# Sublime Text 3 Symfony 4 helpers ![Symfony4Helper](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/heyiambob/sublime-sf4helpers/master/resources/sf4helpers.png) This project is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 (Mac OSX for the moment). It allow to call symfony command line from the palette (cmd+shift+p) input. ## Commands You can use the folowing commands : ### Miscellaneous - Sf4: Create new project - Sf4: About project - Sf4: config:dump-reference ### Make These commands will open the created file - Sf4: make:auth - Sf4: make:command - Sf4: make:controller - Sf4: make:entity - Sf4: make:form - Sf4: make:functional-test - Sf4: make:serializer:encoder - Sf4: make:subscriber - Sf4: make:twig-extension - Sf4: make:unit-test - Sf4: make:validator - Sf4: make:voter ### Security - Sf4: router:match - Sf4: security:check - Sf4: security:encode-password ### Server - Sf4: Server:log - Sf4: Server:run - Sf4: Server:start - Sf4: Server:status - Sf4: Server:stop ### Doctrine - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:diff - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:migrate - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:generate - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:status - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:version --add - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:version --delete - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:latest - Sf4: doctrine:cache:clear-query - Sf4: doctrine:cache:clear-metadata - Sf4: doctrine:cache:clear-result - Sf4: doctrine:database:create - Sf4: doctrine:database:drop - Sf4: doctrine:fixtures:load - Sf4: doctrine:schema:create - Sf4: doctrine:schema:drop - Sf4: doctrine:schema:update - Sf4: doctrine:migrations:execute - Sf4: doctrine:mapping:info - Sf4: doctrine:schema:validate ## Cache - Sf4: cache:clear - Sf4: cache:pool:clear - Sf4: cache:pool:prune - Sf4: cache:warmup ### Debug - Sf4: debug:autowiring - Sf4: debug:config - Sf4: debug:container - Sf4: debug:event-dispatcher - Sf4: debug:form - Sf4: debug:router - Sf4: debug:swiftmailer - Sf4: debug:translation - Sf4: debug:twig