package com.hirayclay; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.VelocityTracker; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import static; import static com.hirayclay.Align.BOTTOM; import static com.hirayclay.Align.LEFT; import static com.hirayclay.Align.RIGHT; import static com.hirayclay.Align.TOP; /** * Created by CJJ on 2017/5/17. * my thought is simple:we assume the first item in the initial state is the base position , * we only need to calculate the appropriate position{@link #left(int index)}for the given item * index with the given offset{@link #mTotalOffset}.After solve this thinking confusion ,this * layoutManager is easy to implement * * @author CJJ */ class StackLayoutManager extends RecyclerView.LayoutManager { private static final String TAG = "StackLayoutManager"; //the space unit for the stacked item private int mSpace = 60; /** * the offset unit,deciding current position(the sum of {@link #mItemWidth} and {@link #mSpace}) */ private int mUnit; //item width private int mItemWidth; private int mItemHeight; //the counting variable ,record the total offset including parallex private int mTotalOffset; //record the total offset without parallex private int mRealOffset; private ObjectAnimator animator; private int animateValue; private int duration = 300; private RecyclerView.Recycler recycler; private int lastAnimateValue; //the max stacked item count; private int maxStackCount = 4; //initial stacked item private int initialStackCount = 4; private float secondaryScale = 0.8f; private float scaleRatio = 0.4f; private float parallex = 1f; private int initialOffset; private boolean initial; private int mMinVelocityX; private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); private int pointerId; private Align direction = LEFT; private RecyclerView mRV; private Method sSetScrollState; private int mPendingScrollPosition = NO_POSITION; StackLayoutManager(Config config) { this(); this.maxStackCount = config.maxStackCount; this.mSpace =; this.initialStackCount = config.initialStackCount; this.secondaryScale = config.secondaryScale; this.scaleRatio = config.scaleRatio; this.direction = config.align; this.parallex = config.parallex; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public StackLayoutManager() { setAutoMeasureEnabled(true); } @Override public boolean isAutoMeasureEnabled() { return true; } @Override public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) { if (getItemCount() <= 0) return; this.recycler = recycler; detachAndScrapAttachedViews(recycler); //got the mUnit basing on the first child,of course we assume that all the item has the same size View anchorView = recycler.getViewForPosition(0); measureChildWithMargins(anchorView, 0, 0); mItemWidth = anchorView.getMeasuredWidth(); mItemHeight = anchorView.getMeasuredHeight(); if (canScrollHorizontally()) mUnit = mItemWidth + mSpace; else mUnit = mItemHeight + mSpace; //because this method will be called twice initialOffset = resolveInitialOffset(); mMinVelocityX = ViewConfiguration.get(anchorView.getContext()).getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity(); fill(recycler, 0); } //we need take direction into account when calc initialOffset private int resolveInitialOffset() { int offset = initialStackCount * mUnit; if (mPendingScrollPosition != NO_POSITION) { offset = mPendingScrollPosition * mUnit; mPendingScrollPosition = NO_POSITION; } if (direction == LEFT) return offset; if (direction == RIGHT) return -offset; if (direction == TOP) return offset; else return offset; } @Override public void onLayoutCompleted(RecyclerView.State state) { super.onLayoutCompleted(state); if (getItemCount()<=0) return; if (!initial) { fill(recycler, initialOffset, false); initial = true; } } @Override public void onAdapterChanged(RecyclerView.Adapter oldAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter newAdapter) { initial = false; mTotalOffset = mRealOffset = 0; } /** * the magic function :).all the work including computing ,recycling,and layout is done here * * @param recycler ... */ private int fill(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int dy, boolean apply) { int delta = direction.layoutDirection * dy; // multiply the parallex factor if (apply) delta = (int) (delta * parallex); if (direction == LEFT) return fillFromLeft(recycler, delta); if (direction == RIGHT) return fillFromRight(recycler, delta); if (direction == TOP) return fillFromTop(recycler, delta); else return dy;//bottom alignment is not necessary,we don't support that } public int fill(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int dy) { return fill(recycler, dy, true); } private int fillFromTop(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int dy) { if (mTotalOffset + dy < 0 || (mTotalOffset + dy + 0f) / mUnit > getItemCount() - 1) return 0; detachAndScrapAttachedViews(recycler); mTotalOffset += direction.layoutDirection * dy; int count = getChildCount(); //removeAndRecycle views for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View child = getChildAt(i); if (recycleVertically(child, dy)) removeAndRecycleView(child, recycler); } int currPos = mTotalOffset / mUnit; int leavingSpace = getHeight() - (left(currPos) + mUnit); int itemCountAfterBaseItem = leavingSpace / mUnit + 2; int e = currPos + itemCountAfterBaseItem; int start = currPos - maxStackCount >= 0 ? currPos - maxStackCount : 0; int end = e >= getItemCount() ? getItemCount() - 1 : e; int left = getWidth() / 2 - mItemWidth / 2; //layout views for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { View view = recycler.getViewForPosition(i); float scale = scale(i); float alpha = alpha(i); addView(view); measureChildWithMargins(view, 0, 0); int top = (int) (left(i) - (1 - scale) * view.getMeasuredHeight() / 2); int right = view.getMeasuredWidth() + left; int bottom = view.getMeasuredHeight() + top; layoutDecoratedWithMargins(view, left, top, right, bottom); view.setAlpha(alpha); view.setScaleY(scale); view.setScaleX(scale); } return dy; } private int fillFromRight(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int dy) { if (mTotalOffset + dy < 0 || (mTotalOffset + dy + 0f) / mUnit > getItemCount() - 1) return 0; detachAndScrapAttachedViews(recycler); mTotalOffset += dy; int count = getChildCount(); //removeAndRecycle views for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View child = getChildAt(i); if (recycleHorizontally(child, dy)) removeAndRecycleView(child, recycler); } int currPos = mTotalOffset / mUnit; int leavingSpace = left(currPos); int itemCountAfterBaseItem = leavingSpace / mUnit + 2; int e = currPos + itemCountAfterBaseItem; int start = currPos - maxStackCount <= 0 ? 0 : currPos - maxStackCount; int end = e >= getItemCount() ? getItemCount() - 1 : e; //layout view for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { View view = recycler.getViewForPosition(i); float scale = scale(i); float alpha = alpha(i); addView(view); measureChildWithMargins(view, 0, 0); int left = (int) (left(i) - (1 - scale) * view.getMeasuredWidth() / 2); int top = 0; int right = left + view.getMeasuredWidth(); int bottom = view.getMeasuredHeight(); layoutDecoratedWithMargins(view, left, top, right, bottom); view.setAlpha(alpha); view.setScaleY(scale); view.setScaleX(scale); } return dy; } private int fillFromLeft(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int dy) { if (mTotalOffset + dy < 0 || (mTotalOffset + dy + 0f) / mUnit > getItemCount() - 1) return 0; detachAndScrapAttachedViews(recycler); mTotalOffset += direction.layoutDirection * dy; int count = getChildCount(); //removeAndRecycle views for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View child = getChildAt(i); if (recycleHorizontally(child, dy)) removeAndRecycleView(child, recycler); } int currPos = mTotalOffset / mUnit; int leavingSpace = getWidth() - (left(currPos) + mUnit); int itemCountAfterBaseItem = leavingSpace / mUnit + 2; int e = currPos + itemCountAfterBaseItem; int start = currPos - maxStackCount >= 0 ? currPos - maxStackCount : 0; int end = e >= getItemCount() ? getItemCount() - 1 : e; //layout view for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { View view = recycler.getViewForPosition(i); float scale = scale(i); float alpha = alpha(i); addView(view); measureChildWithMargins(view, 0, 0); int left = (int) (left(i) - (1 - scale) * view.getMeasuredWidth() / 2); int