify(step_3_body), method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" } } return (await (await fetch(url, step_3)).text()) } const req = await JSON.parse(await request.text()) const path = req["path"] const before = req["before"] let refresh_token = await KVNAME.get("hpp_comment_refresh_token") let access_token = await KVNAME.get("hpp_comment_access_token") let val = await get_comment(access_token, path, before) let twikoo_code = await JSON.parse(val)['code'] if (twikoo_code == 'CHECK_LOGIN_FAILED' | twikoo_code == 'INVALID_PARAM') { refresh_token = await get_refresh_token() await KVNAME.put("hpp_comment_refresh_token", refresh_token) access_token = await get_access_token(refresh_token) await KVNAME.put("hpp_comment_access_token", access_token) val = await get_comment(access_token, path, before) } return new Response(val, { headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" } } ) } if (path == "/hpp/api/gethpptalk") { const req_r = await request.text() if (req_r != "") { const limit = (await JSON.parse(req_r))["limit"] const start = (await JSON.parse(req_r))["start"] const hpp_talk = await JSON.parse(await KVNAME.get("hpp_talk_data")); let hpp_talk_res = [] let hpp_vi = "" for (var i = getJsonLength(hpp_talk) - start - 1; i > getJsonLength(hpp_talk) - start - limit; i--) { try { hpp_vi = hpp_talk[i]["visible"] } catch (e) { hpp_vi = null } if (hpp_vi != "False") { hpp_talk_res.push(await JSON.stringify(hpp_talk[i])) } } return new Response(JSON.stringify(hpp_talk_res), { headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" } }) } else { return new Response("ERROR", { headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" } }) } } } if (path == "/hpp/hpp_talk") { const talk_user_html = ` HexoPlusPlus_Talk预览页面
` return new Response(talk_user_html, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8" } }) } let hpp_errorhtml = ` HexoPlusPlusError


HexoPlusPlus 错误不知道你的目的是什么

` return new Response(hpp_errorhtml, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8" } }) } catch (e) { let hpp_errorhtml = ` HexoPlusPlusError


HexoPlusPlus 异常${e}

` return new Response(hpp_errorhtml, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8" } }) } }