top = 0; int right = left + view.getMeasuredWidth(); int bottom = top + view.getMeasuredHeight(); layoutDecoratedWithMargins(view, left, top, right, bottom); view.setAlpha(alpha); view.setScaleY(scale); view.setScaleX(scale); } return dy; } private View.OnTouchListener mTouchListener = new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { mVelocityTracker.addMovement(event); if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (animator != null && animator.isRunning()) animator.cancel(); pointerId = event.getPointerId(0); } if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (v.isPressed()) v.performClick(); mVelocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, 14000); float xVelocity = mVelocityTracker.getXVelocity(pointerId); int o = mTotalOffset % mUnit; int scrollX; if (Math.abs(xVelocity) < mMinVelocityX && o != 0) { if (o >= mUnit / 2) scrollX = mUnit - o; else scrollX = -o; int dur = (int) (Math.abs((scrollX + 0f) / mUnit) * duration); Log.i(TAG, "onTouch: ======BREW==="); brewAndStartAnimator(dur, scrollX); } } return false; } }; private RecyclerView.OnFlingListener mOnFlingListener = new RecyclerView.OnFlingListener() { @Override public boolean onFling(int velocityX, int velocityY) { int o = mTotalOffset % mUnit; int s = mUnit - o; int scrollX; int vel = absMax(velocityX, velocityY); if (vel * direction.layoutDirection > 0) { scrollX = s; } else scrollX = -o; int dur = computeSettleDuration(Math.abs(scrollX), Math.abs(vel)); brewAndStartAnimator(dur, scrollX); setScrollStateIdle(); return true; } }; private int absMax(int a, int b) { if (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(b)) return a; else return b; } @Override public void onAttachedToWindow(RecyclerView view) { super.onAttachedToWindow(view); mRV = view; //check when raise finger and settle to the appropriate item view.setOnTouchListener(mTouchListener); view.setOnFlingListener(mOnFlingListener); } private int computeSettleDuration(int distance, float xvel) { float sWeight = 0.5f * distance / mUnit; float velWeight = xvel > 0 ? 0.5f * mMinVelocityX / xvel : 0; return (int) ((sWeight + velWeight) * duration); } private void brewAndStartAnimator(int dur, int finalXorY) { animator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(StackLayoutManager.this, "animateValue", 0, finalXorY); animator.setDuration(dur); animator.start(); animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { lastAnimateValue = 0; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { lastAnimateValue = 0; } }); } /******************************precise math method*******************************/ private float alpha(int position) { float alpha; int currPos = mTotalOffset / mUnit; float n = (mTotalOffset + .0f) / mUnit; if (position > currPos) alpha = 1.0f; else { //temporary linear map,barely ok alpha = 1 - (n - position) / maxStackCount; } //for precise checking,oh may be kind of dummy return alpha <= 0.001f ? 0 : alpha; } private float scale(int position) { switch (direction) { default: case LEFT: case RIGHT: return scaleDefault(position); } } private float scaleDefault(int position) { float scale; int currPos = this.mTotalOffset / mUnit; float n = (mTotalOffset + .0f) / mUnit; float x = n - currPos; // position >= currPos+1; if (position >= currPos) { if (position == currPos) scale = 1 - scaleRatio * (n - currPos) / maxStackCount; else if (position == currPos + 1) //let the item's (index:position+1) scale be 1 when the item slide 1/2 mUnit, // this have better visual effect { // scale = 0.8f + (0.4f * x >= 0.2f ? 0.2f : 0.4f * x); scale = secondaryScale + (x > 0.5f ? 1 - secondaryScale : 2 * (1 - secondaryScale) * x); } else scale = secondaryScale; } else {//position <= currPos if (position < currPos - maxStackCount) scale = 0f; else { scale = 1f - scaleRatio * (n - currPos + currPos - position) / maxStackCount; } } return scale; } /** * @param position the index of the item in the adapter * @return the accurate left position for the given item */ private int left(int position) { int currPos = mTotalOffset / mUnit; int tail = mTotalOffset % mUnit; float n = (mTotalOffset + .0f) / mUnit; float x = n - currPos; switch (direction) { default: case LEFT: case TOP: //from left to right or top to bottom //these two scenario are actually same return ltr(position, currPos, tail, x); case RIGHT: return rtl(position, currPos, tail, x); } } /** * @param position .. * @param currPos .. * @param tail .. change * @param x .. * @return the left position for given item */ private int rtl(int position, int currPos, int tail, float x) { //虽然是做对称变换,但是必须考虑到scale给 对称变换带来的影响 float scale = scale(position); int ltr = ltr(position, currPos, tail, x); return (int) (getWidth() - ltr - (mItemWidth) * scale); } private int ltr(int position, int currPos, int tail, float x) { int left; if (position <= currPos) { if (position == currPos) { left = (int) (mSpace * (maxStackCount - x)); } else { left = (int) (mSpace * (maxStackCount - x - (currPos - position))); } } else { if (position == currPos + 1) left = mSpace * maxStackCount + mUnit - tail; else { float closestBaseItemScale = scale(currPos + 1); //调整因为scale导致的left误差 // left = (int) (mSpace * maxStackCount + (position - currPos) * mUnit - tail // -(position - currPos)*(mItemWidth) * (1 - closestBaseItemScale)); int baseStart = (int) (mSpace * maxStackCount + mUnit - tail + closestBaseItemScale * (mUnit - mSpace) + mSpace); left = (int) (baseStart + (position - currPos - 2) * mUnit - (position - currPos - 2) * (1 - secondaryScale) * (mUnit - mSpace)); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "ltr: currPos " + currPos + " pos:" + position + " left:" + left + " baseStart" + baseStart + " currPos+1:" + left(currPos + 1)); } left = left <= 0 ? 0 : left; } return left; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void setAnimateValue(int animateValue) { this.animateValue = animateValue; int dy = this.animateValue - lastAnimateValue; fill(recycler, direction.layoutDirection * dy, false); lastAnimateValue = animateValue; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int getAnimateValue() { return animateValue; } /** * should recycle view with the given dy or say check if the * view is out of the bound after the dy is applied * * @param view .. * @param dy .. * @return .. */ private boolean recycleHorizontally(View view/*int position*/, int dy) { return view != null && (view.getLeft() - dy < 0 || view.getRight() - dy > getWidth()); } private boolean recycleVertically(View view, int dy) { return view != null && (view.getTop() - dy < 0 || view.getBottom() - dy > getHeight()); } @Override public int scrollHorizontallyBy(int dx, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) { return fill(recycler, dx); } @Override public int scrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) { return fill(recycler, dy); } @Override public boolean canScrollHorizontally() { return direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT; } @Override public boolean canScrollVertically() { return direction == TOP || direction == BOTTOM; } @Override public RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() { return new RecyclerView.LayoutParams(RecyclerView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RecyclerView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); } /** * we need to set scrollstate to {@link RecyclerView#SCROLL_STATE_IDLE} idle * stop RV from intercepting the touch event which block the item click */ private void setScrollStateIdle() { try { if (sSetScrollState == null) sSetScrollState = RecyclerView.class.getDeclaredMethod("setScrollState", int.class); sSetScrollState.setAccessible(true); sSetScrollState.invoke(mRV, RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void scrollToPosition(int position) { if (position > getItemCount() - 1) { Log.i(TAG, "position is " + position + " but itemCount is " + getItemCount()); return; } int currPosition = mTotalOffset / mUnit; int distance = (position - currPosition) * mUnit; int dur = computeSettleDuration(Math.abs(distance), 0); brewAndStartAnimator(dur, distance); } @Override public void requestLayout() { super.requestLayout(); initial = false; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public interface CallBack { float scale(int totalOffset, int position); float alpha(int totalOffset, int position); float left(int totalOffset, int position); } }